Housing Plan Starts, Despite Protests General view of the site of the $5,500,000 housing project at Ber wyn, Md., with transient workers clearing the land; and Mrs. Alice B. Morris and her daughter. Edna, who were among the many citizens of Berwyn who vainly protested agnlnst the project which lias been dubbed “Tugwell Town." Mav Follow in * Father’s Footsteps Representative Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr„ of Beverly, Mass., who has formally announced bis candid acy for the Republican nomination for United States senator, an office held for many years by his grand father, who was one of the com aoonwealth's most distinguished sen ators. He Is thirty-three years old. Death Dropping Out of the Sky An unusual picture made just after a torpedo was launched by a Royal Air Force plane near Gosport, England. These torpedoes, almost as long ns the machine, are attached to the undercarriage and released as the planes are In position over their objective. Honorable Discharge Loilg Delayed Harold J. Vnnness, an officer of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is shown as be handed George H. Meyer, eighty-six, his honorable discharge papers, declaring him eligible for pension, after Meyer waited years for the official release. Meyer joined the Union army at the age of fifteen, saw considerable nctlon and was wounded in the Battle of Lookout Mount tain. He celebrated his obtaining bis discharge by stnglng a big party at bis home in Omaha, Neb. Turkish Strategist to Aid Selassie’s Forces Wehlb Pasha, who was one of the outstanding military leaders of the Turkish empire during the World war, is now in command of the • trained warriors of Ethiopia on the Somaliland frontier, lie is a mas ter of tactics and strategy. Many European soldiers of for tune are said to have joined the Abyssinian forces. Including some well known leaders of the World war. As a rule these have not been actively engaged In lighting, but hnve been drilling troops, establish ing systems of communications, and in general building the complex or ganization demanded by wnr. Hearing Hawaii’s Statehood Arguments / Members of the congressional committee seated in the territorial capltol In Honolulu hearing arguments far and against the admission of Uawuil as the forty-ninth state in the Union. David I* Crawford, president of the University of Hawaii, Is at the extreme right giving testimony. Scenes and Persons in the Current News \ 1—Juan Tripp of the Pan American Airways handing to Postmaster General Farley the only hid received lor the proposed trans-Pnclflc air mnll service. 2—K. Fotlch, new minister of Jugoslavia to Washington, and his wife arriving In New York. 3—New National Archives building in Washington which has just been for mally occupied. FORTUNE Left Couple by Spanish Great-Grandfather Years Ago WAITS Mr. and Mrs. Angel Tomas Correa of Washington, shown In their home reading the message that told them they nre to go to Spain to lay claim to their share of the $109,000,000 fortune left by their great-grandfa ther fifty years ago. When Don Do mingo Faustino Correa died he stlp Plated the money was not to be touched for half a century. Now It is ready to be divided. Correa, now an American lawyer, is of Puerto Rican extraction. His wife Is the former Norma Billlnl of Metropoli tan opera fame. They have three children. Actual Holdup Under Way in Mexico This photograph, made by Arthur D. Norcross, New York publisher, shows Mexican rebels relieving his car of his arms and ammunition after holding him up In eastern Sonora during a hunting trip in Mexico. Maine’s Potato Queen on Throne > Miss Vulesku Ward of Limestone. Maine, chosen as the Queen of Maine's potato crop, receives her trophy from Frank l*. Washburn, com missioner of sericulture of the state of Maine, as she sits amidst tons of spuds. College Honors Famous Merchant Harry Gordon Selfrldge, who has made fame and fortune aa a mer chant In London, England, recently visited his home town, ltlpon, Wls„ and received from ltlpon college the honorary degree of Doctor of Hu mane Letters. Before starting his London store, selfrldge was one of the leading merchants of Chicago. His belief that a department store m the American tradition could be successfully operated In England was ridiculed, hut Selfrldge not only demonstrated the soundness of his Ideas, but is a real merchant prince, | New “Leading Lady” Gets Movie Contract A leading lady at the age of four years was the prospect for little blond Darla Hood, pictured below as she received Superior court ap proval on her contract with Hal Koach studios. The young actress, so the court was informed, will be come the leading Indy for “Our liang" comedies. Daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Hood, tiny Daria nails from Leedey, Okla.. where he? fattier Is engaged in the banking business. The child will receive salary from $75 to $750 a week **)* * Supply of Pogtum Free i0ad the oITer made by the Postum ^rry ln Bno,hpr pa»t of this pa *. ' ^ v;*" ■®nd a full week’s sup ply of health giving Postura free to anyone who writes for It—Adv. Independent lie that would live happllv mt/st neither trust to good fortune nor sub mit to bad; he must stand upon his guard against all assaults, tie must stick to himself without any de pendence upon other people.—Seneca, SEND FOR THIS GIFT! DIONNE ‘QUINTS’ BIRTHDAY BOWL •This offer is made to cele brate the selection of Quaker Oats as the cereal for the Dionne Quintuplets, even be fore their first birthday. You will love this souvenir. A beautiful design in lifetime chromium, 6" in diameter, use ful for serving many things. Send now to address below. IN VITAMIN B FOR KEEPING FIT*... ric WORTH OF QMKEI OATS 3 CAKES OF FRESH TEA8T Qaahar and Matbar's Oats ara tha saaas * Vhtnpoer cnJition h dm l» Uik *f Vitimiw B [THE QUAKER OATS CO.. Box L, Dept. 2, Chicago, OL I I am incloting two Quaker or Mother'* Oats • trademark* and 10c to help cover tpecial mail | ing and handling charge*. (2 trademark* and j l>c for Canadian readers.) I M-~* | AJJnm ^City_ Comes Through Efforts Few men who never try to be rich ever are. DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE, AFFECTS HEART Gas Pressure May Cause Dis comfort. Right Side Best If yon toss in bed and can’t sleep on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep soundly all night. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lover bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned /ou for months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Dr. H. L. Shoub. New York, reports: “In addition to inteatinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria %nd colon bacilli." Mrs. Jas. Filler: “Gas on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even ny heart hurt. The first dose of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, deep fine and never felt better.” Give your stomach and bowels a HEAL deansing with Adlerika and see bow good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists and drug departments. Without Talent What Is the good of having "per sonality” and no talent? A Soft Answer Arguing becomes quarreling whe» ho voice is raised. All egetableWay nne had given up hope if anything but partial relief until 6he learned af famous all-vegetable NR Tablets (Nature'* Remedy). But now after years of chrome consti pation and biliousness—whatachnngel New pep —new color and vitality—freedom from bowel sluggishness and intestinal poisons. Thia all vegetable laxative gently stimulates the entire bowel, gives com pk'te. thorough elimination.tiet Ml * > M R*lJ > 1~ 1 ■ 1 a 2Gc box. All wl k. hffflWy druggists. ** gm g? c « *Thls week—at your druggist's—Beau rntt. tiful6Color 193.V193CCalendar Ther mometer with Uie purchase o( a 23c box at NR or h 10c roll of Turn* (For Add Indigestion.)