The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 31, 1935, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Supervisors’ Proceedings
(Continued from Oct. 10, 1935.)
Julius D. Cronin_108.33
John P. Sullivan_ 50.75
Harold Weier___ 65.00
Clarence J. McClurg _ 158.33
Inez O’Connell.. 83.33
Ira H. Moss_ 160.(36
The following expense claims
were audited and approved and on
motion were allowed and warrants
'ordered drawn on the General fund
in payment of same:
C. J. Malone .I 10.68
John C. Gallagher . 6.16
Esther Cole Harris 2.55
Clarence J. McClurg 45.17
B. T. Winchell 10.75
Peter W. Duffy.. 143.67
Delegration from Rock Falls pre
cinct appeared before the Board in
regard to the repair of the Grutsch
Board again took up the matter
of appointing a Supervisor to fill
the Vacancy in the Fifth Supervis
or District.
The ballots taken at this time
resulted in a tie vote as follows:
Rodell Root,3; J. W. Walters, 3.
6:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until Thursday, Sept. 26,
1935, 9:00 a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 26, 1935, 9:00 a.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present, Sullivan, Matousek,
Carson, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order by
Chairman, Minutes of previous
meeting were read and on motion
were approved as read.
Mr. Nelson of the Biological Sur
vey conferred with the Board rel
ative to securing office space in the
Court House temporarily, while
collecting different kinds of gov
ernment seed.
Board spent some time in dis
cussion of Relief and Care of the
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned util 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 25, 1935, 1:00 p.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present, Sullivan, Carson Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order
by Chairman. On motion, the of
ficial bond of I. R. Ridgeway as
township treasurer of Scott town
ship was approved.
Board again took up the matter
of filling the vacancy existing on
the Board in the Fifth Supervisor
Three Ballots resulted as fol
Rodell Root, 3; J. W. Walters, 3.
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants issued
on the Unemployment Relief fund
in payment of same:
Roberta Arbuthnot $ 15.00
Dr. J. P. Brown . ... 6.00
Norris W. Coats .. 107.00
Dr. O. W. French . 9.50
Interstate Power Co. 10.44
N. W. Bell Tel. Co.. 34.15
Remington Rand Inc. 12.00
Schulz Drug Store . . 7.45
Dr. L. A. Burgess _ 1.50
Dr. L. A. Carter .. 13.45
Dr. W. J. Douglas _ 27.50
William Gatz _ 64.60
O’Neill Gen. Hospital . 43.70
Dr. J. W. Gill 17.00
Reardon Bros. __ 7.36
C. E. Stout . 39.76
4:00 p. m. Board went out to
inspect and examine the different
kinds of grass seeds now being col
lected by the Biological Survey of
the Government which is to be
used in seeding barren and wind
blown soil also to examine and in
spect the strippers and the method
of collecting seed.
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until Friday, Sept. 27,
1935, 9:00 a. m.
John Sullican, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 27, 1935, 9:00 a.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present Sullivan, Carson Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order by
Chairman. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and on motion
were approved as read.
Board spent forenoon in invest
igating and approving applications
for Old Age Pensions.
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present Sullivan, Carson, Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order
by Chairman.
The following claims were audit
ed and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Road fund in pay-!
ment of same: |
Continental Oil Co. -$ 8.95
Continental Oil Co. 30.21
Int. Mach. Co. - -80
H. F. Dickau „.- - 16.40
! Schneider & Marcellus - 3.10
Earl Hatton —-.— 6.00
Hubbard Service Sta. - 5.13
H. W. Hubbard -- — 12.55
Lee Calkins . 80.00
Island Supply Co. - 6.78
J. P. Cans .. .. 34.60
Wayne Marcellus-20.00
Louis Olberdinfr .. 36.40
Island Supply Co. 104.73
G. A. McNally 16.86
Floyd Adams 19.10
John Hawk ... — 13.90
Harry F. Miller 27.00
G. A. Pope Oil Co. 22.00
Continental Oil Co. . 5.41
Arch Densberjrer 7.50
Henry Hull - —- 0-60
Frank Henderson „ 4.75
J. W\ Black _ 30.00
Continental Oil Co. 38.57
Panther Oil Co. 142.47
John Sullivan 40.00
Halsey Hull 12.00
Roy Spry 16.00
Lloyd Dennis 16.00
Motion by Matousek, and second
ed by Steinhauser that the follow
ing claims be allowed ein th
amounts as shown:
Continental Oil Co. (Road) $ 16.80
Louis Olberding (Road) 30.40
Continental Oil Co.
(Bridge) . 13.41
Louis Olberding (Bridge) 13.41
Board again too up the matter of
filling vacancy on Board. Result
of Ballot:
Rodell Root, 3; J. W. Walters, 3.
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until Sept. 28, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 28, 1935, 9:00 a.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present, Sullivan, Carson, Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order by
Minutes of previous meeting
were read and. on motion were ap
proved as read.
Mr. Stuart, Work Director for
Holt county appeared before the
Board and outlined plans for build
ing bridges under the WPA plan of
the Federal government.
The application of James H. Gib
son. for appointment of Supervis
ors of the Fifth District was -ead
at this meeting.
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 28, 1935, 1:00 p.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present, Sullivan, Carson, Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order by
Motion by Reimer that Eing Ad
vocate and Holt County Independ
ent be designated to publish the
1934 delinquent tax list, legal rate
of publication to be divided equal
ly between the two papers. Mo
tion lost for want of a Second.
Motion by Steinhauser that Holt
County Independent, Ewing Advo
cate and Stuart Advocate be de
signated to publish the 1934 delin
quent ta xlist. Legal rate of pub
lication to be divided equally be
tween the three papers. Motion
lost for want of a second.
Large delegation from Chambers
appeared before the Board and ex
pressed their opinion in favor of
the appointment of J. W. Walters
as Supervisor of the Fifth District
to fill the vacancy existing in the
4:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until Sept. 30, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 30, 1935. 9:00 a. m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present, Sullivan, Carson, Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order
by Chairman. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and on motion
were approved as read.
Motion by Reimer, and second
ed by Steinhauser that Holt County
Independent, Ewing Advocate and
Stuart Advocate be designated to
publish the 1934 delinquent tax list.
Legal rate of publication to be
divided equally between the three
Board again took up the matter
of appointing supervisor to fill
vacancy existing in the Fifth Sup
ervisor District. Result of Ballot:
Rodell Root, 2; J. W. Walters, 4.
THEREFORE, the Chairman de
clared J. W. Walters appointed as
Supervisor to fill the vacancy ex
isting in the Fifth Supervisor Dis
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O'Neill, Nebraska,
Sept. 30, 1935, 1:00 p.m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. Mem
bers present Sullivan, Carson, Ma
tousek, Reimer, Stein and Stein
hauser. Meeting called to order
by Chairman.
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
wete allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on Poor fund in payment of
Mrs. E. J. Gil! . *23.12
Father Flannagans Home _ 50.00
O'Neill Hospital 137.75
Monica Bazelman - 7.75
Mrs. Blanch Valla 42.00
John Brau 5.00
C. & N. W. Ry. Co. 9.89
F. J. Biglin 7.00
Elmer Hagensick - 10.00
Roberta Arbuthnot .. 41.86
Caspar Wegman 21.00
O. F. Biglin.. . 45.00
J. H. McPharlin . 21.90
Mrs. E. J. Gill 11.08
Nebr. Clothing Co. 29.80
George Syfie _ . 10.00
J. C. Stein__ 4.20
John Davidson 12.50
C. & N. W. Ry. Co. 3.53
W. J. Thramer 4.00
Oscar Peterson 15.00
Anna Vequist ..... 53.55
Elva Blgue.. 10.00
M. C. Quigley 14.00
F. E. Skrdla . 15.00
P. E. Marcellus .. 14.60
At this time Mr. J. W. Walters,
Newly appointed Supervisor from
the Ffth District to fill the vacancy
took the oath of office, filed his
bond which bond was immediately
approved by the County Judge and
Mr. Walters was thereupon de
clared a member of the Board of
Supervisors of Holt county.
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until Oct. 1, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
Over the County
A miscellaneous shower was
given at the Ed Heeb home Sun
day evening, October 27, in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, of
Atkinson. About ninety guests
were present. Dancing was the
amusement of the evening. A de
licious lunch was served at 12
o’clock. After lunch the young
couple were asked to unwrap the
many gifts which they received
from their numerous friends and
relatives. Mrs. Ford was the for
mer Margaret Gallagher, for many
years a resident of this community.
Mr. Ford has been employed, at the
CCC camp in Montana for the past
two years. They are making their
home in Atkinson.
Mrs. Michael Troshynski is stay
ing at the Thomas McDonald home
in Atkinson while Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald are in Omaha.
Arthur Bellar and Harold Baker
returned home from Grand Island
Sunday. They had been employed
there for the past two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coleman
and family and Mr3. Vera Hickman
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Beckwith Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lorenz and son, Mr. and
Mrs. William Schmohr and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spangler
called in the afternoon.
Mrs. William Murphy and sons
visited Mrs. John Babl Thursday
Mrs. Clarence Wayman visited
her mother, Mrs. Mary Roseler in
O’Neill Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Gokie and
son visited at the Ed Heeb home
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and
Mrs. Joe Pongratz were dinner
guests at the Henry Mullen home
A large crowd enjoyed the mas
querade party at the Standard
(Continued on page 3, column 1.)
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