The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 13, 1935, Image 6

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    ‘kFastest Engine in World” Put in Service
THIS photograph shows the un
veiling, at the American Loco
motive company works in Schenec
tady, N. Y-, of what Is called the
fastest engine in the world. It has
a rated top speed of 120 miles an
hour and already Is In service
between Chicago and Minneapolis.
THE silvery light of sweet Mis
tress Moon Hooded the Green
Meadows and chased the Black
shadows clear back to the very
edges of the Green Meadows. It
was just such a night as a Meadow
Mouse loves, and Nanny Meadow
Mouse would have enjoyed It and
rejoiced In It and been thoroughly
happy hut for one thing. The truth
la, Danny Meadow Mouse had
spoiled that beautiful night for
N^nny Meadow Mouse, lie didn’t
know he had, but he had. You see,
Nanny was worried and her worry
He Certainly Mu6t Be Dead; Nanny
Was Sure of It.
was all on account of Danny.
The newest babies were quite
safe In their snug nest, hidden
well, I won’t tell you just where It
was hidden. That was Danny’s
and Nanny's secret, so 1 guess 1
haven’t any right to tell you Just
where that snug little nest was. If
1 did they might not trust me
Anyway, those newest babies were
quite safe, because they were too
young to crawl out oven If they
should waken, which they were
not likely to do because their little
stomachs were full. Little Meadow
Mice are like other babies In that
when their stomachs are full they
sleep and grow. So Nanny didn’t
worry about the babies.
The half-grown children had
romped and played In the moonlight
until they had become so tired that
they were glad to curl up In their
beds. They were dreaming the
pleasantest of Meadow Mouse
dreams. So Nanny didn’t worry
about them. But she did worry
about Danny Meadow Mouse. Why
didn't he come home? Never since
she had known him had Danny
been gone so long. Something must
have happened to him. She was
sure of It.
Had Reddy or Cranny Fox caught
him? She hadn’t seen either of
them on the Green Meadows that
day, but one of them might have
been there long enough to cntoh
Danny without being seen by her.
Or perhaps Black l’ussy the Cal
from Farmer Brown’s had surprised
Danny. She had seen Redtail the
llawk sailing over the Green Mead
ows twice during the day and It
might be that he had dined on
Danny. It was a dreadful thought
She couldn't get rid of It. If some
thing dreadful hadn't happened,
Danny never would have stayed
away like this.
Nanny tried to be hopeful. She
tried to take a nap, for she was
very, very, very tired. Hut she
couldn't sleep. She couldn't even
keep still. She kept creeping out
to look along the private little
paths she and Danny had made
through the grass, hoping each time
to see him hurrying home along one
of them.
Sweet Mistress Moon climbed high
er In the sky, and then began to
go lower and lower, and the Black
Sluulows began once more to creep
out across the Green Meadows. Soon
Jolly, round, red Mr. Sun would
come up to chase them away alto
gether and a new day would begin.
Still no Danny. He must be dead.
Nanny was sure of It.
©T \V. Bur»e*».—Wtt Service.
Fir»t Successful Airplane
The first successful airplane was
produced by Professor Langley,
secretary of Smithsonian Instltu
lion, who designed and constructed
a motor-driven nlrplane which (lew
In 1 S!HI, but that model did not
carry a man, says the New York
World Telegram. The Wright broth
ers made four successful flights
on December 17, IPOS. In one of
these the machine rose by Its own
power and was In the air HP sec
onds and traveled a distance of
852 feet. This was the first sue
cessful flight of a human being from
the ground In a mechanically oper
ated airplane.
He Landed in a Tree
Melvin Henry, twenty-nine, a stu
dent pilot at Itettls airport In Pitts
burgh, shown as he landed safely
and unharmed In a tree top when
he made his maiden parachute
The Annual Battle Is Raging
THIS ocean meets the sky and
Joins Its bide.
The waves are tipped with
shredded silver foam.
I gaze upon the sea and think of
It may he beautiful, but It Isn’t
The splendid city flings Its build
ings high.
The stars are all alight In
heaven's dome . . .
The lighted windows and the
starry sky . . .
It’s nil so beautiful, but It Isn’t
Across the miles there Is n patch of
A little house upon familiar loam,
A maple tree, u fence where roses
lean . . .
And that Is beautiful, because It’s
Cnn>r!*ht —W'Ntl Service.
Question box
„ ED WYNN, The Perfect Fool j
Dear Sir. Wynn:
I have a girl friend who tins a
| nasty habit of always saying nasty
things about all the other girls.
Everybody knows that about her,
yet last night a hoy friend who
knows her said she was something
to adore. What do you make out
of that? Sincerely,
Answer: When tie said she was
something to adore he probably
meant that site was a knocker.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
1 went to a school dance the other
night and danced with the same
girl twice. She let me take her
home, and as I left her I told her
I thought she was the sweetest girl
in the whole world and now she
won’t go out with me any more. I
wonder why?
Truly yours,
Answer: She doesn’t want to dis
appoint you.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
1 have just taken a job as a
waiter in u downtown restaurant.
r ~ ~ i___
Minute make-ups
-=By V. V.
-- ■ ————
The fashion for metallic touches
has extended even to make-up. The
newest thing Is to high-light your
eyelids with a golden glow that
comes from a new shade of eye
shadow In gold, bronze, or silver.
This may provide a new way of
making an ensemble of eyelids and
Copyright by Public Ledger. Ino.
WNU Service.
A MOST tie lie lout) (tie may be
made by using prunes with
rhubarb. The rhubarb udds zest
to the primes and the two together
make a most delightful combination.
If both are cooked, till a baked shell
lunl cover with a meringue, or pre
pare the fruit and bake slowly In
two crusts.
Fruit Sherbet.
Make a sirup of three cupfuls of
water anil one and one-half cupfuls
of sugar and boll five minutes; add
the Juice of one lemon and two or
anges with a little of the rind of
each and a cupful of banana pulp.
Peel and scrape bananas and put
through a rlcer or sieve. Heat the
fruit mixture and sirup together,
chill and stir In ttiroe cupfuls of
whipped cream, or the whites of
three eggs. Freeze to a soft mush.
Braised New Cabbage.
Melt one-fourth of a cupful of
sweet fat In a saucepan, add two
green apples and two onions finely
chopped; cook gently for three min
utes, then add one shredded cabbage,
three cloves, one-half cupful of vin
egar, salt and pepper to season.
Cover tightly and simmer until the
cabbage is tender.
Tuna Fish Salad.
Soak one half envelope of gelatin
In one-fourth cupful of cold wa
ter, add three-fourths of a cupful
of hot salad dressing and stir un
til well dissolved. Add one-half cup
; ful of finely diced celery, one
1 minced green pepper, one can of
tuna that has been lightly linked,
salt and paprika to taste. Turn
I after blending well into Individual
* molds, set awav to harden Serve
That the bowie-knife—the
heavy sheath knife of the
early western states—is
called after Col. James Bowie
of Texas. He wrought the
blade from a worn-out file
with which he had already
killed his man.
® McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNll Service.
on lettuce with a sprig of parsley
or water cress on top. Serve with
a spoonful of mayonnaise.
Summer Squash en Casserole.
Take two and one-hnlf cupfuls of
cooked summer squash, add three
fourths of a cupful of thick toma
toes, two tnhlespoonfuls of butter,
one and one-half teaspoonfuls of
snlt. one tablespoonful of grated
onion, one-half cupful of seasoned
chopped meat, fish or nuts, mix well,
cover with buttered crumbs nnd
bake until well browned. Eggplant
or carrots may be served In the
same manner.
© Western Newspaper Union.
Vitiligo Diaease
Vitiligo Is a disease characterized
by the disappearance of pigment
from the skin. While comparative
ly rare in America and Europe, this
disease is common In tropical coun
tries. In most cases white patches
are formed, around whose edges the
pigment is darker. Gradually the
spots coalesce and finally the white
area may cover the whole body.
Vitiligo Is very resistnnt to treat
ment and frequently all treatments
are unsatisfactory.
1 don’t get a big salary; so depend
a lot on my tips. Today a man had
his meal, and when I gave him his
check he said ne could not give me
a tip, as he only had enough money
to pay the check. I’ll never make
any money that way. What shall I
do the next time a man says that
to me? Yours truly,
Answer: The next time a man
says he only has enough to pay for
his check Just take the cheek hack
and add It up again.
Dear Mr. Wynn: .
For the past three weeks I have
been touring through New England
In an auto and 1 noticed nearly
every farmer had a weather vane
on the roof of his barn in the shape
of a rooster. Can you tell me why
they never have hens up there?
Yours truly,
Answer: It would be too hard to
get the eggs.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I am a girl seven years old. My
teacher in Sunday school asked me
how many commandments there nre.
1 said, ‘‘Ten,” then she said, “Sup
pose 1 broke one?” and 1 couldn’t
answer her. Now she says 1 can’t
come back to Sunday school until I
bring her an answer. Can you help
me? Truly yours,
Answer: That’s very simple, my
child. If there are Ten Command
ments and you broke one there
would be nine left.
© Associated Newspapers.
WNU Service.
With Violet Dots
Extremely youthful In its sim
plicity of line and fabric, this sheer
white cotton dress shows an inter
esting treatment of the violet dotted
motif. The wide sash is a deeper
tone of violet taffeta.
Reaction* of Plants
The reactions of plants are sim
ilar in many ways to those of ani
mals, writes C. H. Ouiraet, Chestnut
Hill, Mass., in Collier's Weekly.
Plants arc benumbed by cold, stupe
lied by chloroform, intoxicated by
alcohol, excited by electrical stim
ulus, hurt by external blows and
killed by poison. A vase of carna
tions, placed near a dance orchestra,
will, after several hours, be found
leaning away from it.
Jeanne D'Arc Led the Parade
□tlK.N on Memorial ilay the troo’>« marched down Michigan boulevard
in Chicago, Jeanne d’Arc proiuuy led the parade, and was vocifer
ously cheered all along the route. She is a little black French mare,
twenty eight years old. and through the terrible days of Helleau Wood and
Vnux, where the German drive on Paris was halted in June, 1018, she
carried the major of the Twelfth Held artillery. Second division, U. S. A.,
with never a sign of faltering. Then she went through the sanguinary
engagements at Soissons, at Polnt-a-Mouion, at St. Mlliiel, at Plane Mont
Masif, and in the Meusse-Argon ne offensive. She is believed to he the
sole survivor of twenty overseas horses which were brought to the United
States after the World war. Jeanne is now tenderly cared Tor In the
One Hundred Twenty-second field artillery stables in Chicago.
Humpty-Dumpty NRA
Many Damocles Swords
Biggest and Fastest
Gangster Ingenuity
Refusing to admit the resem
blance between NRA and Humpty
Dumpty, tli at
“all the king’s
horses and all
the king’s men”
could not put
together again,
Washington will
gather up the
pieces of NUA
and try to re
construct “some
thing as good.”
The process may
remind recon
structors of the
boy who took
_ , . his watch apart,
Arthur Urldbnne . ,,
put it together
and proudly said to his friends, “Not
only have I put it together, but I
have quite a number of pieces left
over that I do not need."
The Weyerhaeuser kidna[»ers, how
ever “hard-boiled" they may be,
must feel nervous when they hand
out one of the $200,000 ransom bills,
knowing that the number and se
ries of every bill are in the pos
session of government detectives.
It will not make spending the
money more agreeable to learn that
thirty “G-men” from the attorney
general's office will devote their
entire time to hunting for those
bills, and tracing the spenders of
them—$200,000 worth of Damocles
The giant French ship Normandie
is here and pleasing to Americans
who like superlatives. She is the
biggest liner ever launched, the long
est, broadest, heaviest, costliest.
And, crossing in 4 days 11 hours 42
minutes, she is the fastest. She Is
built, not for profit, but for glory
and to advertise French supremacy.
England will soon send her Queen
Mary after the Normandie's record
and, doubtless, Mussolini will soon
enter the race.
Uncle Sam? Well, lie is busy with
Other things, very busy, just now.
In the line of viciousness, mod
ern gangsters show ingenuity. Po
lice give these details of the death
of Danny Walsh, head of a bootleg
rum syndicate who was kidnaped,
ransomed for $40,000, later mur
dered. Enemies took him to sea in
a boat, made him sit with ids feet
In a tub of wet cement, and watch
while it hardened. lie was thrown
overboard with the tub of cement
hard around his feet. Several times,
while he watched the cement hard
en, it must have occurred to Danny
Walsh that a criminal career is no)
To say, “Man is half tiger and
half monkey” is sometimes unjust
to the monkey. At High Point, N.
C., J. It. Iliggs, middle-aged, operat
ing a filling station, was found, with
tenpenny nails driven through
eacli hand and each foot, fastened
to a rough wooden cross. The man,
having been nailed to the cross
only a short time, will probably live.
Itiggs admitted he had engineered
the crucifixion to regain his wife's
Sometimes gangsters show signs
of intelligence. Volney Davis, ar
rested in Chicago in connection
with the Bremer kidnaping, was
“flown" to St. Paul, and, arriving
there, confessed complicity in the
kidnaping, saying to the judges:
“I knew I could not get away from
the ‘G-men.’ ”
Land ownership is the best foun
dation of prosperity and security,
under just government.
Those seeking to establish refu
gees from Germany in Palestine de
cide. wisely, to begin with land
ownership. A fund expected to ex
ceed $.">,000,000 is being raised for
that purpose.
King George, seventy years old,
celebrated bis birthday reviewing
troops, wearing the uniform of
eolonel-ln-chief of the Irish Guards.
He rode to Buckingham palace on
horseback, all four of his sons rid
ing with him, while thousands
cheered. Recently the queen cele
brated her sixty-eighth birthday. It
is desirable that the husband be a
little older than the wife.
A Brooklyn girl, ten years old,
paid $1 for a sweepstakes ticket,
won $30,000. It will cost other lit
tie girls and hig men and women
many dollars for every dollar acci
dentally won.
Uncle Sam Is presumed to get his
share of the winnings in income
tax. He and his country would be
richer if he could find a way to pre
vent the gambling invasion.
The United States has important
work to do outside of NRA and its
revision, work with which the Su
preme court would not Interfere,
and that Is the control of floods,
protection of population against
them. Two hundred and fifty are
reported killed in southwestern Ne
braska. following flood and tornado.
(ft. King Features Syndicate, Ina
W Nl’ gk'rvlw.
Smart Wardrobe
in One Pattern
Pattern 219?
You can make yourself a mighty
smart summer wardrobe right from
this one pattern. Simplicity’s the
thing—shirtmaker frocks are “the
top’’—and here’s a beautifully fitting
model that may take many varia
tions. Made in a tie silk or print it
is perfect under coats now and on
into summer—make it again as in
the other sketch—with square neck
line and loose sleeves, in a solid
color. Then start all over and use a
striped or checked silk or printed
lawn. The material influences the
frock to a great extent—and this is
a perfect one for developing the love
ly new fabrics.
Pattern 2197 is available in sizes
12, 14, 16. 18. 20, 30. 32. 34, 36, 3S.
40 and 42. Sizes 16 takes 3% yards
39 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by
step sewing Instructions Included.
coins or stamps (coins preferred) for
this pattern. Write plainly name. (
address, and style number. HE SURE
Address orders to the Sewing Cir
cle Pattern Department. 243 West
Seventeenth Street, New York City.
First Student—It’s awfully late
what’ll we say to the teacher?
Second Student—Oh, we won’t say
much. just “Good morning”—she’ll
say the rest
Crude and Refined
Martin—Both these girls are the
daughters of millionaires Why Is
it that one looks down on the other
Gilbert—Because one’s father made
his money in refined sugar, while
the other’s traded in crude oil.
Before and After
“What is premature baldness, pa?”
“Losing your hair before you are
married, my son."—Detroit News.
Daily Brain Efkercite
“Any news in the paper tonight?”
“I dunno. I haven’t solved the
bridge problem yet.”
WNU—U 24—35