The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 03, 1935, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    (First publication October 3.)
Notice is hereby given that bj
virtue of an Order of Sale issued t.(
me by the Clerk of the Distric
Court of Holt County, Nebraska
in an action pending in said Cour
■wherein Arthur M. Herring i:
plaintiff and Charles T. Smith urn
others, (this being case No. 13044;
are defendants, I will sell to th»
highest bidder for cash at the fronl
All land owners and renters
are notified to mow the weeds on
the roads along their land before
October 16, 1935. After the above
date Overseers are instructed to
have the work done and the costs
charged to the land along said
By order of the Township Board of
Grattan Township.
E. J. Mattrews, Road Overseer.
THIRTY years successful practice
is your guaranty that Perrigo Op
tical Company will make your
glasses right. See their repre
sentative at Gold
en Hotel Sat.,
Oct. 5. 19-2
I have a buyer for a modern house,
—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, 3tf
JWO heating stoves; 1 nearly new
cook stove.—Barnhart Market.
REGISTERED Hereford bulls; big
husky fall calves; 1 choice 3-yr.
old herd bull.—Walter Sire, In
inan, Nebr. 20-4p
TWO hole Topsy Laundry stove,
with water front, in good condi
tion; also wardrobe.—Mrs. P. B.
Harty. 19-2
RANGE, Home Comfort, good as
new for half price.—Box 424, At
kinson, Nebr. 17-3p
CHEVROLET and Whippet parts;
used tires in 18, 19, 20, 21 inch
sizes.—Vic Halva Shop. 17-3p
OLD NYE-JENKS lumber yard
buildings and lots in Emmet.
Very reasonable. —Mrs. C. N.
George, Atkinson. 14-tf
BOAR—Spotted Poland China,
“Dizzy Dean.” Bred on Hanson
Bros, farm in Iowa. Sile, Laog;
dam, Katherine-417880. Regist
ered. Also Cholera immune.—
Garold Wrede, Red Bird, Neb. 18-3
WHEREAS, the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit: A tract
of ground 194*4 ftxl75 ft. situate
in the North half of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 25, Township
29, Range 12, West of the 6th P. M.
in Holt County, Nebraska, beginn
ing at a point 94*4 feet south and
25 feet west of the southwest cor
ner of Block 15 in Mathews’ Ad
dition to the City of O’Neill, thence
running north 194*4 feet, thence
west 175 feet, thence south 194*4
feet, thence east 175 feet to place
of beginning, contiguous to the
City of O’Neill, Nebraska, is owned
by Erwin F. Peterson and Lilly
Peterson, and they have duly filed
with the City Clerk of O’Neill, Ne
braska, a petition to have said
property annexed to the City of
O’Neill and have duly filed a plat
thereof in the manner and form
provided for by law.
ANI) WHEREAS, the City of
O’Neill will benefit by same being
annexed and that same will receive
material benefits and advantages
by an annexation to the City of
O’Neill, Nebraska.
NOW. THEREFORE, be it or
dained by the Mayor and Council
of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska:
Section 1. That the real estate
hereinbefore described, be and the
same is hereby included within the
boundaries and territory of the
City of O’Neill, Nebraska, and
' same is hereby annexed to the City
of O’Neill, Nebraska, and that said
lands and the persons residing
thereon shall hereinafter be sub
ject to all the rules, regulations,
Ordinances, taxes and all other
burdens and benefits of other per
sons and territory included within
the City of O’Neill, Nebraska.
Section 2. That this Ordinance
shall be in force and take effect
from and after its passage, ap
proval and publication as provided
for by law.
Passed and approved this 1st day
of October, 1995.
Attest: C. W. Porter,
City Clerk.
Fred J. Minder, of Lincoln, sec
retary of the Nebraska State Press
association, was an O’Neill visitor
Wednesday and made this office a
short call. Mr. Minder says he has
been over a good deal of the state
the past couple of months and that
he finds that in some sections busi
ness in the printing line is im
proving, while in others it is about
at a standstill.
Roy Patras, 38, who died at Nor
folk Thursday, September 26, re
siding at Clearwater, was a nephew
of Morris (Mike) Johnson of this
city by marriage and he was a
brother of Mrs. Clyde Keller of
O’Neill. His wife is a daughter of
Frank Johnson of Plainview, a
brother of Morris. Mrs. Tom Ed
wards of this city also was a
cousin to Mr. Petras. His death
followed an operation performed at
Gerhard Hunteman and sisters,
the Misses Sophia and Anna, came
up from Plainview Wednesday
morning to spend the day visiting
friends in this city and vicinity.
While in the city Gerhard was a
pleasant caller at this office and ex
tended his subscription to The
Frontier for another year. He says
they will have some corn on their
Pierce county farm this year, but1
that the crop is very light, except
in the extreme northern part of
the county.
Miss Florence Leamy, of Pierce,
formerly of this city,was in O’Neill
the first of the week visiting old
friends, here. Miss Leamy recent
ly returned from a three months
trip around the world, landing in
New York a few weeks ago. She
visited relatives in several eastern
states before returning to her home
at Pierce. While across the water
Miss Leamy visited China, Japan,
Honolulu, Manila, Singapore, Hal
ta, Gibraltar, Marseilles, London
and many other interesting places.
The stoker in the basement of
Pete Todsen’s home got too active
last Wednesday morning crowding
the coal into the furnace causing
a great deal of smoke and bring
ing out the fire department. No
damage was done and the stoker
was soon regulated so that is eased
its strenuous duties.
This office is in receipt of a let
ter from H. E. Donohoe, of Che
halis, Wash., ordering The Frontier
sent to his address for the ensuing
year. Hugh is a native of this
county, being raised out in Shields
township. After graduating from
the local high school he attended
law school and has been a suc
cessful practicing attorney in the
west for many years. He says he
was desirous of receiving the news
from his old home town and knew
of no better medium to secure the
knowledge than thru the columns
of the old reliable.
Judge and Mrs. R. R. Dickson
returned last Sunday from Los
Angeles after a visit with relatives
and friends there and in other
cities along the coast. Mrs. Dick
son went west about three months
ago and visited a month with her
sister, Mrs. Sadie Simpson, at
Leavenworth, Wash. She then
went to Oakland and put in sev
eral weeks visiting her brother,
Lawrence and family. She was
joined there by Judge Dickson
about three weeks ago and they
then went down to Los Angeles and
San Diego, where they visited old
time friends and former O’Neillites.
They say they had an enjoyable
trip and had many pleasant visits
with former residents of this city.
The first of the week Jess Mellor
received a letter from Lt. Col.
Charles A. Meals, retired, of San
Francisco, Calif. Charles was
raised in this county and is a grad
uate of the O’Neill High school
and was appointed to West Point
Military Academy by the late M. P.
Kinkaid, being the first young man
to be appointed to the military
academy from this county, two
others being appointed from this
county after Mr. Meals, Owen Mer
edith and Francis Brennan. Mr.
Meals is wow retired and living in
San Francisco, and he is of the
opinion that California is the
greatest state in the union. His
sister, Mrs. Romaine Saunders, is
now living in the southwestern j
part of this county. Charlie de
sires to be remembered to all his
old time friends who are still living
here and says that he has fond
recollections of his early days ir
this city.
door of the Court House in O'Neill,
Nebraska, on the 4th day of No
vember, 1935, at 10 o’dock A. M.,
i the following described premises
; in Holt county, Nebraska:
The northwest quarter and
the south half of section 24,
( in township 29 north, of range
I 11 west of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, all in Holt County,
to satisfy the sum of $5,740.40
found due plaintiff and interest
thereon and $34.08 costs of suit and
accruing costs.
Dated this 2nd day of October,
20-5 Of Holt county, Nebraska.
An Ordinance to annex the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
A tract of ground 194*4 feetx
175 feet situate in the North half
of the Southeast Quarter of Sec
tion 25, Township 29, Range 12,
West of the 6th P. M. in Holt
County, Nebraska, beginning at
a point 34*4 ft. south and 25 ft.
west of the southwest corner of
Block 15 in Mathews’ Addition
to the City of O’Neill, thence
running north 194*4 feet, thence
west 175 feet, thence south 194 ^4
feet, thence east 175 feet to place
of beginning.
I Am Now Making Loans
via |
Grand Island-O'Neill Stages
Lv. 8:00 O’Neill Ar. 8:46
Ar. 12:16 Grand Island Lv. 4:16
Service thru to Hastings, Lincoln,
Kearney, North Platte, Denver,
Salt Lake, Boise, Portland, Los
Angeles and San Francisco.
For information call
Phone 36 We Carry Express
Res. 147-R Office 147-W :
: Diamond ---Watches — Jewdery j
Expert Watch Repairing
O. M. Herre—Jeweler j
In Reardon Drug Store
Phone, Office 28 :
O’Neill :: Nebraska j
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
Dr. F. A. O’Connell
The Lines of
Tour Hand
Palmists find your fortune in your
hand; the worldly wise, your char
acter; connoisseurs of beauty, the
loveliest line of all. The proper
end and aim of a glove is to en
hance this line, through the ut
most precision of cut and fit, and
the use of the finest, most supple
leathers. That’s why more and
more women are demanding
79c 98c $1.95
Quality Merchandise
“GET what you can, and
what you get hold,
’Tis a stone that turns
labor into gold.”
(©’HfciU Mational
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits,
This bank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
fiCr Per
Car on Burlington Track All Week!
Obtainable Either at Car or Market!
These are very good Cooking and Eating Apples for Fall and
Winter.. . . Good Keepers! “Eat An Apple A Day and Keep
the Doctor Away!”
PEACHES—Utah U. S. No. I on
Per Bushel Basket__fliO;
POTATOES—Irish Cobblers , m
Per 100-Lb. Bag..91.15
We will haue a car of Wisconsin Kraut Cabbage
about Wednesday next week at a very low price.
Ready Now! Handsome sport and dress
in our Mid-Fall Selling!
Penney’s—first with the latest coat fashions—makes
a scoop with this group of sensational values! Fur
trims of outstanding quality! Warm, snappy sports
coats in the most wanted styles. Lustrous satin lin
ings! You’ll be amazed! Misses’ and women’s .sizes!
Look! Pure Dve Silk
That Have Everything
^ The very lowest price we’ve ever
heard of for slips of this qual
ity! All silk (no rayon), bias
icut, adjustable straps, iace trim
med top and hem. Sizes 34 to 44.
Ruffled Priscilla
2 Cc
Here’s A Whale of A
1 Bargain!
42 inches Wide
Pillow Tubing
Soft Smooth Finish—Durable! f
Here’s A Breath Taking Value!
Soft Smooth Finished
a yard
You can make a lot of things with
this muslin—sheets, mattress covers,
I blanket covers — and since we’ve j
priced it so low you’ll want to buy
lots! 36 inches wide—Values!
Fast Color
a yard
You will want several yards to
make boy’s school shirts! You
can’t have too many!
While Quantity Lasts1
The more you buy, the
more you save! It’s even
cheaper than making them
yourself, when you get
them at this price! Of cozy,
soft outing flannel—long
sleeved for extra warmth!
Slipover and button front
styles. All white, solid col- \
ors and striped. Sizes 16 |
to 20.
.f •