The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 31, 1935, Page THREE, Image 3

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(Continued from page 2.)
school house Friday evening. Miss
Alexa Uhl is the teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith
and Donald and Myrlen were guests
at a delicious roast goose dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Segar Sunday.
Miss Gladys Schmohr visited the
Pleasantdale school Friday after
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dusatko
i were O’Neill shoppers Saturday.
* Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loreni have
rented a farm near Chambers for
the coming year.
Fred Beckwith visited his sister,
Mrs. Pearl Hall, at Neligh Satur
day. He was accompanied home
that evening by his brother, Clyde
Beckwith, of Crawford, Nebr. The
two men left Sunday for Scotts
bluffs where Fred expects to spend
a week visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Ernst Garvin and family and his
son, Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne visi
ted at the George McNair home
near Atkinson Saturday. The
men went pheasant hunting.
Miss Olive Beckwith returned to
O’Neill Sunday evening after a few
days visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Beckwith.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Young went to
Stuart Sunday to get Miss Marie
Yoang who had been convalesing
from an appendix operation.
Pheasant hunters were quite nu
merous in this community the past
Darye and Olive Beckwith visi
ted at the William Schmohr home
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reis and
little daughter visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss Sunday,
A son was bom Wednesday of
last week to Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Jack Widman was a Grand Is
land visitor two days last week, re
turning home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Saunders
were out from O’Neill Sunday for
a visit with home folks.
Mrs. Warren Gillman and son,
Sam, have been enjoying a visit to
Mrs. Gillman’s brother in Idaho.
Mrs. John Revord, accompanied
by her brother, Hugh James, re
turned Friday to Minneapolis after
several days’ visit at the home of
their parents here.
John Baker goes to Garfield
county this week-end, having con
tracts to saw some 40,000 feet of
cottonwood lumber that’s going in
to barns and cattle sheds.
Raymond Bly invested in a span
of greys at the Atkinson sale ring
last week, one of the same getting
a slam or a kick when conveyed
hither in a truck that caused him to
go lame in a hind leg.
Rev. Mr. Norton, lately installed
as pastor of the Free Methodist
church in the Harry White neigh
borhood, was in this community
recently getting acquainted and
inviting all to his church.
Another bubbling owing well has
just been brought in at Amelia, a
town without a pump. It is for the
use of patrons at the Floyd Adams
filling station and others who wish
to partake of its refreshing flow.
Agricultural writers—maybe at
a loss what to say—frequently ex
patiate on the value of Russian
thistles and tumble weeds as cattle
feed. The Herefords out this way
know their hay, and turn up white
noses at the occasional thistle lodg
ed in the stacks.
The Methodist congregation at
Amelia enjoyed a visit a week ago
from their district superintendent,
Rev. Dr. McKaskel, who gave them
an afternon sermon. He was ac
companied by Mrs. McKaskel and
Rev. and Mrs. Jey, of Emmet, the
later also acting as pastor at the
Amelia church.
To many Frontier readers around
O'Neill a bit of information con
cerning former citizens is always
interesting. Not long since the
compiler of this column received a
letter from Guy Green. He will be
remembered with interest by many.
For a number of years he followed
the pursuits of the husbandman
near Walla Walla, Wash., but has
rented his farm to a tenant and is
now operating an apartment house
at College Place, Wash.
Twelve hundred head of cattle
is something of a herd to trail at
night. That’s the number that
went by one night recently; that
is, most of them got past us. There
was an addition of 29 head de
horned steers on the premises next
morning and fences torn down in
several places. The herd was brot
in June from the dust-blown ranges
of Colorado to summer range in
Brown county, where, the cowboys
informed us, Charley Petersen
bought them. They were taken to
West ranch and are now feeding on
the spacious meadows or lolling
around abundant hay stacks. It is
said there are 1,000 stacks of hay
on the Petersen ranch this season.
It appeared like unneighborly, if
not ruthless conduct to destroy
fences, but we take it the cowboys
were having trouble of their own,
as the ranch was not reached until
12 o’clock that night.
If “a bird in hand is worth two
in the bush” what is one in a pock
et worth? Hugh James has the
remarkable experience to relate
that he shot a pheasant, picked it
up as a dead bird and stowed it
away in the commodious pocket
with which hunting coats are sup
plied. An then the bird made its
get-away. Having a pheasant fly
out of his pocket was a new ex
perience even to a veteran with a
shotgun like Hugh and it so “rat
tled” him that he made a clean
miss when taking another shot at
the escaped bird.
As we were meandering toward
the western limits of our rural do
main a day last week a party of
O’Neill nimrods, arrayed all in
hunter’s attire, effective weapons,
dog and all, overhauled us. Their
destinationwasPatKennedy’s, some
7 miles further on, and ultimate
object to bag all the pheasants the
law allows. Mike Horiskey was at
the steering wheel and was kept on
his good behavior by Rev. Father
Leahy, who sat by his side. The
back seat was kept in sort of jud
icial order by the presence of Clerk
of the District Court, Ira Moss.
Ira knows the southwest like a
book and probably led the boys into
the thick of the best shooting. As
sistant Postmaster Martin gave an
air of federal approval to the ex
pedition. Herb Hammond com
pleted the party and if there was
not a nice mess of birds hauled
at C)tew <Jjrw (Priced
Roomy, Comfortable Interiors... More
luxurious than ever . . . Fisher No
Draft Ventilation admits fresh air
without draft... and excludes nun.
Smoother, Livelier Power, . . More
economical engines . . . New electro*
hardened aluminum pistons, auto
matic choke and vacuum fuel saver.
Bodice by
Fisher... Steel
derfoot, and
all around...
Safety Glass
Super-Hydraulic Brake»... Big, pow
erful and self-energizing, always
equalized . . . completely sealed
against weather. Gentle pressure on
the brake pedal brings your car to
a smooth, quick, straight-line stop.
LDSMOBILE today announces
two beautiful new Style
Leaders for 1936... a big, power
ful Six and a luxurious new Eight
... both at new low prices!...
Powered with smoother, livelier
engines —90 full horsepower in
the Six, 100 horsepower in the
Eight—and with newly enriched
interiors and every fine-car fea
ture—they confirm anew the pop
ular description of Oldsmobile...
"The Car that has Everything!"
Come in, see and drive the new
style, new value Oldsmobiles for
1936—now on display.
Center-Control Steering and AU
Silent Shifting ... Easy, effortless
driving with all gears clashleea.
Knee-Action Wheela . . . "step
over’' bumps. . . combine with
Ride Stabilizer to give Olds
mobile’s gliding, restful ride.
tolMata *.“i UlOamdap. ltd
priwUWw «*•*« to <to» d**«l
—Hr- Safttw ******* il*l—mt *U
araand. Inn ailA wamrdm. tor..
a«a mr Mr«M
/•.ton .1 —<r. tod. CoaaaatmU O. to. A. C.
bto. mW pto.. TV. tor .Itodrdto to
to. Sto-CpWto Idto Sadaa. MW fcd.
rum >D«inni»iNT
back to O’Neill it was because none
were left over Mr. Kennedy’s way.
R. S.
Miss Geraldine Harris was a
Sunday dinner guest of Teresa
Charles Smith and John Lubcn
of O’Neill, were Sunday visitors
at the William Luben home.
Harold Wilson spent a few days
at his home in Emmet. Mr. Wilson
is employed at Pender, Nebr.
Earl Farr returned to his home
Saturday from Laurel, Nebr., where
he has been employed.
Miss Louise Grothe visited the
Emmet High school Monday after
Agnes and Treslyn Vogel arrived
here Wednesday night for a short
visit with friends and relatives.
They returned to their home at Til
den Sunday.
Claude Bates drove to Exeter
Thursday and returned home Sun
day, accompanied by his father,
George Bates.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart and
Keith drove to Lincoln Wednesday
to visit friends and relatives. They
(Continued on page 6, column 1.)
You’re snug as a bug in a rug on
coldest days with Gamble Hot
Water Heaters, $2.98 up. Hot Air
Heaters, Ford “A”, $1.10. Defrost
ing Fans, $1.98—Anti-Frosters, 19c
up. Felt Mats, 19c.—Adv.
by James R. Lowell
The sales tax is the bugoboo of
the special legislative session which
began this week, and. Governor
Cochran has primed his guns to
shoot the unwelcome visitor down
on the threshold.
It has been definitely determined
that the governor’s special session
call can not legally bar the intro
duction of a sales tax bill as a
means of financing the contem
plated social security program.
A drive of sales tax advocates to
provide money for old age pen
sions or to replace property tax
was defeated by strong majorities
in the regular session last spring.
The governor has been strong on
clubbing down any “new forms of
Sixteen different items of emer
gency and corrective legislation are
included in the governor's call.
These include the following:
Meeting requirements of the na
tional social security program un
der conditions laid down by the
federal government, and to re-en
act the 1-cent gasoline tax for
state relief and old age pensions.
Providing for report of the in
vestigation and audit of all the
business transactions and activities
of the department of banking; a
substitution for the Cone delinqu
ent tax bill, remitting interest pen
alties; proper appropriation of
funds for the new aeronautical
commission,real estate commission,
old age pension commissioner’s of
fice, and expenses of the special
Reimbursement of the Nebraska
National Guard for the three wars
of 1936; patching up the 1936 laws
requiring owners of motor vehicles
to pay personal taxes on their cars
before they can obtain a license;
empowering cities and counties to
issue bonds to pay their share of
WPA costs without first holding an
(Continued on page 4, column 1.)
The difference youl save by purchasiny a Cerenade Radie wl alow you to buy a 1
washiny machine, electric ironer, or many other Hems of equal value. Compare these I
radios with nationaly advertised sets of equal qualty, performance, and features, |
and you’ll find that our price wl actually save you up to $40, and in some cases, even I
more. Don't take our word for it—make the comparisons yourself. I
A truly DeLuxe Model radio. Your first glance at it will
reveal a beauty in design that will thrill you ... it has
every new and desirable feature possible in a 1936 radio.
Among its features, you will find 12 tubes, including the
new metal tubes; world-wide reception; High Fidelity,
which brings out the actual trueness and clarity that
you’d hear if you were in the studio. Two large 12-inch
concert type speakers. Micromatic station selector; auto
matic tone compensator; receded grilL 6Q|hQC
With all of these outstanding features you Y
will agree that it is reasonably priced at ^ \
$9.00 Down, $9.00 per Month, Liberal Allowance for your old radio.
10 TUBE A. C.
New metal tubes and High Fidelity mark this
radio as the very latest Gives complete world
reception. Has High Fidelity ;micromatic station
selector; automatic tone compensator; automatic
volume leveler; improved electro - dynamic
speaker. The cabinet is a thing of bei uty, featur
ing beautifully matched, hand- $A.A95
rubbed walnut Cash Price. DY
EASY TERMS—$7.00 Down, $7.00 per Month
_Liberal Allowance for your old radio. _
This 1986 Coronado Console is sweeping through our territory in
public acceptance and demand like a prairie lire. And no wonder • • •
the cabinet itself is the very latest style—dignified and appealing.
h.. new flush base; Instrument panel of matched stump walnut;
oriental side arch. Its design practically takes your breath away. For
performance, it’s beyond compare. Has new metal tubes; High
Fidelity; Tone Selector; Automatic Volume Leveler: Micromatic
Station Selector. The full-band Visual Dial, etched in glass is a work
of art in itself—indirectly illuminated (an exclusive feature). This
marvelous radio will out-perform anything in its price class and
match, if not beat, the performance of nationally £ QC
advertised radios selling at 860 to 676 more.
Cash Price. ■
EAST TERMS- >5.60 Down, VL06 per Month
Another amazing Gamble value. Latest
1M6 design. Brings in France, England,
Norway, and other foreign countries, as
well as police calls and regular broadcasts.
Has 7 tubes, tone selector, automatic vol
ume leveler, and other f ea- $ Q9S
tures. Cash Price.
Easy Terms—$5.00 down, $5.00 per month
Aside from the sheer beauty of this farm radio, you’ll be thrilled at
its marvelous performance. You’ll be surprised in knowing that
practically everything formerly found only in costly all-electric radios
is available in the new Coronado 1936 Farm Radios. Foreign broad
casts are brought in at the mere turn of the dial. The automatic
volume leveler eliminates fading, blasting, and overloading of tubes.
The cabinet is a full size 38-inch console, built of beautiful California
walnut and striped walnut Even more amazing is the fact that is has
unusually low operating cost Class B amplifies- A ^dMfAC
tion offers low battery drain. Cash Price, com- •
plete with all tubes and batteries. w
EASY TERMS—$12.00 Down, $5.00 per Month
Here’s the finest-appearing, most power
ful, and yet most efficient operating farm
mantel radio we have ever offered. With
ease, it will bring in stations from all over
the world, police calls and regular broad
casts. Has 7 newest and latest 1936 tubes;
automatic volume leveler; tone selector:
airplane dial. Cabinet has richly grained
walnut instrument panel, reeded side
pilasters extending over the top in the new
est style. Cash Price complete with all
tubes and
$9.50 Down, $5.00 per Month
JACK HEITMAN Agencies at Valentine, Ainsworth, Bassett, Atkinson, Butte, O’NEILL,’ NEBR. I
Manager Spencer, Bristow, Anoka, Naper, Chambers, Plainriew, Douglas S . |
Creighton and Neligh 1