The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 21, 1935, Image 7

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    President Is Now a Fire Laddie
President Roosevelt is a full fledged fireman, for he received a gold
badge signifying his membership in the Eagle engine company of his home
town, Hyde Park, N. V. And with It went a red helmet, which the Presi
dent is shown wearing as he accepts the medal from Donald Todd, presi
dent of the fire company.
Newsboy’s Rise Is Like
Horatio Alger Thriller
William Dlx of Detroit, an or
phan, preferred making his own liv
ing selling newspapers to letting his
uncle support him. That same
uncle died and left him $71,000.
lie’s not selling papers now. He’s
going to Harvard.
Work Started on One Will Rogers Memorial
^ Here, on a promontory of Cheyenne mountain near Colorado Springs, Colo., Is being erected a memorial to
the late Will Rogers. It will be a 120-foot tower of native pink gray rock from which visitors may look
across rangelands of Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma. A sodium process light on the tower will be visible for
100 miles. The shrine is the gift of Spencer Penrose, multi-millionaire Colorado Springs capitalist and sports
man, a brother of the late United States Senator Boise Penrose of Pennsylvania.
German Given Nobel
Prize for Medicine
Dr. Hans Spemann, professor of
zoology at the University of Frel
burg, Germany, who has been award
ed the Nobel Prize for Medicine for
embryonic evolution discoveries.
New “Mystery” Speedboat at Detroit
Miss U. S. 3, built by Edward S. Evans and his two sons. Edward,
Jr., and Bob, shown Just before It was launched in the Detroit river for
its maiden trip, which consisted of a light workout. The boat, built on
the most‘radical new design, will be entered in the Harmsworth trophy
race and the Evans family hope to beat Gar Wood's record.
Old Glory Protects Hospital in Addis Ababa
In an effort to ward off possible aeriai bomb attacks by the Invading Italian forces, the Stars and Stripes
was painted on the corrugated tin roof of the American hospital in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Scene In the legislative council chamber of the Quebec parliament building as Lord Tweedsmulr (John
Bue'jan) was inaugurated as governor general of Canada. 2—Some results of the recent severe storm at
St'iaml, Fla., which smashed a lot of boats and did much other damage. 3—Representative Chester C. Bolton of
Cleveland who will be offered in the next Republican national convention ns “Ohio's favorite son,” for the
Presidential nomination.
Mammoth Cheese Is
Present to Roosevelt
Dorothy Jean Jadln, five, dressed
in the fashion of 1800, ties a big
red, white and blue bow on a 1,250
pound Wisconsin cheese which was
presented to President Roosevelt
during cheese week. The cheese Is
a duplicate In size and form of
America’s first mammoth cheese
which was presented to Thomas
fefferson in 1802,
Sail to Wed in South Africa
Left to right, Alice Schofield, Dorothy McNamara and Marlon Siegel,
all of Tonawunda, near Buffalo, shown on the vessel on which they sailed
for Johannesburg, South Africa. After 10,000 miles of ocean travel, these
three girls, who had never traveled the ocean before, will meet their
prospective husbands, all employees of the Columbus-McKInnon Chnln
. corporation of Tonawanda. A triple wedding will follow the girls' arrival.
Miss Schofield Is engaged to James Rennie, Miss Siegel to Walter Wolf
and Miss McNamara to William Allan.
Olympic Stadium Being Built in Berlin
The huge howl in which many events of the coming Olympic games will take place, Is being rushed to com
p.^tlon on the outskirts of IJerlln, Germany. This view of the stadium was made from the Fuhrer tower.
Widow of Edison Marries Again
Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, widow of the famous inventor, is shown with
Edward E. Hughes, attorney of Franklin, Pa., whom she married recently.
New Yorker Is New
FHA Chief Architect
Howard L. Smith of New York.
who has been appointed chief archl
* .
tect of the federal housing admin
istration, which Is pretty busy these
To him will go much of the
credit or the blume for the appear
ance of thousands of new structure*
being built by FLIA.
Sugar Causes Brilliant
Leaf Colors of Autumn
It’s not an early frost, as common
ly supposed, that produces the most
colorful autumn leaves, says the
United States Forest Service. It’s a
late frost—and the sugar la the leaf
—that gives us the briMiant colors.
Just the right combination or tem
perature and moisture Is needed. The
best colors come when the thermom
eter doesn't quite reach the freezing
point for several weeks during the
latter part of September and through
Silviculturists explain that be
fore the leaves fall a layer of cells
forms at the base of the leal, which
ultimately loosens the leaf. and. when
It drops off, forms a scar. If frost
doesn't arrive too soon, this layer
forms early and quickly. It holds
more sugar In the leaf and the sweet
sap causes the brilliant reds and
oranges and yellows that delight the
eye This Is not only true of the
gorgeous sugar maples In the north,
but of most of the colorful hardwood
trees—the oaks. elms, birches, other
maples, sweet gum. black gum, hick
ory, dogwood, and many others. When
frost comes too early the leaves dry
and lose their sugar before they
have time to take on high color.
So With Id«M
One makes the sad and astonishing
discovery that chicken caa taste flat
and insipid—after it has been pre
served too long.
Do You
Whether the“Pain”
Remedy You Use
is SAFE?
Ask Your Doctor
and Find Out
Don’t Entrust Your
Own or Your Family's
Well - Being to Unknown
THE person to ask whether the
preparation you or your family
are taking for the relief of headaches
is SAFE to use regularly is your
family doctor. Ask him particularly
about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN.
He will tell you that before the
discovery of Bayer Aspirin most
"pain” remedies were advised
against by physicians as bad for the
stomach and, often, for the heart.
Which is food for thought if you
seek quick, safe relief.
Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin
among the fastest methods yet dis
covered for the relief of headaches
and the pains of rheumatism, neu
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member this.
You can get Genuine Bayer
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Start today to relieve the eoreneee—
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Quick, Complete
Let'* be bank. There's only cae way lor
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ters that cause acidity, gas, headaches.
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Thousands of physicians recommend
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These mint flavored candy-like wafers
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ant elimination.
Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20
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tively, or in convenient tins containing
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Professional samples sent bee to seg
'stored physicians or dentists ii request
is made on professional letter head.
4402 23rd St, Long Island City, N. Y.