The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 08, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    T e Frontier
jp.H. Cronin, Editor and Propricti i
{Entered at the Postoffice at O'Neill
{Nebraska as Second Class Matter
W Display advertising on pages 5
6 and 8 are charged for on a basis
of 26c an inch (one column wide)
per week; on page 1 the charge n
40 cent an inch per week. Want
ads, 10c per line, first insertion,
.subsequent insertions, 5c per line.
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska $2.25
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of
subscribers will be instantly re
moved from our mailing list at ex
piration of time paid for, if pub
lisher shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription remains in force
at thedesignated subscription price.
Every subscriber must understand
that these conditions are made a
part of the contract between pub
lisher and subscriber.
City Council Proceedings
O’Neill, Nebraska,
July 18, 1935.
Council met as per adjournment
of Juiy 2.
Present, Mayor Kersenbrock;
Councilmen: Yantzi, Coyne, Prot
ivinsky, Brennan, Uhl.
The meeting was called to order
by the Mayor.
Geraldine Cronin met with the
City Council in regard to establish
ing a recreation center in the cen
ter of the City of O’Neill, and ex
plained their wishes.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan that the city appropriate
the sum of $50.00 to the FERA to
assist in putting in a supervised
play ground. It was seconded by
Councilman Uhl. A ballot was
taken on the motion and the vote
resulted as follows: For to ap
propriate $50 to the FERA 2 votes;
Against the appropriation of $50
to the FERA 3 votes. Therefore
by ballot the motion did not carry.
Motion by Councilman Brennan,
seconded by Councilman Yantzie,
that the Council take a vote on the
off and on sale beer license of
George Fox and John Fox. Roll
was called on this motion and the
vote thereon was as follows: Aye,
Protivinsky, Uhl, Yantzi, Brennan,
Coyne. Nay, none.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Uhl, that the Mayor be instructed
to endorse the approval on the ap
plicants bond. Motion carried.
The following resolution was in
troduced by Councilman Protivin
sky, and read:
Whereas, G. A, Fox and John
Fox has made application for and
on and off sale beer license, and
Whereas, Said application is in
all respects in legal and due form
and notice of hearing thereon has
been given according to law by
publication in The Frontier, and
Whereas, No remonstrances are
interposed, and no objections are
on file or made to the granting of
said application and the issuance
of license of a Off and On beer
license to said applicant.
Therefore, Be it resolved by the
Mayor and City Council of, O'Neill,
Nebraska, that a 'Off arid On sale
Beer license be granted to .the said
G. A. Fox and John Fox, and that
the City Clerk be and he hereby is
directed to issue said license, in
the manner, form and within tne
time prescribed by law.
Motion was made by Councilman
Uhl, seconded by Councilman Yant
zi, that the above resolution be
adopted. Roll was called upon this
motion and the vote thereon was
as follows: Aye: Protivinsky,
-Uhl, Yantzi, Brennan, Coyhe.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilmun
Uhl, that the Council take a vote
on the granting of an Off and On
Sale Beer license to Erwin F. Peter
son. Roll was called on this
motion and the vote thereon was
as follows: Aye: Protivinsky,
Uhl, Yantzi, Brennan, Coyne. Nay:
Motion was made by Councilman
Yantzi, seconded by Councilman
Protivinsky, that the Mayor be in
structed, to endorse approval on the
applicants bond. Motion carried.
The following resolution was in
troduced by Councilman Yantzi,
and read:
Whereas, Erwin F. Peterson has
made application for an Off and
On Sale Beer license, and
Whereas, said application is in
all respects, in legal and due form,
and notice of hearing thereon has
been given according to law by
publication in The Frontier, and
Whereas, No remnostrances are
interposed, and no objections are
on file or made to the granting of
said application and the issuance
of license to said applicant.
Therefore, Be it resolved bv the
Mayor and City Council of O’Neill,
Nebraska, that an Off and On sale
Beer license be granted to said
Erwin F. Peterson, and that the
City Clerk be and he hereby is di
rected to issue said license, in the
manner, form and within the time
prescribed by law.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Yantzi, that the above resolution
be adopted. Roll was called upon
this motion and the vote thereon
was as follows: Aye: Protivin
sky, Uhl, Yantzi, Brennan, Coyne
Nay: None.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Congressman
Uhl, that the date of hearing on
the application of Howard Bauman
for a liquor license for Sale in the
Original Package, and both On and
Off Sale by the Drink, be set as of
August the Sib, 1935, at 8 o’clock,
P. M. Motion carried.
Mr. Youngworth, met with the
City Council in regards to securing
the City Council room for office
space and having the door opened
between his office and the Council
room. Upon motion a ballot was
taken on this proposal resulting in
all Councilmen voting No.
Upon motion the Council ad
journed subject to the call of the
C. W. Porter, City Clerk.
, O’Neill, Nebraska,
July 20, 1935.
Council met as per adjournment
of July 10, 3935.
Present were Mayor Kersenbrock
Councilmen: Brennan, Uhl, Harty,
Protivinsky, Yantzi, Coyne.
The meeting was called to order
by the Mayor.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Yantzie, that the Council vote on
the granting of an Off and On
sale Beer license to Lod Janousek.
Roll was called upon this motion
and the vote thereon was as fol
lows: Aye: Brennan, Protivin
sky, Coyne, Uhl, Harty, Yantzie.
Motion was made by Councilman
Yantzie, seconded by Uhl, that the
Mayor be instructed to endorse the
approval on the applicants bond.
Motion carried.
The following resolution was in
troduced by Uhl and read:
Whereas, Lod Janousek, has
made application for an Off and On
Sale Beer license, and
Whereas, Said application is in
all respects, in legal, and due form,
and notice of hearing thereon has
been given according to law by
publication in The Frontier, and
Whereas, No remonstrances are
interposed, and no objections are
on file or made to the granting of
said application and the issuance of
license thereon, and
Whereas, a majority of the City
Council of O’Neill, Nebraska, favor
the issuance of an off and on sale
beer license to said applicant.
Therefore, be it resolved by the
Mayor and City Council of O’Neill,
Nebraska, that an Off and On Sale
Beer, license be granted to the said
Lod Janousek, and that the City
Clerk be, and he hereby is directed
to issue said license, in the manner,
form and within the time pre
scribed by law.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Uhl, that the above resolution be
adopted. Roll was called upon this
motion ami the vote thereon was as
follows: Aye — Brennan, Coyne,
Harty, Uhl, Yantzi; Nay—Proti
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Uhl, that the date of hearing on
the application for and Off and On
Sale Beer License of George Mel
lor be set as of the date of August
the (ith, 1935, at 8 o’clock P. M.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Councilman
Brennan, seconded by Councilman
Yantzie that the date of hearing on
the application of J. H. Bauman,
for an Off and On Sale Beer Lic
ense be set as of the date of Au
gust the 13th, 1935, at 8 o’clock
P. M.
Mr. Frank M. Shanner met with
the City Council in regards to the
new proposed water works.
Motion by Councilman Brennan,
seconded by Councilman Protivin
sky, that the matter in regards to
the new well be tabled until further
discussion. Motion carried.
Mr. A. G. Hastie, PWA engineer,
met with the City Council and dis
cussed the City’s water situation.
Upon motion the Council ad
journed subject to the call of the
City Clerk.
O’Neil], Nebraska,
July 31, 1935.
Council met pursuant to the fol
lowing call:
To the members of the City
Council of O’Neill, Nebraska:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that there will be held a
special meeting of the City Council
of O’Neill, Nebraska, to be held
at the City Council Chambers in
said City, said meeting will be held
on the 31st day of July, 1935, at 8
o’clock p. m.
The object and purpose of said
meeting will be to take up the mat
ter of purchasing from F. M. Shnn
ner, the well which he dug under
contract, which did not come up to
specifications, and which was re
jected under the contract, and to
do all things necessary and incid
ent to purchasing said well if terms
and conditions are suitable to the
Received a copy of this notice
this 31st day of July, ^935. Signed:
J. P. Protivinsky, W. H. Harty,
Thos.J. Brennan, H. E. C&yne, Levi
Yantzie, Norbert Uhl, Councilmen.
Present at this meeting were:
Mayor Kersenbrock, Couneilmen
Brennan, Yantzie, Uhl, Coyne,
Harty, Protivinsky.
The meeting was called to order
by the Mayor.
In the absence of C. W. Porter,
Emmet A. Harmon acted as City
F. M. Shanner met with the City
Council in regards to the sale of
his well which he had dug to the
City, and same was discussed but
no agreement reached.
Therefore upon motion the Coun
cil adjourned subject to the call of
the Mayor.
Acting City Clerk.
Supervisors’ Proceedings
(Continued from last week)
O’Neill, Nebraska,
July 10, 1935, 1:00 p. m.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman.
Mr. Norris Coats appeared be
fore the Board in regard to the
Valuation placed on merchandise.
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjuorned until July 15, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neil], Nebraska,
July 15, 1935, 9:00 a. m.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met as per adjuornment. All
members present except Carson.
Meeting called to order by Chair
man. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and on motion were ap
proved as read.
Board spent forenoon in compar
ing valuations of real estate on
which complaints were filed.
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
July 15, 1935, 1:00 p. m.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman.
Board continued comparing Val
uation of Real Estate on which
complaints on Valuations have been
Committee of the Board also
went out to view some stocks of
merchandise in O’Neill upon which
an increase in Valuation had been
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board
adjourned until July 16, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
July 16, 1935, 9:00 a. m.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met as per adjournment. All
members present except Cook and
Stein. Meeting called to order by
Chairman. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and on motion
were approved as read.
Motion by Matousek, and second
ed by Steinhauser that the Valua
tion of the Council Oak Store in
O’Neill, Nebraska, be increased
from $1,100 to $2,000.
Motion by Carson, seconded by
Reimer that the following increases
in Valuation on personal property
for the year 1935 on the following
persons and companies be ap
F. E. Skrdla, Atkinson, $ 300.00
Joe H. Brown, Atkinson ... 200.00
A. Marcellus, O’Neill 215.00
J. B. Mellor, O’Neill 500.00
Stuart Creamery, Stuart 570.00
Atkinson Creamery,
Atkinson 550.00
Bordens Creamery, O’Neill 000.00
O’Neill Creamery,
O’Neill, ... G95.00
R. E. Chittick, Stuart_ 300.00
H. L. Cowles, Stuart 500.00
Ind. Lbr. Co., Ewing 575.00
Wm, Krotter Co., Stuart _ 1,000.00
Gambles Stores, O’Neill 3,930.00
Brown McDonald Co.
O’Neill 1,010.00
Thos Brennan, O’Neill 300.00
A & B Drug Co., O’Neill 4.25.00
Anton Toy, O’Neill 1,000.00
Hoskinson Merc. Co.,
Atkinson _ 1,015.00
Chace & Chace, Atkinson 775.00
Keating Hdw Co.,
Atkinson 2,390.00
1 Coats Hdw Co., Stuart 1,000.00
R. R. Morrison, O’Neill 500.00
Deep Rock Oil Co.,
O’Neill 225.00
Continental Oil Co.,
O’Neill 150.00
Mellor Motor Co.,
O Neill 200.00
Phillips Petroleum Co.,
O’Neill .. _ 200.00
Standard Oil Co., Stuart 555.00
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk,
by Steinhauser that all petitions on
file for reduction of Valuation on
Real Estate for the year 1935, be
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board ad
journed to the call of the clerk.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neil], Nebraska,
July 16, 1935, 1:00 p. m.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met as per adjournment. All
members present except Cook and
Stein. Meeting called to order by
Motion by Carson, and seconded
by Steinhauser that all petitions on
file for reduction of Valuatio on
Real Estate for year 1935, be
5:00 P. M. On motion, Board
.adjourned to the call of the clerk.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
Here are some real hot specials,
Gamble’s Managers have picked
for their Aug. 2nd to 17th Sale—
2 Gal. 100% Penn. Oil, $1.13—12
Gal. Tractor Grade Penn, incl heavy
steel drum and tax, $6.50. Complete
Ford “A” & Chev. 30-31 Brake
Lining Sets, 59c—Rebuilt Spark
Plugs, 13c—Tube Repair Kit, 7c—
10-Lbs. Axle Grease, 69c—6-piece
End Wrench Set, 55c.—Adv.
May Adjourn August 20—The an
nouncement today that the tax bill
is coming up this week or for sure
next week gives some of the old
timers an inspiration to tell new
members that they can begin to get
ready to go home. The guess now
is that congress will adjourn about
August 20. The program as given
to the leaders for this week in
cludes the control of floods on the
Mississippi river; army promotion
bills; annua] sick leave bill; bus
bill and the private and consent
calendar bills. The army bill and
the flood relief op Mississippi bills
passed yesterday.
Storing Silver—There was some
truth in the report that the activ
ity around the Treasury Building
here was for the purpose of mak
ing room for money. While it was
true that they were digging to
make plans for a new air-cooling
system for the employees, it was
also true that they were making
space for one hundred million sil
ver dollars which are startin to
come to Washingtoh from the mint
at Philadelphia and which are
stored in the new underground
vaults at the Treasury Building.
C o o k i n g—The famous White
House kitchen, which has been a
symbol of American cooking since
the time of Thomas Jefferson, was
closed beginning this morning. This
famous kitchen is being modern
ized. It is too old fashioned, they
say. The old open fireplace, where
Andrew Jackson’s “kitchen cabin
et” watched a pig roast over glow
ing coals, while discussing the
spoils system, has not been used
for a long time. They have been
using stoves, which have supplied
the beefsteak and. fried potatoes to
the visitors and ambassadors and
powerful political bosses, and these
two have been long out of date.
The president is being fed from the
small kitchen on the third floor, an
emergency kitchen.
Imports Increase—The increase
in imports of farm products within
the last year is schocking. The
following information indicates the
seriousness of the situation:
1934 1935
Butter, lbs. 689,000 ~ 21 ,cf00,000
Fresh Beef, lbs. 233,000 4,575,000
Fodder, lbs. 113,000.000 354,000,000
Meats, lbs. 40,546,000 73,763,000
Wheat, bu.10,596,000 23,603,000
Rice, lbs. 35,511,000 80,376,000
Beans, lbs. 12,500,000 35,600,000
Onions, lbs.3,900,000 13,500,000
Gag Rule Works—The Frazier
Lemke leaders on the House side
have been over to the Senate and
Saturday they came back very
much disappointed at their recep
tion there. They received word
that the Administration is working
just as hard on the Senate side to
stop the Frazier-Leml^e Bill as
they are working on' the House
side, but the Frazier-Lemke organ
ization say they will fight to the
last ditch to stop adjournment of
this session of Congress until their
bill is given an opportunity to be
heard on the floor of the House of
Representatives. Administration
leaders who have discussed this
battle, and it is a battle which is
given very little publicity, declare
that the Frazier-Lemke bill is
doomed for this session, because
they have enough support to stop
any more signing of that petition.
This shows how effectively a gag
rule works on any bill which the
Administration does not favor.
Homestead Memorial—Nebraska
congressmen are finding some op
position to their bill to spsnd about
$25,000 for the erection of a monu
ment to the nation’s first home
stead in Gage county, Nebraska.
It is felt that if the government
can spend hundreds of millions for
other monuments it should not
hesitate in spending a few thous
and to commemorate the people
who had the first homestead in the
United States.
Bonus—Watch the bonus legisla
tion. The new bonus army was re
ported to be growing here today
and it was stated off-record that
the administration feels that vet
erans may not support the admin
istration next election unless some
thing is done about the bonus. This
may mean that there will be a bet
ter feeling toward new bonus legis
lation by the administration.
NRA — Letters are coming in
asking what has happened to the
NRA. Well, really nothing serious
has happened to the NRA insofar
as the activity here in Washington
is concerned. Altho it has been de
clared unconstitutional, the organ
ization still continues to occupy
more space than most any other
agency in the District from a rent
al standpoint. It has representa
tives in fifteen different buildings,
'occupying about 250,000 square
feet of space.
Tax Burden—A letter comes from
a constituent in the Third Con
gressional District to the effect
that in his opinion our government j
has to stop adding to the burden
of the taxpayer, and in his opinion
the new tax plan is all wrong.
However, when it is taken into con
sideration that our public debt is
now nearly thirty billion dollars
and that we spent three and one
half billion dollars more than we
took in the last fiscal year, and
that we have no place from which
to get money except the taxpayer,
it is easily seen that the taxes must
be collected and that the taxes
must be higher in order to pay the
bill, and in order to even attempt
to balance the budget.
What we need in America nowa
days is less knee action in our aut
omobiles on Sunday and more in
the churches.
Auto production is twenty per
cent above that of 1934 but there
will be no overproduction. The
wild boys and girls on the high
ways are smashing ’em up twenty
per cent faster this year.
New York man. is said to have
jumped out of the tenth story win
dow on account of the heat. A lot
of people would be afraid to do that
lest they get into a place which is
still hotter than New York.
from 7 p. m. to 4:30 a. m.
Don’t be surprised if you see a man drop
everything and run for the telephone any
time after 7 p. m. Lowest rates for long dis
tance slation-to-station calls—those on which
you ask to talk with anyone available at the
telephone called—are in effect from 7 p. m.
to 4:30 a. m. The reduced night
rate applies on any such call for
which the day rate is 40 cents
or more.
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Call home often when you are away. Between
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Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebr.