The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 31, 1935, Page FIVE, Image 5
_ Over the County EMMET ITEMS I (Continued from page 3.) returned home Sunday. Mrs. Nora Luben and children: were Sunday dinner guests at the; Arthur Barnes home in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks were! Sunday dinner guests at the W. F. Grothe home. Wallis Truedale and Howard Me- i A,Gonnell went to Sioux City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard spent a few days last week visiting in Omaha and Lincoln. John Tenborg went to Omaha Sunday. He was accompanied by Richard O’Connell and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tenborg. , A birthday party was held, in honor of Jackie Sesler’s 8th birth day Friday, at the school. Dorothy Luben, Agnes Vogel and Faye Sesler were shoppers Satur day in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox, of New port, were dinner guests Monday at the Frank Sesler home. Mrs. Bert Gaffney went to South Dakota Sunday where she will spend a few weeks visiting with her sister. Alex McConnell had the misfor tune of breaking his foot. Mrs. Joe Niegocki spent Sunday with her brother, Jerry O’Connell. RADIOS ! Just compare Gamble’s Coronado Radio with any other make—That’s all we ask and all you’ll need to know—For beauty, tone, features, quality and price. 7-Tube Foreign Wave Console, $36.95. 12-Tube, $89.95. Mantels, 17.95 up. Small down payment.—Adv. MEEK AND VICINITY The men of Paddock Union put the second coat of paint on the Church last Thursday. Dorothy Harrison and Elmer De vall spent Friday evening at the Frank Griffith home. Will Langan and Roy Spindler * made a business trip to Boyd county on Friday. Arthur Rouse spent Saturday evening at the Griffith home. Two cousins and a brother and sister of Frank Nelson came up from Omaha last week for a few days visit with Frank and family. Helen Spindler, of O’Neill, was a week end guest of her cousin, Le one Spindler. Everyone is busy husking corn or hauling feed in this locality these days. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of An oka, were guests at the Fred Lind berg home the last of the week. Mrs. Viola Searles was a guest at the home of her son Frank and family, at Paddock on Sunday. Paul Nelson is visiting relatives in Omaha this week. Leone Spindler visited the Meek school Friday afternoon. Miss Tena Kaczor is helping at the Horiskey store in O’Neill for a time. Neva June Schelkpof is visiting relatives at Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil called at Roy Spindler’s on Tuesday evening. A large crowd attended the corn husking contest held, at the A. L. Borg farm on Wednesday after noon. Orville Thorson, of Joy, won first; McNary, of Ewing, second; Elmer Devall, Meek, third; Guy Hull, Redbird, fourth. The Ladies Aid served lunch, which was ap preciated by the crowd, as the cold wind -was rather hard on the husk ers as well as on the spectators. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walters called at R. D.'Spindlers Sunday evening. Egg Yolk Color May Be Controlled by Feed Do you prefer an egg with a light yellow yolk or one that has a deep orange red color? Deeply colored yolks are used by house wives when they wish to impart a golden color to their cakes. Such yolks are also used in making rich ly tinted ice cream. A hen can transfer different shades to the yolk—depending upon the kind of feed she receives. Sub stituting white for yellow corn and limiting the amount of green feed tends to produce light-yellow yolks, according to the United States De partment of Agriculture. If the poultryman keeps his laying stock confined and uses little or no green feed, he must be careful to supply some other sources of vitamin A when he uses white corn which con tains almost none of this vitamin. He can do this by mixing a suit able quantity of codliver oil with the evening’s feeding of scratch grain. Yolks with richer shades of yel low may be obtained by increasing the quantity of yellow corn and green feed. Too much green feed tends to give the yolk a brown or green “off tint.” Small quantities of pimento or chili pepper, included in regular rations, give yolks a deep orange red color. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday School 10:00, C. E. Yant zie, Superintendent. Morning worship 11:00, “Sin.” Evening service 7:30. Dr. Wm. Black, of Philadelphia, and Rev. D. A. Dickey, of Norfolk, will speak. Our choirs will be present to furnish music. Our church is cooperating with the Methodist church in the special Evangelistic effort of the coming weeks. All are urged to attend the services beginning this week. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. A Wave In Comfort With the New deGraff Electric Machineless PERMANENT WAVER H. F. Stahl, expert licensed beautician, will again give the ladies of this community the regular $5.00 Steam Oil Croquig nole Wave for the special price $1.65 Including Finger Wave $7.50 All Oil Wave $2.50 Soft As Silk i $10 Glo-Tone Oil Wave $3.50 Nothing Finer 6 DAYS nnot4“ Reconditions dry hair and gives a soft lustrous long lasting wave with beautiful ringlet ends. NOlffi T 1?CC(HEAT • LLlJO l WEIGHT Contour Hair Cutting and Thinning 35c Oil Shampoo 35c ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL FOX HOTEL SATURDAY, NOV. 2 A NEW CHEVROLET The only complete low-priced car h *• > ’ " WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT ALL CHEVROLET DEALERS 7> MB BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. F. N. Cronin went down to Sioux City last Monday for a couple of days visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O'Donnell left Tuesday morninfr for Omaha, where they will visit relatives and friends for a few days and incidently look after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rasmussen and sons, of York, arrived here last Saturday for a couple of days visit with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grandorf and with other relatives here. They return ed home Monday. Patricia Bowering, of Inman, vis ited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Peterson, here Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. James Coventry and daugh ter, Joan, came up from Inman Tuesday for a few days visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson. The Presbyterian Ladies Guild will meet Thursday, November 7, at 2:30, at the home of Mrs. C. J. Malone, with Mrs. Esther Tomlin son and Mrs. George Robertson assisting hostesses. Each one bring your work. Miss Lora Aim has accepted a position with the Interstate Power Company, of Winner, South Da kota, and left for her new duties on Wednesday of last week. The pheasant season is now over and the duck season is on in full blast. Reports came into the city this morning that the South Fork was alive with ducks and many local nimrods started for that sec tion of the county to try and bag a few messes. **• Froelich came out from Chicago last Friday evening to spend the week-end with his fam 1 y* for home Monday afternoon, being taken as far as Sioux City by Mrs. Froelich and her father, C. E. Stout. Dr. and Mrs. John Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phalen, of St. Louis, arrived in the city last Friday afternoon for a weeks visit at the home of Dr. Gallagher’s mother, Mrs. M. Gallagher, and to spend a few days pheasant and duck hunting in this section. BECKMAN’S Formerly A & B DRUG STORES ftECKMAN’S CUT RATE DRUG Same Service Lower Prices Help Kidneys If poorly functioning Kidney* and © Bladder make you saner from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Rheumatic Pains, Stiffness, Burning, Smarting, V Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor'aPrescription Cystex (Sias-tex) —Must fix you up or money vySinJf bask. Only 75c at druggist*. -iJ JiL* J Bring us your prescriptions—we guar antee to fill it for less! BECKMAN’S Formerly A & B DRUG STORES RECKMAN’S MJ CUT RATE DRUG Same Service Lower Prices Remember Beckman's For Your Christmas Shopping '■ »' ■" 25c LISTERINE Tooth Paste 17c NORWAY COD LIVER OIL 69c -— $1.00 Size OVALTINE 59c $1.40 LYDIA PINK HAM V egetable Compound $1.29 75c Fletch- ; er’s Castoria 59c NOXZEMA Skin Cream |||* For SUNBURN and ATHLETE'S FOOT JL ■ W 75c Me- j Kesson’s MINERAL - OIL ■ Pint S9c | 35c I | Ingrain’s |j I Shaving J I Cream ! ! 24c j $1.00 Adlerika Stomach I Tonic 79c 50c IPANA Tooth Paste - - - 3y%> 15c j TINTEX | DYE 1 3 pkgs. j 27c j I Old * Fashioned f gum I DROPS ! Ass’t Flavors I Found | 17c j I $1.00 II Merrel’s J Cod Liver I 011 8 79c with crUg ^ GIZZARD £ GETS ALL 3 KINDS OF WORMS ■ Most fowls have Tapes and ■ Pins as well as Hound Worms, ' All three kind3 greatly reduce _ egg production. ■ The Gizzard Capsule Is moct ■ effective against every lur.d— " because it does not depend 1 upon only one drug but has two ■ or more drugs for each kind of ■ worms. And its medicine is ■ carried through to the gizzard * in the patented INSOLUBLE , coating. Safe, and sure of best ■ results. A product of the Geo. ■ H. Lee Coj m Get more eggs. Give each ■ layer a Gizzard Capsule now. m» _ PARD Dog Food 3 CANS 25c BROMO ! seltzer! Effervescent h Salts 1 54c l JAD SALTS Condensed No. 2 for ; ' Reducing 37c I Dr. WEST’S Tooth Paste £A~ Double Quack 3 Tubes $1.25 ! ANACIN | Tablets I 100 for H 75c ! Fresh Salted ! Spanish | Peanuts X pound | 29c I 10c Gains- | borough HAIR NETS 4c (Except White and Grey) 5 Pounds '> 94k** EPSOM SALTS 59C 40c I Vaseline i HAIR ! TONIC I 33c 1 [ CRAZY ! | WATER I j Crystals | \Jk\ $1.00 Iron Quinine Strychnine TONIC PT. 49c Beckman’s Formerly A & B Beckman’s Formerly A & B Beckman’s Formerly A & B 50c Sparkling HAIR OIL 39c I Blue Jay jj CORN Jj PADS 21. i GLAZO NAIL POLISH 21c 25c BAYER’S m A Aspirin Tablets 24 Tab|ets lyC $1.00 j i Russian j Mineral « Oil j quart § 79c j I 75c | DOAN’S j KIDNEY PILLS 1 59c | Listerine I Antiseptic ■ 59c $1.25 PETROLAGER MINERAL OIL Trade In Your Old Hot Water Bottles 19c Allowed on Your Old Bottles On A New 69c Chevron TRADE IN SALE POPULAR Antiseptics 36c Vince Powder QC. Mouth Wash - tOO 50cGIycoThymo- n. line Antiseptic - H^ru 60c Astringosol QQn Mouth Wash - vww 76c McKesson’s 4Q. Antiseptic - - “wv S°CT. 37 - - - 44C 75o Body PILLS and Tables 75c Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets, CO a 50 for - - - 50c Midol 97#% Tablets - - - »• * 35c Saccharin 1Qa Tablets, 100 - *01* 25c Cascarets Plain or Choc. » 25c Dr. Miles 91a Anti-Pain Pills - fc I w Pfunder’s Stom- $9-98 ach Tablets - - ^ RAZOR BLADES 35c Gem Razor OQn Blades, pkg. 5 - fcww Star Razor OQn Blades, 12 for - Gillette Blue QCm Blades, pkg. 5 - twv 50c Ever-Ready 4Qp Blades, pkg. 10 - 50c Durham Dup- 04p lex Blades, pkg. 5 wTw 75c Schick Razor CQ. Blades, pkg. 20 - vUw 35c Keen Kutter 1 Q. Blades, pkg. 5 - ■ uu Probak Blades, OCp package of 5 - fcilw | CLIP THE COUPON 1-doz. Pure 5-Grain ASPIRIN And This Coupon