The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 24, 1935, Image 1

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    j N*h- St8te Iri»toric«l Society •
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Funeral Services Held At Catholic
Church Iti This City On Last
Wednesday Morning.
Arthur Ryan died in a hospital
in Omaha at 1 o’clock last Sunday
morning, after an illness of sev
eral months, of acute dilation of
the heart, at the age of 53 years,
1 month and 13 days. The body
was brought to this city Monday
night and the funeral was held from
fthe Catholic church at 9 o’clock
Wednesday morning, Rev. B. J.
Leahy officiating and burial in Cal
vary cemetery. During the funeral
services the business places of the
city were closed as a tribute to the
Arthur Ryan was born near Am
azonia, Mo., on Sept. 7, 1882. He
grew to manhood in that section
and. then attended a business col
lege at St. Joseph, Mo., and after
graduation worked for a time in
St. Joe.
On June 5, 1906, he was united
in marriage at St. Joe to Miss
Laura Carmichael. Four children
were born of this union, three sons
and one daughter. The children
are: Arthur Leo, Omaha; Clarence
J. and Hugh D., of this city, and
Gladys, of Omaha. Mrs. Ryan pas
sed away on Feb. 27, 1923, and on
June 12, 1929, he was united in
marriage to Miss Nelle Ryan, who
with his children survive and are
left to mourn the passing of a
kind and affectionate husband and
Arthur Ryan came to this city
shortly after his marriage in 1906
and had been a resident of this city
ever since, a period of 29 years. He
was engaged in business here for
many years and was always an
active booster for this city and
y community and always ready to
contribute time or money to furth
er the interests of the city be had
chosen for a home.
He was a genial and companion
able man and had a host of friends
in this city and county, where he
was well known, who will regret to
learn of his sudden death, as it
was generally understood that he
was getting along nicely, and would
shortly be able to return home.
For several years he has been a
rural route carrier out of this city,
on route number 2 south and south
east of here until the consolida
tion of the routes a couple of years
ago when he was named as carrier
of the route, being compelled on
account of failing health to have a
substitute driver the past three
Several years ago he suffered a
spell of heart trouble and for sev
eral months his life was dispaired
of, but he recovered and the past
few years he has appeared as well
as he ever did. But the old trouble
came back and it was thought a
rest would rid him of the ailment,
so for about three months he had.
another looking after his duties as
carrier, while he rested. He was
apparently getting along nicely
until the latter part of September
when he had a couple of heart at
tacks and he was taken to Omaha
on Sept. 25, where he could be
treated by a specialist. He was
taken with a sinking spell the lat
ter part of last week and he passed
away Sunday morning, surrounded
by his wife and children.
The Frontier joins the many
friends of the family in tendering
sympathy in their hour of sorrow.
Relatives from out of the city
who were present at the funeral
were: Walter Ryan, of Amazonia,
Mo., a brother; Mr. and Mrs. R.
A N. Ryan, of Jackson, Nebr., father
and mother of Mrs. Ryan; Mr. and
Mrs. William Ryan, of Emerson,
uncle and aunt of Mrs. Ryan; Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Walsh, of Jack
son, sister and brother-in-law of
Mrs. Ryan.
271 Ask Old Age Pensions
There are now on file in the office
of the county treasurer the appli
^ cations of 271 residents of the
county asking for old age pensions.
That is the number that was on file
on October 17 and there are several
other applicants who have secured
blanks, but their applications have
not yet been filed.
Alberta Van Every went to Ains
worth last Sunday where she vis
ited with friends and relatives.1
She expects to return next Sunday.
Architect’s Drawing of Proposed Court House To Be Constructed For Holt County
• HOLT- COitm*'cSiEj: • Hfcksl taajfr
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The above picture is the architect’s drawing showing how the pro
posed Holt county court house would look when completed. The
plans call for a building 106 feet by 70 feet and four inches, of brick
stone and concrete construction, and fireproof thruout. The building
plans have two full stories and a full basement, with the jail and
Sheriff’s living quarters above the second floor.
On Nov. 12, there will be sub-i
mitted to the voters of Holt county
the question of voting bonds for
the erection of a court house at an
estimated cost of $110,000; $49,000
of which is to be a grant or gift
by the federal government and
$61,000 to be raised by a proposed
bond issue by Holt county. The
bonds are to run not to exceed 15
or 20 years, the date of maturity
and other details incident thereto
to be fixed by the Board of Super
visors, and to bear interest not to
exceed four per cent per annum.
It is the purpose of this article
to set forth in detail, in simple
language without oratorical flour
ish, the facts and questions to be
considered by the voters of the
county that they may vote intel
ligently on the bond question.
The present court house was
built in 1885—just 50 years ago.
Its construction is of soft brick and
lumber. The brick is of very in
ferior quality having been made
from so called clay found near
O’Neill and burned in a kiln located
here at that time. It is little less
than a miracle that it has with
stood the rigorous weather and
usage this long, say nothing of the
fire hazard.
Nearly twenty years ago, after
an examination by a competent
architect, the building was then
pronounced unsafe and insecure.
To relieve some of the peril and
hazard at that time there was then
removed from the roof the cupola
or dome and iron brace rods were
put thru the center of the building
to support the outer walls from
further spreading. The washers or
discs on some of the ends of these
brace rods- are now imbedded into
the bricks from one-half to three
quarters of an inch, thus showing
the walls are still spreading, which
is much more in evidence of late.
To say that the building is now un
safe and unfit for occupancy is but
putting it mildly.
Realizing this unsafe condition
the Judge of the District Court has
on several occasions instructed the
Sheriff to limit the number of spec
tators in the court room in the
trial of cases that attracted any
great numbers. Notwithstanding
this precaution it has been discov
ered that the attendance at the
trial of a case rather recently, was
such, that the floor in two corners
of the court room sunk away from
the mop boards as much as one to
one and a half inches.
There are many other evidences
of rapid deterioration and. wholly
unfitness of this building for oc
cupancy which are too numerous to
here mention but which can be
pointed out to any voter or tax
payer who will take the trouble to
investigate. The District Court, the
county officers and the Supervisors
are now charged with knowledge
of the present condition.
Let us suppose that during the
trial of a case or any other meet
ing at the court house attended by
numerous persons that one or more
of the tottering, rickety old walls
or floor should collapse, killing or
maiming numerous persons. In
such an event it is not unreason
able to suppose that the county
would be liable in damage cases in
excess of what it would cost to
build a new court house. In that
event who would pay the judg
ments? The answer is the taxpay
ers of Holt county!
Furthermore in addition to being
unsafe and unfit the building is not
large enough to furnish office space
for all the offices. At the present
time the county is paying $900.00
per year for rental and heat for
office space outside the court house
for the following officers: County
Attorney,County Agent, Reemploy
ment Agent and Relief Agent.
Last but not least among the
numerous defects of the present
structure is the matter of vaults
for the safe keeping of the public
records. Not only are the vaults
inadequate to hold all the records
but, as startling as it may seem,
they are found to be, on investiga
tion, nowhere near fire proof. The
walls instead of being concrete and
fire proof as generally supposed,
are of soft brick and plaster the
same as in the main walls of the
As before stated this vault con
tains the most valuable records of
the county. In these records are
shown the transfers and title rec
ord of every piece of real estate in
Holt county.
The loss of these records by fire
would be almost irreparable. It
would mean that owners and mort
gagees of real estate would have to
go into court to establish their
titles and liens. Think of the ex
pense and confusion this would, en
tail property owners! It would be
a harvest for the lawyers.
It is almost criminal careless
ness to let the title to taxpayers
property to be thus jepordized
I longer. It would be well for any
doubting Thomases to investigate
these vaults for themselves or send
a representative committee from
various parts of he county.
In case of fire these thin, soft
brick vault walls would collapse
and crumble and the combustible
materials within the vaults would
precipitate a conflagration little
short of a minature inferno.
The plans and specifications of
the proposed new court house are
on file in the County Clerk’s office
and can be seen by anyone. Its
construction is to be of brick, stone
and concrete, and to be fireproof
thruout. The outside dimensions
being 106 feetlong; 70 feet and four
inches wide; 46 feet high; two
stories with full basement. Jail
and Sheriff’s living quarters on the
upper story.
The question of cost and how it
is to be paid is the one in which
the taxpayer is primarily interest
ed. As has been stated the federal
government has agreed to donate
$49,000. The balance of $61,000 to
be paid by the county by the issu
ance of bonds in that sum.
Assuming that the bonds will be
issued for 20 years, one half of
which to be paid within ten years,
the figures presented below present
a very close estimate as to w.iat it
will cost each taxpayer pe. year,
based upon what their assessed
valuation may be for the respec
i tive vears.
The total assessed valuation of
the county for the year 1934 was
$17,991,775, in 1935 it is $17,918,
825. The years immediately pre
ceding 1934 the assessed valuation
of the county was considerably
higher. Assuming, for the purpose
of this computation, that the as
sessed valuation of the county for
succeeding years will be, in round
figures, $18,000,000. Deducting
15 per cent for taxes levied and
not collected, (This is the percent
the law contemplates as it permits
the Supervisors, school boards and
municipalities to issue warrants up
to 85 per cent of the levy), leaves
$15,300,000 assessed valuation on
which it is assumed taxes will be
collected. Bonding houses and oth
er financial institutions have in
dicated that they would take the
bonds on a yield basis of 314 per
cent and probably some less. On
this basis a levy of one-third of a
mill will raise $5,100 per year and
by retiring one-half of the bonds
within ten years, the levy of one
third of a mill, will pay all the
bonds, both principal and interest,
in less than 19 years.
The levy of one-third of a mill
means to the taxpayer just this:
For every $100 assessed valuation
he would pay 3 and one-third cents;
on an assessed valuation of $1,000
it would cost him 33 cents and on
$10,000, $3.33 per year. The as
sessed valuation of non-resident
corporations and non-resident real
estate owners is approximately
$5,361,145, or 30 per cent of the
assessed valuation of the county.
These non-residents, of course, will
have to pay their share of this tax.
Attached hereto is a list showing
the percentage of the taxes in
each precinct that will be paid by
non-residents of the county.
Let is be understood that this is
not an O’Neill project. If built it
will be owned by Holt county, oc
cupied and supervised by officers
elected from all partsof the county.
It resolves itself into a strictly
business proposition among the
taxpayers of the county. The ex
pense of this election is being paid
for by the county and whether you
are either for or against the pro
position every taxpayer should go
to the polls and vote.
It is a question of accepting the
$49,000 offered by the government
now or in the near future the tax
payers of the county paying all the
expense of building a new court
house. It is almost inconceivable
that the present structure can be
occupied much longer and should
not be if for no other reason than
the fire hazard alone. If we do
not accept the government’s offer
of $49,000 at this time we are out
so far as getting any assistance
from that source in the future. The
allotments by the government for
such building projects are closed
and if we do not accept its offer
now the money will be allotted and
spent elsewhere.
Une ot the arguments being used
against the bond issue is that the
Supervisors are not competent or
qaulified to supervise the construc
tion of the proposed building. As
suming this to be true, the Super
visors, being all farmers are like
most of us, inexperienced in build
ing construction. This contingen
cy has been amply provided for
however, by employment of one of
the outstanding architects of the
state, Mr. Frank Latenser, of Om
aha. In addition to this the county
will have the benefit of an engineer
employed and paid for by the fed
eral governmentwithout expense to
the county. This government en
gineer will be on the job all the
time to see that the building is
constructed in accordance with the
It is frequently charged, and with
soipe merit, that there is great
waste and extravagance by the ex
! penditure of money by the federal
. government. In the matter of pub
lic buildings, paving etc., however,
it seems that they exercise reas
onable care and business judgment
as evidenced by the fact that with
in the past five months the gov
ernment has on two occasions re
jected the bids for the proposed
Post Office building at O’Neill for
the reason that the BIDS WERE
In the proposed court house con
struction the bids and construction
contract would have to have the
O K of the federal government.
With these safe guards it would
seem that the taxpayers would
have reasonable assurance that
their interests will be amply pro
tected and that their money will
be spent judiciously.
The architect estimates that of
the amount of the cost, $37,020
would be paid for labor. This
would make a substantial saving
for the county in providing employ
ment for many now on relief.
This article and the figures pre
sented have been compiled under
the supervision of a committee, all
of whom are substantial taxpayers.
They invite or brook no quarrel
with, or impugn the motives of any
individual or community that may
oppose the bond issue. It has been
the committees aim to present the
facts and questions to be consider
ed in an honest and fair way with
out exaggeration or misrepresenta
tion. We invite investigation or
verification of facts presented here
in by any taxpayer or committee of
taxpayers from any part of the
Following is a list of the various
precincts of the county showing the
total assessed real estate and eor
porationvaluation of each precinct;
the approximate assessed valuation
of the corporations and non-resi
dent real estate owners in the re
spective precincts and the percent
age of the real estate taxes in
each precinct now paid by corpora
tions and non-resident real estate
The valuation of cities, towns and
villages are not included in this
Paid by
Assessed Non- Non
Precinct Valuation resident resi
Valuation dents
Antelope $188,770 $117,050 62
Atkinson 673,178 306,198 45
Chambers 375,740 83,875 22
Cleveland .. 358,480 139,520 39
Coleman_ 221,435 65,945 30
Conley 251,115 113,205 45
, Deloit 348,240 91,250 26
Dustin ... 249,745 109,218 44
Emmet. 416,411 232,746 45
Ewing 284,397 167,447 55
Fairview 183,375 86,930 47
Francis ... 137,940 34,225 25
Golden 487,051 281,506 58
Gr Valley 325,605 53,150 16
Grattan 1,108,011 627,106 57
Holt Creek 130,415 6,100 4
Inman ...... 707,701 386,771 56
Iowa 284,230 154,555 54
Josie. 73,115 67,585 79
Lake . 265,080 109,795 41
McClure 211,055 111,800 53
Paddock 375,705 108,845 29
Pleasant V. 279,955 75,685 27
Rock Falls 265,875 111,270 42
Sand Creek 245,665 130,375 53
Saratoga 215,315 68,145 32
Scott 258,375 135,940 53
Shamrock 195,725 - 49,900 25
Sheridan 551,201 156,196 28
Shields _.. 480,600 129,250 27
Steel Creek 267,035 75,910 28
Stuart .... 1,278,548 390,183 31
Swan 148,630 72,145 49
Verdigris 689,262 266,002 39
Will’wDale 356,740 216,825 61
Wyoming 191,710 60,605 26
Senator Brady Files For
One House Legislature
Senator F. J. Brady, of Atkinson,
has made his filing for a seat in the
unicameral legislature, which will
take over the law making duties
for the state in January, 1937.
Brady was elected to the state
senate a year ago last fall on the
republican ticket. In the contest
for membership in the unicameral
body he will run on the non-part
isan ticket as the membership of
that body is to be non-political.
Representative L. G. Gillespie, who
represented this county in the last
session of the legislature, has also
filed as a candidate for election to
the unicameral body. This makes
two candidates so far from this
county for the position.
Change In Milk Prices
The following dairies will, after
November 1, charge for milk: 1-qt.,
10c; 2-qts„ 18c; 3-qts., 25c.
Postmaster Dies At Stuart Hospital
After An Illness of Nearly
Two Months Duration.
Michael R. Sullivan, O’Neill post
master, died in a hospital at Stuart
last Sunday morning, after an ill
ness of about two months of a
blood stream infection, at the age
of 60 years and 3 days. The funer
al was held from the Catholic
church in this city Tuesday morn
ing at 9 o’clock, Monsignor J. G.
McNamara officiating, and burial
in Calvary cemetery. During the
hour of the funeral services all
the business houses in the city were
closed, as a token of respect to the
Michael R. Sullivan was taken ill
about two months ago, but at the
time it was not considered that the
illness was serious. After a couple
of weeks he was taken to the hosp
ital at Stuart, the family and
friends believing that a good rest
would hasten his recovery. For a
time he improved, then had a short
spell when he was not so well, but
for the past two weeks he seemed
to be getting along nicely, and
hopes were entertained that he
would soon be able to return home,
completely recovered. In fact on
Friday and Saturday he felt better
than he had at any time since his
illness and when his family were
there on Saturday evening they
were very much encouraged as he
seemed to be getting along so well.
Then he had a relapse in the early
hours of Sunday morning and his
family here were called. They left
at once for Stuart, but he had
passed away before their arrival.
Michael R. Sullivan was born at
Hancock, Mich., on Oct. 17, 1875.
In the spring of 1879 his parents
moved to this county, coming in
with a large settlement of people
[from the copper mines of North
ern Michigan, and they located on
the Red Bird creek, one mile and a
half east and three miles north of
this city. There Mr. Sullivan grewr
to manhood, attended the country
schools and later the high school'
in this city.
On June 27, 1911, he was united
in marriage to Miss Agnes Clark
at Omaha, Nebr. To this union
three children were born, one son
and two daughters. The children are:
Cletus V., Helen Clare and Mary,
of this city, who with his loving
wife are left to mourn the passing
of a kind and indulgent husband
and father.
He is also survived by two broth
ers, Joseph, of Laramie, Wyo., and
Patrick, living on the old home
farm northeast of this city. His
sisters are, Mrs. W. L. Hanley and
Miss Mayme, living northeast of
this city, all of whom were present
at the funeral services. His nephewr,
Joseph Sullivan, of Omaha, was
also in the city for the funeral
When a young man he entered
the employ of the First National
bank of this city, where he spent
many years, then going to Atkin
son where for several years ,he held
the position as bookkeeper and as
sistant cashier of the First Nation
al bank. While there he was nom
inated and elected county treasur
er of Holt county, a position he
filled very acceptably and credit
ably for two terms. At that time
the law limited the county treasur
er to two terms in office.
After retiring from the office of
county treasurer he was appointed
bank examiner by Governor Bryan
and he ably and creditably filled
this position for two terms, once
under Governor Bryan’s first ad
ministration and he was again in
the employ of the state banking
department in August, 1933, when
he was appointed Postmaster of
this city, a position he filled very
ably and creditably and which he
held at the time of his death.
Perhaps no man in this city had
more friends than Mike Sullivan.
Of a genial and jovial disposition
he was the friend of everyone. A
good story teller he was always
able to entertain his friends with
many quaint and almost forgotten
anecdotes of the days that are gone,
and his passing will be mourned
by a large circle of friends outside
his family circle.
The Frontier joins the many
friends of the family in tendering1
its sympathy to them in their hour
of sorrow.