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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1935)
(First publication October 3.) SHERIFFS SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska in an action pending in said Court wherein Arthur M. Herring is plaintiff and Charles T. Smith and others, (this being case No. 13044) are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 4th day of No vember, 1935, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described premises in Holt county, Nebraska: The northwest quarter and the south half of section 24, in township 29 north, of range 11 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $5,740.40 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $34.08 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 2nd day of October, 1935. PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff, 20-5 Of Holt county, Nebraska. (First publication Oct. 10, 1035.) LEGAL NOTICE Ralph Williams and Nell Wil liams, his wife; Madge Swinford and Pearl Swinford, her husband; Maude Williams; Cecil Frazier and Raymond Frazier, her husband; Eunice Williams; L. Fluckey and Mary Fluckey, his wife, first real true name unknown; all persons hving or claiming any interest in the East One-half (Eft) of that Part of Block “B” in Fluckey’s Addition to Chambers, Holt county, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Cor ner of said Block “B”, running thence west One-hundred-fifteen (115) feet, thence south One-hund red-thirty (130) feet, thence east One-hundred-fifteen (115) feet, thence north One-hundred-thirty (130) feet, to the place of beginn ing, real names unknown, will take notice that on the 2nd day of Oc tober, A. D., 1935, George W. Thomson, Plaintiff, filed his petit ion in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to secure a Decree of Court quieting and con firming in the plaintiff the title to and possession of the following described real estate, situate in the County of Holt and State of Ne braska, to-wit: East One-half (Eft) of that Part of Block “B” in Fluckey’s Addition to Chambers, Holt MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Cattle to winter.—John Rist, Page, Nebr., R. F. p. 23-3p LADIES—Regular $5 steam oil permanent for $1.6& at the Fox Hotel. See de Graff ad. on page4. FOR REINT GARAGE—Mrs. R. J. Marsh. 23-2 % *4 # 1$* I .«> " FORSALE REGISTERED Hereford bulls; bis husky fall calves; ,1 choice 3-yr. old herd bull.—Walter Sire, In man, Nebr. 20-4p HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG TRAVEL BY BUS via Grand Island-O’Neill Stages Lv. 8:00 O’Neill Ar. 8:45 Ar. 12:15 Grand Island Lv. 4:15 Service thru to Hastings, Lincoln, Kearney, North Platte, Denver, Salt Lake, Boise, Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco. For information call GOLDEN HOTEL Phone 35 We Carry Express Diamond — Watches — Jewelery Expert Watch Repairing 0. M. Herre—Jeweler In Reardon Drug Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DE. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Block “B’\ running thence west One hundred-fifteen (116) feet, thence south One-hundred thirty (130) feet, thence east One-hundred-fifteen (115) feet, thence north One-hundred thirty (130) feet, to the place of beginning, and to have the defendants, and each of them, found and decreed to have no title to, lien upon or interest in said real estate or any part thereof; and to have the plain tiff adjudged and decreed to be the owner of said real estate in fee simple, free and clear of all liens of the defendants, and entitled to the possession thereof; and to have the clouds cast upon the plain tiff’s title by reason of the claims of said defendants and the appar ent interest of said defendants, or any of them, in and to said des cribed real estate, or any part thereof, cancelled, annulled, re moved, set aside and held for naught and to have said defendants, and each of them, forever enjoined trom asserting any title to, lien upon or interest in said described real estate, or any part tnereot, adverse to the plaintiff. YOU AND EACH OF YOU, are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of Novem ber, A. D., 1935. Dated this 8th day of October, A. D., 1935. GEORGE W. THOMSON, Plaintiff. By Julius D. Cronin, 21-4 His Attorney. (First publication Oct. 10, 1935.) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the people of Holt county. State of Nebraska, that a special election has been duly called by the Board of County Supervis ors of said County and will be held in said County on the 12th day of November, 1935, at which election the following proposition will be submitted to a vote of the people of said County: “Shall the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, issue its bonds of the principal amount of Sixty-one Thousand Dollars (Ml,000.00) for the purpose of erecting a suitable Court House and Jail for said County, said bonds to be dated the first day of December, 1935, and be come due in not more than twenty years from their date and bear interest at not ex ceeding the rate of Four per . centum (4%) per annum, said interest to be payable De cember 1, 1936, and semi-an nually thereafter; and shall a tax be levied annually on all the taxuble property in said County in addition to all other taxes sufficient in amount to pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds as and when such interest and prin cipal becomes due?" Voters desiring to vote in fav or of said proposition shall mark an “X” in the square op posite the word “YES.” Voters desiring to vote against said proposition shall mark “X” in the square opposite the word “NO.” The voting places in the several precincts of said County will be as follows: Antelope Precinct: Place, School House School District No. 124. Atkinson Precinct: Place, City Memorial Hall. Chambers Precinct: Place, Chambers Town Hall. Cleveland Precinct: Place, Cleve land Church Basement. Conley Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 120. Coleman Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 14. Deloit Precinct: Place, St. John’s Hall in Deloit. Dustin Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 18. Emmet Township: Place, Emmet Hall. Ewing Precinct: Place, City Hall, Lots 9, 10, Block 11. Fairview Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 211. Francis Township: Place, School House, School District No. 209. Grattan Precinct: Place, Court House, O’Neill, Nebr. Green Valley: Place, School House, School District No. 203. Golden Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 31. Holt Creek Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 229. Inman Precinct: Place, Harry McGraw’s Garage. Iowa Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 55. Josie Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 226. Lake Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 73. McClure Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 135. Paddock Precinct: Place, Pad dock Town Hall. Pleasant View Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 89. Rock Falls Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 33. Sand Creek Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 74. Saratoga Precinct: Place, Phoe nix Post Office. Scott Precinct: Place, Scott Town Hall. Shamrock Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 65. Sheridan Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 35. Shields Precinct: Place, Shields Town Hall. Steel Creek Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 4. Stuart Precinct: Place, North Town Hall. t Swan Precinct: Place, School House, School District No. 245. Verdigris Precinct: Place, Townsend Building, Lots 9, 10, Block 9, Page, Nebraska. Willowdale Precinct: Place School House, School District, No. 96. Wyoming Precinct: Place,School House, School District No. 216. Atkinson City, First Ward:Place, B. E. Sturdevant’s Office. Atkinson City, Second Ward: Place, C. E. Haven’s Oarage. Atkinson City,Third Ward: Place City Memorial Hall. O’Neill, First Ward: Place, F. J. Dishner's Office. O’Neill Second Ward: Place, K. of C. Hall. O’Neill, Third Ward: Place, City Pump Station. The polls will be opened at 8 o’clock in the morning and close at 8 o’clock in the afternoon of said date, and will be conducted as provided by law. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 21-5 County Clerk. [SEAL] (First publication Oct. 24, 1935.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on November 7, 1935, until 10:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publiclyopenedand read for GRAD ING, CULVERTS, THREE BRIDGES, and incidental work on the EWING-CLEARWATER U. S. WORKS PROGRAM GRADE CROSSING PROJECTS NOS. WPG H-139-C, WPGH-139-D, WPGH-139-E, WPGH-139-G, and WPG M-139-G, FEDERAL AID ROAD. The proposed work consists of constructing 10.4 miles of GRAD ED EARTH ROAD. The approximate quantities are: 337,445 Cu. Yds. Excavation 317 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Con crete for Box Culverts and Head walls 31,200 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Box Culverts and Hcadwalls. 38 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Corrugated Metal Pipe 704 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Culvert Pipe 284 Lin. Ft. 30-in. Culvert Pipe 224 Lin. Ft. 36-in. Culvert Pipe 40 Lin. Ft. 42-in. Culvert Pipe 20 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Culvert Pipe for Driveways 20 Lin. Ft. 30-in. Culvert Pipe for Driveways BRIDGE AT STATION 8-25 1-Multiple Span Concrete Slab Bridge, 200-ft. Long BRIDGE AT STATION 16-86 2 16-ft. Spans, Concrete Slab Bridge BRIDGE AT STATION 127-50 1-Multiple Span Concrete Slab Bridge, 116-ft. Long. The attention of bidders is di rected to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and to the use of Do mestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all skilled, labor employed on this con tract shall be fifty (50) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be forty (40) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be thirty (30) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also directed to the fact that the State Director of Reemployment, Lin coln, Nebraska, will exercise gen eral supervision over the prepara tion of employment lists for this work, and to the fact that the con tractor and subcontractors will be bound by the regulations effective January 15, 1935, jointly promul gated by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the provisions of Public Act No. 324, 73rd Con gress, approved. June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948), entitled, “An Act to ef fectuate the purpose of certain statutes concerning rates of pay for labor, by making it unlawful to prevent any one from receiving the compensation contracted for there under, and for other purposes.” Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information .secured at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk at Neligh, Nebraska, at th# office of the Dis trict Engineer of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Nor folk, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Ir rigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired tofurnishbond in an amount equal to 100% of his contract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provided in the bidding blank, ithe bidder shall file with his pro posal, a certified check mad: pay able to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total amount, de termined from the following list, for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted. Grading Items — two thousand five hundred—(2,500) dollars Culvert Items—five hundred— (500) dollars Bridge Items — one thousand three hundred (1,300) dollars The right is reserved to waive all technicalities anct reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION, A. C. Tilley, State Engineer, J. B. Martin, District Engineer, John C. Gallagher, County Clerk, Holt County. Fred Mite Mil, County 23-2 Clerk, Antelope County. (First publication Oct. 24, 1935.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds or its authorized representa tives will offer for lease at public auction on the 19th day of Novem ber, 1935, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the office of the country treasurer of Holt county, in O’Neill, Nebraska, on educational lands within Holt county, upon which the contract of sale or lease has been forfeited or conceled. At the same time and place, all moveable improvements on such lands will be sold at pub lic auction. Said public auction is to be held open one hour. The right to redeem the within described lands ceases to exist upon the com pletion of this advertisement. SE*4-SEKSW%, 16-25-9 N*i-SW%, 16-27-15 LEO N. SWANSON, Commissioner of Public 23-3 Lands and Buildings. BRIEFLY STATED William Bruggeman made a bus iness trip to Norfolk last Tuesday, returning that evening. Marvin Van Every spent from Wednesday to Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller near Emmet, where he had a little difference of opinion to settle with some pheasants. Mrs. Tom Enright went to Oma ha Monday to spend the week visit ing with firiends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hayne, of Page, visited here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of Hampton, Iowa, who have been vis iting relatives and friends here the past ten days, left for their home this morning. Francis Dempsey, who has been an employee of the local Standard Oil service station for the past seven years, left last Thursday for Omaha, where he has accepted a position. Mrs. O. W. Baker, of Casper,; Wyoming, arrived in the city Tues day morning for a couple of weeks visit at the home of her mother. Mrs. M. Gallagher ahd with other' relatives and old friends here. _ i STORM LAKE AUCTION CO. STORM LAKE, IOWA Where sales are held every Saturday and you can sell by head or by weight.. THE GARDEN SPOT OF IOWA, where crop failure is unknown. Give us a trial and you be the judge. Write or wire us for information. STORM LAKE AUCTION CO. WM. GAFFNEY, Owner STORM LAKE, IOWA Phones—Res. 250; Barn 727 Commercial Trust and Savings Bank is clerking and handling the financial end of the business. Compare Quality—Value—Price! Check over the values offered here! That’s the only way to get the most out of your money! Buy where your dollars bring the most in return! Values That Travel mStylel SUITS *1475 Stressing -correctness in every detail of style . .. fea turing a wide selection of all the new Fall labrics. SKETCHED — Sport model with inverted pleat and half belt. Extra Feature! MEN’S DRESS SOCKS 7\c While 500 Pairs Last You will have to be here Early! "Super Big Mac" OVERALLS Sanforized! $1*05 2.20 denim and they won't Triple -stitched, bartacked, extra full cut! 8 deep pockets. Values! Boys’ sizes. 8 5c Your Crasher Value 100 Blanket Lined of strong blue denim $|.00 They’re sensational values at this low price! 4 button front, with two pockets, blanket-lined for extra warmth! Full cut and built for service. Sizes 36 to 44! EXTRA FEATURE! Specially Selected Assorted Fine MARQUISETTES A grand assortment of fine quality marquisettes—lots of novel ties to choose from—cross-bars, colored dots and squares, and other new and smart marquisettes! White, cream and ecru. You’ll do well to get yards and yards of this—at this low price it’s a bargain! SPECIAL PURCHASE of 700 yards DRESS GINGHAM 32-inches wide—a yard 75c A sturdy, serviceable quality! Splendid for school and. play clothes! Checks and fancy patterns. ACTION VALVES HURRY! HURRY! Boys’ Melton JACKETS $149 Talon fastener front—muff pockets — heavyweight — cut Full! Blue only. A sensational jacket value! Strong Suede Cloth Work Shits “Buys” for Outdoor Men! 79c Coat style—7-botton front! Two pockets—tan and grey! Sizes 14 >4 to 17. EXTRA FEATURE MEN’S WORK SOX OC Pair Colors—black, grey and tan. SUNDAY-NITE FROCKS $9-98 £M ' . " i, 1 Excellent quality crepe in a sparkling variety oi Oriental shades! Also, black and broken. Sizes 12 to 20. Also street and after noon styles. HURRY! HURRY! Women’s Fine HOSIERY 49c Full fashioned! Perfect quality! All Pure Silk! New fall shades! ACTION VALUE! Lovely Cotton Plaid BLANKETS LIGHT AND FLUFFY 43c A very low price for a single blanket of such fine soft cotton! Easy to launder! Stays soft! A worthwhile value! Size 66x76.