N#b. State Historical Society The Frontier 9 VOL. LVI. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935. No. 25 * ——————————————————*—^^. fl¥)UR ADULTS AND CHILD HAVE CLOSE CALL IN NIGHT FIRE IPire Early Tuesday Morning Burns Building And Contents of the Shelhamer Oil Company The most serious fire here in many months broke out last Tues day morning about 5:30 in the Shel hamer Bros, filling station, situated just west of the Hanford creamery building, a little over a block from the center of town, west, and on the south side of the street. The station formerly was a WNAX unit and was purchased by Shelhamers last September. The Shelhamer’s came here from Kim ball, S. D. In the upstairs of the station were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelhamer, their eight-months old son, Paul, and Mr. Shelhamer’s father and mother. Down stairs was the night mao, Curley Washechek. The night man yelled “fire” when he saw smoke coming from a lower central room. Upstairs Roy Shel hamer slowly awoke, soon found fire breaking under his bed, got up and tried to put it out on the floor, thinking that the origin of the blaze. Roy now’ realized the dang er, opened a door leading down and met a mass of flame. Half choked, those upstairs made their way to a window. Roy, using his fist, broke glass out and those trapped jumped to a Booth Transfer truck. A traveling man turned in an alarm and firemen arrived and poured water on the building several hours. At times, bursts of northwest wind fanned the fire to fury. The two story structure, of wood covered with tin, was entirely ruined and a nice stock of tubes, tires and accessories burned. The brothers say they are still in business and will remain here afnd continue servicing motor ve hicles. The gasoline pumps were not damaged in any degree. Mr. and Mrs. Roy SJielhamer attended a dance until about 1 o’clock and they found everything in good order in all rooms at that hour. The station is operated by Roy and Ray Shelhamer. Ray and his wife occupy the residence just east of the Mr. and Mrs. Johfi Kersen brock home, three blocks east and one south of the center of town. The parents of the Shelhamer boys are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shelhamer. All who were upstairs at the time the fire started were asleep. At the time, the night watchman was busy repairing a tire. Mrs. Roy Shelhamer carried her child to safety. Those who had been sleeping made their escape in their night clothing. Electric lights, turned on, burned briefly and the lights then went out as the wires burned in two. The brothers say their loss is several thousand dollars and that their insurance is light. Busy Hour Club The Busy Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Vic Johnson on Oc tober 31, 1935. All members were present except Linda Wayman and Irene Hershiser. Mrs. Lowell Johnson was a visitor. The after noon was spent in sewing after which a delicious lunch of cake, doughnuts, fruit salad and coffee was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. L. 0. Johnson on November 21, 1935. CREST TIRES! If everybody knew what we know, the only Tire on the road w