The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 19, 1935, Image 1

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    *Neb' Stat* Hi,torictl Society
The Frontier
About 150 4-H Members Attend
Achievement Day Exhibit In
O’Neill Last Saturday.
About 150 4-H poultry club
members and their parents gath
ered in O’Neill last Saturday for a
final achievement day. Club mem
bers exhibited both turkeys and
First prize in toms was won by
Joe Curran with Willard Buskirk
second and Loretta Kaup third,
Margery Rees fourth and Dale Cur
ran fifth. The prize winning tur
key hen was raised by Francis
Kaup. Joe Curran, Mary E. Kaup,
Eth* Schaaf and Robert Rees were
second, third fourth and fiifth re
In the chicken section Wallace
French had the best rooster fol
lowed by Betty Lou French, second,
Marvin Stauffer third, Burton
French fourth, and Ruth Mary
French fifth. Max Miller had the
best pullet, with Max Miller, Mar
vin Stauffer and Betty Lou French
standing next in line. All birds
were judged by J. H. Claybaugh
from the extension service, on a
market basis.
A judging contest was also held.
Four classes of live poultry were
presented to the young judges to
place. Later these same birds were
taken over to the plant, dressed,
and brought back to be rejudged.
Joe Curran was first, Marion Stauf
fj fer second, Margery Rees third,
Max Miller fourth and Bill Rees
placed fifth.
A free lunch was served to those
participating by the Armour com
pany and later the entire crowd
was treated to a free movie show
ing various phases of poultry mar
keting, feeding, breeding and judg
ing. The last feature on the pro
gram was a tour thru the Armour
plant where everyone was given a
chance to see how poultry is hand
led after it enters a produce house.
Everyone interested were espec
ially pleased with the size of the
crowd and the interest taken after
the weather turned out the way it
did. The prizes and lunch were
made possible thru the cooperation
of the Armour Creameries, the
Hubbard Milling Co. and the James
way Equipment company.
Santa Here Monday With
Candy For The Children
Do not forget that Santa Claus
will be at the Municipal Christmas
tree, on Fourth street in this city,
next Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock
and that he will have a lot of pack
ages of candy and nuts to give out
to the little folks so that they may
enjoy a Merry Christmas. So
bring the little folks to O’Neill
next Monday so they can see and
visit with Santa Claus.
195 In the County At
Work On WPA Jobs
According to the semi-monthly
report of the Works Progress ad
ministration they list Holt county
as having had 90 men at work on
projects in this county during the
second half of November. They
state that 78 of this number were
taken from the relief rolls and for
the two weeks period they earned
*1 ,353. The three from non-relief
rolls earned $98.
They further state that during
the week ending December 7 that
employment in this county jumped
to 195, of which 192 came from the
relief rolls. There were 173 men
and 22 women employed.
Pep Project Club
' The Pep Project Club held their
Christmas party on Thursday, De
cember 12 at the home of Mrs.
Shaughnessy with Mrs. Lowell
Johnson as assisting hostess.
The afternoon was spent in var
ious games and contests with Mrs.
Warner and Mrs. Bridge as leaders.
A short Christmas playlet was
splendidly given by Mrs. Hamilton
and Mrs. Slothower.
The hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Art Barnes, president of the Club,
served a delicious lunch.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Slothower.
Will Give Xmas Cantata
The Young People’s Choir of the
Presbyterian church, of O’Neill,
will present the Christmas cantata,
“That Glorious Song,” by Miriam
Lois Fisher, on Sunday evening,
Dec. 22, at 7:30 o’clock.
The members of the choir are:
Sopranos—Arlie Powell, Elizabeth
Graves, Nadine Kilpatrick, Doris
Robertson, Sabanna Smith, Maxine
Barnes, Nila Pilger, Opal Harbot
tle, Norine Barker; tenor—Bert
Powell; Altos — Ruth Osenbaugh,
Alice Schwisow, Anna Toy, Magel
Harbottle, Ruth Oppen; basses—
Gene Rummel, Albert Rummel,
Ralph Johnson, Wallace Powell and
Melvin Pilger. Pianist, Myrle
Public School Five Wins
From Anoka While St.
Mary’s Loses at Orchard
O’Neill basketeers engaged in
numerous skirminishes the latter
part of last week with varying
results. At Orchard, Friday, the
Cardinals of St. Mary’s Academy
lost, 28 to 16. Playing here the
same evening, the public school
players drubbed Anoka, 21 to 10.
Before this game the grade school
players of Inman and those of
O’Neill played and the Inman grad
ers won, 18 to 6.
Not Living In Jail Just
Don’t Seem Natural!
After living for seventeen years
in the county jail you would imag
ine that the average person would
be glad to get out, but not so with
Clarence Bergstrom, he is lost.
For seventeen years this popular
and efficient deputy sheriff and his
family have made their home in
the county jail, as Clarence was
the jailer, but as it is to be torn
down to make room for the new
court house and jail Clarence and
his family had to move and on
Monday they moved to the F. C.
Gatz residence in the southwest
part of town. But we predict that
when it comes about time to turn
in that on many occasions Clarence
will head north for his old home.
A very pretty wedding was per
formed at Pierce, Nebraska, on
Tuesday December 3, 1935, by
County Judge J. B. McDonald when
Miss Thelma R. Ellis, of Plainview,
became the bride of Waldo W.
Mahanes, of Uriaka, Kansas. The
couple were unattended. The bride
was attired in a blue crepe suit
with accessories to match.
Mrs. Mohanes will be remember
ed here as Miss Thelma Ellis who
has been employed for the past
four years at the Mrs. R. M. Gal
lagher home as nurse for Grandma
Gallagher. The many friends in
O’Neill wish the happy couple
much happiness and prosperity.
Retail sales by Chevrolet dealers
in the United States for the month
of November totalled 91,959 cars,
according to a report by the manu
facturers. This figure not only
sets a record for all Novembers in
the history of the Chevrolet Motor
company, but it also exceeds the
best total sales for any month in
Chevrolet history following the in
troduction of new models. The
best previous introductory month
sales record was in January, 1928,
when 59,646 sales were recorded.
An epidemic of scarlet fever is
raging in Omaha and some of the
private schools have been closed
until after the holidays. The
Omaha Board of Education, at a
meeting Tuesday, decided to keep
the public schools open until Fri
day—when the Christmas vacation
starts—but allowed parents to
keep their children out of school
for the balance of the week without
penalty, if they wished to do so.
Lieutenant Colonel Owen R.
Meredith, who is now stationed at
Rockford, Illinois, arrived in the
city last Saturday evening for a
few days visit with his mother, Mrs.
J. H. Meredith and his sister, Mrs.
C. F. McKenna and with other rela
tives and old friends here. He de
parted for home Thursday morn
Mrs. Gustav Reider, of Gregory,
S. D., long a resident here, Wed
nesday morning left for Los Ange
les, California, where she is to
make an extended visit with her
sons, Michael and Dan, and other
friends and relatives, planning on
remaining there all winter.
Good Seed May Be Procured By
Careful Selection From Corn
That Appears Poor.
By Dr. F. D. Keim
The Nebraska seed corn situa
tion for 1936 now appears like it
may be even more serious than in
1917. The drought of the past
three years has depleted the old
corn supply to almost a minimum
and the cool, damp weather during
the past six weeks has added to
the difficulties of curing this year’s
Farmers in many sections are
face to face with a real seed corn
problem. As one means of help
ing the situation, the seed corn
supply for next spring should now
be located. It is even possible that
fairly good seed corn can be picked
out of a field or crib that on the
whole does not look good.
I have made it a point during
the past three weeks to examine
every possible crib of corn. In
practically every case, I was able
to pick out a few ears that will
grow. It is not necessary to have
a perfect ear in order to have good
seed corn. I would much rather
use seed corn selected in this man
ner than to buy corn from dist
ances south and east.
To take the guessing out of the
problem, the corn should be tested
for germination. It may not be
necessary to make an individual
ear test but a representative sam
ple of seed corn should be obtained
by taking a few kernels from a
large number of ears and getting
the per cent of germination. If
the corn tested out 85 per cent or
better, there should be no need for
and ear test. The kernel type of
tsst can be made in the state seed
laboratory located in the state cap
itol in Lincoln free of charge.
Farmers certainly should guard
against the purchase of seed corn
off trucks that deliver it promiscu
ously over the country. This is
about the most certain way of ob
taining unadapted seed possible.
If old corn cannot be found or if
this year’s crop is out of the ques
tion, it may be necessary to go 50
or 60 miles north and east in order
to get a seed supply. The lines of
equal growing seasons run north
east and southwest and hence it is
much safer to buy seed corn from
the north and east than from the
south and east.
Live stock feeders in a commun
ity shipping corn in at all times
might be able to furnish a good
seed corn supply for their section
by buying feeder corn that would
be adapted and allowing their
neighbors to pick seed at a reason
able price. This corn should be
purchased in the ear and its loca
tion definitely established.
Farmers in looking for their
1936 seed corn should remember
that ears having the following
qualities usually are unsound: (1)
If the ear is subbery and easily
twisted or the kernels are loose on
the cob. (2) If the kernels or ear
are dull, dark or badly discolored.
(3) If the hulls of the kernels are
blistered on both the back and
germ side. (4) This is by far the
most important—if the germ in
stead of being waxy in appearance
and of a dingy cream color is dark
yellow, brown or otherwise dis
Sometimes ears that are rubbery
and easily twisted though will grow
provided they are hung in a good
dry, warm, ventilated place. When
the seed is selected, it should be
taken care of and not thrown in
the oats or wheat bin until next
spring when it is time to plant.
The seed corn situation is not
going to be an impossible problem
but will need some very careful
planning between now and corn
planting time.
Get 10 Per Cent Dividend
Receiver Luikart announced that1
depositors of the Page State bank
are to receive 10 per cent dividend
amounting to $6,727. Under the
receivership, depositors now have!
been paid 50 per cent on their de
posits or, in all, $33,635.
Move Resettlement Office
The resettlement office has been
temporarily moved to the assess
or’s office in the court house. The
office will be open on all days of
the week as tHeir is now a reset
tlement clerk,^Milton G. Nissen,
formerly of the Page Cooperative
Credit Ass’n of Page. Mr. Nissen
will be in full charge of the office
during the week as the supervisor.
Ray L. Veraal will continue to sup
ervise Antelope county during part'
of the week,
Hong Kong, China
The Chinese women do much of
the work on the cargo boats in the
bay and American women in the
delegation are amazed to see little
women handling ears or the rudder
of clumsy craft. However the men
work here too. They unload ter
ribly heavy loads from the boats.
These cargo boats bring much of
the heavy merchandise from the
wholesale houses on shore to the
boats. -
An American woman called my
attention to the fact that blocks of
wood are tied to the backs of the
boy babies on these cargo boats.
She saw no wooden blocks tied to
the backs of the girl babies. Boy
babies are more valuable in China.
Many banks are located in Hong
Kong. It is declared the safest
place for Chinese money. Safer
than in other parts where the rack
eteer war lord can get it. So the
rich Chinese up country send their
money and valuables to Hong Kong.
Under the British flag, they tell
us, it is safer. So many rich Chin
ese save their money, send it to
safety and later follow the money
and retire in great houses on the
heights of Hong Kong Island. They
don’t respect war lords over here.
Manila, P. I., Nov. 14
Thirty-six years of occupation by
Americans has given the Philip
pines more than can be written.
Thirty years ago this writer was
here. There have been many
changes. The greatest change is
the sanitary situation. The water
is gone from the moats around the
old walled city and the old moats
are public golf courses. The old
walls still stand and the business
houses in the walled city look about
the same as they did thirty years
ago. The lizards still sing from
the walls; the people eat the same
rice and fish; the old caramatta is
still in use, but the old caraboa is
used outside the city because this
water buffalo, the Philippine beast
of burden, has been transplanted
by the automobile truck. This is
most true in the city but out in the
country the caraboa is still in use
and will be used forever. They
can’t do without this faithful an
imal in the Philippines.
Cock fights continue on Sundays
and they raise much money with
the great lottery games. There is
an “old timers" club here. Mem
bers are those men who came in
1898 and never went back home.
They ask many questions. Young
people talk English but the middle
aged, the aged and many, many of
the merchants talk Tagalog only.
There must be much education dur
ing the ten year transition period
to make Americans feel that their
work here has been completely suc
An American named A. W. Ral
ston, an uncle to Henry Ralston of
Norfolk, who is head of the Manila
Machinery company, seems to have
the right slant from the industrial
viewpoint. Speaking about how the
Philippine independence will affect
the foreigners who run the indus
trial work here, he says that those
industrialists who will tolerate the
Filipinos and “play with them" will
get along. Those who won’t may
have to suffer. Mr. Ralston is high
ly thought of here. He owns sev
eral mines and remembers the days
when he lived at Schuyler, Nebr.,
and played ball up and down the
Elkhorn valley against Scribner, |
Dodge and other teams. Incident
ally he is one of the few Nebraska
men who whipped Joe Stecher when
they were boys together in Nebras
ka. —
Ben II. Berkenkotter, of Peters
burg, Nebr., has made and lost sev
eral fortunes here. He is still go
ing strong and his associates just J
released the story that he sold his
latest gold mine in Benguent pro
vince for two and a half million \
pesos. That means one million
(Continued on page 4, column 1.)
Takes Second Place In
Pasture Improvement
John Kollman, of Stuart, placed
second in the permanent class in
the annual pasture improvement
contest.. Prizes totaling $1,600
were awarded state and, county
winners at a banquet held Tuesday
by the Omaha Chamber of Com
merce in Omaha. The Nebraska
College of Agriculture, the Agri
cultural Extension Service, the Ne
braska Crop Growers’ Association
and the Omaha Chamber of Com
merce have sponsored the event
which has stimulated farm effort
in improving pasture and grazing
The contest, which will probably
be continued next year, attracted
entrants from some thirty counties
and 460 individual farmers. It
focused public attention on the need
for pasture improvement and brot
out several new methods of reviv
ing grazing land.
O’Neill Couple Married
At Bloomfield Nebr.
Miss Elva M. Stauffer and Elmo
V. Nickles were married by Rev. J.
W. Ekwall at the Methodist Par
sonage in Bloomfield, on Saturday,
Dec. 7.
The young couple hails from
O’Neill, Nebr. They were accom
panied by a young couple from the
same town, who acted as witnesses.
Mr. is the son of the
Nickles who about 25 years ago
were proprietors of the Cottage
Hotel in Bloomfield.—Bloomfield
Tracing- Stolen Harness
Sherilf William Finnicle, of An
telope county, was in the city this
morning on his way to Atkinson
and visited Sheriff Duffy at the
court house on his way up. The
Antelope county officer is investi
gating the theft of some harness
from one of his constituents and
as some harness was recently Bold
in the sales ring in Atkinson the
sheriff was on his way there to as
certain where the harness came
from that were sold.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss, Miss Gen
evieve Biglin and Miss Elizabeth
O’Malley drove down to Sioux City
Wedneseday morning, returning
that evening.
The next president of the United
States will be nominated in June
at Cleveland, Ohio, that city being
selected last week by the republi
can national committee as the city
in which to hold the national con
vention. The convention will con
vene June 9.
J. B. Ryan left for Gillette, Wyo.,
Tuesday night to attend the fueral
of Mrs. John Ryan, who died Sun
day at Rochester, Minn., where she
had been taking medical treatment.
The many friends of Mr. Ryan in
his old home town extend condol
ences to him and family in their
hour of sorrow.
S. J. Weekes went down to
Omaha last Monday morning to
sit with the Regional Agricultural
Credit Corporation loan committee
and to attend a meeting of the
board of directors of the Omaha
Building & Loan Association, of
which he is a member. He return
ed home Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell
went down to Omaha last Tuesday
morning for a few days visit with I
relatives and friends. They were
accompanied as far as Omaha by
Mrs. Edward Girard and daughter,
who were on their way to their
home in Cleveland, Ohio, after a
three weeks visit with relatives
and friends here.
The Weather
High Low Mois.
Dec. 12 ... . 42 21
Dec. 13 _ 31 32
Dec. 14 37 28 .38
Dec. 15_ 28 25
Dec. 16.27 6
Dec. 17 40 17
Dec. 18 40 22
Dec. 19_ 32 14
Quarterly Meeting of
15th District Bar Ass’n
Held Friday At Butte
The members of the Bar Associ
ation of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis
trict held their regular quarterly
meeting and banquet at the Hotel
Butte, in Butte, Nebr., last Friday
evening. In attendance from this
city were: Judge R. R. Dickson,
W. J. Hammond, Emmet A. Har
mon, James P. Marron and J. D.
Cronin. R. D. Mounts, of Atkin
son, was also in attendance.
Judge Dickson and Judge J. R.
Cash, of Bonesteel, S. D., were the
speakers of the evening and W. P.
Brennan, county attorney of Boyd
county, was the toastmaster.
O’Neill attorneys in attendance
say they had a very enjoyable and
profitable meeting.
Four and A Half Inch
Snowfall Here Saturday
This section was visited with a
four and a half inch snow fall last
Friday night and Saturday morn
ing. The snow did not drift and
did not interfere with highway
traffic to any extent. The snow
added .38 of an inch of moisture
to the yearly total. It thawed a
little the first of the week, making
the roads and streets very slippery
and dangerous traveling.
Celebrates 78th Birthday
Mrs. Minnie Bowen celebrated
her 78th birthday last Friday and
in observation of the event several
relatives from out of the city gath
ered with relatives and friends here
and spent the day with her. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Delos
Leonard, of Elgin, and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Fluckey, of Chambers,
both Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Fluc
key being daughters of Mrs. Bowen,
and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilkinson,
of Ballagh, Mrs. Wilkinson being
a granddaughter; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bowen and son, Elmer, and
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Curtis.
Shower For Young Bride
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Loy, Friday evening, Miss
Grace Loy held a shower for Mrs.
Elva Nichols, who before her mar
riage December 7 at Bloomfield was
Miss Elva, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Stauffer, of this city.
Her husband is Elmo, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Nichols, substan
tial farmers living about five miles
cast of here. The couple plan
on making their home on a farm
east of here.
Sunday School 10:00, C. E. Yant
zie, Superintendent.
Morning worship 11:00. Special
Christmas music. Theme “Wor
shipping With Our Gifts.”
Evening service 7:30. The Young
People will sing the Christmas
Cantata “That Glorious Song.”
We shall have a special reading.
Our annual Christmas program
will be given Tuesday night. We
invite you to these services.
H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning Worship at 11 a. m.—
Sermon subject, “The Christmas
Spirit.” Special music by the choir.
Epworth League 6:30, Miss Ger
trude Conrad, leader.
Evening Worship 7:30. Junior
choir with special music.
Christmas program by the Sun
day school, Tuesday evening, 7:30.
There will be an all day meeting
at the Methodist church Friday the
20th, beginning at 10:30 a. m. and
closing at 4 p. m.
Kev. Paul Hillman, the district
superintendent, will be present at
both morning and afternoon ses
sions and speak on the Great Coun
cil meeting recently held at Des
Moines, Iowa.
The public is invited to any or
all of these meetings.
Mrs. James Boyle and three
children returned Wednesday from
Crawford, where they visited her
mother, Mrs. Tackett and several
sister for several weeks.
Dan Kohler, 19, of Emmet, Shoots
Himself Accidentally, While
Hunting Last Saturday.
Dan Kohler, 19 years old, living
north of Emmet, accidently shot
himself in the head last Saturday
morning and is in a critical con
dition in the Stuart hospital.
He was out hunting with a
younger brother, Victor, when the
accident occurred. Leaning over
a skunk hole he held his shotgun
in such a position that when it was
discharged it blew away the rear
portion of his skull immediately be
hind the right ear. Little hope is
held for his recovery.
Dan is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kahler and was considered
an expert hunter. He has five
brothers and three sisters, two of
the latter living in Lincoln.
Band Master Gives A
Dinner To His Pupils
L. N. Durham, music instructor
at the public school and band mast
er, gave the members of the band
an excellent dinner in the parlors
of the Presbyterian church on Wed
nesday evening last. Guests of the
band were Mayor and Mrs. John
Kersenbrock and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Denny.
The band members drew names
for the exchange of Christmas
gifts and a great deal of fun was
had unwrapping the gifts.
The members of the band pre
sented Mr. Durham with a fine ring
to show the high esteem in which
they hold him. Miss Delta Gunn,
president of the band, thanked Mr.
Durham in behalf of the band for
the fine dinner.
Mayor Kersenbrock gave the
ladies of Circle No. 1 of the Pres
byterian Guild, who served the din
ner, five dollars in appreciation of
their work.
Christmas Trade Is Good
O’Neill merchants report a very
good Christmas business so far
this year. Some of them say that
business is ahead of their Christ
mas business last year and there
are still four of the biggest shop
ping days of the season left, as a
large numberput off buying Christ
mas gifts until the last minute.
Cuts Leg In Buzz Saw
Henry Heiser, a young farmer
living north of Stuart, was taken
to the hospital there last week suf
fering from a severe cut in his
thigh. He was using a buzz saw
and while working with the engine
got too close to the saw and fell
into it.
Grattan Project Club
The Grattan Project Club met at
the home of Mrs. Ed Leach Tues
day afternoon. A demonstration
of the perfect was made and a
Xmas party was held. Fourteen
members were present.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Clarence Hoxie,
January 29, 1936.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Leonard Garhart went
home Saturday evening.
Charles Johnson, 8, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. T. Johnson, of Mid
way, came in Wednesday night and
was operated on at once for acute
appendicitis. He got along fine and
was taken home Tuesday of this
week, to spend the convalesing
period at home.
Mrs. C. B. French, of Page, sub
mitted to a minor operation last
Thursday. She went to the home
of relatives here in town Tuesday
morning where she will remain a
few days before going home.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Shea on Tuesday night a son,
weight 10 pounds. All doing fine.
The teachers of the O’Neill public
schools held a Christmas party at
the home of Miss Mary Horiskey
last Monday evening. Gifts were
exchanged and various games were
indulged in. A delicious lunch
was served by the hostess.
Jess Mellor is the owner of a
new Lincoln Zephyer, a baby Lin
coln, that is the admiration of all.
It is a swell appearing little car
and looks as if it could cover the
miles without half trying.