Nation Will Save Its Historic Sites Preservation of Landmarks Adopted as a Policy. Washington.—Preservation of his torlc sites, buildings and other mile •tones along the paths traveled by the men and women who created • nation on this continent has been declared for the first time to be a national policy, and provision made by congress to rescue and restore for the Inspiration and benedt of the American people such siguifi cant reminders of their heroic past. Under the broad terms of two bills one of which already hns be come law and the other of which appears assured of enactment be fore congress adjourns. It Is hoped to rescue and restore such surviv als as the Spanish mission In the Southwest. Derby Wharf and other sites and buildings In Old Salem, Mass., built In Colonial times, and beautiful nntebellum plantation homes In South Carolina. Georgia and Mississippi, which are in dally Increasing danger of destruction. The Hermitage plantation on the Savannah river, described as “one of the priceless historical heir looms of this country” was dis turbed recently to make way for an Industrial plant. The buildings were purchased by Henry Ford and Re moved to another site owned by him at Richmond. Va. Old Homes May Be Torn Down. At Portsmouth. N. H„ are fine old examples of early American homes not as yet endangered but are in the old part of town where, unless measures are taken to pre serve them, they are certain soon to be torn down. And in the West and Middle West, along the Oregon Trnli, and the route of the Pony Express and the Overland Stage are the sites and survivals of pioneer posts and events. It Is desired to preserve ana re store, In Wyoming, Fort Laramie and Fort Brldger, and to protect Register Cliff In the southern pnrt of the state on the sand stone sides of which are Inscribed the names, with dates, of many of the f>0,000 pioneers who passed that way In the thirties and forties, ami of whom In some cases, these are the only surviving records. The signatures, now In danger of erasure and erosion, can he stabilized for the benefit of future historians and genealogists, nnd all others In terested In the re-creation of sights and scenes of those early days. All these and many other antiqui ties of national significance are to be surveyed, evaluated and ac quired. Under the terms of a bill which has passed both the senate and house and Is assured of enactment before congress adjourns, the secre tary of the Interior Is Instructed to make an Intensive expert nation wide survey to determine the exist ence and exceptional value of places “Radium Hen” Clucks Like Barnyard Fowl New York.—Science announces the discovery of a new kind of “poultry"—the “rudlum hen I” The hen family can well be proud of the “bird." It Is sexless and yet clucks excitedly like any barnyard Leghorn. It needs no food, except electricity, looks like an ordinary watering can, and has led perplexed scientists to the location of many radium “eggs." The Instrument has been christened "radium hen” by doc tors at the National Physical laboratories In London. They have used It to locate lost or mislaid radium needles used in treating diseuse. The closer the “hen” Is brought to the un unknown location of the expen sive needle the louder and more excitedly It clucks. and properties of Interest as com memorating or Illustrating the his tory of the United States, prelim inary to their acquisition, when authorized by gift, purchase or oth erwise. In this work the secretary Is to be assisted by a general advisory board of not to exceed 11 quali fied experts appointed by him to serve without salary In co-opera tion with the staff of the historical division of the National Park serv ice. Another bill, already enacted, pro vides for a National Park trust fund board to accept and adminis ter gifts or bequests of properties to the National Park service which Is charged with the duty of preserv ing and restoring national monu ments. No Running Over Bridg* When, long ago, the city fathers of Luray built themselves a bridge across a nearby creek they must have built a flimsy structure. For they made a law, still on the statute books of the Virginia town, which stated that no boy "should trot or run across the bridge even If he were barefooted.” Student Opens Cat and Dog “Laundry” Toledo.—Even cats and dogs get soiled, so why not a laun dry for them, too? That’s Just what Miss Mary Helen Womel dorf, comely freshman at Toledo university, reasoned. She Inserted this advertise ment In a Toledo paper: •’SITUATION WANTED: Col lege student will wash and deflea cats and small dogs.” Her Idea seems to be clicking, too, as, although Miss Womel dorf has only been busy Ht this unique occupation a short time, increased numbers of pets have been brought to her to be groomed. She explains that catnip keeps the cats In a docile state during the cleansing process and. as her family has had pets as long as Mary Helen can remember, she is quite familiar with their treat ment and care. Milk Bottl* Yields Diamond Utica, N. Y.—Milk Bottle Clean up week, sponsored annually by milk dealers to get housewives to clear their cellars of bottles which may have accumulated during the year, resulted In the return of a diamond ring to a Utica woman. The ring was lost five months ago and was found In one of the for gotten milk bottles. Find Support for Atlantis Legend _ ^ - - _ I Belief in Lost Continent Gets Confirmation. Paris.—French believers In the existence of a lost continent, At lantis, have been greatly encour aged by the announcement that the French ship Ampere has discovered a submerged peak In the Atlantic In the region of where they think the lost continent had been. Paul Le Cour, director of the re view Atlantis and founder of the Friends of Atlantis society, has left for the Azores, where he Is study HIGH-STYLE SATIN By CHERIE NICHOLAS Satin continues to hold Its glam orous sway In fushlon's realm. The tones and tints of the present eve ning satins are enchanting. The model pictured Is typical of the trend of the mode as to the ex quisite styling given to formal sat ins. A luxurious silver fox cape tops this satin gown which Is in soft almond green—an especially ef fective color with sun tanned skin. It Is made with deep V decolletuge. This front fullness given to the skirt Ing the |H>sslbllitles raised by the Ampere's discovery. It Is his belief that the conti nent which sank below the level of the sea existed In the neighborhood of the Azores at a point In the At lantic where there Is a submarine plateau surrounded by ocenn depths which go down both on the Euro pean and American sides to 6.000 meters (19,080 feet). Mr. Le Cour was not at all dis mayed by recent reports to the French Academy of Sciences by Professor Chevalier of the Museum of Naturnl History that his hotanl cnl studies In the Cape Verde Is lands gave proof that no lost conti nent had existed near there. “This only confirms that the site of Atlantis was elsewhere." said Mr. Le Cour In an Interview before he left. "We have always main tained that the Cape Verde Is lands, the Cannrles and the Ma deira Islands could not have been colonized by the Inhabitants of At lantis. The ocean plateau which Includes the Azores marks the spot i where Atlantis seems to have been. Already numbers of legends, myths, traditions and zoological, botanical, linguistic and oceanographic proofs for this theory have been collected by our society. "It seems certnln that a lost civ ilization existed, and that either European civilization was carried to the Americas through the Inter mediary of the lost continent or else the lost continent was the birthplace of civilization nnd Its cul ture spread to the rest of the world." Mr. Le Cour said that In some ancient writings the Inhabitants of Atlantis were referred to under the name of Ethiopians, nnd that In Pliny’s text Ethiopia was called At lantis. Is distinctively chic and describes the newest silhouette movement. In fnct front fullness Is one of the most Important dressmaker topics of the moment since fall styles both dnytline and evening stress this feature. Man of Iron Hit by Car Walks to Police Station Lynn. Mass.—A nmu of Iron Is llupop Baronls. Knocked off his bicycle by a hit-and-run motorist, he suffered concussion of the brain, possible fracture of the skull and cuts nnd bruises. He picked up his battered "wheel” and walked a half-mile to the police station to re port the accident. He finally was prevailed upon to go to a hospital. Huge Boeing Bomber Built for Army Air Corps e0ei»° After a year of secret operating this greatest bombing plane in the world, the Hoeing -M.m, was completed for the army air corps at Seattle and appeared for test (lights. It has four “<>0-horsepower motors, a wing spread of more than 100 feet and is 70 feet long. Its weight is about 15 tons and its expected speed ‘J5(J miles so hour. SEEN and HEARD' around toe NATIONAL CAPITAL* By Carter Field ( FAMOUS WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT Washington.—While congress Is off the administration’s hands, the courts are still on the Job, and the bombardment of New Deal policies along the constitutional front may be expected to continue. In this connection, AAA officials are confident that, with the new amendments just passed by con gress. the processing tnxes will be upheld. They think the objections which lower courts have found to the old processing taxes, and which lawyers generally believe will be found by the Supreme court, have been avoided. Hence the AAA Intends to do everything possible to produce a court test of the new processing taxes Just as speedily as possible. AAA officials say privately that they have already picked the case on which to make the battle. It Is that of the Hoosac Mills. Washington lawyers who, no mnt ter what their specialty, always fig ure that they are experts on what the Supreme court may do, and who certainly are more interested In the court than In what might be called the chores of the profession, are di vided as to what will be the out come. Three possibilities, they admit, are open. The first Is for the high court to throw the whole business out the window, holding that the assessment of such excise taxes Is beyond the power of congress, In that these taxes are for a particu lar purpose and not for the general need of the government, and that they are not Intended to produce revenue, but to achieve a desired price level. In this case the AAA would have nowhere to turn, but there Is little doubt what the administration would do. It would continue to pay farm benefits, and In Janunry It would ask congress to levy special taxes to provide the additional revenue needed. Or the court might, as AAA offi cials believe It will, uphold the whole business, which would settle the question for the time being— probably until after the next elec tion, anyhow. Another Possibility But there is another possibility. The hlgla court may decide that the processing taxes as fixed In the law are all right, but that the formula for changing them as agricultural prices approach ptrlty Is an uncon stitutional delegation of power. Most lawyers agree that the in jection of this "formula” for chang ing the taxes as the prices of prod ucts change was a grave mistake by those desiring to avoid having the court throw the taxes out. For they contend that beyond any doubt the inclusion of this "formula” proves that the taxes are not in fact excise taxes, levied for rev enue; that it proves the only object of the taxes is to bring better prices for the farmer. Now everybody knows that this was the real object. There is no question about that. The only ques tion is whether congress has the right to levy internal taxes for such a purpose. No one questions that the tariff duties are levied with this end In mind. It has been a protective tar iff, and not purely a revenue tariff, for a good many years. In fact, the Republicans used to win elec tions right along on that plea, and even when the Democrats came Into power—on the tariff issue, back in Cleveland’s time—there was no ac tual scuttling of the protective Idea. It was Just modified. More than that, in recent years there has been a formula for chang ing these Import taxes so as to equalize the difference In cost of production here and abroad. The chief difference, the lawyers say, is that there hns never been any question of the power of con gress under the Constitution to levy tariffs for purposes of protection as well ns revenue, but there Is grave doubt as to whether congress has the right to levy excise taxes for nny other than revenue purposes. Ways of Candidates Once a muu, starts thinking he may become President of the Unit ed States, something very curious happens to his mental process. It Is proverbial that this applies to his own estimates of his chances for success. especially after he is nominated. Men who traveled on the train with James M. Cox In 1920 know that Cox thought he had an excellent chance, right up to the last, though the Harding landslide was overwhelming. But he was not alone In this. Many others on that Cox train thought so, too. Including some pretty hard boiled newspaper men. Perhaps the answer to this sort of thing is that people meeting a celebrity of any sort, and cer tainly a man who Just may become President, do not rack their brains to say disagreeable things. They like to say things that the tuun will remember pleasantly. But this Is not all the picture of what happens to a potential candi date—a man who thinks the light ning may strike him. Consider the wuy two men who desire the Republican nomination are going about It. To wit, Senator Vandenberg of Michigan, and Col onel Knox of the Chicago Daily News, Knox, who figured second only to Borah In the recent poll taken by Robert H. Lucas among Republican local leaders all over the country, Is barn-storming as few candidates have ever done. He is going up and down the country, making speeches every time he gets a chance, giving out more or less sensational Inter views in between, and generally at tracting all the attention he can get. While Vanderberg has been most cautious in the senate, and is not only declining to go places and make speeches, but is refusing even to give Interviews. He has recently refused to repeat his often ex pressed views on a certain subject for a well-known magazine—an op portunity which few senators would decline, and which Vandenberg would not decline If he were not rigidly holding himself to a cam tious line of procedure. Then Take Borah On the other hand, Senator Borah, who probably has been talked about for President longer than any living man, and gotten less close to than nomination at convention time than anybody who ever aspired—If the roll calls of the conventions are accepted as decisive on this—acts Just as though he were not Inter ested. Right after his present boom started he proceeded to cast votes and make speeches which were cal culated to alienate the conservative wing of the party. And this came at a moment when he was being considered as an excellent connect ing link to weld together the two wings of the party. Perhaps the explanation Is that Borah has been talked about for President so long that he no long er takes It seriously, save In a com plimentary way. Nobody knows the answer to that. People do know that he is tremendously Interested in the talk. That story Is true about his putting the slip of paper with “Borah for President," which a colleague put on his desk as a Joke Into a drawer, and then tak ing It out and looking at It half a dozen times within an hour. And It wasn’t to figure out whose hand writing It was, either. His face, ac cording to those who watched him, showed distinct satisfaction. But It was not long afterward that he Insurged all over the lot, casting ballots and making remarks calculated to cause cold chills down New York and New England and New Jersey spines. Get# What He Wanted Very few times In history has a President obtained a greater meas ure of what he wanted from his second congress than has President Roosevelt. He actually suffered no important reverses except a few having fundamentally nothing to do with his program and policies. Critics point to the World court vote. Every President since Wil son has been for the World court, and every one—Harding, Coolidge and Hoover—failed to get anywhere with It. Due to a combination of racial groups opposing United States adherence to the court, and to widespread and firmly frozen Isolationist sentiment, many sena tors simply do not dare to vote for It. Critics also point to the St. Law rence sea'way treaty, which Mr. Roosevelt strongly favors, and which does Impinge slightly on his program and policies In that there is a power angle. But the power angle had nothing to do with the defeat of that treaty, nor the attitude In the sen ate that made It futile to attempt to bring It up again. It Is purely the seaway angle that operates against ratification. Opposition comes solidly from the Atlantic coast and Gulf states, whose ports would be hurt by the diversion of deep-sea traffic to that route. There Is nothing partisan about It. Where Fight Centered The most interesting point here, however, is that the utilities did not dare attempt to draw their bat tle line more to their own advan tage. If they had dared make a tint tight to eliminate any possibil ity of the holding companies being forced out of existence, for exam ple, that might have meant some thing. The whole fight between senate and house, and between the President and the house, was over whether a flat day for execution should be named, or whether dis cretion to commute the sentence might be vested In a commission— a commission named by the Presi dent. The remainder of the measure Is drastic, but the utilities, though de nouncing It, did not make a real fight. Plenty of lists of the legislation passed at the ltoosevelt command are being printed. There Is no point to repeating them here. The point is, nowhere did he fall to get pretty nearly what h* wanted. Copyright.—WNU Servloo. m NOMADIC CIRCUS Circus Clowns Cater to the Popular Fancy. Prepared by National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.—WNU Service. IN MIDSUMMER the circus sea son Is at Its height. Since early spring troupers have been don ning their costumes daily, and trained animals from every corner of the globe In colorful trappings have delighted young and old. Geographically, the circus has been a great educator. Long before automobiles, motion pictures, and radio broke down the barriers be tween Isolated regions of the Unit ed States and the advancing world outside, the circus was taking its artists, Its comedy, its music and Its nomadic college of zoology Into almost every state and territory. The world’s largest circus might even advertise that It carries the original New York cast, because It takes on tour precisely the same show that opens In Madison Square Garden. Whatever else the peripatetic amusement venture is or is not, the fact remains that It is real. There are no circus “doubles” to perform the difficult feats, and there are no substitutes for those who may not feel “up” to the ordeal of two shows a day, “rain or shine." Years ago leaders In this field of enter tainment learned that the formula for permanent survival included a whole-hearted attempt to give the public something it never had be held before, surrounding it with a dazzling array of sustaining attrac tions. This hard-and-fast rule has persisted through the years, amid a procession of magic names: Jum bo, Tom Thumb; Chang, the Chinese Titan; Zachlnni, human cannon ball; Tom Mix, whose Rough Rid ers carry the spirit of the old West to every state in the Union; Goliath, monster sea-elephant; Ubangi sav ages from Darkest Africa. Because the circus is nomadic in Its quest for business, it always has been of necessity a fighting institu tion. Therein lies one of its major bids for fame. Like a gay explorer who finds each day’s journey a fresh problem to tackle, the circus strug gles against a perfect maze of dal ly entanglements that threaten to ensnare It like a colossal Gulliver. The circus has battled the weather and it has fought grafting officials who threaten to dig up some ex cuse for fining or tying up the show unless complimentary tickets fly thick and fast. Huge Dally Overhead. The managements for years have fought the argument that they take too much money out of town. Peo ple overlook the fact that every big circus spends a large sum In every city In which It plays. The dally overhead of the largest circus Is in excess of $15,000, and a consider able share of it is spent locally for lot and license, straw, lumber, ice cream, soft drinks, billing locations, and food for 600 horses, 36 ele phants, four herds of camels, hippo potamuses, and other large appe tites In the menagerie, as well as for the three meals a day of the show personnel, whose gastronomic requirements would stagger the chefs of a huge hotel. The commis sary uses daily 250 pounds of but ter, 200 pounds of coffee, 25 bags of table salt, almost a ton of fresh meat, 200 gallons of milk, 1,500 loaves of bread, 200 dozen eggs, half a ton of vegetables, a barrel of sugar, 50 pounds of lard, etc. Mud is by all odds the outdoor showman’s worst enemy. It sucks at the wheels of his wagons until elephants must be pressed into service to extricate them, and it dampens the spirits of his prospec tive customers. Wet weather is bad for monkeys, apes, giraffes, and cat animals, which are subject to throat and lung congestion. Add to this the fact that canvas triples its weight when wet. Conquest of the golden fleece could be little more difficult than the task that con fronts a circus manager who must drag his nomadic city from the clutches of the mire in time to play a matinee performance in a town a hundred miles away. In the old days, before movement by railroad was general, traveling was much worse. Springtime found country roads impassable. Four teen horses were needed to pull a hippopotamus den when circuses traveled overland in wagons. Cir cus laborers still shout “China!’’ occasionally when the train roars into the city of exhibition. This Is a circus term of another genera tion. When a driver, seated atop the first wagon In the caravan, sighted the show’s destination, he railed "China” to indicate that after an all-night struggle they literally had dug their way through. Rivalry Used to Be Fierce. Previous to 1929 most of the big circus units battled with one an other up and down the country from Maine to California and from Can ada to the Gulf. Sometimes they employed the most vitriolic phrases in characterizing rival circuses as worthless. When electricity first was used to illuminate a circus tent, competitors solemnly warned the public to stay away from that show “because electric lights are known to be extremely dangerous and blinding to the eyes!” Most interesting were the “paper wars" conducted by the big and little shows prior to the late sum mer of 1929. The big circuses often bought advertising space on barns and buildings in the dead of win ter, so that the location would not be snapped up by rival concerns. Some of the shows had a playful little habit of covering each other’s posters when two shows saw fit to play the same city on the same day or a few days apart. une or tnese paper wars became so Intense when two circuses chose to book a California city within a few days of each other that the barns and billboards of the sur rounding countryside were plastered with a covering of circus pictures 28 sheets deep. The opposition bri gade of circus number one went out each morning to cover the adver tisements of the rival show. The brigade of circus number two went out every evening to recover with its own billing. They watched each other so closely, these tireless ad vance men, that each knew when the other’s crew left town to cover paper in the country. At last one of them played a master stroke. Two nights before the first show was due to arrive, the brigade hired a hearse, climbed Inside with posters, paste, and brushes, and quietly left town to do their work without attracting the attention of their competitors. The advance advertising cars of the big shows carry large crews of ambitious workers who often aver age a posting of 10,000 to 12,000 sheets of circus lithographs a day. A crew of 30 men can bill a large city in a single day, so well do they understand their work. The flaming circus lithographs that herald the approach of the spangled caravan must be printed in several different languages in a number of places: Posters with Hebrew lettering in New York city’s Jewish districts, Italian in both New York city and Chicago, French in parts of Montreal and Quebec, and Spanish in certain Southwest ern cities. White Elephant Competition. Sometimes the tented enterprises tried to duplicate their rival’s ace attractions. Barnum once import ed a sacred white elephant from Slam. It wasn’t pure white, but rather a cream color, and it cost a lot of money and trouble. Adam Forepaugh, then Barnum’s leading competitor, copied the Siamese al bino by applying a generous coating of white paint to unclothed parts of a gray pachyderm. His elephant was so much whiter than Barnum’s that the public decided Forepaugh had the real article—until one day during a street parade in Philadel phia, when a cloudburst exposed the Imposture. Even then skeptical show-goers refused to believe that Barnum’s white elephant was any more genu ine than the one they had seen exposed. Somebody asked Barnum what he was billing as his chief attraction that season. He smiled and replied. ‘Tve got a white ele phant." Then and there he sup plied a distinctly American angle to the age-old white-elephant allu sion that to this day Is used to de scribe something expensive which cannot be disposed of to any ad vantage. The big shows fought each other until the summer of 1929, when a great consolidation was effected. Now six of the largest tent shows, all Ringllng-owned, contend for pa tronage in friendly rivalry and try to keep out of one another’s way. Most outsiders think that every circus picks its complete route at the beginning of each season. In reality, they are routed only about six weeks in advance. Agents must study crop and factory conditions, epidemics of disease, and proximity of rival attractions, and must ar range to send the circus where there is a probability of doing good business. Routing a circus is a business science