The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 24, 1935, Image 7

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    Giant Washtubs of Grand Coulee Project
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These are the clarMiers, or settling tanks, large concrete pools that are part of the gravel washing
system at Grand Coulee, Wash., where work was being rushed so that the pouring of the concrete for the dam
project could be started In November.
Second Grange? They
gay That About Joe
Joe Williams, sensational sopho
more halfback on Ohio State’s team,
is a triple threat player. He Is a
fast and elusive ball carrier and
also excels on defense. The Co
lumbus gridiron flash Is hailed as a
second “Red” Grange. His fast,
twisting dashes for long gains are
reminiscent of the redhead.
The 85-7 score by which Ohio
State beat Drake was the most lop
sided count run up by a Big Ten
eleven in 15 years.
Dangerous Climbing on Mt. Shuksan
Two death-defying climbers of Seattle are seen zig-zagging theii
way among the crevices of the upper glaciers of the peak of Mt. Shuksan
in the Mt. Baker region. Ben Thompson, at the top, and Orvil Borgerson,
are tuning up for the winter sports.
Holy Place Captured by Italians
View of the Basilica, one of the largest churches In Aksum, the holy
city of Ethiopia, which was occupied by the Invading Italians.
Winner of Indian Baby
Show and Her Mother
Winnie Johnson, fourteen mouths
old. shown here riding on the back
of her mother In typical Cherokee
fashion, was judged the grand cham
pion of the Cherokee baby show
held recently at Cherokee. N. C.
Germany Is Producing Good Submarines
Photograph of the D-I, first of a series of new modern submarines whose construction has been an
nounced by Germany as part of the plan for re arming the reich. The vessel was successfully tested at Kiel.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
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1—Communists In Mexico City tearing the Nazi swastiku flag from Its mnst at the German consulate.
2—Castle In Gonilur. Ethiopia, capital of Amhara province, where henvy concentration of Ethiopian troops
was reported ready to check the Italian advance. 3—Ethiopian natives sending out messages over the
country by means of the war drums.
Navy Launches New
1,500-Ton Destroyer
The Flusser, one of the navy’s 10
new 1,500-ton destroyers, Is shown
here sliding down the ways after
being launched at Kearney, N. J.
Cuba Honors Admiral Grayson
Dr. Domingo Romeu y Jamie (left), president of the Cuban Red
Cross, presenting a Cuban Red Cross decoration to Admiral Cary T.
Grayson, head of the American Red Cross, at his office In Washington.
Double Diesel Locomotive for “The Chief”
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-* Chief ^
This giant Diesel locomotive built for the Santa Fe railway on tests pulled the road’s flier. “The Chief."
fast enough to warrant the expectation that tin* time of that train between Chicago and Los Angeles could
be reduced by 12 hours. The engine consists of two identical units widen can be operated singly or coupled
together. It has an operator’s cab and control station at each end. Motive power of each unit is supplied by
twu> V-tvpe, 12-cylinder, high compression, two-cycle oil engines. The two units provide a total of 2,000 horse
power. It attained a speed of 111 miles an hour.
Stairway of Supreme Court Building
■ .
One of the remarkable features of the $9,740,000 Supreme coart
building, which was opened for the first time when the court convened
for Its autumn session, is the spiral stairway, of cantilever construction,
shown in the above picture. The stairway, which seems to hold Itself
up without visible support, is fashioned of Alabama marble, like the rest
of the building. Each tread extends into the wall on one side to the
extent of 18 Inches. There is no steel in the stairway, which Is five
stories deep. The picture was made from the top, looking down into
the deep well.
Kansas City Woman
Heads War Mothers
Mrs. Howard C. Boone of Knnsas
City, Mo., was elected president of
the American War Mothers at their
convention in Washington. She will
serve for two years.
"Well Begun’s Half
Done” When Making
Your House Frock
There was never a truer phrase
than that, and how well it applies
here! For before you know it your
dress Is cut and ready to stitch.
This pattern Is so easy to follow.
There's everything new about the
lines of this fetching house frock
with Its contrasting surplice facing
and doesn't It look like a different
dress when buttoned up to the neck,
see small sketch—with those enor
mous buttons? When household
chores are finished, button up the
deep pointed surplice and wear the
frock to market It’s smart enough.
Try It In colorful novelty cotron or
Pattern 9614 may be ordered only
In sizes 34. 36. 38. 49. 42. 44 and 46
Size 36 requires 4 yards 36 Inch
fabric and 94 yard contrasting. Com
plete diagrammed sew chart Included.
Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or
stamps (coins preferred) for this pat
tern. Be sure fo write plainly your
Send your order to The Sewing
Circle Pattern Dept, 232 West
Eighteenth St, New York. N. Y.
The lady customer entered the
store and headed straight for the pro
prietor. *
“You sold me some rotten apples
yesterday,” she said, “and I'm bring
ing them back to you.”
“That’s all right, lady,” hastily
apologized the merchant. “You
needn’t have taken the trouble to bring
them back. Your word's Just as good
as the apples.”
"■' 1 •
A Piano Worker
Teacher—What is an engineer.
Tommy—A man that works on an
Teacher — That’s right, Jimmy,
what’s a pioneer?
Jimmy—A woman that works on a
Hard and Fast
Policeman—As soon us 1 saw you
coming around the bend I said to my
self, “Forty-five at least.”
Lady Driver—How dare you ! It’s
this hat that makes me look so old.