(First publication April 11, 1935.) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE ON ISSUANCE OF BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters of School District Number Thirty of Holt county, Nebraska, that by vote of two-thirds of the District Board of said School District, an election is hereby called and shall be held at the I. O. O. F. Hall, Downstairs, in Inman, in said School District Number Thirty, in the County of Holt, in the State of Nebraska, on the 4th day of Mey, A. D., 1935, between the hours of Eight o’clock A. M. and Six o’clock P. M., at which election there shall be sub mitted to the qualified voters of said School District the following proposition: “Shall the District Board of Trustees of School District Number Thirty, in the County of Holt, in the State of Ne braska, issue the bonds of said MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Pasture for f.O head of cows and heifers. Write John Gil lespie, Tilden, Nebr. 50-1 THIRTY years successful practice is your guarantee that Perrigo Optical Company will make your glasses right. See their represent ative at uolder. Hotel, O’Neill, Sat. May 11. 502 CATTLE wanted for pasture. 60c per head per month. Abundance of grass,running water and shade. Steers preferred. William J. Storjohann, Spencer. 48-4p SALESMEN WANTED HAVE opening now for reliable salesman, age 26 to 60 years, to take care of demand for Rawlcigh household products in O’Neill. Good profits for hustler. We fur nish everything but the car to start you. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NBE-262-C, Freeport, 111. 50-5p FOR RENT AFTER May 16, furnished house, close in.—Mrs. E. D. Henry. 50-2p FOR SALE SEED Corn.—Lillian E. Coombs, O’Neill. 60-lp YELLOW seed corn, test 96. $2 per bushel. Phone 7-F4 49-2p BIG Mastedom Everbearing straw berry plants, $1.00 per 100.—B. T. Malloy, O’Neill. 49-2p SEED POTATOES—See Pat Con nolly at the Cream Station for Early Ohio and Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes. 48-4 SEED Corn; 1,000 bushels yellow dent, grown in 1931$, test 08 per cent; price, $2.00 per bushel.— William J. Storjohann, Spencer, Nebr. 45-6p SEED Corn. Grown on Holt county upland 40 years. Has out-yielded 16 other kinds for me. Bushel, $2.00. Harry L. Page, O’Neill. 456p R. C. R. I. Red hatching eggs, strain of layers. Price 3 cents above the market.—Mrs. Frank Pribil, Jr., Phone 3F 210 44-9p BABY CHICKS from purebred free range flocks; custom hatch ing. Order early. — Atkinson Hatchery. 40tf Q’S QUALITY Milk and Cream. The best by test, at John Korsen brock’s, or phone 240.—John L. Quig. 40tf Diamond —Watches — Jewelery Expert Watch Repairing 0. M. Herre—Jeweler In Reardon Drum Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phene 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 Dr. F. A. O’Connell Dentist GUARANTEED WORK MODERATE PRICES O’NEILL NEBRASKA School District in the amount of Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00), bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed four per cent per annum, in terest payable annually, Bonds to be retired in not to exceed twenty years, said Bonds to be dated July first, 1936, and “Shall the District Board of Trustees of said School Dis trict cause to be levied annual ) lyagainst the taxable property of said School District a tax sufficient for the payment of the interest and principal of said Bonds, as the same be come due, the proceeds of said Bonds, together with a grant from the United States Gov ernment of thirty per cent of the total amount expended for material and labor, estimated to be about $9,000.00, to be used for the purpose of con structing and furnishing a school house in and for said School District. “The ballots to be voted up on and cast at said election, shall have printed the forego ing proposition, with the words: FOR said bond issue and said annual tax levy.. AGAINST said bond issue and said annual tax levy “Voters who desire to vote in favor of said proposition will indicate the same by marking an X in the square following the words ‘FOR said bond issue and said annual tax levy.’ Voters who desire to vote against said proposition will indicate same by marking an X in the square following the words ‘AGAINST said bond issue and Raid annual tax levy.’ ” Done by order of the District Board this 4th day of April, A. D., 1935. F. E. KEYES, 47.4 Director. (First publication April 18, 1936.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 2460. In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, April 18, 1936. In the Matter of the Estate of Tom Crowe, deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is August 9, 1935, and for the payment of debts is April 18, 1936, and that on May 9, 1935, and on August 10, 1935, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said county to receive, examine, hear, I allow, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. C. J. MALONE, County Judge. 48- 3 J. D. Cronin, Attorney. (First publication April 25, 1935.) SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, In an action pending in said Court wherein The Federal Land Bank of Omaha, a Corporation, is plain tiff and John F. Hanley, single, and others, (this being case No. 12962) are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 27th day of May, 1935, at 10 o’clock A. M.J the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: Southwest quarter of section 2 in township 29 north of range 12 west of the 6th Prin cipal Meredian, in Holt county, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $1,525.72 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $67.76 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 24th day of April, 1935. PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff, 49- 5 of Holt County .Nebraska. Supervisors’ Proceedings (Continued from page 4.) ence Keeler, Ernest Keeler, Claude Keeler, Margery Keeler, Ruby Rus sell, Rosa Keeler, Bess Nikoliet and Clara Keeler be, and they here by are notified that the said Ed ward A. Keeler is a poor person who from an unavoidable cause is unable to earn a livlihood; that he is now being cared for by the County of Holt and that said Harry A. Keeler, Jess E. Keeler, Ora Kee ler, Arthur Keeler, Roy Keeler, Clarence Keeler, Ernest Keeler, Claude Keeler, Margery Keeler, Ruby Russell, Rosa Keeler, Bess Nikolite and Clara Keeler be and they hereby are, ordered and di rected to provide for maintain and support and care for the said Ed ward A. Keeler, their father. That ! a true copy of this resolution be | served upon the said children of ! Edward A. Keeler; that if they fail ! to provide for, maintain, support ; and care for their said father, Ed ward A. Keeler, they will be held liable to the County of Holt for all payments made and all expense incurred for and in support of the said Edward A. Keeler, and that legal action to obtain such money so expended w'ill be instituted against them. Ezra W. Cooke, J. C. Stein. The above resolution, on being put to a vote by the Chairman was declared carried. The petition of School District No. 148 for transfer of balance from Bond fund to General fund was read at this meeting. Motion by Reimer, and seconded by Stein, that prayer of petition be granted. Carried. The following claims were aduit ed and approved and on motion were allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the 1935 estimate of the General Fund in payment of same: Dr. W. F. Finley S200.00 Thomas Nightengale 2.75 Mi . Mary Gilg 10.00 Joseph Boss 6-00 Elva Bogue 6.40 Charles M. Swab 12.40 B. E. Sturdevant 30.00 Galena Lumber Co. • 21.12 Mrs. Anna C. Hughes 45.00 Earl Hatton . ... 5.66 Finkbine Bros. 4.32 R. E. Chittick 47.55 John O. Walker 9.00 Frank Schmidt 50.00 Pat Bergstrome 4.00 Margaret Bazelman 4.00 Remington Rand Co. 15.00 D. N. Murphy 40.00 Elmer Hagensick 10.00 Elmer Hagensick 10.00 Earl Wrede 3.00 Fred H. Swingley. 13.50 Dept, of Vital Statistics ... 41.25 fohn Davidson . 12.50 P. C. Donohoe . 3.60 F. M. Reece . * 32.85 Wm. Hasper 95.00 Ualena Lumber Co. 283.26 Uhl Transfer 50 Harty Laundry 2.56 Uhl Transfer . 1.70 M. H. McCarthy 30.00 At 5:00 P. M., on motion, Board idjourned until April 23, 1935, 10 M., unless called at an earlier late by the clerk. John Sullivan, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. iO% OFF That’s somediscount—Off Stand ard First Line List on 1st Quality Roadgrippers. Hold World’s Speed Record for stock tires. Over 100, 300 tires on sale. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. Homer Mullen is spending the week visiting friends in Nor folk. Mrs. S. J. Weekes is the owner of a new Studebaker President sedan. W. J. Siglin and Mrs. F. N. Cronin are driving new Dodge sedans. S. J. Weekes returned last Thurs day evening from a short business trip to Omaha. Mr.and Mrs .F. J. Dishner moved into their new home on east Doug las street last Tuesday. Joe Saunto came up from Nor folk last Monday for a few days visit with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan are the proud parents of a little daughter, born last Saturday morn ing. Jack O’Donnell was in the city for a few hours Wednesday, while on his way west in the interest of the FHA. Roy Griffiin, who is now engaged in the hotel business at Hartington, was visiting friends in this city last Saturday. John Biglin, of Hastings, was in the city a few' hours Wednesday visiting relatives while on his way up into South Dakota. Rev. Fortune, of Tilderi, formerly i pastor of the Methodist church in ; this city, was visiting old time friends here last Monday. I Dr. O’Connell was able to be around town last Monday for the i first time in three weeks, having | had a severe tussle with the flu. Frank J. Gregor, for many years a resident of-this county but now living near Elgin, was in the city Monday' visiting his old time friends. Mrs. J. B. Donohoe has been