The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 01, 1935, Image 7

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    When It’s Hot on New York's East Side
During the heated term the east
side of New York city Is a very
warm region, but the children get
together to cool one another off. The
youngster receiving the cooling
stream doesn't appreciate it.
parties come and go
but the hippo’s
takes the
“Pete,” the hippopotamus In the
Bronx zoo, New York, celebrated
his thirty-second birthday the other
day and one of his admirers pre
sented him with a tiny cake with
one candle. Tills photograph was
taken Just before the gift disap
peared In Pete's capacious maw.
Another birthday was celebrated
recently when a baby was born tc
a hippo In Chicago.
Huge Boeing Bomber Built for Army Air Corps
After a year of secret operating this greatest bombing plane in the world, the Boeing 299, was completed
for the army air corps at Seattle and appeared for test flights. It has four 700-horeepower motors, a wing
spread of more than 100 feet and is 70 feet long. Its weight Is about 15 tons and its expected speed 250
miles an hour.
will U. S. be caught
unprepared for
ravages of
Three-fourths of all the farm land
ased for clean-tilled crops in the
United States Is subject to erosion
and damage from dust storms, ac
cording to the Department of Ag
riculture. The loss Is estimated at
$400,000,000 a year. Erosion de
stroyed 3,000,000,000 tons of soil—
enough to fill a freight train that
would encircle the world 37 times
at the equator—every year.
During the next ten years the
forest service will plant 3,500,000,
000 trees In hundreds of narrow
strips, each a hundred feet wide
and a mile apart, In an effort to
stop wind erosion.
Educational programs and other
aids art being given to farmers
throughout the country to aid them
In combating the great, thirsty, yel
low plague of dust.
In the area where the TVA op
erates work Is being pushed rapidly
forward, as shown below, to plant
Virginia seedlings which when
grown, will give battle to the dust
Senator Shipstead Shows Them How
Senator Henrik Shlpstead of Minnesota, champion of recreation foi
the young, stepping up to scratch to show the youngsters of Washlngtor
how to pitch horseshoes. The senator “went to bat’’ for the boys after
police bad barred them from pitching in an alley in Washington.
Washington is looking after youth in a big way these days. President
Roosevelt, with his National Youth administration, is particularly anxious
to And Jobs for unemployed youth, and to enable depression-struck youth
to complete its education. Fifty million dollars will be spent for the
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Group of American-born Japanese boys and girls In front of the Imperial palace In Toklo during their
first visit to Japan. 2—Bonus marchers, again gathered In Washington, re-entering their camp after a visit to
the Capitol. 3—Ofllclal portrnlt of King George of England which was presented to President Roosevelt and
by him turned over to the National museum.
Chile Gets New
U. S. Ambassador
Hoffman Philip of New York, who
was nominated by President Roose
velt to be ambassador to Chile. Mr.
Philip Is a native of Washington, D.
C., and has been thirty-four years
In the foreign service. He has been
minister to Norway since 19110.
Haiti Now Goes In for Banking
Walter F. Voorhees (reading), vice president of the National City
Bank of New York and president of the Banque Natlonnle de la Ke
publlque d'Haltl for 13 years, turning over the lntter Institution to Presi
dent Stenlo Vincent of the Hnltinn republic, after It was purchased from
the National City for $1,000,000. It Is Haiti’s first venture In government
banking In more than half a century. President Vincent (hnnds folded)
was accompanied by his military staff nnd cabinet members. Haitian
officials looked upon the event as one of great economic Importance to
their country.
“Campbells Are Coming”—With Free Wheeling
Here, lined up before Its fire house. Is the fire department of the little town of Campbell, Santa Clara
county, California. And It Is all ready to stnrt for a blaze. Campbell claims to be the first town In the
United States to abolish motor equipment In favor of bicycles. Maintenance charge is thus reduced.
Aboard the Cruising Mattress
Latest thing in maritime comfort at Lake Maranacook, Maine, Is the
mattress equipped with an outboard motor. Ituth Webber and Frieda
Greene are seen demonstrating the novel craft. A sort of magic carpet
of vacationland is such a mattress, although It skims over the waves,
and not the clouds. Thousands more Americans than ever before are
learning the joys of vacationing In their own country's beauty spots this
year, lindlng that most of the celebrated sport and amusement centers
and spas of Europe can be found right In their own back yard, and that
America has other attractions to which no other lund on earth can
aspire. Greatest of them all, of course, are the national parks. More
thousands will find the glories of the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone und
other scenic wonders this summer.
Brothers, Salute
New Elk Ruler!
At Its convention In Columbus,
Ohio, the Henevolent and Protective
Order of Elks unanimously elected
... ■ - —-***——■
Judge James A. Hallinan of the
New York Supreme court grand ex
alted ruler of the order. Judge Hal
linan suceeds Michael F. Shannon
of Los Angeles.
Crochet Designs
in Wide Demand
Crocheted edgings and Insertions
have such a wide application to
household linens and wearing ap
parel that they are always In de
mand and always In use.
Pillow cases, towels, table run
ners, dresser sets, aprons, gowns,
kiddle dresses, handkerchiefs, cur
tains. bed-spreads, and many other
articles, require these handmade
finishing touches to make them at
Book No. 26 contains 72 actual
size illustrations with Instructions
for many beautiful edgings, some
Insertions and a few medallions,
and Is a valuable book to hare on
hand when an edging is wanted.
Use a thread of proper size, depend
ing on article to which edging Is
to be applied.
Send 15c to our crochet depart
ment and receive this book by mail.
teenth and St Louis avenue, St
Louis, Mo.
Inclose a stamped addressed en
velope for reply, when writing for
any Information.
Fatal Omission
The warning spread by an anthro
pologist, that the American blond Is
passing, is no help. He doesn’t say
which way she went.—Atlanta Con
Quick, Pleasant
Successful Elimination
Let's be frank—there’s only one
way for your body to rid itself of
the waste material that causes acid
ity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings
and a dozen other discomforts.
Your Intestines must function and
the way to make them move quick
ly, pleasantly, successfully, without
griping or harsh Irritants is to chew
a Mllnesia Wafer thorougljly, in ac
cordance with directions on the bot
tle or tin, then swallow.
Mllnesia Wafers, pure milk of
magnesia in tablet form, each equiv
alent to a tablespoon of liquid milk
of magnesia, correct acidity, bad
breath, flatulence, at their source,
and enable you to have the quick,
pleasant, successful elimination so
necessary to abundant health.
Mllnesia Wafers come in bottles
at 35c and 60c or In convenient tins
at 20c. Recommended by thousands
of physicians. All good druggists
carry them. Start using these pleas
ant'tasting effective wafers today.
will aid in removing*
that itching* dandruff,
^assisted by shampoos with
to keep .your scalp clean.
Guaranteed, eflectlve. Neat,
convenient — Cannot spill—
Will not soil or Injure anything.
Lasts all season. 20c at all
dealers. Harold Somers. Inc..
150 De Kalb Ave..B'klyn.N.Y.