SEEN —. — and HEARD around the NATIONAL JCAPITAL Carter Field ^ Washington.—Even the Republic ans are surprised at certain Demo cratic attacks on James A. Farley as a result of his pre-election claims. Demands that ho resign, coming from an outstanding Democratic newspaper, put together with the fact that the Democrats registered • net majority In the Empire state of MO,000, cause some insiders here to wonder If there Is something un derlying the situation they do not understand. It Is perfectly true, they admit, that Farley's preelection claims gave the Republicans a chance to do some crowing over their regaining of the control of the New York assembly. But It was pretty sad crow ing, mostly done be fore the vote tabulation showed that huge Democratic majority. Privately, Republicans were search ing around for comfort next day as far as New York state Is concerned. They finally decided thnt Tammany put forth all Its effort because of Its necessity for getting a strangle hold on the board of aldermen, and thus short circuiting Mayor La Gunrdln. Whereas there were no fights cal culated to bring out a big vote up state except In Erie county, where the Republicans did pretty well. Actually, however. It always has been Farley's strategy to claim everything, concede nothing. He has explained his theory to newspaper men many times. For example, In 1932 Farley knew perfectly well there was no chance of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s carrying Vermont. Rut, as he told friends at the time, If he conceded Vermont, publicly, all the party workers In thnt state would lay down. Whereas If he claimed it, and Bent them speakers, money and assistance generally, they would be up on their toes fighting. As a result, the shrewd Jim com mented. “We might win a coroner here, and a sheriff there, and n mem ber of the legislature somewhere else. Then, next election, these winners will be on the Job working for our ticket," and will not have to be paid or cajoled. In fact, his theo ry Is thnt three or four hard tights, even in hopeless territory, will be apt to produce a winning by and by. Logic Accepted Now the fact la that no politician who ever won a campaign disagrees with that logic. They may not prac tice It, because they may not have the time nnd energy to spare. Gen erally they think they haven’t, any how, and so often they do not make these hopeless lights. But there Is seemingly no limit to Farley’s ener gy, and he has actually had all the money he needed In every cam paign, regardless of plaintive state ments to the contrary. His strategy. Incidentally, Is abun dantly Justified by what has hap pened In upstate New York ns a re sult of campaigning In hopeless ter ritory. With a live, fighting Demo cratic organization in every upstate county, the old-time majorities above the Bronx have shrunk until they are swamped by the Demo cratic majorities In the big town. This was demonstrated tn this election, where despite a very siz able showing of Republican strength upstate, the net vote in the entire state was 350.000 Democratic. In fact, the main hope of the Re publicans about the ICmpIre state, whose 47 electoral votes are so vital to BDy hope of bentlug the New Deal next November, lies In the be lief that so many New Yorkers vote Democratic locally, but Republican nationally. This was certainly a factor In the A1 Smith races for governor. Smith’s record of run ning a million votes ahead of his national ticket In 1920 Is still un matched. Those Wily Poles The government at Warsaw may not appreciate it, but it has a very effective embassy in Washington. In fact, a great deal more effective than Is considered necessary by the milling interests of this country, not to mention speculators in rye. The wily Poles, apparently, were Just shrewd enough to realise that this administration does not like speculation, loves to see speculators get It in the nock, and lacks utterly any desire to help these "non-pro ducers" pile up profits, despite the obvious fact that such profits would boost Income tax receipts for the treasury. All of which is concerned with rye and rye flour, not very exciting in themselves, hut highly Interest ing to those who produce them, and those who buy and sell them. It also concerns tlie feverish de sire of many European countries, in the Inst few years, to make them selves self-supporting on foodstuffs, against the evil day when war might cut off their lm|>orts. In this particular case It has to do with the efforts of Poland In that direc tion. This desire on the part of all Eu ropean countries, practically, be came very apparent to the farming Interests of this country several years ago. Also to the milling In terests and the grain trade gener ally. They swept all over the shoulders of their senators and representa tives, as a result of which congress passed a law which made It manda tory on the secretary of the treas ury to add what Is called a counter vailing duty to the tariff on food products In certain circumstances. The certain circumstance is when the producing country pays a boun ty for the production of that food stuff. The Idea Is to boost the tariff precisely that same*amount, so that the payment of the bounty In the producing country will not give the foreign producer an unfair advan tage over the American producer. Rye Poured In Last spring prices for rye were high In this country, and some of this Polish rye and also some Pol ish rye Hour began pouring In. Whereupon there were loud cries from the grain trade for the treas ury to put the •‘mandatory’’ coun tervailing duty In effect. Treasury officials consulted with the Stute department. Also with the Polish embassy. The State de partment folks did not like It much. It flew In the face of Secretary Hull's well-known opposition to trade barriers. Mr. Hull himself talked about It with the Polish am bassador. One lieutenant of Mr. Hull was such a frequent attendant at cock tail parties of the polish embassy that one of the underlings there hu morously asked him If he “had learned to speak Polish yet.” He tells this story on himself, so it Is not a question of the Poles Inugh Ing about their own accomplish ments. They are much too shrewd for that. But the Poles made quite a point in their talk with our State and Treasury folks of the fact that the American farmer was not being hurt by this Polish competition In the slightest degree, whereas the Amerlcnn consumer was being bene fited. Hopkins' Faux Pas The two people who nro most dejected by Harry L. Hopkins’ faux pas In attacking Gov. Alfred M. Landon of Kansas, the resentment that the "never put up a thin dime" accusation aroused, and the prompt necessity for a backdown are, In the order named, James A. Farley and Governor Landon. Farley’s chagrin Is natural enough. One of the cleverest or ganizers and politicians of our time, he naturally hntes to see his shrewdly planned campaign messed up by bungling, even If he himself Is not responsible. Landon's disappointment Is far more subtle, but Just as sound po litically. It can be explained In four words: It cnme too soon. The point Is that Landon knows perfectly well he Is getting out In front far too quickly. lie has been publicly advertised as the probable nominee In too many quarters. For Instance, by William Randolph Henrst, who has been giving the Kansas Coolldge plenty of public ity both In his newspapers and magazines. Then It was allowed to leak out that President Roose velt told severnl friends on his way across the country to San Diego that he figured It would be Landon who would oppose him In 11130. Which, Incidentally, Is the answer to the venom and force with which Hopkins struck. London is a comparatively young man, but he has seen enough of politics to know that the old tradi tion about a candidate’s getting too far out In front too soon Is not Just and old wives' tale. A Bit of History For example, lO’-’O. When the Re publican national committee met In Washington In December. Just six months before the convention. It appeared that Leonard Wood was virtually nominated. A glance back at the newspaper tiles of that month will show that virtually every reporter in Washington, writ ing for out-of-town papers, and re gardless of the slants of his own paper, was Impressed by the Wood strength. In fact. If the convention had been convened the day the na tional committee adjourned, Wood would have been nominated on the first ballot. • All the other candidates "ganged” him. He made some had mistakes, and when the convention met all but a few enthusiasts knew he had no chnnce. | Four years later William t». Mc Adoo was out In front for the Dem ocratic nomination. Alfred R. Smith was a close runner-up. Moth were wrecked by nn issue which neither had anything to do with starting. It was aimed at MeAdoo, but It pre vented the nomination of either. The nominations of Smith, In 1928, and Roosevelt, In 19,'12, seem exceptions to the rule, but they prove nothing. For Smith was given a nomination known In ad vance to be absolutely hopeless, and It was given to heal the religious breach made In 192-1. Roosevelt got a head start very largely because the South and the Mihle Melt were scared to death that Smith would take the nomination again. There are many who think that If Smith had taken himself out of the race, even at the convening of the con vention, Roosevelt would never have been named. Copyright — WNU SarvM*. Moroccan Chieftain at Hla "Front Door." Prepared by National Geographic Society, Washington, D, C.—WNU Service, □OR(XXX), long an empire guarded from the coveting eyes of Europe by the will of a proud and exclusive people, remains In her subjection a land tempting to the traveler In search of new and even rude experiences. She is a country up-to-date, ac cessible, civilized; yet barbarous, antique, and forbidden. She is French, Spanish, Berber, Arab, and Jew. She has been nursed for a thousand years on the subtle poli cies of the Orient, though farther west than the greater part of Eu rope. Her emperors, some of whom were lords and masters of Spain, built great cities and castles and palaces and fortresses, before America had come out of the Land of Dreams. They endowed univer sities and colleges for the cultiva tion of learning, the terms of whose foundations resemble those at Ox ford and Cambridge; with some of which they were contemporary. The same cloistered beauty Is to be found In both; the same lofty Ideals of faith and devotion. They assembled In their prime, great armies for the conquest of the world, and fleets that swept the Christian seas. Though children born of the desert, they arrogated to themselves great pretensions; claiming the Divine Right, not mere ly as kings but as sulnts by lineage. Their tombs, where ruin has spared them, remain ns lovely as any In the world; their gardens of running waters are still a delight to those permitted to enter them. And yet, half the population of this country lives on In the ways of Abraham, Isaac, and Jaooh. men opportunities of advancement and adventure, beyond that border land known as the Zone of Securi ty. One can imagine the attrac tion of such a life for a man grown tired of his boulevards and the charms of an overripe eivlllza tlon: but it is closely sealed. It is not very diilicult to have your throat cut if you cross thai line. The rekkas, or secret mes sengers of France, faithful to theii suit, frequently endure that fate Nameless, unknown, they perish, leaving no ripple behind them. But the sands of tills colored and attractive life are running out, and short of another European war or some violent uprising in Asia, the triumph of France seems assured None the less, these last pages 01 her story remain romantic enough; telling a tale of policy and arms fanaticism and pride; of resistance, surrender, and swift revolt, thai await a scribe. But France in Morocco has not produced her Kipling. One doubts if she ever will. One great traveler she has produced, the Vlcomte de Foucauld; and one administrator of genius, the Marechal Lyautey. grown white-haired and old in the service of France. Those Who Serve France. All kinds of people have taken a hand In this adventure; crafty and ambitious chieftains and fighting prophets; smooth diplomatists and hard-hitting commanders of the For elgn Legion; Christians. Infidels and Jews; generals as lean as their swords—trempes, as they say—tem pered, by a life in the Sahara, friends in their youth of De Fou cauld and Laperrine; realists yet mystics like the people of the desert themselves, and quite the best kind of man you can hope to meet In northern Africa; meharlsts of the camel corps who swagger about In their vast |vhite pantaloons; flight commanders who cross the Atlas, dropping bombs upon the gathering tribes, and making new maps from the air; royal princes with an urge for adventure; drummers and army contractors out for pelf; ladles of high rank and great virtue, and la dles of many charms who possess neither; innkeepers and cantlnlers; French children who become the at tached companions of retired die hards; drivers of armored cars and lorries sprung from half the na tions of Europe, with weird person al histories, and a knack of ertri catlng themselves from every ad venture, or dying game; literary gentlemen whose home Is In Paris and whose public resides in France; missions-sclentiflques; hydrologists; deputies of the French Republic, shepherded in flights; newspaper men, unwelcomes; marshals of France, with famous names; the resident general of Morocco him self, carefully guarded and sur rounded with pomp and ceremonial observance; and something like 30, 000 legionnaires (mostly Germans) who, having no country of their own, fight for that strange thing— the Honor of the Legion—and do the work of France for a few cents a day; Ishmaelltes all. Orient and Occident Mingle. She la an eastern land In the marrow of her bones, though placed In Africa; and she has been pene trated through centuries by Euro pean influences, which lie deep un der the surface of her oriental life. Her camel caravans remain coeval with the airplane; and a tribesman of the desert, wounded In battle, can And himself carried through the air to a French hospital across the whole width of Impenetrable Atlas. Twenty centuries have here been compressed Into as many years. She Includes within her borders mountains almost as stately as the Rockies or the Alps; vnlleys pro found and lovely; cedars as noble ns those of Lebanon; olive groves like those of Delphi; vines that grow wild, or are as cultivated now ns those of Provence; cities like Fes which belong to the Arabian Nights, and Marrakech the Grana da of Morocco, which glows In her tierce sunlight girdled hy palm onses, within a day’s march of snow-covered summits, "white as salmon” as Drake observed them In the course of his circumnaviga tion of the world; cities and peo ples passionate with the fury and excess of Africa, yet profoundly In spired hy the worship of the One God. their compassionate and mer ciful Allah! For these and other reasons this country grips one, though the world be at one's disposal, Ench year the pacltled frontier of this violent nnd poetic land marches on Into re gions unknown. Each year one tlnds some new tract becomes accessible; old castles unsuspected, and chief tains living In them In medieval state; clans and tribesmen at war, now gathered Into the fold; mups that record a twelve-months’ prog ress, with all sorts of lines and spots and frontiers marked on them, each with Its fascinating tale of valor or Industry to tell. The history of Morocco Is one of violent unrest and order In contin ual balance. Rebels Still Exist. Since the mugultlceut failure of Abdel-Krlm, who all but broke the power of Spain in Africa and went near to reconquering Morocco from the French, the tricolor now blows beside the tlag of the sultan over uearly all of French Morocco; but not quite. There are regions In Great Atlas where die-hards still maintain their freedom, delivering 1 shrewd blows at their conquerer from time to time; and, In the des ert spaces of Saraha, horsemen and cameleers who ride acknowledging no lord. It Is these gentlemen who keep France busy, and offer her young Berbers in Opposition. Upon the other side, and almost as quixotic, Is their friend the Dis sident, who provides the occasion and the battle ground for all this adventure; a queer chap, with an odd love of freedom and of his na tive hills, a bit of a troubadour; somewhat of a patriot and tighter for the Faith; gallant, truculent, treacherous, and cruel; but always very much of a man. with a keen sense of humor allied with a strict attention to business. Awhile ago he raised a laugh throughout Mo rocco by stealing two carefree gen tlemen of the resident general’s household with their respective la dles; and returning them, a little dnmaged, in exchange for five mil lion francs and a gramophone of the very Intest design, with all re cent improvements, duly specified. The Berbers, to whose category he belongs, have always been “agin” whatever government there has been in the land; willing, as gentle men, to follow any great leader to plunder and war; unwilling to follow anyone for long; the real nucleus of the Moslem armies who conquered Spain, and near of kin to those who marched across the Alps with Hannibal to the wails of Rome. The name of Hannibal Is still, one is told, to be found among them. Roosting the Thanksgiving IRST, select a plump, well-fat tened turkey. Either a young or an old turkey can be made excellent eating, but you must know which you have, for it makes a difference in the way you cook it Allow from one-half to three-quar ters of a pound In the weight of the turkey os you buy it for each person to be served—remembering that in the larger kinds you will get more meat In that proportion to bone. With a lo-pound turkey, for Instance, you can get 20 very generous servings. The dealer will usually draw the turkey for you, but certain things have to be looked out for at home. Out off the oil sac, take out the windpipe and lungs, pull out any •>In feathers and singe off hairs. Do this quickly so as not to darken or scorch the skin. Wipe the body cavity with a soft cloth wrung out of cold water. Scrub the outside with a wet cloth and soda or corn meal. Rinse off quickly and wipe the bird dry inside and outside. Nevert let a turkey or any other poultry soak in water. You lose flavor and food value. Rub the inside with salt before putting in the stuffing. Slip a crusty end slice of a loaf of bread into the opening near the tail to hold in the stuffing, tuck the legs under the band of skin left for that purpose, and sew up the slit with soft white twine. After stuffing and trussing the turkey, rub the outside all over with butter, salt and pepper and pat on flour. Lay a Testing the Donenees of the Bird for the Great Feaet. piece of turkey fat over the breast Place on a rapk in an open roast ing pan. Do not put any water into the pan. Water in a roasting pan makes steam, and steam around a roasting turkey or any tender meat draws out the juices. Have the oven hot (about 450* F.) when you put the turkey in. Brown it lightly for half an hour in this hot oven and after the first 15 minutes turn the bird with the breast down so it will brown all over. Then reduce the oven heat to very moderate (325° F.). If the turkey is young, continue the roasting at this moderate tem perature with no lid on the pan un til the bird is done. Baste with pan drippings every half hour. For a turkey a year or more old, after browning in the hot oven, put the cover on the roaster, and con tinue the cooking in the moderate oven (about 325* F.). You will probably need to allow 4% hours for a 15-pound bird a year or more old. To test the ‘•doneness’’ run a steel skewer or a cooking fork into the thigh next to the breast. If the juice does not show a red tinge, the turkey is done. Make gravy with the giblets and drippings. The bureau of home economics. United States Department of Agri culture, whtch gives the foregoing suggestions, also supplies this rec ipe for a savory stuffing, and one for giblet gravy. For stuffing: 3 quarts dry bread crumbs Vi cup fat, butter and turkey fat 1 amnll onion, chopped Vi cup chopped parsley 1 pint chopped celery a tap. anlt 1 to a tap. aavory ■enaonlnjt Pepper to taata In the melted fat cook the onion, parsley and celery for a few min utes. Add the bread crumbs and seasonings and stir all together until the mixture Is thoroughly heated. Pile the hot stuffing light ly Into the turkey, but do not pack. Glblet gravy: Simmer the giblets (liver, gizzard and heart) and the neck in one quart of water for about an hour. Drain the giblets and chop them fine, saving the broth. If there Is too much fat on the drippings In the roaster, skim off some of the excess fat and leave about one-half cup. Into these pan drippings stir six level tablespoons of flour. Then gradually add the cool broth from the giblets and enough more cold water to make a thin smooth gravy. Cook for 5 minutes, add the chopped giblets and season to taste with salt and pepper. OCEANS AND HILLS SLOW DOWN EARTH; DAYS LENGTHENING French astro-physicists are com pleting a series of calculations which prove this world of ours is slowing down, like a wobbly top, as It spins around its polar axis. The loss of speed is estimated hy scientists at the Meudon observa tory, near Paris, at one-ten thou sandtb of a second a month at the present time, which means that in 1,000,000 years our 24-hour day will be lengthened to a 41-hour day. This phenomenon is caused partly by the fact that the earth is osing the perfect streamlined curves of its early days and Is becoming wrinkled with mountains and volcanoes which impede its whirling. The main factor, however, is stat ed to be found in tidal movements. Working under the combined influ ence of sun and moon, oceans bulge out and act as brakes on the rota tion of the earth. Another impor tant cause is found in geological dls ROAD TRAINS FOR DESERT Road trains, consisting of a heary motor truck and many trailers, are to haul mica and other mineral de posits across the desert region of central Australia. Week’s Supply of Postum Free Read the offer made by the Postum Company in another part of this pa per. They will send a full week's sup ply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for it.—Adr. Also From Being One ^ Spare us from people who enjoy a quarrel. turbances brought about by the shift ing of internal masses. This fling lng about of the world’s contents, like so much loose baggage in a freight car, tends to detract from the constancy of the earth’s spinning. Calculations to date show this loss of speed increases progressively s.» that 100 years hence the earth’s ro tation will have suffered a loss of IS seconds, and within two centuries, one minute and 12 seconds. In 2,000 years It will be one hour and 50 minutes behind its merry-go-round schedule. This lengthening of the day is ex plained by the longer time It would take for the earth to complete one single turn on Its polar axis. The majority of these calculations are based on the studies of tidal ac tions on planets and their satellites carried out by the astro-physicist, M. Antoniadi, and his collaborators at the Meudon observutory. This clocking of the speed of the globe’s rotation is entirely apart from computations regarding the changes In time that It takes the earth to revolve around the sun ev ery year.—Detroit News. Many Are A man can go to college and still be a self-made man. fbleman»fsUron INSTANT .IGHTING Iron the easy way in one-third lees time with the Coleman. Iron in comfort any place. It's entirely self-heating. No cords or wires. No weary, endless trips between a hot stove and ironing board. Makes its own gas. Bums 96% air. Lights instantly — no pre-heating. Operating cost only rtd an hour. See your local dealer or write for FREE Folder. THE COLEMAN LAMP 6- STOVE CO. Dw)t. WUS1S . Wichita gam.: 1... AwalM. OaUf.! Chlcaxo III.i Phfladalahta IV U1S ! i l a... .—— i .— i. —,■1,11,, BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com. Firm At the Omaha Market CREAM SEPARATORS. Factory rebuilt, new machine guarantee. Big savings. Let us tell you how to get FREE RINGS for your separator, any make or size. 8ee yonr ANKER-HOLTH dealer or write BOX WN-738. PORT HURON. MICHIGAN. FOR SALE—Large Puperahell Pecans 25 pounds, Express prepaid for $4.(8; Fifty pounds. Express prepaid for $8.88. Shreve Trading Company, Chiplcy. Florida. I’ve GOT TO PUT MV FOOT DOWN g| g/ALpaW LOOK AT ALL THESE B/LLS-I'U TELL MAW A THING ORTWO hello-a\aw? I— / —1-/\ l-HAT is-weu.' |you don't need! 1 A SPY6LA« to FIND QUALITY ^N Wftl6LEY'S /\ \ CALLED TO SEE WHAT YOU WANT FROV\ TWe STORE. SazaH ’ f^PE R F EC l "U ^ Your Matter Farming is very hard, but you or ler your tasks yourself. (Without Resistance When a man gets nsed to falling he is ruined.—T. C. Cuyler. ‘How do I feel.... Swell!— why do you ask? IT is all so simple, too 1 That tired, run-down, exhausted feeling quite often is due to lack of a sufficiency of those precious red-blood-cells. Just build up these oxygen-carrying cells and the whole body takes on new life... food is really turned into energy and strength ... you can’t help but feel and look bet ter. S.S.S. Tonic restores deficient red blood-cells ... it also improves the appe tite and digestion. It has been the na tion’s standby for over 100 years ... and unless your case is exceptional it should help you, too. O S.S.S. Co. m^d > Insist on S.S.S. Tonic in ^t*»~ t* the blood-red cellophane wrapped package. The big 20-os. size is sufficient far two weeks’ treatment... it's more economical. Neighborly Be neighborly to others, but don’t >ry deep. But Doe* Love Care? Love will find a way, but Is tin t always best? I_I