The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 26, 1935, Image 1

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Four Hundred People From Norfolk
Come Here In The Evening
On A Special Train.
The Third annual merchant’s
bargain and Free day with a total
combined day and evening crowd
of visitors etstimated at between
10,000 and 15,000 persons here was
prounced a decided success by all
concerned in spite of the fact the
weather all day was on the balanc
ing point between fair and foul.
Threatening clouds with a mere
sprinkle of ice cold rain hourly
perhaps did not total .01 of an inch,
yet the threat must have held sev
eral thousand persons at home, es
pecially those living out 25 or more
miles from town.
The first number on the program
was the formation and parade of
school children, hundreds of them,
between 500 and 1,000, led by the
stirring strains wafted by the
O’Neill school band, under the di
rection of their instructor, Profes
sor L. M. Durham; the Osmond
High School band of 45 pieces
and the Little German band of
O’Neill. The music was splendid,
the parade eight blocks long and
the school children were among
the happiest people in the city as
they strutted before the gaze of
the admiring thousands.
At the same hour, 10 oclock a.
m., free rides for the youngsters
were set in operation, a merry mix,
a two-car streamlined train on
pneumatic tires, a devise that haul
* ed thousands of chilren who were
all smiles and willing to wait half
an hour for a chance to try out the
speed demon of the “rails.”
Another attraction was minature
automobiles running in circles
which the management permitted
youngsters themselves to operate,
a privilege which tickled pink those
^ who only had dreamt of such his
tory making events.
The winner of the foot race for
large girls was May Strong. A
race for smaller girls was led by
Eunice Hunt and in the one for the
boys, Allen Spindler took first hon
ors. There were other races and
contests galore. The race for fat
men was a hum-dinger and Mayor
John Kersenbrock met his matches
in this one. John came in third,
John Clauson won second, and the
officials quizzed did not know the
name of the man who won. Some
of the bjys think he was a “ringer.”
The baseball game by O’Neill
and Atkinson drew a large crowd
and the players staged one of those
nip-and-tuck performances that
creates high interest. The score
was O’Neill 5, Atkinson 4. The
score was a tie in the last half of
the ninth inning when the locals
edged in the winning score.
A foot ball game with 0 Neill
public school eleven and the Lynch
high school eleven resulted in a
win for O’Neill, 26 to 0. Elmer
Stolte, local coach, says there were
3,000 spectators at this game. He
added that Bernard Madison and
Charles Smith brought in all of
the O’Neill scores and that the con
test was marked by numerous
fumbles by members of both elev
ens, O’Neill exhibiting a little the
better in line playing. Lynch, he
says, narrowly missed scoringtwice
on each occasion penetrating deep
ly in the O’Neill territory 10-yard
line. Once as a result of a mass
attack and again a result of a re
covered fumble in the O’Neill reser
vation. The next football gamehere
is scheduled for October 18 with
the Stuart high school eleven.
Mr. Stolte says his defense is
alert yet it was noted Wednesday
both elevens revealed a spontan
$ eously weak line of play.
The airplanes of the A. A. Risser
string at Norfolk were busy here
all day Wednesday and flew until
almost dead dark, lights on the
planes in the heavens staging a
beautiful scene.
One of the most attractive num
bers of the long program was rend
ered by the Sokol gymnastic team
of 23 persons from Knox county,
I near Verdigre. This aggregation
is worth a trip of many miles to
The boxing matches, refereed by
Dick Tomlinson, were short, four
rounds each, furious and replete
with the cleverest punching and
Floyd Bellar and Leonard Lorenz
went the alloted four frames with
out either one going into dream
land. The referee called the con
test a draw.
Clayton Bellar and Leonard
Young did their best for four
rounds and again the referee saw
that neither had won, and he called
it a draw.
Bob Gunn and “Pug” Wyant
stepped into each other and Gunn
hit the bull’s-eye, winning a decis
: ion over his opponent.
Lee Devereaux and Lloyd Godel
mixed mitts and when the hitting
was at an end the referee called
Godel the winner.
Bob Smith and Lawrence Murray
slammed at each other for four
rounds and in spite of strong ef
forts to quench the ardor of the
other fellow the fight was called
a draw.
The highlight of the big celebra
tion was the appearance here at
8 o’clock of a special Northwestern
passenger train of seven car con
taining 300 Knights of Siam and
(Continued on page 4, column 7.)
Surprise Party Given
For E. E. Cole on His
Seventy-fifth Birthday
E. E. Cole, Star postmaster, was
pleasantly surprised on Sunday,
Sept. 22, his 75th birthday anni
versary. His son and wife cleverly
planned the surprise by Charles
taking his father to see some cattle
they have in a pasture near Op
portunity, while Mrs. Cole, assisted
by Mrs. Frank Hunter, prepared
the dinner.
The table was decorated in pinK
and yellow, yellow' candles and a
large four tier cake decorated in
pink and yellow with 75 pink
candles on it. A two course din
ner was served.
Seated at this table were E. E.
Cole, Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Coffman, Mrs. Alex Wertz,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Jacobs, John
Addison and Mrs. J. M. Hunter.
The youngest of these was 69 years
of age and the oldest 79 years. The
average af the nine being 76.
Others present were Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Grant, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Curran, Emmet Wertz, Mrs. Ralph
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt
er, Ralph Hayne and the Charles
Cole family.
Mr. Cole was not the only one
honored as Mrs^ Curran’s birthday
came on the same day, Mrs. Wertz
the day before and Ralph Hayne,
the grandson of Mr. Cole, a few
days before, so all joined in the
lighting and extinguishing of the
candles. A pleasant afternoon was
spent in visiting.
Mr. Cole was born at Stousstead,
Vermont, in 1860. When a boy of
12 years his parents died and the
children were taken to live with
an uncle at Grativt, Wis., until he
came to Holt county to homestead
two miles west of the old Star
post office in Sept. 1882. This has
been his home since, except a few
years spent in Iowa.
He has been postmaster since
1909. Mrs. Cole passed away ten
years ago. His son, Charles and
wife, live with him.
His two daughters, Mrs. Max
Powell, Lincoln, and Mrs. Nellie
Hayne, Page, were unable to at
Mr. Cole has 17 grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
Mary Jean Hammond
Wins National Contest
Mary Jean Hammond, of this
city, a student in university col
lege, Creighton university, Omaha,
won a nation-wide contest conduct
ed by a motion picture magazine,
and as a reward will receive a frock
worn by Ginger Rogers in a recent
Word was received here by her
parents, and she was advised of her
victory by telegram Tuesday. Her
letter, giving reasons why she liked
the frock in question was selected
from among 10,000 entries.
Note of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to all our
good friends in the city for the
generous gifts of fruit, vegetables,
sugar, financial aid, etc., so kindly
bestowed upon us of late.
St. Mary’s has always felt deep
ly grateful for the continued
thoughtfulness of the good people
of O’Neill in regard to our mater
ial welfare, and in these times of
unusual pressure, we are doubly so.
May God reward it all a thous
and-fold!—Sisters of St. Francis.
New Structure On Old Site Will
Be of Brick and Concrete
Fireproof Construction.
Construction started Tuesday at
Inman on the first Nebraska PWA
i project under the four billion dol
lar works relief program author
ized last spring by Congress. The
structure is a new $40,000 public
school building to replace the frame
structure destroyed Jan. 2 by fire.
Henry Beckenhauer, of Becken
hauer Bros., Norfolk, general con
tractors, is in charge of operations.
First step is the team excavation
for main building walls. Brick
work is expected to get underway
in about ten days.
The building is being erected on
| the site of the old frame structure.
It will face the west. It will be
entirely fireproof, even to the
1 floors, where terrazzo and asphalt
tile will replace wood. The build
ing will be of face brick and re
inforced concrete,trimmed in stone.
Outside dimensions will be 72 by
114 feet, all but the gymnasium
auditorium wing to be two stories.
The gym floor will be 40 feet wide
and 63 feet long and the gym ceil
ing will be 18 feet high. The gym
nasium auditorium will have a
stage 26 feet wide and K feet deep.
The first floor also will have a
coal and boiler rooms, two grade
classrooms, manual training and
toilet rooms. On the second floor
will be an assembly study room,
one grade room, two high school
class rooms, a science laboratory,
superintendent’s office and toilet
' room.
The project is expected to give
35 to 40 Inman and Holt county
residents employment for a period
of' four to five months. All labor
on the project is to be employed
thru the office of L. B. Youngworth,
district manager of the National
I Reemployment Service, with offices
i in O’Neill.
This is the first Nebraska PWA
job under the 45 per cent grant,
lower wage rates and relief roll
employment arrangement. Pre
vious PWA jobs in Nebraska have
been under the 30 per cent maxi
! mum grant basis. The school board
at Inman, under the new set-up,
was permitted to establish the
wage rates for labor on this pro
ject. The hourly rates will range
j from 35 cents to 80 cents an hour.
Under the old plan Nebraska
was in the northern zone and all
towns, large and. small, had the
same PWA wage rate, 50 cents for
unskilled and $1.20 an hour for
skilled workmen. The new plan
provides that 90 per cent of all
labor on the project to come from
j relief rolls.
Other contractors on the project
are: Burmester Furnace Manufac
turing company, Omaha, heating;
A. McKenzie, Inc., Sioux City,
plumbing, and E. A. Joos Electric
! company, Omaha, electric wiring
and fixtures. Everett S. Dodds, of
; Omaha, is the architect.
Former Holt County
Woman Dies In Texas
Mrs. Helen Dabney died at Am
arillo, Texas, on Sept. 15, 1935,
after a short illness of pneumonia,
at the age of 38 years and 4 days.
The body was shipped to this city,
arriving Monday evening, accom
panied by her sister, Miss Bernice,
of Amerillo, and taken to the home
of her father, D. D. Murphy north
east of this city, where the body
remained until the funeral at 9
o’clock Tuesday, which was held
from the Catholic church in this
city, Monsignor J. G. McNamara
officiating, and burial in Calvary
Helen Murphy was born on the
farm home northeast of this city
in 1897. She attended the public
schools in her district and then at
tended St. Mary’s Academy in this
city. In 1919 she went to Omaha
where she entered St. Catherine’s
hospital as a student nurse, grad
uating from that institution in the
spring of 1923.
Shortly after graduation she
went to Ft. Collins, Colo., where
she took up her profession. On
December 8, 1923, she was united
in marriage to W. C. Dabney, the
ceremony being performed at Ft.
Collins. Shortly thereafter they
moved to Texas, Mr. Dabney, pas
sing away in July, 1930.
In Amarillo Mrs. Dabney entered
the employ of a physician there as
nurse and assistant in his office.
She met with an accident in the
office in June, 1934, when a bottle
of acid dropped, exploding and she
was severely burned about the
face. Since the accident she has
not worked, but was getting along
nicely when she w*as taken down
with pneumonia and passed away
in a few days.
Mrs. Dabney leaves to mourn her
death her aged father, D. D.
Murphy, one brother, D. Francis,
at home, and four sisters, Mayme
and Bea, at home, Linus, of Den
ver, Colo., and Bernice, of Amer
illo, Texas., besides a host of
friends in this city and community.
Holt County Project
Clubs On the Increase
Wednesday and Thursday Miss
Rizpah Douglas from the Home
Economics Department of the Ag
ricultural college at Lincoln, was
in O’Neill with the presidents and
project leaders of Holt county pro
ject clubs.
Application blanks are now on
file for 16 clubs and two more have
indicated their desire to take the
work. This is an increase of near
ly 100percent over last year, which
is very encouraging.
Any group of seven or more
women may organize and be elig
ible for the work. The group lead
ers meet once each month and
carry instructions received back to
their home group.
That many of the ladies are en
thusiastic with tnis type of club
is evidenced by the increase in
membership. This year Holt coun
ty will receive two days training
whereas last year we were entitled
to only one.
O’Neill Baer Fans Lose
Find Their Wallets Flat
Several O’Neill sports, who had
banking their money on Baer to
win the fight were repenting last
Tuesday evening,.as their idol was
licked from the , ip of the bell,
opening the first round. Many of
them were of the opinion that as
Baer was a Jew that they' would
not allow him to be licked, even if
they had to pay the colored boy
as much as the purse to get him
to lay down. But Louis had other
Joe Louis put Baer away after
two and one-half minutes of the
fourth round in the Yankee stad
ium in New York city last Tues
day evening, bringing headaches to
thousands who did not believe that
Baer could be licked by Louis.
Baer was bucked heavily, despite
the poor showing he made a couple
of months ago against Jimmy
Braddock, when he lost the title.
But the fight the other night was
Louis’ from the opening of the
battle and he gave Baer an un
merciful beating, the latter stand
ing in the ring, taking it without
much of an effort to fight back.
It looks as if we were going to
have another colored champion of
the world for if Louis and Brad
dock come together, pudging from
the showing both made against
Baer, it will be a set-up for the
colored man.
Hastings Gubernatorial
Prospect Visits Here
Mr. and Mrs. William Madgett,
of Hastings, were in the city for
a few hours Tuesday on their way
to South Dakota, and while here
Mr. Madgett improved the oppor
tunity to visit a few old. friends.
Mr. Madgett has been one of the
prominent residents of Hasting for
several years and has served the
people of Hastings as mayor sev
eral terms. He has land interests
in this county, owning a half sec
tion of land three and a half miles
northeast of this city. For several
months he has been prominently
mentioned as a possible candidate
for the republican nomination for
governor at the coming primaries
next spring.
In a conversation with the writer
he did not confirm the fact that he
would be a candidate, but said that
he was seriously considering the
matter. If Bill Madget gets into
the field we look for an interesting
campaign for the next gubernator
ial nomination on the republican
Ralph Prill, of near Page, dealer
in high class Belgian stallions and:
a widely recognized authority on
horses in general, was in this city
one day this week on business.
Mail To Arrive Here From Fremont
E^rh Morning At 7 O’clock
With the Newspapers.
The star mail route announced
some time ago in columns of The
Frontier, is scheduled to commence
on October 7. The route is to be
new from Fremont to O’Neill.
Newspapers and letters are to be
carried and the line of travel west
ward is from the union station at
Fremont and west thru Norfolk,
Battle Creek, Meadow Grove, Tild
en, Oakdale, Neligh, Clearwater,
Ewing and Page and to O’Neill.
The mail will be taken from
Union Pacific train No. 11 on time
at 12:30 a. m., and will leave Fre
mont not later than 1 o'clock a. m.
It is scheduled to reach Norfolk at
4 o’clock and O’Neill at 7 o’clock
in the morning, except Sundays.
The present star line from here to
Ainsworth will carry part of this
mail on west. The announcement
comes from J. F. Riordan, chief
clerk of the railway mail service
at Omaha.
A pretty wedding was celebrated
at the Catholic church last Satur
day morning at 6 o’clock when Rev.
B. J. Leahy performed the cere
mony that united Ernest G. Nelson
and Miss Helen J. Reardon, both of
this city, in the presence of a large
number of the relatives and friends
of the contracting parties.
Miss Reta Reardon, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, and Bruce
Vail officiated as best man.
After the wedding ceremony a
wedding breakfast for fifteen was
served at the Golden hotel, after
which the bridal couple left for a
few days visit with relatives in
Omaha and with the parents of the
groom at Red Oak, Towa.
Out of town guests in attend
ance at the wedding were Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Woodrow, of Grand
Island, the latter being a sister of
Mr. Nelson, and Miss Adel Calvin,
of Lincoln, an intimate friend of
the bride.
The groom is the manager of the
O’Neill creamery and is one of the
city’s most popular young men. He
has been a resident of this city
for about two years and by his
gentlemanlydemeanor and business
ability has made many friends
among the younger people of the
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Reardon and is one
of the city’s most popular young
ladies, being one of the leaders in
the city’s younger set. Possessing
a charming disposition and genial
affable manners she has endeared
herself to all her acqaintances.
The young couple returned home
Monday night and have gone to
housekeeping in the Quinn apart
ments on east Douglas street. The
Frontier joins the many friends of
this estimable young couple in
wishing them many years of wed
ded happiness and prosperity.
Louis Vitt and Miss Bernice
Ernst were united in marriage at
the Catholic church in this city last
Monday morning at 7 o’clock, Rev,
B. J. Leahy officiating, in the pres
ence of a number of the relatives
and friends of the contracting
parties. The bridesmaids cousin,
Miss Catherine Jennings was the
bridesmaid and the best man, a
brother of the groom, George Vitt.
After the wedding ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served the
bridal couple and a few intimate
friends at the home of the bride’s
parents, after which the bridal
couple left for an auto trip to the
Minnesota lakes, where they ex
pect to put in a couple of weeks.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Vitt, living south of this
city, and is a native of this county.
He is one of our rising young farm
ers and stockmen and has a host
of friends in this city and county.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Matt Ernst and is also
a native of this county. For sev
eral years she has been one of the
popular and successful teachers in
the rural schools of the county.
She is a charming young lady, who
by her charming personality and
agreeable disposition has made
many friends among the younger
people of this section.
The young people on their re*
! turn will make their home on the
farm of the groom south of this
city. Their many O’Neill friends
tender them best wishes for a long
and happy wedded life.
Board Deadlocked Over
Successor To Ezra Cooke
The county board is in session
this week and have been in a dead
lock on the election of a supervisor
to take the place of the late Ezra
Cook as a member of the board
from the Fifth district. Three of
the members of the board are sup
porting J. W. Walters of Chambers,
who has been endorsed by about
300 voters of that district request
ing the board to appoint him to fill
the vacancy. The other candidate
being supported by three members
of the board is Rodell Root, also of
Chambers and a former member of
the board, who was defeated for
J re-nomination a year ago by Cook.
Red Bird Beats Bristow’
And Orchard Nines For
Two More Easy Wins
The Red Bird razzle-dazzle base
ball raiders again organized two
more war parties and came home
with scalps hanging all over them
selves. Last Saturday, on Bris
tow’s own reservation the red
wings actually massacred that
bunch of live ball artists 17 to 7.
The throw and catch artists for
Red Bird were Bill Conard and
Ernie Schollmeyer. For Bristow,
Bartling and Bartling delivered the
batting chances to the Red Bird
Sunday out north on the Midway
diamond the Red Shanks once more
j Hailed out a victory, and there was
no doubt about it, the Red Birds
winning » to 1. During this con
test the Red Bird battery was com
posed of Mill Tomlinson an E.
For Orchard, and we almost for
got to mention the opposite aide,
yet the result might have been the
same if the Chicago Cubs were
the opposition, the battery was Hol
brook and Steinberg. Red Bird
made 3 errors and Orchard made 4.
Hits, Orchard made 4 and Red Bird
11. One Red Bird Player struck
out and 9 for Orchard.
A very unusual play occured.
The first two hits Red Bird made
from the first two balls over the
plate, resulted in the bringing in
of a score. Albert Carson made a
two sacker and Charles Richter
clouted out a single and Carson
Next Sunday at Midway the Red
Bird nine plays Spencer. As these
teams have played two games, each
winning one, the Sunday game
promises to be a hummer.
Distribute Group 1
Corn-Hog Checks
The first 1935 corn-hog checks
have arrived and many have been
distributed during the past week.
Several people who have Group I
contracts may be wondering why
they have not been notified.
Treasurer Frank Allen has re
ceived four packages of checks
from Washington, but by the mid
dle of this week one package had
not been received. This missing
package contains checks for pre
cincts starting with the lettr D and
continuing on thru the letter I.
Mr. Allen is expecting to receive
these checks daily and as soon a3
they come each producer will be
A large number of Group II
contracts have been sent to Wash
ington and notice of acceptance is
expected in the near future.
Group III contracts are in the
process of being audited we are
informed by the State Board.
Will Hold Masquerade
Dance At Country Club
There will be a masquerade
dancing party held at the Country
j Club Friday evening, Sept. 27.
Everyone is urged to be present
promptly at 9 o’clock as the grand
march will take place shortly
1 thereafter and prizes will be
awarded for the most original cos
tumes. Masks will be sold at the
club for 5 cents each. There will
be a charge of 25 cents per person.
All Country Club members are in
vited to attend.
Attorney Douglas Cones, of
Pierce, was in the city Wednesday.
Fire Which Broke Out On A Five
Acre Swamp Nearly 2 Weeks
Ago Is Still Burning.
Ambrose Rhode, assistant mana
ger of the Council Oak store here,
reports that Romaine Rhode told
of a mysterious fire north of O’Neill
23 miles on land owned by Mrs.
Stephen Donlin.
Two weeks ago fire broke out
there in a five acre swamp always
holding water and mud, so it could
not be waded until last summer
when it dried.
Neighbors rushed to the spot and
extinguished the fire after about
ten acres of prairie had burned.
The fire, however, in the swamp
has been burning ever since,
sometimes furiously and again at
low ebb. The blaze at times is
about two feet high and is blue as
if fed by gas or oil. A hired man
of one of the neighbors first dis
covered the fire.
Those near the swamp blame
spontaneous combustion for the
fire, pointing out there is a great
amount of moss, rushes and cat
tails there in a state likely to cause
a fire.
The burning swamp is two and
one half miles east and three
fourths of a mile south of Phoenix,
Rhode said. In connection with
this fire, perhaps, John Storjohann
recently set off dynamite charges
one-fourth mile from the swamp
in blasting rock on a contract to
supply the Northern Nebraska
Power company 15,000 tons of rock
for a dam project and the fire of
the blasts may have caused the
swamp to blaze.
Rhode mentioned that the ghost
lights that caused a furore here
several years ago appeared only a
few miles from the burning swamp.
j Ray Verzal To Supervise
Work of Resettlement
Work of the new Resettlement
Administration in the handling of
rehabilitation and resettlement
problems in Holt and Antelope
counties will be cared for under
the direction of Ray Verzal, work
ing in closest cooperation with
County Agent F. M. Reece of Holt
county and Leonard Wenzel of
Antelope county, it was announced
Thursday by Cal A. Word, Region
al Director of Rural Resettlement
for the state of North and South
Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.
With this announcement the pro
cedure for applying for benefits
under the Resettlement Adminis
tration were outlined by Mr. Ward
as follows:
Jurat, the applicant for a prop
erly secured loan must be deserv
ing, and have the desire, character
and ability to repay such loan un
der a period of from two to five
Second, the applicant will call
on the local representative named
above, will present his problem and
the local representative will assist
him in mapping out a farm budget
plan looking to the re-establish
ment of the applicant on a self-sus
taining basis.
Third, the plan will be passed
upon by the County Advisory Com
mittee and, if approved, will then
be submitted to the regional office
for final action. In each case the
needs of the individual applicant
are of first consideration and. the
budgeted farm management plan
will be based on the individual case.
Anthrax Outbreak
Misses This County
An outbreak of anthrax in cat
tle is reported from the ranch of
C. A. Lambert, tenanted by T. H.
Campbell, 10 miles northeast of
Ainsworth in Brown county. Fif
teen head of cattle out of a herd of
350 have died. Dr. L. T. Hines,
federal veterinary, has made an
investigation and reported the dis
ease positive anthrax. A quaran
tine was laid down on the yards of
the ranch and the cattle vaccinated.
Anthrax has been frequently re
ported east of here several times,
and with it in action west of here
stock raisers of Holt county may
feel themselves lucky. Some be
lieve short grass causes stock to
pull up grass roots and with them
the spores of anthrax which may
have lain there dormant since mil
lions of buffalo traveled and grazed
over the prairies of this section^