The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 31, 1935, Image 1
The Frontier VOL. LV1. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935. No. 24 r - -- --- - - - - - - - | ORVILLE THORSON WINNER IN COUNTY HUSKING CONTEST Picks 16.96 Bushels of Corn In A Wet Field To Win County Husking Title. Wednesday afternoon, before a crowd of 125 people, Orville Thor son, of O’Neill, picked 16.96 bush els of corn in 80 minutes to win the Holt county corn husking con test. Joe F. Mlnarik, Jr., of Ew ing, was second with 12.79 bushels. The contest was held on the A. L. Borg farm 17 miles north of this city. A cold wind and mist made the corn damp and hard to snap, cutting down the speed of the husk ers, and increasing the weight of husks, further cutting down on the net weight of the picked corn, as husks and corn left on the stalks are deducted from the gross total. The field where the contest was held only produced about 20 bush els of corn per acre, which was an other handicap. Thorson was the winner in the contest held in 1933. That year he picked 20.02 bushels of corn in an hour and 20 minutes. The four contestants with their gross and net amounts follow: Orville Thorson, first; gross, 1, 260.5 pounds; deduction for glean ings and husks, 72.9 pounds; net total, 1,187.6, or 16.96 bushels. Joe F. Mlnarik, second: gross, 1.153.5 pounds; deduction for husks and gleanings, 188 pounds; net to tal, 965.5, or 13.79 bushels. Elmer Devall, third: net, 1,111 pounds; deductions, 334 pounds; net, 767 pounds, or 10.95 bushels. Guy Hull, fourth: net, 1,141.5 pounds, deductions, 419.5 pounds; net, 722, or 10.3 bushels. Mrs. Simar Sells Her Shop to Neligh Woman Miss Agnes Griffen, of Neligh, the latter part of last week pur chased Helen’s Hat Shop of Mrs. Helen Simar, taking possession on Monday morning. Miss Griffin was a resident of Neligh for many years and served the people of An telope county for two terms as county clerk, retiring from the office at the conclusion of her sec ond term a little over a year ago. She said that she has long been an admirer of the city of O’Neill, be lieving it to be one of the best busi ness towns in Nebraska and deci ded to make her home here should the opportunity present itself. On a visit here a short time ago the opportunity presented to purchase Helen’s Shop and as she always wanted to become an O’Neillite she grasped the opportunity to become an O’Neill resident. She is having a sale to clean up her stock and says that it will be her ambition to carry in stock all the latest cre ations in ladies ready to wrear. Notice her advertisement in an other column. Holt County Farmers Favor AAA Program The counting committee of the Holt county Corn-Hog referendum completed their work Tuesday evening by counting all mail votes postmarked Saturday, October 26. The signers voted for the program by a vote of 766 for and 195 against. The non-signers voted 37 for and 59 against. The counting committee consisted of Frank Al len, Fred Mack and D. F. Scott for the signers and John Jones and John J. Grutsch representing the non-singers. Allotment committees from the Sixth district ,in which Holt county is located, met Tuesday and select h ed two delegates to go to a meeting in Grand Island Thursday. The meetings there consisted of 12 del egates from over the entire state and a representative of the Exten sion service, state board and statis ticians office. These men will draw up Nebraska’s recommenda tions for a new program. Sugges tions from this state will then be combined with suggestions from other states from which the new program will be finally developed. Escape Serious Injury In Collision With Horse Prof. Jordan and a young lady teacher, both of the Valentine schools, while returning to their homes from the Teachers’ Asso ciation meeting at Lincoln lastSun day night ran into a horse on the highway about eight miles south of town about 8:30. The car went into the ditch, turning over, the horse being killed. The driver re ceived a bad cut on the face and the young lady was badly shaken up. They were very fortunate in escaping with their lives. A party of O’Neill hunters came along just after the accident and they were brought into town, where their in juries were attended to and a wrecker sent for the car. The horse belonged to Fred Butterfield, farmer, living close to the scene of the accident. The young people took the night train for their homes. Seventy-five Thousand Allotted to County For Various Road Projects According to word received by this office from the Works Progress Administration at Lincoln allot ment of federal funds totaling $75,249.00 has been made for five work projects that are to be start ed in this county. One of them is the construction and surfacing of 7 miles of farm to market road seven miles south of Ewing. This will provide a high way for residents of southeastern Holt and northeastern Wheeler counties, who have no good roads at the present time. It is figured that this work will give employ ment to 44 men for a period of | eight months. The federal funds I allocated to this project is $21,816. Another road project for which $25,823.00 has been allocated is the construction of a farm to market road starting seven miles north of Atkinson, a distance of twelve miles. It is figured that this pro ject will give 51 men employment for a period of eight months. Construction of a farm to mark et road to Ewing which will employ 46 men for five months, to which has been allotted $9,968.00 Construction of a farm to market road beginning four miles east and four miles north of Page, thence south four and a half miles, which will employ 33 men for five months and which has been allotted $11,290. Construction of a farm to mark et road from Atkinson, four and a half miles, will require 50 men for five months. For this there has been allotted $16,352.00. Legion Plans Celebration Here For Armistice Day Committees of the local post of the American Legion are making elaborate plans for the observance of Armistice Day, Monday, No vember 11. There will be a parade, program at the K. of C. Hall, noon luncheon, foot ball game in the afternoon and a grand Armistice ball in the evening at Danceland. Wegner-Welsh An attractive wedding was cele brated last Saturday morning, Oc tober 26, at 7 o’clock when Miss Beatrice Welsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh, of Emmet, became the bride of Ernest Weg ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Wegner, of Creston, Nebr. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. F. Byrne, pastor of the Catho lic church of Emmet. The bride was lovely in a dress of brown crepe with accessories to match. Her bridesmaid, Miss Bon nie Welsh, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She was at tired in a plum colored crepe with brown accessories. The groom was attended by Mose Gaughenbaugh. Both men wore dark suits. The bridegroom formerly work ed for the Emmet Hay co., until recently he accepted a position with the Corn Belt Lumber Co., of Ainsworth, where he and his bride will make their home. Following the ceremony a three course breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents to twenty guests, consisting of relat ives and friends of the bride and groom. Following the breakfast the happy couple left by auto for Creston and points east. The bride and groom are both well known in this community and their many friends wish them lots of happiness and that prosperity may attend them as they travel through life together. *** Special Revival Meetings On next Sunday, November 3 the Presbyterian and Methodist churches begin a series of three1 weeks Special Meetings with Rev. F. Le Roy Enslow. formerly of Danville, Illinois, where he was pastor of a church of 800 members for six years. Rev. Enslow is a great preacher and also a sane Pastor Evangelist. You will get a lot of good in each service and the two churches are anxious to do a real service to the community at large in these special services. The service will begin Sunday 1 evening in the Methodist church. Each church will hold their ow’n , service in the morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Enslow will direct the singing and do the preaching and program from day t oday. The churches invite one and all to attend these special meetings. PEOPLE AND THINGS Several farmers from different parts of the county have been in the city the past week inspecting the court house, in order to satisfy themselves as to whether a new court house was necessary in the county at this time. Without ex ception the farmers who made the examinations were convinced that in order to safeguard the records of the county, as well as to insure the safety of the county officials and employees, that a new court house was needed and they returned to their homes to do what they could for the passage of the bonds at the election on November 12. Anyone who is in doubt as to the necessity for a new building should visit the court house, make an ex amination and they will be con vinced, as others were, that a new building is badly needed. Despite the lack of a good corn crop in this county automobile deal ers in the county are enjoying a good business, as is evidenced by the fact that twenty-five new cars have been registered in the office of the county treasurer during the month of October. This brings the list of new cars sold in this county this year over the 300 mark, or more than one new car a day. To the average man it would seem as if this would be a mighty good bus iness in any year. With the new I models now on display, and more to be displayed the first of the com ing month the indications are that the coming month will show a greater registration of new cars than this month has. t Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sweitzer and son, of Milford, left for home last Sunday morning after a weeks vis it with relatives and old friends here. They were residents of this county for many years, Mr. Sweit zer operating a blacksmith shop on his farm about 14 miles northwest of this city. They left here about a quarter of a century ago moving to Milford where they have since made their home. Mr. Sweitzer says, however, that he still looks on this as his home, as he spent the best years of his life in this county. He says that the com ’rop in his section of the state is about the same as it is here, some places there is a little corn and on others there is none. Mrs. Ralph B. Mellor received work Tuesday that hergrandfather, F. B. Wood, had passed away at his home in Eagle Rock, California, that morning. Mr. Wood was 93 years of age at the time of his death. His wife, also 93, is still living and they planned on cele brating their seventieth wedding anniversary next January. Mr. Wood was one of the pioneer sett lers of Springview, where they re sided until twenty years ago when they moved to California. New sidewalks have been built in front of the public library and the resndence of W. J. Biglin. The walks have been brought up to grade and are much appreciated by walkers in the east part of town. The Meals residence in south east O’Neill, now occupied by Wil liam and James Dailey and their families,has been painted outside in white. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends for their sympathy and kindness extended to us at the death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Nelle Ryan and family. TO THE ORIENT WITH CONGRESS ■ On Board The Portland Rose, Boise, Idaho, Oct. 12, 1935. Conductor got off the train at Cheyenne. He’s deadheading back to North Platte. Tells us he will retire in a few years. He bought a farm last week. It’s located south of North Platte. Has a lake on the place and some running water. He thinks when he retires he’s going to harness that water—have his own water power plant, a few pigs and cows, and i&vite his friends to come and see him and after he re tires he will live happily ever after, wards on his own farm. The con ductor says he got the farm so cheap he’s ashamed to tell what he paid for it. He says lots of rail road agents, operators, conductors, and even printer® always want to buy a farm and Save something of their own for their old age, but most of them juatstay in the print shop or on the railroad and never get a farm. Talking about water power. We had a lot of copies of the North Platte paper on board the train. The front page is full of glowing stories about how Nebraska will have a TVA of its own thru the combining of the present or per haps future PWA water power and irrigation projects. Folks on the train read this report with interest and felt that the. days of cheaper electric power are here. We are the only congressional party on this train and we are bombarded with telegrams and special letters from the Commer cial Club and business men at Spok ane, Wash. They tell us not to stop off in Seattle too long and that they want us to come to Spok ane and at their own expense they will take us all around the Grand Coulee. The Telegrams are invit ing, but Nebraskans representing farmers who are asked to reduce their crops are. not interested in spending five hundred million dol lars of taxpayers’ money to put thousands of acres of desert sands into production thru irrigation, so we are not going to the Grand Coulee. The conductor tells passengers to get up at five-thirty tomorrow morning. The train will be close to the Bonneyville dam. That’s about forty miles from Portland. The PWA is doing a lot of work there with a gigantic power pro ject. It’s one of the new show places for the train crew to point out. - Portland business men are com peting with Seattle business men to attract visiting congressmen and senators to stop in their towns. Telegram from the Kiwanis club at Seattle wants to hear all about the third Nebraska district for a fea ture for their noon-day meeting Oct. 16. That’s the day before the steamer sails for Japan. The Ne braska congressman will tell the Kiwanis club of Seattle all about Nebraska. There are beautiful roses, red ones, at each table in the dining car. All literature in the club car would indicate that these roses are the product of Portland. Conductor tells us that all the roses going west are bought from a big florist in Council Bluffs and that the roses going east sometimes come from Portland. From Pocatello, Idaho, fresh trout are featured in the dining car. They loaded fresh trout on the train there and every passen ger was told about it. Passengers on the train are start ing to talk about the Phillippines and Japan. An army officer on the train who has spent many years in the Orient ventures the remark that the Phillipines will never go out of American hands. Portland Oregon: Frost has not hit this country. Roses are in bloom in the parks. Altho this climate is more moderate than in Nebraska, the hillsides are turning into fall colors. The trees are bright red, gold and yellow. The Duwamish valley is still green with miles of vegetables, mostly grown by Japanese gard eners. They are harvesting cab bage and carrots. Trees are filled with apples. They sell for 69 cents a box—the winter variety. Many herds of Holstein milk cows thru out this valley. Railroad men here say they are not getting the silk shipments from Japan that they used ^o. One of the biggest shipments of silk came into Seattle a few weeks ago but it didn’t all go over the railroads to the east. Some of it was un loaded into other boats and sent down thru the Panama canal. Rail road men say much of the silk is now going direct from the Orient thru the Panama canal. They say it's cheaper to send the silk by water than to unload it in Seattle and send it overland by rail. Not withstanding that, quite a few silk trains are going thru from this port. - Seattle'Washington: The Presi dent Grant, the ship on which the congressional party sails to the Orient, is in dock being loaded. Congressmen are told they can put their baggage on board but can’t take possession of their staterooms untid Wednesday morning, Oct. 16. Seattle newspaper men are ask ing every senator and congressman this question: \ “If the presidential election was held today would Roosevelt be re elected?” They also want to know how strong Borah and Lowden are in the middle-west—whether Senator Norris would run for President? If Norris is going to run for the senate again? If Norris will run for governor? They seem to be interested in Senator Norris for many reasons. One is that this part of the country is municipal light and power mind ed. The town of Tacoma has the cheapest light and power rates in the country. They sell electric power from their own plant for one cent per kilowatt. Seattle rates run from two to five cents per kilo watt. A man named Burke Taylor, who used to live at Lincoln, Nebr., and who is manager of several big buildings, says he has a seven room house all run by electricity. His average bill is around six dol lars a month. Arlo Vopnr, a Union Pacific tlegraph operator, has a six-room house and runs it all by electricity and pays about $4.00 a month. The Good Ship President Grant sailed out of Seattle harbor today with practically every leading de partment of the House and Senate on board. About 27 congressmen and 18 senators and their wives, and some distinguished people are on board. They are bound for the Phillipine Islands, to be present there on Nov. 15, to help inaug urate the new commonwealth. The party is headed by Vice President Garner and Speaker Joe Byrnes. The Phillipine government is paying all of the railroad and steamship traveling expenses and many of the party, after the cere monies in the Phillipines, are going to continue on around the world, most of the traveling expenses be ing paid by the Filipinos. Some estimates are made that the ex pense to the Phillipine government will run close to 400,000 pesos, which is about 2,000,000 American dollars. Twenty-two prominent news paper writers and publishers are also on board the ship as guests of the Phillipine government and in vitations to the newspaper men were issued thru Francisco Dellado, junior commissioner from the Phil ippines, with the assistance of a prominent eastern publisher. On Board U.S.S. President Grant October 19, 1935. Members of the party and their wives are wondering why and wherefore some other senator or congressman has a better state room. A lot of the members have staterooms without bath and find that some members who are not members of the insular committee have rooms with bath. Rank and seniority and time served in the congress seems to have had much to do in making up the seniority list and the assignments of the best rooms. So even here on the high seas on board a boat bound for Manila the rank, seniority and the minority and majority party pow er predominates. A lot of Seattle newspaper men are on board the ship and will say goodbye in Victoria, B. C., the first port of call. (Continued on page 4, column 3.) Hospital Notes Conna Lou Williams had her ton sils and adenoids removed last Monday, going home the same evening. Joseph Koppy, of Yakoma, Washington, had his thumb treated and dressed Friday morning. It had been smashed with a blow from a hammer. Charles Wrede was in the hospi tal a few days last week for medi cal treatment. On Tuesday morn ing he had some teeth extracted. Mrs. Haynes was taken to her home the last of the week. She was feeling some better. Millard Peterson was brought in ! Monday suffering an attack of | pneumonia. He is doing as well as could be expected at the present time. Terrance Caulfield, 17 year-old son of Mrs. Mattie Caulfield, of Inman, was brought in Tuesday very ill with pneumonia. He is resting fairly comfortable at pres ent. Miss Mamie Shoemaker was con fined to her room for a few days this week with an attack of intesti nal “flu." Draws $125 Fine For Liquor Law Violation Glen Davis, of Page, was before Judge Malone in county court this morning, on complaint of J. L. Lund, of Norfolk, state agent, who charged Davis with selling whiskey without a license from the state commission. The complainant was represented by County Attorney Cronin while the defendant was represented by Emmet Harmon. The defendant plead guilty to the charge and was fined $125.00 and costs of the action, amounting to $20.00. This is the first prosecu tion in the county und&r the law passed by the last legislature, which created a state liquor com mission to license the selling of intoxicating liquor. Regular Officials Will Serve At Bond Election The judges and clerks of election in the various precincts, who served at the last general election, will also serve as judges and clerks of the special elction to be held on November 12, according to County Clerk John C. Gallagher, except in cases where there are vacancies, in which case the vacancies will be filled by the county clerk. Business Plenty—If You Go After It! Barnhart’s Market opened for business in this city about the first of October. Since that time they have sold here eight carloads of vegetables and fruits that was shipped in by rail and about one carload that came in by truck. The carload shipments were divid ed as follows: Two carload of cabbage; three carload of apples; two carload of potatoes; one car load of oranges; one carload of pears that were trucked in. When it is considered that every grocery store in the city handles fruits and vegetables it gives a person an idea of the amount of fruit and vege tables sold in the city every year. Barnhart has been doing a splen did business since he started here and he says he looks for the business to get better as the months go by and the people recog nize the high quality of the fruits and vegetables that he handles. By buying in carload lots he is able to make very attractive prices to the consumers. Grattan Project Club The Grattan Project Club met at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Bar rett Wednesday afternoon, Octo ber 30. A lesson on Christmas sugges tions was given by the leader, Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. Barrett and it was enjoyed and appreciated by all. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Matthews. Fifteen members were present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Miller. Dr. Erwin Gallagher, of La Crosse, Wis., arrived in the city last Sunday evening from Waubay, S. D., where he had been pheasant hunting with a party of La Crosse friends. Dr. Gallagher will spend a week here visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. Gallagher and with other relatives and friends here, in his old home town. FIVE DAY ILLNESS PROVES FATAL TO PIONEER WOMAN Mrs. Fred Gatz Dies At Her Home Wednesday—Funeral To Be Saturday Afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Engel Gatz died at her home in this city about 12:10 Wednesday afternoon, after an ill ness of five days of a paralytic stroke, at the age of 77 years, & months and 18 days. The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Vahle, Lutheran min ister of Atkinson, officiating, and burial will be in Prospect Hill cemetery. Mrs. Gatz had always enjoyed good health, much better than the average woman of her age. She * was down town Tuesday of last week and felt fine. On Thursday night she suffered a paralytic stroke from which she failed to re cover, passing away about noon Wednesday. Elizabeth Engel was born at Middleton, Ohio, on January 12, 1858. When she was a young lat her parents moved west and settled at Columbus, Nebr., where she grew to womanhood and was married to Frederick C. Gatz on October 24, 1880. To this union eleven children were born, eight of whom survive, four sons and four daughters, and who with their father are left to mourn the pass ing of a kind and affectionate wife and mother. The children are: Mrs. F. G. Clift, Long Pine; Mrs. A. J. Schroder, Omaha; Mrs. F. Steven son, Columbus; Mrs. J. E. Vincent, O’Neill; William E., Edward E., and Clinton J., O’Neill, and Charles of Niobrara, all of whom are ex pected to be present at the funeral of their beloved mother. In ad dition there are several grandchild ren who will mourn the passing of their dear grandmother. ! She also leaves two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Anna Anderson, of Hollywood, California; Mrs. Fred Lackey, of Columbus, Nebr.; William Engel, of Columbus, and George Engel, of Central City. Her brother, George Engel and his wife arrived this afternoon and the others are expected for the funeral. Mrs. Gatz was one of the pioneer residents of this city. She came to O’Neill as a bride in the spring of 1881 and for nearly fifty-five years she had been a resident of O’Neill. She was a charming lady, a splen did neighbor and a kind and loving wife and mother. Her entire life was devoted to the welfare and care of her loved ones and she was blessed with a devoted and loving family. In this city where she lived for so many years she was loved and admired by everyone and she will be missed, not only by her own immediate relatives but by hundreds of others who have known and admired her for many years for her many womanly graces and her devotion to those near and dear to her. The Frontier joins the many friends of the family in extending condolence in their hour of sorrow. Firemen Receive Reward An insurance company owning the farm occupied by Harley Fox, four miles east of here, where the residence and contents burned on the night of October 1, 1935, sent Gerald Miles, fire chief here, for the city fireman, a check for $15.00 as a material “thank you” for sav ing other buildings on the farm the night of the fire. The firemen here are prompt in answering calls for assistance in the country when possible but they were agreeably surprised, at receiving the check. On learning that Gerald Miles received the check, John Kersen brock, in fun, called Miles and phoned: “You understand, of course, that the $15 goes in the city treasury?” “Kind of a funny place to put it, aint it?” Miles replied. “I agree with you,” Kersenbrock countered. Everybody reported a good time at the party. CARD OF THANKS We desire through the columns of this paper to thank our friends and neighbors for the many deeds of kindness shown us during our sad bereavement.—Mrs. M. R. Sul livan and family.