The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 19, 1935, Page FIVE, Image 5

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(Continued from page 4.)
eliminating drunken drivers.
A supernuminary of animal hus
bandry stationed at Lincoln, corn
ered by a grizzled old. cow man
V from Swan on a recent trip to the
state capitol, became abusive and
insulting. With a sneer of super
iority and mental perfection he told .
the Holt county man he lacked in
telligence. A toughened old fist.
closed for instant action but he
thought better of it and closed the!
^mident by declining further deal
ings with the insolent gentleman. I
The old timer from Swan was:
gifted with sufficient intelligence to
acquire oneof southwest Holt’s fine |
ranches well stocked with Here- j
ford’s and it ill becomes any state
or federal job holder to indulge in. |
suiting conduct in dealing with
such as he. _
Neighborhood improvements that
were put across during the mild
autumn days which this depart
ment should have taken account of
before, but which has in no way
lessened, the pleasure to the house
holders, are those at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Withers. New
foundations of cement, a large
porch, interior decorations and
painting absorbed considerable
time and energy, not to mention
expense. Mrs. Withers’ sons, the
Chapman boys, did much of the
work and a good job of it, at that.
At the L. W. Berry place, travelers
over the township line observe that
the traditional barn red has given
place to clear white, establishing
harmony of colors on house and
barns. R. S.
Will Walters sawed wood for
Joe Stein at the Madison place on
Elmer Devall spent Thursday
evening at the Griffith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fox and
children visited at the home of Mrs.
Fox’s parents at Wood Lake last
The Paddock Project Club met
with Mrs. A. L. Borg on Friday
afternoon. The lesson was a
Christmas lesson, demonstrating
the decoration of the table, and
other Christmas plans were dis
cussed. Games were played and a
play was presented by Mrs. Sam
Robertson and Mrs. A. L. Borg.
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
George Hansen.
Harry Fox was a dinner guest at
Frank Griffith’s on Friday.
Henry Martin had what might
have been a serious accident when
his hand became connected with a
buzz saw', two fingers were quite
badly cut and another slightly.
Donald Johonson, oldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Johnson,
underwent an appendicitis oper
ation at the O’Neill hospital last
week and at last reports was get
ting along nicely,
Mrs. Burrel Shove arrived from
Michigan last week to help care
for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
son Sargent, who have both been
quite ill.
Walter Devall has been helping
Oscar Lindburg at the Midway gar
age the past week.
Morris Jones had the misfortune
to have a horse fall w’ith him Fri
day evening while bringing in the
cattle from the field, and injured
his foot quite badly.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linn spent
Sunday evening at George Han
Guests at the Eric Borg home on
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Hansen and six children, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmet Slate and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and
Cecil, Lawrence Rouse and Mr. and
Mrs. C. Hoyer spent Monday even
ing at the George Hansen home.
R. D. Spindler called at Frank
Griffith’s on Tuesday.
Mrs. Laura McHenry and sons,
of Wyoming, has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Orville Hartland.
Leslie Perry, of Page, is visiting
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ehvin Thompson,
of O’Neill, visited at the Frank
Sesler home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luben and.
son visited at the Nora Luben home
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox and Glen
Auten, of O’Neill, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John Bonenburger Sun
Mrs. John Conard and Mrs. Chas.
Morse went to Norfolk Wednesday.
The Misses Evelyn Tomjack,
Teresa Pongratz and Geraldine
Harris attended a birthday dinner
Thursday evening at the Homer
Lowery home. It was held in hon
or of Sadie Marie Lowery’s four
teenth birthday.
Evelyn Tomjack spent the week
end at her home in Ewing.
Mrs. Nora Luben and family
visited at the William Newton
home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Casper Winkler is caring
for Mrs. Barbara Winkler this
week. Mrs. Winkler has been
quite ill for some time but is now
somewhat better. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Williams and
son, Roland, went down to Norfolk
Friday, returning Sunday.
Arthur Cole, of Wyoming, ar
rived here Wednesday to spend a
few weeks with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sesler and
family have moved into their new
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sesler and
Dorothy and Mrs. Julia Luben visi
ted at the Art Barnes home in
O’Neill Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the Sam Stovts home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey were
Sunday dinner quests at the Dewey
Schaffer home.
Miss Evelyn Tomjack was pleas
antly surprised Monday evening
by a party of friends who called to
help her properly observe her
Francis Tenborg is employed in
the post office in Omaha.
Mrs. Guy Cole returned from a
visit to Omaha last Friday night.
The South Side Improvement
Club meeting was held at the home
of Mrs. Francis Clark Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and
two grandchildren and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kloppenburg called at
Joe Winkler’s Sunday,
Fifteen children enjoyed the
Christinas party at Homer Low
ery’s Saturday afternoon. Santa
was there in person and each
youngster received a gift and some
candy. A dainty lunch was served
by the hostess, Mrs. Lowery.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and
family were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Beckwith Sunday.
Mrs. Vera Hickman anil son,
Franklin called in the afternoon.
Little Neoma Crawford was ill
Friday and Saturday.
Miss Minnie Segar spent the
week end at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Gus Segar.
The teacher and pupils of Pleas
antdale school are working on their
Christmas program and pie social,
to be given on Friday evening.
Neighbors who spent Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Schmohr were: Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Dusatko and sons,
Leonard and Bernard, Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Lorenz and Glen, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Hoehne, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford
and family.
Fred Beckwith expects his son,
Dean, and daughter, Mrs. Ernest
Garvin, of ScottsblufTs, home for
the holidays.
The Normal Trainers of O’Neill
and Superintendent Carroll and
County Superintendent McClurg
visited Miss Irene Bellar’s school
Thursday, December 12.
Some of the weather prophets
out this way predict a mild winter.
Their theories are based on light
husks on the corn and ulso that
the first ten days of December rule
the winter.
The Snappy Mixers 4-H Club
met at the Ralph Beckwith home
Thursday evening for a business
meeting to conclude the year’s
work. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Reece,
of O’Neill, assisted the leaders.
Members of the Club are: Grace
Bellar, Oline Beckwith, Florence
Winkler, Leona W'inkler, Betty
Kitts, Geneva Crawford, Gladys
Schmohr, Margaret Babl and Helen
Marie Mullen. Leaders are Irene
Bellar and Edna Heeb. Visitors
at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs.
William Schmohr and Walter, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Hoehne, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kloppenburg. Mrs. Joe
Winkler, Miss Angela Pribil and
Harold Baker. Lunch was served
after the meeting.
Spirits of '35 From District No. 90.
Reporter, Margaret Babl.
The meeting was brought to
order December 9 by singing a
song. The secretary called the roll
and everyone was present. Next
week we will answer the roll call
by telling the name of some toy
we want for Christmas. The vice
president read the good and bad
deeds. None had over five com
plaints so each colored his stone
red for the castle. We are going
to work on neatness this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith
and Donald were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Frohardt Mon
day evening.
John Edwin Babl returned to
school Monday after an absence of
a week, while he was recovering
from wounds and shock sustained
when his horse ran away with a
small cart and dragged the boy
about the farm yard and over a
woodpile. He was unconscious
when his mother found him and
suffered considerable for several
< —JKsgsssz ■&3Bm
and recond below ^HijTn^^S
by </> marks be^ Nambcr
Sertal Number -
are guaranteed
I Many people in this community know that the way to get a
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9See our fine stock of used cars —today! Not only will you get
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deal on your old car in trade.
See us for USED CARS
with an ^ that counts
1394 Chevrolet Master Sedan. This
car has had very good care, finish
ed in black and upholstery in ex
cellent condition. Thoroughly re
conditioned. See this car
today. Low priced at—
1934 Chevrolet Master Coupe. This
car was kept in very good mechan
ical condition by former owner. Fin
ished in Maroon, and interior of
car in excellent condition. Car has
been checked carefully. Usual price
for this car is $485. See
it today at—
1930 Plymouth Sedan. This car
has only had one previous own
k er and was kept in good condi
tion. We have checked the car
over and you will find
it specially priced at—
1928 Chevrolet Sedan. In
good, condition. An econ
omical operator and lots
of sendee for someone at
this low $100
figure— $100
15 Other Good Used Cars to make your
choice from. You can purchase these cars
on the Low GMAC terms. Perhaps your
present car will make the down payment
on one of the above good used cars.
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebr.
Christmas Week Is
Family Reunion Time
Call S. Downey at
the O’Neill Photo Co.,
and we will come to j
your home and take
the entire group with- j
out spoiling on5 min
ute of your visit.
Think of the pleas- j
ure a picture of the
family will give you! j
We have nice styles that 1
everyone can afford. Call
the Studio and see the com- ^
plete line of photo frames j
and, mouldings to frame any j
pictures you have. j
Kodak finishing 25c a roll
and one 5x7 enlargement
Free! Re-order prints 3c
each. Mail Your Films!
THE man who will not accumulate
money in bank should not accumu
late a family and leave them in years
to came to the charity of others.
(©’Hein National
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits,
This bank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
j Munsing
Panties, Briefs and
at the unbelievably
low price of
50C each
Munsingwear Slips
at 9I
MENS Suits
and O’Coats
Priced From
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are recognized
as one of the finest lines
in the country!
Arrow Shirts
With Starchless
Aroset Collar
Arrow Ties $1
The Fit
SOCKS—Iron Clad and Munsingwear
Fine Worsted—Per pair.85c
Munsingwear at.9^*^” 9^*W*
PAJAMAS £4 . £*
Priced from.9^*»^ to 9<J«*3
Priced from.99'*^®
MUFFLERS £4 £* •jc
Priced from.9^#^^ *° 9i**« ^
Priced at.9®***” *6-r>0
Browns and Blacks to
Pastel Colors.
Dorna Gordon FRONT APRONS aq^
The Home of Good Merchandise