The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 10, 1935, Image 1

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    Neb. State Historical Society
_______ ____________
Those In Crowd Enjoy Themselves
In Spite of Cold. With Plenty
of Food and Drink.
The good will excursion last
Thursday afternoon to Norfolk by
202 persons was carried out with
out an accident and the assemblage
reached the headquarters city of
the Knights of Siam at about 6
o’clock p. m., after a two-hour ride
on a Northwestern special passen
ger train. The ride was made
doubly enjoyable by the local
schools band and the O’Neill Ger
man band in rendering selections
as the train halted or slowed at
stations between here and Norfolk.
At the South Norfolk station a
great number of automobiles stood
in readiness to whisk the visitors
to the east center of Norfolk where
a parade started west, traveling
the length, or width of Norfolk,
turning north and winding dowrn a
one hundred feet decline to the
magnificent park of Dr. C. J. Ver
The park was a fairyland in full
splendor. Lights twinkled on all
sides, stands serving drinks and
eats were loaded with the best to
be had and bands struck up lively
strains. A Norfolk man said the
park many years ago had been ex
cavated in obtaining clay for the
making of brick. Trees, scattered,
some about 100 feet high, indicate
the work must have been at least
40 years ago. The place is well
^ decorated with shrubbery.
Dr. Verges, who put on the jam
boree and invited down the O’Neill
ites, was said to have expended the
sizeable sum of $1,800 for the ban
quet. The meat alone, cooking and
serving and all, was said to have
cost $200. Anyone who was there
will believe this but of course the
cost of the show is not the most
f interesting fact. The big idea is
the motive behind the offering and
that seems to be the advancement
of plain good will between Norfolk
and her neighboring towns.
Many were present from other
towns. In spite of one of the most
elaborate displays of food and drink
set before all comers from several
towns without cost to the visitors
it felt for a few minutes the fun
might be ruined. Jack Frost came
came down in the 100 feet deep
park and let his icy fingers, dipped
in something 25 degrees above zero,
start chills and teeth were chatter
ing. Four huge bon fires flared in
the night and others found a huge
concrete walled cave in a hill where
the temperature was just right.
Along the Northwestern line on
the way down and at Norfolk
people were noticed standing “at
attention,” watching*the expedition
from the west glide and walk to
the wholesale Verges and Norfolk
Verges park is much like a choice
chunk of the Niobrara river basin
enchanted ground would be if it
could be and were moved to the
edge of Norfolk. Somewhere on
top of the bank at the west side in
the dead of night was heard the
trinkle of water but night impres
sions there proved deceptive. One
O’Neill man said he had been told
by Norfolk people he should find
his train at every cardinal point
and all the subdivisions. He says
he walked from 10 o’clock until
midnight in getting himself from
the park three blocks to the train.
This man must have been “turned
around” and the Norfolkans doing
the best they could under the cir
Everything eatable and drinkable
in Norfolk was absolutely free.
g The spirit of the people there is
something far greater than the
paved streets, the fine buildings
and the huge trade turnover. And
Dr. Verges is a true doctor, looking
out for the “other fellow” and his
town in grand style and at any
The Knights of Siam indeed may
be proud of the doctor and the good
will organization they have evolved,
g the only organization on earth that
has struck the elusive nail squarely
on the head with the all too mul
tiple-headed-hammer so often mis
used to destroy in the world today
instead of to build up on a found
ation that is worth while.
O’Neill’s green beret is off to
Norfolk, the Knights of Siam and
to Dr. C. J. Verges.
The Friday Norfolk News gives
the following account of the visit
of the O’Neillites to their city:
“Norfolk citizenry today is not
talking about the world series or
the Ethiopian war, but about the
friendly invasion of the city last
evening by 202 residents of O’Neill
who came by special train over the
Northwestern railway.
“The visit of O’Neill people was a
gi-eat treat to Norfolks who many
times last evening and today ex
pressed a hope the visitors before
very long would again come to this
city for a longer stay.
Crowd Welcomes Train.
“A huge crowd of Norfolkans as
sembled at the C. and N. W. sta
tion in the south part of Norfolk to
extend friendly handclasps to the
O’Neill visitors upon their arrival.
The Knights of Siam band serenad
ed the good will ambassadors as
they alighted from the train.
“The travelers were then taken
into automobiles and whisked to
First street and Norfolk avenue
where a parade, four blocks in
length, was formed before another
large crowd that had gathered on
the sidewalks.
“The parade was headed by May
or John Kersenbrock of O’Neill, and
Mayor J. R. Carter of Norfolk.
Next in line was the fine O’Neill
(Continued on page 5, column 4.)
■ ■ ■ . . ■ ---
Charles Graham and
Miss Margaret Ryan
Married in California
The “Old San Gabriel Misson’:
of San Gabriel, California, has been
the scene of many weddings, none,
however surpassing in lovliness of
appointments that of Saturday
morning. October 5, at 6 o’clock,
when Miss Margaret Ryan, for
merly of O’Neill, and Charles C.
Graham, of Whittier, Calif., were
united in marriage at a nuptial
mass by Rev. Father Andrew
Resa C. M. F.
The bride wore a handsome
w’hite silk lace gown with blue ac
cesories, and a large picture hat.
She carried a boquet of gardenias
and lillies of the valley.
The bride and groom were at
tended by Gertrude Graham, of
San Diego, Calif., sister of the
groom, and Edward Ryan, former
ly of O’Neill, brother of the bride.
The bridesmaid wore yellow cel
enase with white accessories and
carried gardenias and lillies of the
A wedding breakfast was served
at the home of the brides’ mother,
largely attended by relatives and
The bridal couple left immediate
ly after breakfast for a two weeks
honeymoom trip to the mountains
of northern California. The bride
wore a traveling suit of nile green,
with brown accessories.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Peter Ryan, formerly of O’Neill,
now of Whittier, California. The
groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Gra
ham, living eight miles northwest
of O’Neill.
Will Hold Rooters Day
Oct. 11 at Ag College
The pig, long known as the farm
“mortgage lifter” and who is ap
parently making a come back after
a series of unfavorable years, is to
be honored at the University of
Nebraska, College of Agriculture,
on Friday, October 11, when the
ninth annual Rooter’s Day is sched
uled to be held.
Holt county farmers this week
were invited to attend the gather
ing. The event is held under the
auspices of the animal husbandry
department at the College of Ag
riculture and the Nebraska Live
stock Breeders and Feeders Asso
Talks on recent experimental
swine work conducted at various
stations will be featured on the pro
gram. Prof. Wm. J. Loeffel will
report on the Nebraska results;
W. E. Carroll of the University of
Illinois is to appear on the pro
gram in speaking about “some in
vestigations with breeding hogs.”
Prof. H. C. Filley will discuss the
outlook for the swine producer.
Others on the program are W. W.
Derrick, Walter Tolman, M. L.
Baker, M. A. Alexander, Dr. S. W.
Alford and R. R. Thalman. Dean
W. W. Burr will welcome the visi
tors. Prof. H. J. Gramlich will
preside over the session and speak
late in the afternoon.
Women attending the Rooter’s
Day will have their own program
at noon while the men are inspect
ing experimental live stock. They
will hear Miss Inez Wilson of the
National Livestock and Meat Board
speak about, “Recent Developments
in Meat Cookery and in the use of
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Arthur Wertz and two
children went home October 2, with
no serious results from the acci
Edward Horst, three and a half
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Horst, of Missoula, Mont., has
been in the hopital since Saturday
suffering an attack of pneumonia.
The little fellow is improving
Mrs. Ellen Riley, of this city,
was brought in Sunday evening for
medical treatment. She is some
better at the present time.
Mrs. Louisa Haynes is still in d
critical condition. •
Group 2 1935 Corn«Hog
Contracts Are Accepted
Notice of acceptance on the first
Group 2 corn-hog contracts was re
ceived in the County office Monday.
This shipment of checks will total
over $17,000.00 and will be distrib
uted to 290 landlords and producers
as soon as they arrive. Ordinarily
checks are received around ten days
after the notice of acceptance is re
ceived. Individual notice will be
mailed to each contract signer as
soon as they arrive.
The Washington office is tracing
the package of checks due with the
Group 1 contracts some time ago.
The first transmittal Group 3
contracts have been in Washington
for sometime as well as the second
transmittal of Group 1. Checks
should be received on these in the
near future. At this time only a
relatively small number of con
tracts remain in the County Office
waiting for transmittal to Lincoln
for pre-audit. These are held up
for legal forms and technecalities
on the most part.
Busy Hour Club
The Busy Hour Club met at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Ernst on Oc
tober 3, 1935. The members sewed
25 quilt blocks for Mrs. Ernst.
Those absent were: Mrs. Gray,
Annie Wayman and Mrs. Lett John
son. Miss Alberta Von Every was
a visitor. The hostess served a de
licious lunch of sandwiches, pickles,
pudding and coffee. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Victor
Johnson on October 31.—Irene
Hershiser, news reporter.
Pep Project Club
The Pep Project Club met at the
home of Mrs. C. E. Angster on
Wednesday, October 2. Eleven
members were present. Mrs. Roy
Warner and Mrs. Lowell Johnson
gave an interesting demonstration
on variety in vegetables. A delic
ious lunch was served by Mrs.
Angster and Mrs. Barnes. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Bridge on November
Teachers institute was held on
Friday, October 4, and a very large
group of rural teachers were in at
tendance. In years past, city
schools have always attended, but
due to the fact that they are ex
pected to attend Teachers Con
ventions they did not feel that
they should be compelled to attend
County Institute.
We had some very capable speak
ers on our program this year and
the Institute was successful in
every way. A personnel of the
Institute speakers is as follows:
W. A. Rosne, Director of Certifi
cation, Lincoln, Nebr., Miss Blanche
Goodrich, County Superintendent,
Nelson, Nebr.; Mrs. Vernon Sparks
Rankin, County Superintendent,
Tecumseh, Nebr.; C. K. Morse, of
the University Extension Service,
[Lincoln, Nebr.
Special mention must be made
of the Stuart male quartette which
appeared on our morning program,
and too St. Mary’s Academy which
appeared on the afternoon pro
gram. The quartette was com
posed of Baird Keister, Superin
tendent of schools, Stuart; Mr.
Linn and Mr. Albert of the Stuart
schools, and Dr. K. K. Stuart. This
was thoroughly enjoyed by all,
while a fine program was delivered
by the Academy in the afternoon.
County Superintendent.
Miss Eileen Enright, of Omaha,
and Miss Loretta Enright, of
Petersburg, visited at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Enright from Friday evening until
Sunday afternoon when they each
returned to their duties.
Voters of County W'Ul Settle the
Question of A New Court
House Within A Month.
The special ejection for the pur
pose of voting on the issuance of
$61,000 in bonds for the erection of
a new court house and jail in this
county will be held on Tuesday,
Nov. 12, 1935, four weeks from
next Tuesday. Thi;, was decided by
the County B<>ard at a meeting
held last Wednesday.
While the bond issue is for only
$61,000, the building is to cost com
plete, the sum of $110,909, the bal
ance of the amount to be given to
the county as a gift by the federal
As we have stated before, this
is an opportunity that comes but
once in a lifetime and certainly
never again will people of this
county have the opportunity to
build a court house and jail, of the
dimensions of this one, dt that
price. One thing is certain, this
county is badly in need of a court
house, as the old one long ago out
lived its usefulness. In the first
place it is too small to handle the
different county government ac
tivities and it is seriously lacking
in vault room to properly safe
guard the valuable records of the
This is the time to get a new
building and we believe that the
citizens of the county will recog
nize that fact and give a good sub
stantial majority for the bonds on
November 12.
by James R. Lowell
The social security legislation
that Governor Cochran will ask
the special legislative session to
enact will include the raising of
$2,000,000 for a program embrac
ing old age pensions, unemploy
ment insurance and all other bene
fits of the national social security
act, the governor announces.
Old age pension laws will be re
vised so that elderly persons will
receive pensions according to their
needs, as proposed by Governor
Cochran. The present law pro
vides $30 a month, $15 of which is
to come from the state and a like
amount from the federal govern
ment, altho finances as provided by
the legislature have not been ade
quate to pay the pension under
normal circumstances to date.
Attorney General William H.
Wright is now drafting a social
security act which will be present
ed to the legislators this month
and which will he patterened after
the governor’s idea.
The governor points out that the
state treasurer now has on hand
approximately $1,000,000 that can
be used for pensions and for other
social security benefits. He be
lieves that $2,000,000 additional
will be enough to carry out the
program next year.
Governor Cochran intends to
keep the special legislative session
within the 10-day limit, and he will
resist all efforts to have the fund
built up by the one-cent relief levy
on gasoline turned over to the
highway department. He wants
this money used for old age pen
The attorney general has , ruled
that legislators who accepted fed
eral jobs after the last session have
lost their seats, and the governor
expects to fill at least 20 legis
lative seats due to death, resigna
tion or ineligibility of solons.
The governor estimates the cost
of the special session at $20,000,
but he declares the monetary value
of the session will be worth many
times that amount.
He explains that the state su
preme court invalidated the state’s
relief act because it delegated pow
er that properly was the legisla
“Congress had not yet enacted
its security law,” he said “and, of
course, the Nebraska legislature
could not stay in session until con
gress adjourned last August. So
we did the best thing and gave the
state “assistance committee power
to formulate regulations and rules.
This function, the supreme court
ruled, belonged exclusively to the
Where medical science is con
cerned, Nebraskans do not thing of
their state as competing with Vie*
enna, Berlin or New York but
nestled away in Lincoln is a clinic
for the cure of cancer that rates
as the highest of its kind in the
world. It is the Lincoln General
Cancer Clinic directed by Dr. Ros
coe L. Smith.
From all over the United States
and many foreign countries they
come trekking into Lincoln, seek
ing relief from cancer and other
malignant diseases. And after
the prescribed treatment in this
most unusual clinic, the most of
them go back to their homes re
Medical ethics forbids the phy
sicians in this clinic to seek “un
due” publicity, but your corres
pondent made it a point to uncover
some of the information concern
ing the place.
A four story and basement ad
dition to the Lincoln General hos
pital houses the most modern and
up to date equipment available for
treatment of cancer. In 1922, due
to the enthusiasm of Dr. Dessauer,
German physicist, higher voltage
radiation as a possible aid in the
treatment of cancer was attempted,
a clinic physician told the Lowell
Service reporter.
At the time in question the lim
itations of the X-ray tube made it
impossible to exceed 200,000 volts.
The improvement and pallidation
of those suffering from cancer
who were treated in this manner
were very noticible, but still the
method was far from satisfactory,
yet it served a useful purpose and
it is probably the chief cause of re
newed interest which has finally
led to the successful creation of
artifical radium rays such as are
used in the Lincoln clinic, the phy
sician said.
There are six X-ray (radium)
euro for cancer clinics in the world,
and the Lincoln clinic has the larg
est and most effective in the world.
An all-time record has been made
in the collection of gasoline tax
for Nebraska. A total of $1,104,
457^was collected for the month of
August, 1935—this was on the
basis of 5c per gallon. Figuring
on a basis of 4c per gallon, the
tax collected for August 1935 was
In August, 1934, the amount of
gas tax at 4 cents per gallon col
lected by the department of ag
riculture and inspection was $795,
390. Thus a gain of $88,079 for
August 1935, over August 1934.
Since June 1935, there has been
a gradual increase in collection of
gas tax. The department has
every reason to believe from the
above figures that there will be at
least an additional one and one
quarter million dollars gas tax col
lected for the year, beginning June
1, 1935—this is figuring on the 4c
basis only.
It is also interesting to note that
in 1935 there was a total of 408,
297 automobiles and trucks regis
tered in Nebraska. In 1934 there
was a total of 430,154 automobiles
and trucks registered in Nebraska.
Thus there are 21,857 fewer auto
mobiles and trucks registered in
Nebraska in 1935 than there were
in 1934. Never the less, the gas
tax collected by the department
(the same tax of 4 cents per gallon)
is running approximately 1)4 mil
ion dollars more per annum.
“Pehaps this is the reason that
Nebraska’s gas tax department and
port of entry system was honored
two weeks ago when the president
of the North American Tax Con
ference told the convention at
North Springs that Nebraska’s re
port was the best brought before
the convention. Thirty-nine states
and Canada had representatives at
the 1935 annual convention,” Mr.
Banning said.
Nebraska is curious to know
just what program the republicans
would advance instead of the AAA
Your correspondent was in Omaha
one night last week and this is
what he took in:
E. P. Chase of Atlantic, Iowa,
winner of the Pultizer editorial
prize last year, said:
He would have the same aim as
that of the agricultural adjust
ment administration—stability of
prices by elimination of surpluses
and shortages. The salvation of
the farmer lies in three directions:
1. Easing up on the reclamation
of arid land, at least until con
sumption catches up with product
(Continued on page 4, column 7.)
The Weather
High Low Mois.
Oct. 3 .__ 69 38
Oct. 4 ... 51 24
Oct. 5 _ 53 27
Oct. 6 __ 66 27
Oct. 7_ 63 40
Oct. 8_74 38
Oct. 9 ... 70 34 .09
Body of M. E. Reardon
Brot Here For Burial
A message received here an
nounced the death last Sunday of
M. E. Reardon, brother of Harry
Reardon of this city, at the Veter
an’s Hospital at Hines, 111. The
body was shipped here for inter
ment, arriving Monday night.
The funeral was a military one,
being in charge of the members of
Simonson Post of the American
Legion, and was held from the
Catholic church at 9 o’clock Wed
nesday morning, with interment in
Calvary cemetery. At the ceme
tery taps was sounded by the bug
ler of the local Legion post and a
volley was fired over the grave of
their departed brother.
Mr. Reardon was unmarried. He
had visited his brother here many
times and had many friends in this
Starting when a young man he
worked for many years for the
Burlington railway at Alliance,
Nebr., and then was in the employ
of the Northwestern. He was em
ployed at Chadron, Tama, Iowa,
Chicago and lately was round
house foreman at Nelson, III.
He served in the World war with
a heavy artillery unit and spent
several months in France. He was
u native of Creston, Iowa, being
born there on Dec, 13, 1881. His
parents passed away a good many
years ago. Surviving are his broth
ers, Harry, of O’Neill, and Joseph,
of Omaha, and his sistar, Marie,
of O’Neill.
Detroit Tigers Win Sixth
Game To Cop the Series
The Detroit Tigers are now the
champions of the baseball world,
winning the title from the Chicago
Cubs in the sixth game of the
series played at Detroit last Mon
day. The game was a thriller all
the way through, as in fact were
all of the games of the series, ex
cept one. The ninth inning was
a real thriller, the kind of a game
that causes thrills to run up and
down the backs of the fans.
In the first half of the ninth,
with the game tied up, 3 all, the
first man up for the Cubs lined
out a three base drive. It looked
as if the game was about over, as
both pitchers were going good and
it did not seem possible that De
troit could keep this man from
scoring. But Bridges, pitcher for
the Tigers, had other ideas. The
next man up fanned; the second
man hit a weak roller to the pitcher
and was an easy out. Then the
next man was out on a foul and
the three base drive availeth them
In the Detroit half of this inn
ing the first man up was an easy
out; Manager Cochrane of the
Tigers then connected for a single,
his third hit of the game, and was
sacrificed to second. Then, with
two down and the winning run on
second Goose Goslin connected for
a single to center field and Coch
rane crossed the plate with the
winning run and the series was
The hit made by Goslin is said
to have been worth $50,000, the
highest priced hit in baseball, as
it represented the difference be
tween the winners and losers share
of the gate receipts. His hit
made about $2,500 for himself and
all of his team mates, that being
, the difference between the winners
: and losers share of* the purse.
Tn the many kind friends and
neighbors who so kindly assisted
us during our recent bereavement,
the death of our beloved brother,
M. E. Reardon, we desire to ex
press our heartfelt thanks; especial
ly do we wish to thank the mem
bers of Simonson Post of the Am
erican Legion for their many acts
of kindness and thoughtfulness.—
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reardon; Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Reardon and family,
and' Marie Reardon.
Mrs. George Van Every and son,
Dean, were at Page last Friday af
ternoon and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Asher.
Stephen Alder, 27, Pleads Guilty of
Charge of Shooting With
Intent To Kill.
Stephen Alder, of the Dorsey
country, was arrested last Satur
day by Deputy Sheriff Bergstrom
charged with shooting at his broth
er, John Alder, with intent to kill.
He was taken before the district
court last Tuesday and arraigned
on the charge to which he plead
guilty and was sentenced to an
undeterminate sentence of not less
than one and not more than twenty
years in the state reformatory. He
will be taken to Lincoln by Sheriff
Duffy probably tomorrow.
Alder has been in Wyoming for
several months and has been back
in this county but a couple of
weeks. On his return he was
"heeled” with two guns, one an
automatic and the other a .44, and
he was apparently anxious to use
them. The shot he took at his
brother went into the floor. He is
about 27 years of age.
Fifty-two Attend Van
Every Family Reunion
Last Sunday at the home of Hr.
and Mrs. George Van Every in
southeast O’Neill was held a family
reunion which brought together 52
persons who partook of a delicious
dinner and told stories of old days
and new as had been noted in this
and other sections where the mem
bers of this family tree reside.
Those present at this gathering
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas
Van Every and family of Oppor
tunity; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van
Every and family of Columbus,
Montana; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ash
er Page; Mr. and Mrs. John Van
Every and family of Laurel; Mr.
and Mrs. William Rose and family
Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Rose^and family Brunswick; Carl
Miller, O’Neill; Virgil Johnson, of
O’Neill; Levi Fuller, jr., of O’Neill;
Ray PeLong and his children, of
O’Neill and Ben Rose of Bruns
Monday Mrs. George Van Every
and her children, Stella, Cleta and
Dean, by automobile, took Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Van Every to Grand
Island where Mrs. Glenn Van Every
expected to meet some of her folks
and then continue on with her hus
band and children to their home
near Columbus, Montana.
O’Neill High Gridsters
Win From Butte 18-0
Playing at Butte last Friday af
ternoon before a fair sized crowd,
the local public high school ma
chine ground out another victory,
18 to 0, an O’Neill student who
was there reported. The student
added that Bernard Madison made
one touchdown and that Robert
Calvert made two, 18 points, all
the scoring made during the game.
Grattan Project Club
The Grattan Project Club met
at the home of Mrs. Will Wolfe on
October 2. A demonstration on
the long and short method of cook
ing vegetables was given by the
leader, Mrs. Elmer Wolfe. Twelve
members were present. Luncheon
was served and an enjoyable after
noon spent by all.
The next meeting of the Club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Larry Barrett.
Erecting New Building
The New Deal Oil company is
building a rest room and restaur
ant on lots just across the street
from their oil station. The build
ing is 24x28 feet with 12 foot posts.
When completed they expect to in
stall a restaurant and rest room to
accommodate the truckers and
tourists who pass in front of their
We desire to express our heart
! felt thanks to the many kind
friends and neighbors for their as
j sistance and sympathy occasioned
by the death of our beloved broth
; er, Michael Murphy. Your thought
! fulness of us in our hour of trouble
I will ever be kindly remembered.—
! Den H. Murphy, brothers and
| sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cain are the
, proud parents of a baby boy, born
I Saturday morning.