The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 19, 1935, Image 1

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Neb. State Historical Society
Mr. Cooke Had Served As A Mem
ber of Both Wheeler And
Holt County Boards.
, The funeral of Ezra Cooke, Holt
county supervisor, who died in a
hospital at Norfolk last Wednes
day, was held from the family home
in Chambers last Friday and was !
largely attended, several from this
city going down to attend the
Mr. Cooke was one of the pione
er resident of the southern part of
this county and the northern part
of W7heeler county. In the latter
county he served for several years
as a member of the county board
and was elected a member of the
Holt county board last fall. He
was a good citizen and a valuable*
and able public servant. His death
is mourned by a large circle of
friends over the county.
Red Bird Wins Over
Atkinson Saturday
At Atkinson Festival
Playing at Atkinson last Satur
day before a lively, good natured
fall festival crowd, the Red Bird
baseball machine processed At
kinson nine 4 to 3. The Red Bird
battery was Bill Alder and Ernie
Schollmeyer, while the battery for
the Atkinson performers were
Mike and Bill Troyshinski. Hits
Red Bird, 11; Atkinson, 5. Struck
out, nine of the Red Birds were
i fanned and 11 of the Atkinsonites.
Errors, Red Bird 2; Atkinson 4.
Red Bird, not satisfiei to take
Atkinson in camp, a strong nine
composed of superb players and
fine fellows generally, entered a
contest Sunday at Lynch wherein
the cream of Holt county baseball
—Red Bird—and the All Stars of
Boyd county mixed on the diamond
r at Lynch and again Red Bird came
out on top with a score of 16 to 10.
The Red Bird battery, Tomlin
son, Karr and Schollmeyer; All
Stars, Bartling, Axberg and Whit
ley. Hits, Red Bird 13; All Stars
9. Six on each team fanned the
ozone while trying to connect. Er
rors, Red Bird 4 and the heavenly
sparks 12.
There are three things Red. Bird
can do better than any community
in this section. The three are
baseball, baseball, baseball. Next
Sunday Red Bird plays Orchard
out at Midway, and Orchard is in
for a methodical drubbing.
Holt County Corn
Husking Contest
Several inquiries have been re
ceived at the agricultural agent’s
office regarding a corn husking
contest. While the corn prospects
on many farms would not keep
very many huskers busy there are
several places that would qualify
for an event of this kind.
The National Contest will be
held Nov. 8, in Fountain county,
Ind., and the State contest Nov. 4,
the place not having been decided
This means that a county con
test would have to be held some
time toward the latter part of Oc
tober. If sufficient interest devel
ops and a suitable place can be
located a County Contest will no
doubt be held this year.
Anyone interested in entering or
holding the contest on their farm
should get in touch with Agricul
tural Agent F. M/*. Reece as soon
as possible.
Federal Aid For Court
House Definitely Out
! From the latest reports publish
^ ed in the daily press from Wash
ington, it seems as if Holt county
would not be granted the money
to erect a new court house. The
daily papers again carried a list of
rejected applications and among
them was listed applications for
new court houses for Dawes and
Holt counties. Not only were the
court house buildings turned down
but dozens of applications for sev
eral other projects in the state
were also rejected.
Take Trip Boosting
iO’Neilfs Free Day
Wednesday evening about fiifty
auto loads of O’Neill people, head
ed by the High School band and
Mayor John Kersenbrock, drove to
Stuart to attend the annual fall
festival held in that thriving little
city. The O'Neill band played a
few selections for the Stuart crowd
and with their neat and attractive
appearance and the quality of the
music rendered won the plaudits
of the people assembled at Stuart.
The band and the O’Neill dela
tion were advertising the O’Neill
Free Day.
On their way home they stopped
at Atkinson, where the band also
rendered a few selections and the
people of that city were reminded
of the Free Day celebration to be
held in this city next Wednesday.
Bush Which Produces
Wheat Rust Found In
The Center of Town
About two years ago James W.
Rooney, who then was Holt county
agricultural agent, now secretary
treasurer of the O’Neill Production
association, minutely described
common barberry brush to a news-,
writer who walks much in the
country. For two years this walker j
looked in vain. Last Saturday
while walking to the business sec
tion here, in an alley, he found a
seven-feet-high common barberry
bush with a half dozen trunks and
the elongated red and yellow ber
ries making a pretty sight. This
barberry propagates a parasitic
plant that causes stem rust in
wheat and an intensive campaign
of eradication is under way where
ever wheat is grown. It might be
a good plan to have children, those
from the country especially, view
this bush, in fruit now, before it
is destroyed. F. M. Reece, Holt
county farm agent, has been noti
fied of the find.
Gust Johnson
Gust Johnson was born April 26,
1871, at Randolph, Kansas, and
died August 28, 1935, at Alliance,
He spent his childhood in Kansas
coming to eastern Nebraska at the
age of 18. He joined, the Lutheran
church during his boyhood. On
April 19, 1898, he was united in
marriage to Miss Laura Carlson,
and to this union there were born
eight children, five sons and three
He lived in western Nebraska
until the spring of 1930, when he
moved to O'Neill, where he and his
family lived for five years, engaged
in farming northeast of that city.
He is survived by his wife, who
lives in Alliance, and the following
children: A. F. and Hai'old John
son, of Oakland, Calif.; Oscar John
son, of Hastings; Everett and Ray
mon Johnson, of Alliance; Mrs.
Henry Sandy, of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Hazel Johnson, of Alliance.
Funeral services were held in
Alliance on Sunday, September 1.
* * *
Holt county schools are observ
ing “National Constitution Week”
this week. A nation wide move is
being made to support the consti
Nearly all of the Holt county
schools are now in operation, and
we are expecting a very good school
year. Teachers wages for the
most part have shown a slight tend
ency over the county to raise. This
condition is perhaps more true in
the case of town schools than in
regard to rural schools.
We have one new school house
being erected at this time. Dis
trict No. 87, south of Chambers.
This school is a modern tile and
stucco building, which will be able
to qualify as a standard school.
District No. 11, in the Cleveland
neighborhood, is making a number
of improvements on their school
and will likewise become a stand
ardised school.
Teachers Institute will be held
on Friday, October 4. We are
making plans for a good institute,
and city schools will not be com
pelled to attend, since most of
them feel that they are obligated
to attend the district teachers con
vention at Norfolk.
We have completed posting our
j school exhibits and the building
I will be open on Free Day. We
have an unusually fine school ex
hibit this year and it is our hope
that many people will take advant
! age of the opportunity to see our
Miss Nancy Dickson left Sunday
for Wayne, where she enters the
Wayne Normal for her last year.
First Two Project Applications To
Bo Filed Have Been Awarded
—Work To Start Soon.
Sixteen projects with an estim
ated total cost of $298,871.81 have
been filed with the local emergency
relief office here. The projects are
construction projects, mostly for
building of roads, and of the total
sum, $235,896.71 is asked of the
Federal government, to be furn
ished out of WPA funds.
The remaining $02,975.10 is to
be furnished by sponsors of the
Nearly half of the total expend
iture would go in the payment of
wages for labor, and a third would
go to rental of equipment for doing
the work. The remainder would
go to material and other costs.
Projects Number 45-1 and 45-2
have been approved in Washing
ton and construction on these two
should start within two weeks time.
The balance of the proposals are
in the Washington office awaiting
approval, and it is hoped to have
notice of approval on the earliest
submitted within a week.
Construction of these projects
are contingent upon the amount of
available relief labor in the local
ity in which the project is located.
After the project is approved, con
struction will start as rapidly as
the relief load increases, making
the necessary labor available for
the prosecution of the work.
Ninety per cent of all men em
ployed on each project must come
from the relief rolls.
Following is a list of WPA pro
ject proposals which have been
submitted thru the local emergency
relief office:
projects 40-1—construction oi t
miles Ewing-Chambers road; labor,
$7,112; material and, supplies, $2,
643.37; equipment rentals, $5,730;
other costs, $150; total, $15,635.37.
Federal funds, $10,237.37; spons
ors contributions, $5,398. Approved.
Project 45-2—Construction of 6
miles Inman west road; labor, $7,
020; materials and supplies, $2,
217.80; equipment rentals, $5,152.
10; other costs, $500; total $14,
889.90. Federal funds, $9,725.00;
sponsors, $5,164.90. Approved.
Project 45-3—Construction of 2
blocks curb and gutter in Stuart;
labor, $678; materials and supplies,
$549; equip, rent, $235.20; total,
$1,462.20. Federal funds, $1,114;
sponsors, $348.20.
Project 45-4 — Manufacture of
articles of clothing for Holt coun
ty relief clients; labor, $13,872.00;
mat. and sup., $8,578.80; equip,
rentals, $324; other costs, $960;
total, $23,734.80. Federal funds,
$22,690.80; sponsors. $1,044.
Project 45-5—Extension of City
Water Works, Atkinson; labor,
$1,952; mat. and sup., $1,656.52;
equip, rentals, $70; other costs,
$680.60; total, $4,359.12. Federal
funds, $2,780.26; sponsors contri
butions, $1,578.86.
Project 45-6—Construction 4 Vi
miles road, 7 miles south of At
kinson; labor, $9,140; mat. and sup.,
$1,897.50; equip, rentals. $9,113;
other costs; $500; total, $20,650.50.
Federal funds, $16,352; sponsors,
Project 45-7—Construction 19 Va
miles road, Stuart south; labor,
$15,759; mat. and sup., $3,204.51;
equip, rent, $16,729; other costs,
$500; total. $36,192.51. Federal
funds, $28,399.31; sponsors contri
butions, $7,793.20.
Project 45-8—Construction of 4
miles road, Red Bird south; labor,
$16,068; mat. and sup., $5,297.94;
eqiup. rent, $12,904; other costs,
$500; total. $34,769.94. Federal
funds, $27,359.94; sponsors contri
butions, $7,410.
Project 45-9—Construction of 5
miles road, Ewing south; labor,
$13,014; mat. and sup., $4,129.95;
equip, rent, $9,804; other costs,
$250; total, $27,197.95. Federal
funds, $21,815.95; sponsors contri
butions, $5,382.
Project 45-10—Construction of
12 miles roa4, Atkinson north, lab
or;$15,008;mat and sup., $4,134.64;
equip, rent, $12,824; other costs,
$500; total $32,466.64. Federal
funds, $24,372.88; sponsors contri
butions, $6,444.
Project 45-11—Costruction of 10
miles road, Emmet north and
south ; labor, $16,758; mat. and
sup., $5,206.88; equip, rent, $8,
352; other costs, $500; total, $30,
816.88. Federal funds, $24,372.88;
sponsors contributions, $6,444.
Project 45-12—Construction of 6
miles road, Parshal bridge south;
labor, $12,420; mat. and sup., $3,
595.60; equip, rent, $7,996.10; oth
er costs, $250; total, $24,261.70.
Federal funds, $19,613.60; spons
ors, $4,648.10.
Project 45-13-Remodeling Smith
Hughes building. Page, Nebr.; lab
or, $512; mat. and sup., $259; total,
$771. Federal funds, $496; spons
ors contributions, $275.
Project 45-14 — Building town
hall and water works extension,
(Continued on page 8, column 5.)
Raymond Shoemaker, of Plain
view, and Miss Lucinda Fleek, of
Chambers, were granted a mar
riage license in county court Thurs
day morning.
The citizens of Meadow Grove
put on a free day last Saturday
and, according to reports, they had
a crowd of 4,00d people in their
little city on that day.
Last Sunday the Burlington
freight pulled out J.6 cars. Reports
in daily papers haw said the Bur
lington and Union Pacific are the
only Nebraska lines now making
a considerable profit on their in
James P. Harte, J. S. Jackson,
Karl Keyes and Arthur Tomlinson,
of Inman, and E. J. Mack, of At
kinson, have been selected from
this county to serve on the federal
jury at Norfolk during the next
term of federal court, which will
meet dtfout October 1.
Sometimes a man should think
this note might apply to us here in
Holt county: “My friend, we're
strangers here; is that the moon
or the sun? We have a bet on
this.” The native replies: “I
don’t know; you see, I have been
here myself only 79 years.”
According to the daily press,
Arthur F. Mullen has filed a bill
for $160,000 as attorneys fees for
representing the two big power
projects in southern Nebraska. If
this is a sample of the size of fees
earned by attorneys in the capitol
city no wonder Arthur opened up
an office there.
Eldon McPharlir, of Iowa City,
Iowa, arrived in the city last
Thursday afternoon to spend a few
days visiting at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc
Pharlin. Eldon is attending the
Iowa State Unive 'if, where he is
taking the law course. He left for
Iowa City Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Howard left
here last Sunday for Lincoln,
where Mark will spend a few days
looking after business, while Mrs.
Howard is visiting with relatives.
Mrs. Howard returned home Wed
nesday eevening, while Mr. How
ard was called to Neve York city
on business and will not be home
for several days.
R. R. Morrison, accompanied by
his daughter, Miss Dorothy, left
last Thursday for Winona, Minn.,
where Miss Dorothy enters St.
Theresa’s college for a four year
course. Mr. Morrison then went on
to Rochester, Minn., where he went
thru the Mayo clinic for a thoro
medical examination, returning
home Wednesday.
Frank Nelson, living in the Meek
neighborhood, returned last Thurs
day night from a weeks visit with
relatives in Omaha. Mr. Nelson
says that the corn crop in eastern
Nebraska is about the same as it
is up this way, very spotted, but
that pastures are not nearly as
good in that section of the state as
they are in this county.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Bill Schroder were
called to Colome, S. D., last Thurs
day afternon by the death of a
nephew, Donald Patterson, 3 Vi,
who was run over by a truck. His
father, Oscar Patterson, a brother
of Mrs. Schroder, had left his oil
truck parked beside the house and
it started to roll, knocking the lad
down and running over him.
Japjes Walling, who has been an
employee of the Gamble Stores
for the past year and a half, left
last Friday morning for Aurora,
Nebr., where he will install a
Gamble Agency. Jimmy is a hust
ling and energetic young man and
will no doubt make a marked suc
cess of his business venture. Mrs.
Walling will remain here for a
time until he gets located.
Mrs. Leighton Lindes, Mrs. Sal
lie B. Simon and Miss Eliza
beth Merzig, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
arrived in the city last Saturday
afternoon for a visit with Miss
Merzig’s mother, Mrs. Merzig, and
with her sister, Mrs. Walter O’Mal
ley, at the O’Malley home. The
ladies drove thru from Phildelphia,
making the trip in four days. They
expect to remain here two weeks.
Large Group of Friends Gather
Sunday At William Storts
Home To Celebrate.
Last Sunday, Sept. 17, was the
70th birthday anniversary of Wil
liam Storts, Holt county pioneer, \
and friends from all sections gath-,
ered to help him properly celebrate
the event, at his ranch home south
of Emmet.
The day will long be remembered, j
by those who participated in the j
event, as the gathering was one of
the largest ever assembled in that
section of the county, over 100
persons being present. They start
ed coming early in the morning, -
each bringing a lunch basket welli
filled with all the delicacies of the!
season. The forenoon was spent
visiting and at noon they all en
joyed a splendid feast.
Al ter dinner they enjoyed a base
ball gave between- the Whip Poor
Wills and the Never Sweats. The
latter namy was a little out of
order for the team Sunday, as
many of them sweat as they had
never sweat before, but they won
the game with a score of 7 to 0,
so they did not mind a little thing
like that. The teams were com
posed of everyone from 6 to 60
and it is needless to say that they
had a very pleasant game and the
spectators had several good and
hearty laughs.
Henry Benz, better known as
Shorty, was master of ceremonies
and speaker of the day. Shorty
filled the ’position with great cred
it to himself, and during the day
he rendered several very appro
priate recitations in a very able
manner that won for him tumul
tous applause.
Mr. Storts has been a resident of
Holt county for about 54 years,
coming here when in his teens and
has seen this county grow from a
prarie wilderness to one of the
brightest spots in this grand old
That he has a host of friends in
the county was evidenced by the
large crowd that gathered Sunday
to celebrate his three score and ten
anniversary, and there would have
been hundreds of others present if
all of Bill’s friends had known of
the event. The following guests
were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burge and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Slat
tery and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Earls and family, Charles
Earls, Mr. and Mrs. Cly^e Hershis
er and family, Mr. and Mrs, Fran
cis Clark and, family, Andy Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoecker and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Bead and family, Frank Pierce, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Gardner and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettijohn and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wayman
and family,
Joe Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Hershiser and family, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. McPharlin, Mrs. William
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Schaf
fer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Em
ory Harding and family, Lee Her
shiser, Wesley Sanford, Pearl Gif
ford, Charles Connaro, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Storts and family, Mrs.
James McCaffrey, Mrs. Hattie Con
naro, Henry Benz, Tiny Welch and
Ernie Wagner.
James Flannigan To Be
Paroled On December 15
James Flannigan, of Stuart, has
been granted a parole by the state
board of pardons. The parole will
become effective on December 15.
Flannigan was serving a sent
ence of from five to ten years for
accepting deposits in an insolvent
bank. He entered the penitentiary
on Sept. 22, 1933, and will have
served nearly 27 months at the
time his parole becomes effective.
First Checks Arrive On
1935 Corn-Hog Contracts
Over 50 thousand dollars^ repre
senting approximately the first
payment on seven hundred 1935
Group I corn-hog contracts, has
been received'by Treasurer Frank
Allen. These checks will be dis
tributed to producers and their
landlords as rapidly as possible.
Individual notice will be mailed to
every contract signer whose check
has been received.
Most of the Group II contracts
were sent to Washington from Lin
coin after their pre-audit there the
first of the week. Checks should
be received on them around the
first of October. Payments will
be made as fast as the contracts
can be cleared thru the pre-audit
section at Lincoln, and sent on to
Washington. «
Very few contracts remain in
the county office at the present
time and these are waiting for
technicalities to be cleared up.
Two Federal Prisoners
Held In Jail Here On
Auto Stealing Charge
Deputy U. S. Marshal Frank]
Harnish was in the city last Sun
day bringing two federal prisoners
here to take them before United
States Commissioner F. J. Dishner.
The men, Glenn Les Scott and
Milo Walter Smith, were arrested
at Valentine charged with the theft
of an automobile from the state of
Kansas. They pled guilty to the
charge before the Commissioner
and were bound over to the federal
court, bail being set at $2,000 each,
in default of which they were com
mitted to the Holt county jail.
The latter has been designated
as a federal jail by federal auth
orities, and hereafter federal pris
oners arrested in this section of
the state will be committed to the
Holt county jail, where they will
be kept until their trial.
A very lovely wedding was sol
emnized Tuesday, September 10,
at Emmet with Father Byrne offi
ciating when Helen Cleary hecame
the bride of John Turner. Follow
ing the ceremony a delicious break,
fast was served at the home of the
bride’s parents.
The bride is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and the
groom is the son of Mrs. J. Turner
of Phoenix. They were attended
by Lois Sullivan and John Cleary,
jr. Patrica Turner was the ring
The bride wore a dress of white
satin, with a veil and carried a
boquet of roses. The bridesmaid’s
dress was of peach taffeta with
white acessories. She carried a
boquet of carnations. Patrica’s
dress was of pink organdie.
The groom and his attendant
were both dressed in conventional
After a short visit in eastern
Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Turner
will move to Atkinson where they
will make their future home.
Hospital Notes
Charles Cooper, of Page, went
home Saturday morning.
Stuart Hartigan, of Inman, went
home Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. R. C. Brachman, of Chamb
ers, came in Sunday evening and
was operated on for chronic ap
pendix Monday morning. She is
convalesing nicely at present.
Borti, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nie
mand, of Chambers, Wednesday
morning at 5:30, a son weight 9
pounds. All are doing fine.
Former O’Neill Girl Wins
Public Speaking Contest
The state public speaking con
test sponsored by the Nebraska
Farm Bureau Federation was held
at the 4-H Club building at Lin
coln during the Nebraska state
fair. The winner of the contest
this year was Mrs. C. C. Marr, of
Walthill, Nebr. Mrs. Marr will be
sent to Chicago the first week of
December to compete with women
from over the country for national
Mrs. Marr was formerly Helen
Sauser of O’Neill. She is a gradu
ate of St. Mary’s Academy and
taught school near this city for
(several years. After leaving
O’Neill,'she attended Wayne State
j Normal and the University of Ne
braska and taught in the high
schools at Allen and Walthill. She
now lives on a farm near Walthill.
The Weather
High Low
Sept. 12_ 85 55
Sept. 13_ 90 49
Sept. 14 .... 90 55
Sept. 15 . 92 60
Sept. 16 .. 88 58
Sept. 17_88 * 55
Sept. 18_ 92 49
Thomas Marwood, of Clearwater,
was in O’Neill Saturday attending
to business at the court house.
Merchants of City Have Prepared
Good Program of Sports And
Other Forms of Fun.
Everything is in readiness for
the great O’Neill Free Day, which
is next Wednesday, and if you
want to spend a delightful day and
witness some splendid entertain
ment, do not fail to come here that
day and be the guest of the busi
ness and professional men of
This is the Third Free Day cele
bration put on by the citizens of
O’Neill and both of the former
were splendid successes from every
point of view and we can assure
you that the committee in charge
this year have tried hard to make
this the best one yet. So do not
fail to be here.
The committee in charge of tha
entertainment is headed by Mayor
John Kersenbrock and he has as
his lieutenants W. H. Harty, Peter
Todsen, Jack Heitman and Charles
E. Stout. This committee has been
assisted by other committees and
in fact about every business man
in the city is working for the suc
cess of the event and trying hard
to make this a bigger day than
either of the preceding ones.
St. Mary s Academy will give its
pupils a holiday on that day as
will the O’Neill Public Schools and
the rural schools of the county, so
there will be a lot of little folks in
town that day and the committee
has provided entertainment for
them. The streets in the center of
the city will be roped off so that
the little tots will not be in danger
of being run over. Free rides will
be provided for the Kiddies, all
day commencing at 10 o’clock in
the morning, so they will be sure
to enjoy themselves, and it is all
Plenty of music will be provided
I during the day, by four bands.
Heading the list of bands will be
the O’Neill Public School band, the
Osmond band, the Norfolk Drum
corps, which made such a decided
hit here a year ago, and the Ger
man band.
The program will start at 10
o’clock in the morning, with a par
ade of the school children, from the
city and rural schools. This will
open the day’s festivities and these
will be followed by foot and bicycle
races for both fats and leans; a
grease pole climb, and a baseball
game between Atkinson and O’Neill
at 1 o’clock, p. m.
This will be followed by a foot
ball game between the O’Neill
High school team and that from
Platte, S. D. After the ball games
there will be 16 rounds of good fast
boxing, for those who love this
sport. The management say they
have some good bouts arranged
and this promises to be one of the
winning events of the day.
Another event that has never
been witnessed in this city is also
billed. A Sokol drill by 23 athletes
from our neighboring county of
Knox. Do not miss this exhibition.
In the evening all those who
wish to trip the light fantastic will
be given the opportunity, as there
will be; a free pavement dance com
mencing at 9 p. m.
Come one, come all, both great
and small if you want to enjoy
yourselves. You are assured a
good time, in a darn good town.
O’Neill Popular As A
Place To Get Married
O’Neill is becoming a regular
Gretna Green for those seeking to
enter the bonds of wedlock. For
the past several weeks there has
hardly been a week but what a
couple comes to this city, from
towns in this state, South Dakota
j and Iowa, and are joined in wed
j lock here. On last Saturday Arth
I ur Gleason and Mrs. Beulah Hart
leib, both of Battle Creek, came up
here, secured a mar-riage license
in the county court room and were
later united in marriage by Rev.
D. S. Conrad.
Postmaster Impi'oving
Postmaster M. R. Sullivan is still
in the hospital at Stuart. Word
from there is to the effect that he
is getting along nicely and it will
not be long before the genial Mike
is back on the job.
Jack Heitman made a business
trip to Norfolk this morning.