The Frontier D.H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice at O’Neill. Nebraska as Second Class Matter ^ADVERTISING RATES: Display advertising on pages 5, 6 and 8 are charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wait) per week; on page 1 the charge is 40 cent an inch per week. Want ads, 10c per line, first insertion, subsequent insertions, 5c per line. One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska $2.25 Every subscription is regarded an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re moved from our mailing list at ex- j piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at thedesignated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a Ert of the contract between pub her and subscriber. Supervisors’ Proceedings (Continued from last week) O’Neill, Nebraska, Aug. 28, 1935, 9 a. m. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Min utes fo previous meeting read and