The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 08, 1935, Image 3

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“You’re a sheepherder,” said Ker
“I ain,”said the man, with a quick
nod of pride. “Only I ain't jus’ now.
I been fired.” He nodded again, his
stained mouth open. “I live over
t’other side there In the shed by
the Old South Corral. An’ when I
feel like It some day I’ll tear it
“Why’ll you tear It down?” said
“It'll make ’em sore,” said the
man. “You can have anything you
want up there. If you want to tear
the shack down, I’ll help you.”
“That’s mighty nice of you,” said
Kerrigan, "but I guess we’ll just
alt here for a while.”
The man watched the fire a little
longer. Then he turned and grinned
at Kerrigan and said, “Well, I guess
I’d oughta get back. Moon’s cornin’
"wen, good nignt to you," said
‘‘Good night,” said the man, and
abruptly started clumping away
The late moon floated up clear
and brilliant to pale the stars with
Its gray-blue dusk, and they moved
from the runnlngboard, nearer the
Are, to watch that bright drifting.
“You’re at liberty,” Kerrigan said
to Barry, “to lean against my friend
Ireland and have a nap.”
She gave her soft laugh and re
laxed against Hal, as If she’d been
waiting for Kerrigan’s permission.
Her hair touched his cheek as she
settled her head to his shoulder; she
looked up at him In sleepy comfort,
saying: “Too heavy?” then pressed
closer to him and closed her eyes.
And in the naturalness of that, Hal
was near believing he had dreamt
the obstacles to their united for
tune: her trapped allegiance to that
man, that husband, was too gro
tesque a sacrifice.
Every so often Hal looked down
at Barry’s face—her dark lashes
laid low in a little radiant fringe on
each smooth cheek, her vital lips
at rest together, her breathing gen
tle and oblivious of care. And once
when Kerrigan happened to glance
at him as he looked up, they smiled
at each other as if she somehow
belonged to both of them.
Then the last fence post fell apart
across the low fire.
“D’you s’pose that fe,la’s build
ing a battery?” Kerrigan murmured
out of a silence; and he got to his
feet In a stiff sort of aimlessness
that ended In his lighting a ciga
rette and sitting down again.
“Hadn’t honestly thought of the
little—guy all night,” said Hal.
He started to take his arm from
Barry’s waist—to shift his suddenly
cramped position; but she stirred
against him, murmured something,
and he waited, watching for her
calm again. Then he began a more
careful maneuver: in the middle of
It Barry made a quick, plaintive
moan, turned as if to hold him, and
her sleepy whisper said, “DaYllng,
don’t go, don’t go, there's time.”
Her eyes opened. Disappointment
chased th£ dream out of them as
she looked from him to Kerrigan,
and the high moon. Then she sat
up straight, her rueful smile on
the last of the fire.
tso we re still here,” she said.
“Were there ghosts?”
“None,” said Hal. “Was that what
you were dreaming?”
“I think so—toward the end. Dear
Kerrigan, are there ghosts?”
"I would’ve said,” said Kerrigan
in a subdued tone, "that it took a
ghost to sleep as you have and
wake up without a shiny nose.
You’re not a ghost, thank the Lord,
If you allow me—and neither is your
nose shiny. So I don’t know.”
She gave him a little slow smile of
affection through her still disap
pointed drowsiness: "You’ve never
seen a real ghost?” she said.
“I’ve thought I was just going
to—oh, several times; but maybe
I was trying too hard,” said Kerri
gan. "Usually about this time of
night. In old countries midnight’s
supposed to be the time; but out
here, I think before dawn—just
when the east begins to gray.”
There was a car coming from
the direction of the highway—its
loose noisiness advertised over a
distance. They saw a pair of dim
headlights stare up and down again
over a rise.
"Splash with our battery,” said
Kerrigan subdued.
“If that’s a bet I won’t take It,”
said Hal moodily, and he looked
down at Barry. She was staring
into the embers, miles off In some
somber thought.
The car lurched up over the rock
outcrop and came to a chattering
stop beside Rasputin, the motor rac
ing under loud rattles and drum
mlngs in the old body. Neither
Barry nor Kerrigan moved; Hal
got up, stiff and reluctant, and went
around, saying without welcome,
“That you?”
“Yeah," said Crack lazily, some
how as If he had been gone a mat
ter of moments.
And In that dismal pre-dawn hour,
with a low stain of gray across the
east and the sharp, mocking flash
of the air-beacon in the gloom be
low It, Hal was heavily oppressed
by the sense of ill Impending.
THEY were in Evanston, on the
edge of Wyoming, at sunrise,
with the fresh, concentrated red
and blue of the restaurant’s neon
tubes saluting the good blue and
red-gold of the crescent morning.
The restaurant was in full blast,
giving breakfast to two loads of
eastbound bus travelers off to an
early start. And Rasputin hnd hard
ly stopped before thePulsiphers were
bustling toward the door, drawing
the others in their wake. Hal caught
Barry’s wrist as she was passing
and kept her back.
“Barry,” said Hal, “think of this
for me today—before tonight. 1
must know where I can find your
husband. I will know it if I have
to follow you like a dog—every
where you go for years; and I will
see him. It’ll be so much easier if
you tell me. Tonight I shall come
to ask you.”
Dully she said: “I’ll never tell yon.
Don’t you see I have to use every cow
ardly thing I can think of to keep
my bargain—a bargain not to any
one living, not to anyone you or 1
current pleasure In the twitching,
alertness, the busy running, of the
fat-bellied gophers.
They were in Salt Lake City near
nine o’clock, and Mrs. Pulsipher
said it would be a wicked waste
not to be able to say they’d seen
the Temple while they were here.
The avenue up which they turned
had clear water running lavishly in
both gutters; and tall trees on
either side.
“That’s the Temple," Mrs. Pulsi
pher said in sudden energy. “That’s
the Temple, Mr. Kerrigan.”
Hal thought vividly of Crack,
there behind him, looking straight
down the street that would take
them between the files of tall trees,
pleased in his private waiting, as if
the trees were an omen for him.
After lunch, if Barry wouldn’t sit in
front of him, Hal would have
Crack there—where he could look
at him, see his expression, talk to
him, and finish the narrow little
guy’s alien linkage with that unde
termined sense of ill.
They stopped for lunch In Fill
more, halfway down the length of
Utah, and on Kerrigan’s map the
three hundred-odd remaining miles
to Las Vegas looked long and savor
less to Hal—to be covered before
night and his final, imperious siege
of Barry.
Crack, beside him, looked up from
his own scrutiny of the map and,
with a shy smile at Mrs. Pulsipher,
said: "Las Vegas’s too far. We had
plenty of rldin’ today already.”
The Insinuation, somehow, of plac
ing himself In assured opposition
nettled Hal like open insolence, and
he dismissed all thought of the
tedium In pushing on. “You don’t
liave to drive,” he said casually.
‘All you have to do is sit. If any
of the ladles are tired, well stop
as soon as they want to.”
Mrs. Pulsipher asked how far Las
Vegas was. and when Crack told
her, she looked grimly familiar with
Impositions and supposed that if
anybody was In a great hurry, the
others would have to keep on, too.
“Who-who v ho’s in a hurry?”
John asked her out of sudden per
Sister Anastasia, her faintly wor
ried eyes smiling a little at Hal,
said: “Because I asked. Mr. Ireland
told me we would be in Los Angeles
tomorrow. Per’aps he believes I
must be there then. It Is not neces
sary. It would be better to stop
this afternoon and rest. We are
all tired—Mr. Ireland especially, I
Hal denied It, hut the nun’s gen
tle diffidence persuaded Mrs. Pulsl
Following his father’s criticism of his idle life, and withdrawal of
financial assistance, Hal Ireland, son of a wealthy banker, Is practically
without funds but with the promise of a situation in San Francisco, which
he must reach from New York at once. He takes passage with a cross
country auto party on a “share expense” basis. Four of his companions
are a young, attractive girl, Barry TrafTord; middle-aged Giles Kerrigan;
Sister Anastasia, a nun; and an Individual whom he instinctively dislikes,
Martin Crack. Barry’s reticence annoys him. To Kerrigan he takes at once,
and he makes a little progress with Barry. Through a misunderstanding,
Hal Is directed to Barry’s bedroom instead of his own. Her apparent
unfriendliness disappears, and they exchange kisses. The following day
Hal tells her he loves her. She answers that she mustn’t love him, without
giving any reason. Crack brutally insults Kerrigan. Hal forces him to
apologize abjectly, and his feeling of disgust for Crack is Intensified. On
his Insistence, Barry tells Hal that shortly before his death her father
had urged her to marry a man many years older than she. Trusting her
father Implicitly, she did so, and on his deathbed her father secured her
promise to stick to her husband, “no matter what happened,” for ten years.
That was four years ago, and though she has proof of her husband’s
unworthiness, she Is determined to keep her promise, while admitting het
love for Hal.
can talk to or bribe or bully, but
to some one who Is dead—my fa
ther? Don’t you see that?"
“I don’t see It,” said Hal, qui
j etly secure. “Your father deceived
you, cheated you. This man he gave
you to Is not to be considered, ex
cept as an animal in the way. If
your father is anywhere now, he
knows he cheated you, and he’s pay
ing for it until you release him. If
lie’s—not anywhere, it doesn’t mat
ter. It’s between us—no one else.”
She tugged at her held arm once,
not to get it from him, but to make
a gesture of hopelessness. “It isn't
that way: I know it isn’t that way,
Hal, and I have to live with myself,
“You don’t,” Hal Interrupted in
low-voiced authority. “You have to
live with me.”
She looked off into the east, with
dark, sullen things trying to soil
the blue bravery of her eyes. Then
she turned calmly to him and said
in husky listlessness: “I’ll live with
you, after we get to Los Angeles.
For a week, I’ll go with you some
where and live with you.”
He watched her level, heavy
lidded look of reproach without
speaking, waiting for her to show
him a trace of warmth behind it,
waiting for her to see In his eyes
the strength she would have later
to meet and fall before. “Not good
enough, Barry,” he said. “D’you
think that after a week I’d let you
go—any sooner than I will now?”
“You might," she said dully; and
by a quick turn of her head she
evaded the issue his unsmiling eyes
forced upon her. “Let’s go to break
fast 1”
• ••••••
As they ran out of Wyoming In
the dry, growing heat, Hal became
more uncomfortably aware of the
division In him, as if there were
two people behind the Jiggling wood
en wheel. One was grow n illoglcally
grim In self-persuasion of power,
able to wipe off sticking webs of
weariness and premonition, but un
able to turn where they didn’t touch
and stick again. The other was
a light, unlntlmate shell of person
ality, with a saving nimbleness that
effected talk and laughter with Ker
rigan, quick mourning for a mur
dered porcupine at the roadside, re
pher he was showing a nobility
which he certainly hadn’t room to
feel. Then Kerrigan pointed out
that If they stopped the night at
Saint George, at the bottom of
Utah, there was little more than
four hundred miles left to Los An
geles and they’d be there tomorrow
anyway. Hal glanced at Barfy, saw
her remote in her own disturbing
thoughtfulness, and gave in. Even
as he spared a silent “D—n your
little meddling’’ for Crack’s gratified
quiet beside him, he knew he could
not come too quickly to the dis
persal of those clouds in the pre
cious bravery of Barry’s eyes.
The prospect of the short after
noon lifted a gaiety In the car
again; and presentiments of coming
111 withdrew a little to wait for Hal
just beyond the fringes of sense.
Barry was in the front seat where
he could make sure of her clear,
living reality whenever the need
touched him. And, with Kerrigan
cheerfully Joining them from be
hind, they welcomed together the
impersonal things of the route.
From the back seat John Pulsi
pher wistfully ventured, “That’s
kinda beautiful out there"; and
Mrs. Pulsipher said, not quite so se
verely as she might have, “If they
think It's pretty, they can see it Is
without you telling ’em.”
“No harm sayin’ It," said John
"No harm keepln’ quiet, either,’’
said his wife.
"Why don’t you then?" said John,
with the quick Air of throwing a
snowball and the h—1 with the con
Before Mrs. Pulsipher could sum
mon a retort, the nun’s soft, rever
ent voice said, “It Is very beautiful.’’
Hal made her say the words over
aguln In his head, not to find out
how their simplicity gave him valor,
but to feel the warm stimulant of
that simple gift, to fix In his heart
new and certain strength. In his
Importunate assault upon Harry’s
captivity he would have Sister
Anastasia’s blessing. He had been
a fool to let that foreboding hour
before dawn dog his Infallibility so
far through the bright day. He wa»
master of himself; he was somehow
master of beauty, of events, of
spaces even wider, clearer, more i
superbly colored than the Incredible
nobilities that stood there defying
the sun. He could blend the sav
age temper of such a red, ancient
cliff with the pure, devout ac
quiescence of Anastasia’s heart, and
make will an Instrument to discip
line his stars.
• ••••• •
Hal, In helping the clerk up with
the luggage, made sure that Barry
had a room to herself. And after
supper, calm In his assurance of
strength, he didn't bother her going
upstairs with Sister Anastasia.
Later he would find her, when the
others were In bed and the little
hotel was quiet
Through the plate-glass window—
a proscenium upon the street for
the rank of oak-and-lenther rocking
She Gave Her Soft Laugh and Re
laxed Against Hal.
chairs In the lobby—Kerrigan saw a
"star” of the screen, in a highly be
coming absent-mindedness about
clothes, advertised outside the
movie opposite.
“I could learn to love that little
girl,” said Kerrigan, a sparkle of
pleasure in his eyes. “Go?”
The friendly shirt-sleeved man
behind the ticket window advised
them to turn south Inside the door,
because the south aisle was cooler.
So they turned "south," In a room
not larger than Frederick Ireland's
downtown office; but It wasn’t ap
preciably cooler and a slide blandly
informed them that the “star” was
coming next week. So after half
an hour of gangster routine, they
went to stroll In the gathered eve
“Ever drink?” snid Kerrigan. “No
—I know you don’t want one; I can
always tell when a man’s going
to explain that he doesn’t feel like
a drink, and It always makes me a
little sad.”
“It’s so d—n hot,” said Hal apolo
getically. “And besides—”
“Ah, yes, Indeed," Kerrigan mur
mured. “What time’s your audi
“In a little while,” said Hal.
Saying that, and still sure of the
sharp Invincibility that armed him,
he felt the hollow, nervous empti
ness under his chest, the live, al
most chill suspense of the middle
that comes In the Imminence of
great possibilities. He drew breath,
and It didn't till the emptiness. He
looked at his watch and stopped,
saying, "Now, I guess. Colonel. Pray
for me a little, or drink at me, or
something, will you?"
“I will, sir,” said Kerrigan grave
ly. “If you should want company
later, my door’ll be open and I sleep
light. Night, sport—and luck.” It
was as if he also said, I wish to
God I could help you. And Hal was
somehow oddly reluctant to leave
There was only one light in the
lobby, and the clerk was locking a
drawer at-the desk He looked up
and said, “Your name Ireland?”
“Yes,” said Hal, over quick, re
pressed apprehension.
“Message for you," said the clerk,
and handed him an envelope.
He thought he would have guessed
it was Barry's hand In any case—
the characters frank, large, and
fearlessly curved. “Hal,” he read.
“There’s no good In it, truly. Every
thing you say will only hurt; and If
It hurts more, I shall die. Leave me
alone, dear darling, for both our
sakes. Except tomorrow, in day
light—before It all has to end.
As If he had expected It, he
pushed the paper into his pocket,
said good night to the clerk, and
went upstairs. There was light
around Barry’s door and he knocked
softly. He heard the bed creak, her
deliberate footfalls come, her low,
resigned voice admit she knew who
was there even as she asked.
“Barry, you’ve got to come out,”
he said.
“Hal, no,” she said, gently plead
Sheep and Wool Old
Early references to wool and
sheep husbandry are found In the
old Babylonian carvings and urnlna;
the Bible was full of references to
shepp and wool. In Great Britain
sheep rearing existed back in Roman
times and as early as A. D. 54 a
guild of wool staplers was estab
lished at Winchester.
U. S. Representative from Georgia.
THERE are many reasons
why the house and senate
should quickly adjourn this ses
sion of the Seventy-fourth congress.
Chief among the reasons Is the fact
that more thnn 20 of our colleagues
—to be exact, 20—are now either
In hospitals or at their homes suf
fering from heart trouble or a ner
vous breakdown. This congress has
worked long, and faithfully, and
well, and, personally, I Insist that
the sennte bring Its business quick
ly to an end so that we may agree
on the matters that must be agreed
upon between the house and the
senate, and that all future hear
ings on house bills, many of which
I am lor, be extended until a ses
sion In the fall or the next session
beginning in January. This share
the-wealth, soak-the-rich and save
the-poor legislation, some of which
I am in favor of, cun wait six
months longer, because the rich
will not get too rich in a few more
months, and the wealth can then be
shared and the poor are being taken
cnre of now, and 1 am appealing to
the membership of the house to let
us adjourn this session Immediately.
Chairman, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
IT HAS become clear that
treaties count for nothing in
the face of national ambition
and of what the ruling statesmen
regard as national security. There
fore Japan is moving steadily to
ward the extension of her control
over a vast portion of Asia. There
fore Italy is feeling her way toward
the acquisition of new territory and
new economic opportunity in Afrl
ca, while Germany is. so to speak,
tossing in her bed, stirred with am
bltlon to extend her authority to
ward the south and the southeast.
To deal with a complicated and
very real situation such as this will
tax the world’s wisdom and the
world’s statesmanship to the ut
most. These conditions, serious as
they are, become more so when it
is realized how closely they are
bound up with the various revolu
tionary movements now actively go
ing forward In the fields of eco
nomics, politics nnd the social order.
President, Princeton University.
THE devastation of the
World war and its catas
trophic aftermath have been in
terpreted by some as revealing the
emptiness of accepted values and
the need for newly fabricated loy
alties If one is to be modern and
free. But every man needs some
thing to live by and to live for, and
those who hnve Jettisoned received
standards perforce turn to strange
gods most astonishingly bizarre and
In the look ahead which today I
urge you to take, lie sure to find a
place for intellectual and cultural
interests outside your dally occupa
tion. It is necessary that you do
so if this business of living is not
to turn to dust and ashes in your
mouth. Moreover, do not overlook
the claims of religion as the ex
planation of an otherwise unintel
lgible world.
Prime .Minister, Great Britain.
E ARE being censured
for not having any con
sidered plan. I have never been
a slave of a word. If there is u
word that has been ridden to death
today it is the word plan. I have
seen nothing of planning In any for
eign country that would lead me to
think It is a universal panacea. I
dont exactly know what plan is. For
some kinds of plans there are books
and pamphlets undertaking to cure
I have never promised to cure un
employment. I have taken risks
for unemployment. I threw away
an office and an election because I
was convinced that among things
necessary to help check growing un
employment were tariff's. I never
promised to cure unemployment and
I shall never stand on a platform
with anybody who does promise it.
Former British Prime Minister.
□HE situation from the
viewpoint of peace is in
many respects worse than be
fore 1914.
I was In the business before 1914.
Then every one as now was talking
about peace, but every one just as
now whs preparing feverishly for
war. The nations were maneuver
ing for war positions. Watch—for
It is going on now. Iinch of them
was as certain as now that their
conduct was actuated by a sincere
desire for peace and that their
armaments were Intended exclusive
ly for defense.
WNU Sarvlc*.
I’m Letting You
Off Easy
!© McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU Service.
Dismal yet imperative was
the sound just beyond the left el
bow which George had thrust Jaun
tily from his straight-eight roadster.
With sinking heart he glanced out
to see the goggled apparition draw
ing abreast of him.
“Pinched," breathed George.
"That's what we get for pulling
the curtain down," whispered Sarah
Anne. "You couldn't watch In the
George didn't reply at once, for
the officer had put one boot on the
running board and was reaching In
side his jacket for the ticket book.
“Pretty fast for Sunday after
noon, brother," he remarked pleas
George’s eyes opened Innocently.
“Was I over the limit, officer?"
“About ten over,” said the law.
"Sorry, but I'll have to give you a
“Okay," said George. He hoped
Cora wouldn’t sound o(T from the
rumble seat; he wanted to take
his medicine like a good sport be
fore Sarah Anne. Probably his wife
would start trying to argue with the
But strangely enough, Cora didn’t
say anything, nnd neither did Sara
Anne’s husbnnd. Naturally Pete
wouldn’t. George told himself sour
ly. Nor would he offer to split the
tine. Funny how he had let the bus
go over the limit. With Sarah Anne
beside hint he might have hopped
up the bus without noticing It. If
he hadn't pulled down the curtain
he might have seen the cop In the
mirror and slowed down. George
grinned, watching the officer’s busy
pencil. Well, pulling down thar
curtain had been worth getting
pinched. What a laugh on Pete,
telling him the sun was on their
necks so they’d have to pull the cur
tain down—then kissing Snra Anne
not a foot from Pete’s nose!
"Okny, officer. But the fact Is,
1 think my speedometer’s off.”
The officer grinned cryptically, his
glance wavering Just for a second
over the golden Sara Anne whose
robe did not quite conceal her
charming blue bathing suit. "May
be so. Sometimes the Judge takes
that Into consideration If you can
show a speedometer test."
When the officer had roared
away, Pete yelled from the rumble
seat: “Tough luck, old man," and
Cora said: “George, you ought to
be more careful."
“I'd think,” snld Sara Anne, In
the acid tone reserved for her hus
band, "you’d tell George when you
hear a motorcycle."
“He was mighty quiet," said
Pete plaintively. "He coasted down
this hill on us nnd I didn’t know he
was there until he sounded the
As he gave his black tie final
touches, and admired his chin In
the mirror that night dressing for
the Beach club dunce, George con
gratulated himself on his smooth
ness. Not every guy could hnve a
little fun on the side and not get
Into a Jam. Right under Cora’s nose,
too. that was the scream.
Next day George went to the Mo
tor Fixlt shop. From several sum
mers at Romona Beach he knew
young Jasper. “Think you could
make that speedometer slow—for a
couple of bucks?” asked George Jo
Jast»er smiled Just a little. Said
Jasper, “It’ll cost you one buck to
have it tested, nnd maybe It will
really be off. We’ll see."
As a matrer of fact. It was. Jas
per found the speedometer seven
miles slow.
“Say. that’s great!’’ George ex
claimed. “That makes me liable for
only three miles over the limit. The
lodge ought to let that pass.”
“Probably. I’ll give you a letter
on the rest nnd you can show him
So .hat nf’ernoon promptly at
three. George waited with half a
dozen other violators. The big Irish
cop was present and the sour old
Judge was slapping on the limit
George heard him Impose fines of
twenty, fifty, nnd seventy-five like
nothing at all.
Wjien his turn came he handed
up his ticket along with the afti
davit from the Motor Fixlt shop
and winked at the Irish cop.
“Fifty dollars." said the Judge
’Next case.”
George blinked. “F-flfty dollars?’’
“That’s whnt 1 said.”
"But whnt about that letter there
-about the speedometer?”
“I saw it,” said the Judge. “Speed’s
not the only thing we’re watching
Young people spooning In motor
cars on the move--that’s part of
the trouble, so we ring the Blue law
fines on that kind.”
“But. your honor." said George
Indlgnnntly. “We were a respect
able parry. We—”
“Yes. sir. The defendant was go
ing fifty-three miles an hour In a
forty five mile zone. They all hnd
bathing suits on. and the pair in
the rumble seat were doing a clinch
that would make the movies
ashamed of themselves.”
Somebody In the courtroom
laughed. The Judge pounded furl
“Fifty dollars." he said to George
"and I’m letting you off easy.”
Rend the Grape Nuts ad in another
column of this paper and learn how
to Join the Dizzy Dean Winners arid
win valuable free prizes.—Adv. \
Wise Words I
Just sitting around and talklA
about the good old times that art
gone does not get us anywhere in
the direction of the good times that
are to come.—George M. Cohan.
Same price today
as 44 years ago
25 ••»••• far 250
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DO you suffer burning, scanty or
too frequent urination; backache,
headache, dizziness, swollen feet end
ankles? Are you tired, nervous—feel
all unstrung and don't know what is
Then give some thought to your
kidneys. Be sure they function proper
ly, for functional kidney disorder per
mits excess waste to stay in the blood,
and to poison and upset the whole
Use Doen's Pills. Doen's arc for the
kidneys only. They are recommended
the world over. You can get the gen
uine, time-tested Doen's at any drag
• The deadly Black Widow
spider** bite is decidedly
dangerous to people.
Kill All Spiders...Watch
for them in garagos, corners of
porches, otc. The minuto you seo
them spray THOROUGHLY
with FLY-TOX. It also kills FLIES,
MOSQUITOES end other insects.
307 Bt sure you *•*
Rash on Baby
Caused Constant
Relieved by Cuticura
“About three months after my ba
by wus born, eczema broke out all
over her body. It came out In a rash
and was very red. It caused con
stant irritation and loss of sleep so
that I had to put gloves on her
hands to prevent scratching. I
could not bathe her.
“For nearly two years this erup
tion lasted. Then I read about Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment, and sent
for a free sample. I bought more,
and after using two boxes of Oint
ment with the Soap she was re
lieved completely of the itching.”
(Signed) Mrs. Raymond Parks, 1469
Massachusetts Ave., North Adams,
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c.
Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere. Pro
prietors: Potter Drug & Chemlca’
Corp., Malden, Mass.”—Adv.
WNU—U 32—3’