The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 25, 1935, Image 7
Problem of Rhine Revived by Hitler % __ I Always Played Big Part in European Politics. Washington.—Germany’s new mil itary program, which defies the Versailles treaty, renews the old problem of Rhineland fortifications, and again brings into the news n fertile valley which has so often been an economic and political fron tier. According to the terms of the treaty Germany was allowed to re tain the left bank of the Rhine pro viding it was completely demili tarized. Military occupations of this zone (from 1918 to 1930) by American, French and British forces insured Germany’s fulfill ment of her agreement. “The Rhine has always played an important part in European poli tics," says the National Geographic society. “A glance at the map shows many of the most famous Rhine towms standing on the left bank of the river. This is because the Rhine was once a frontier of Roman civilization, and it was on the west side that Roman strong holds were established. Today, starting near its source, the river marks the boundary first between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, then Switzerland and Austria, Switzer land and Germany, and finally Ger many and France. Important Waterway. "Flowing from south to north, the Rhine Is one of Europe’s chief wa terways. With its numerous tribu taries it drains one of the most densely populated regions of Eu rope, a country rich in minerals and Intensively cultivated. It reaches the North sea coast opposite London, thus connecting with British ship ping, and forming a natural out let for Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. “Canals join the Rhine from the Rhone, the Marne, and the Dan ube. It is navigable without Inter ruption from Basle to the sea, a dis tance of 3T>0 miles. Ocean-going steamers can ascend as far as Co logne, where cargoes are trans ferred to river boats, but only small craft can navigate the upper Rhine above Spires. “Since the Versailles treaty the Rhine has become an international waterway open to ships of all na tions. “Although it rises In the Swiss Alps and enters the North sea through Netherland territory, to the Germans the Rhine is their national river. It Is firmly woven Into their history, their art, their music, and their literature. A boat trip down this stream is a journey through Germany’s past as well ns her pres ent. Medieval Stronghold. “The Rhine enters the Rift val ley at Basle, flowing north between the ranges of the Vosges and the Black forest. At Mainz, where the Main enters the Rhine, the slopes of the Taunus hills turn the river westward until it reaches Bingen. Between Bingen and Bonn it winds through the narrow Rhine gorge be neath high cliffs adorned with an dent castles or steeply terraced vineyards. “Halfway between Bingen and Bonn the gorge is broken by the en trance of the Moselle from the west and the Lahn from the east. Coblen* is built on a triangle of land be tween the Moselle and the Rhine. The Romans called it Confluentes. During the occupation of the Rhine land by the nllles after the World ; war it was headquarters for the American division. On a rocky precipice across the Rhine is the old fortress of Khrenbreitstein. an Important stronghold since medie val days. "Bonn is famous as Beethoven's birthplace, and as the seat of an undent university. Beyond Bonn the Rhine swings north and then west through a wide plain. Cologne (Koln), third city of Germany, Is a busy port, trading in grain, wine, ores, coal, and timber. Above a sea of city roofs soar the twin spires of the Cologne cathedral, each nearly as tall as the Washington monument. "Industry and commerce crowd out natural beauty along the low er Rhine. Dusseldorf Is an Impor tant manufacturing town, noisy with factories nnd great steel and Iron works. It Is particularly noted for its dyeing industries, and also as the birthplace of Heinrich Heine. Duisburg, at the point where the Ruhr joins the Rhine, is one of the most extensive river ports in the world. It Is a chief center of the German steel industry, and com mercial gateway of the coal and iron shipping out of the Ruhr. In cidentally it was once the home of Mercator, the great map maker. "Coal smoke and machinery have failed to destroy the legends of the past. Siegfried was supposedly born at Xanten, near the Netherlands border, and at Cleves, Lohengrin, the knight of Wagner’s opera, res cued the beautiful Elsa." Famous German Boy Choir Visits America The oldest and most famous of boy choirs, tbe Dresden Kretizchor, as they arrived at New York recently. This choir, whose history dates back to 1200 is composed of GO boys ranging in age from ten to nine teen years. They will make a tour of the United States. Lights of New York bx l. l. stevenson Curious things happen in the City of the Seven Million. For Instance: Ira Wolfert, dramatic critic of the North American Newspaper Alli ance, with his wife was awaiting the opening curtain of “The Sim pleton of the Unexpected Isles,” when a friend touched Mrs. Wolfert on the shoulder and asked her if she had lost her purse. Hasty in vestigation showed that she had. The friend explained that she had boarded an Eighth avenue subway train and happened to see the purse under the seat. Opening it, she found Mrs. Wolfert’s name. Know ing where her friends would be, she followed them to the Guild theater and made restoration—and saw the play with the Wolferts. Incidental ly, the purse contained all the cur rent funds of the family. • • • After all this time, I’ve found an ally in the crusade against red fingernails. He is William H. Al len, secretary of the municipal civil service commission. He holds that red fingernails remind him of the “blood of a dead horse.” He has issued no orders against such fem inine adornments In his department but refuses to give dictation to the five or six stenographers who serve him, if their fingernails are that «leep red. Also he regards fresh air ^nd exercise as better than make up. His attitude has caused quite a lot of talk among the girls in his department. But there is a notice able paleness of both fingernails and faces. • * * In the opinion of William F. Mul rooney, who has just completed two years ns head of the state liquor control board. New York has the aiiost liberal and the best enforced wiquor law of any state in the Union. There are defects, of course, he admits, holding that perfection in handling liquor will never be reached. Incidentally, Chairman Mulrooney is a teetotaler and al ways has been. That, after 37 years In the police department, he should be in the liquor business Is a constant surprise to him. In the last two years, the state has col lected $43,000,000 in liquor licenses. • • • Not so long ago, the news broke that an Investigation had disclosed that a downtown financial club bad run afoul of the liquor laws because the stuff that went into the high balls and was served straight, lacked authority. There was no prosecution, however, Chairman Mul rooney explained why. The guilt was not on the house committee or those connected with the bar. It seems tiiat the night watchman and porters liked their liquor, and to conceal their takings, had added water to the bottled goods. • • • An announcement by William Fel lowes Morgan, Jr., commissioner of markets, indicates that a colorful bit of metropolitan life Is to come to an end at last. The announce ment concerns push carts of which BEAT STELLA WALSII Helen Stephens, a high school lass from Fulton. Mo., defeated the here tofore unbeatable Stella Walsh In the 50-meter final of the A. A. U. women's track and field meet at St Louis. there nre about 4,000 scattered all over the city. Instead of allowing them to continue to park In the streets, Commissioner Morgan Is planning on putting the merchants under cover and thus making small shopkeepers of them. * • » The start, according to present plans, is to be made on Park ave nue, between One Hundred Elev enth and One Hundred Fifteenth streets, about June 1. The New York Central railroad runs above ground there and the railroad ele vated structure will serve as a roof for 4G7 stalls, each 7 by 8 feet. The cost will be $800,000 and in return the city will receive $8.50 a week rental from each merchant. ©, Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. Reach Alaska Town in Four and One-Half Days Chicago.—Nome, Alaska, In the shadow of the Arctic circle, Is 7,000 miles from New York and Atlantic seaport cities. Surface transporta tion time is 84 days, but now It Is possible to travel from New York to the little city near the top of the world in far off Alaska in four and one-half days, announces United Air Lines. Here’s the new schedule: Leave New York on United plane at noon, arriving in Senttle In time to catch a steamer for Juneau, Alaska’s cap ital. There one hoards a Pan Amer ican plane Hying over the Gold Rush trail, and In a few hours the passenger is at the farthest north city under Uncle Sam’s flag. Snake With Hind Legs Is Found in Nebraska Omaha, Neb.—A snake with two legs was brought to town by Henry O. Palmer from his farm at Louis ville. He says snakes with legs are not rare, but they do have them sometimes. The fact that these may properly be called hind legs makes the reptile particularly worthy of notice, in its captor's opinion. The snnke Is a spreading viper, one of the nonvenomous kind. It Is two feet long and Its legs are about five inches from the tip of the tall. They don’t amount to anything to speak of, because they measure only a little more than a quarter of an Inch, but nobody cau deny that they are legs. __________________ BRISBANE THIS WEEK Protection Impossible The Railroad Crossings Things Are Better When Russia Is Rich Europe seeks some network of "treaties" to prevent a war, or bind Arthur armies ana air fleets of each of those signing such treaties to protect the oth ers In case of attack. Unfortunately, In the new war of the air. ns In secret gangster war, no protec tion Is possible, IV here one criminal has an “automatic" or “s ubaiHchlne gnn," agree meats among luw-ahiding citizens cannot protect them. And while one nation can secretly build and suddenly launch airships with poi son gas and explosive bombs, no city can consider Itself safe. France and England, after elab orate experiments, announce that there is no possible way of protect ing a modern city against air at tacks, even though the city knew In advance when to expect them. The only safeguard Is fear of re taliation. Deeply grieved by the killing of many school children at a public crossing, the President plans exten sive elimination of railroad grnde crossings. Complete elimination of such crossings would involve spend ing hundreds of millions or billions. The work would be undertaken with careful concentration on the fact that railroading itself Is hound to change or disappear so fur as trans portation of passengers is con cerned. Railroads In the future must carry passengers more than one hundred miles an hour, on light railroad equipment, able to climb steep grades as easily ns automo biles do now. Elimination of grade crossings will take that Into con sideration and Include elimination of existing sharp curves at cross ings, that the work may not be done twice. Dun & Bradstreet, well In formed usually, say that a big busi ness rise is coming. Their wreekly survey informs you that before the end of this quarter business prog ress will have developed to a de gree beyond the most sanguine es timates offered at the beginning of the year. How rich will the Russians be come, with their energetic develop ment of national resources, all over Russia and far Into Arctic regions? And what will he the effect on Communism, bolshevism and the proletariat when Russia becomes, as she may do, the richest nation on earth, and those that rule her become the world's richest men, perhaps the first multiple billion aires in history? Expeditions sent t ■> the Arctic have discovered coal, nickel, zinc, tin, copper, gold and oil, all Inside the Arctic circle. A regular line of freight ships has been established through the northwest passage, gigantic Ice breakers going ahead of the freight ers. Already Russia produces three times as much gold as the United States. What will be the psycho logical effect on Communism when Russia produces more gold than any other nation on earth? Gambling In silver, made inevitable by this country pushing up the price, goes on all over the world; poor old China is buying back at double prices silver sold too cheap, and Britain must wish she had been In less of u hurry to unload below 30 cents an ounce the hundreds of millions of ounces taken from In dia. when India, in a foolish mo ment, was put on the gold basis, only to fall off again. If you love your British cousins, rejoice. Neville Chamberlain, chan cellor of the exchequer, says Brit ish Income taxes will he cut be cause British finances show a sub stantial surplus. That surplus ap pears In spite of the fact that Brit ain Is nddlng more than $52,000,000 to the cost of armaments. Your satisfaction in this good news may he Increased by your knowledge that the United States had the pleasure of financing the surplus and the additional arma ments to the tune <i $5,000,IKK),000 In war dot)ts not paid. Senator Wheeler of Montana has Introduced a hill ordering the na tional government to take over, own and operate the railroads of the nation beginning January 1, 1930. There is no doubt that rail road stock and bond holders would say, “Amen,” If they could be sure of getting n fair price for their property. Ball send management, naturally, would grieve. To give up power Is always unpleasant ©, King Features Syndicate, Inc. WNU Service. Extra Piay By RUTH ASTON &. McClure Wwwpaper Syndicate. WNU Service IUDY was only a movie extra, but Andy had fallen for her harder tlinu if she were Mi>na Manning herself. Judy was twice as pretty as the famous star, only half as sophisticated, and ten times as sweet. The life guard had figured the whole thing out mathematically when the girls had come down to Beach on location ten days before. But Just now he stood glaring down as she sat In the sand. "So you care more about your darned publicity than you do about me !" Her blue eyes Hashed angrily. "1 care about holding down my Job! If you’d ever been out of work as long as I have, you’d realize how much m.v pay envelope means to me !** "I don’t care how much you think of your pay envelope. 1 don’t like that guy Turner even If he Is a di rector. And I don’t want you to go out with him.” Judy shrugged shapely brown shoulders. "I’ll go out with him every night In the week if It’s nec essary to keep my Jol 1" Andy glared at her. "And I sup pose you’d let him make love to you. Just to hold your Job?" Judy flushed, then laughed. “Don’t he melodramatic, darling! life Isn’t like that!” “Don’t he too sure. I’ve heard of directors who expected more than Just good acting from the pret ty extra girls.” Judith sobered for a moment. ”1 know. There was n girl who killed herself—’’ She shuddered, but the next In stant forced a laugh. "We’re being awfully silly. Just because Mr. Turner likes to take mo out Is no sign he has designs on me!" The man scowled. “Knowing Turner, I’d say that was quite a definite sign.” Andy saw very little of Judy the next few days although never for a moment did he stop thinking of her. And then early one morning she came down to the beach, and his strong heart began doing strange things In his deep chest. She carried herself with a deter mined air this morning that was new to her. Andy was puzzled as she strode out to the end of the windy pier. Surely she wasn't go ing to dive? The undertow beneath the pier was terrific. Only an ex- I pert swimmer could withstand that pulling toward the piles. Good heavens! She was stand ing outside the rnlllng at the pier's end, her shoulders drooping, her whole attitude that of hopeless de jectlon! Andy looked nbout wildly for movie cnmerns, but none were In sight. He was the only person on the bench. And Just ns he looked back at her, Judy slipped off Into the water. The life guard raced to the pier and covering Its length In Marathon strides, dove Into the water. He saw Judith clinging to one of the barnacle-covered piles under the pier. If only she could keep her grip! But the barnacles were sharp and would cut her hands. With long swift strokes he swam toward her. "Hold on!” he shouted, but his voice sounded tiny. She must have heard for she turned her head to look nt him. A strange expression came Into her eyes. Then deliberately she re leased her hob) and dropped Into the rushing green-black wafer! Andy dived after her but soon discovered that she did not want tr be rescued. She struggled desper ately to free herself. "Let me go!" she gasped when they reached the surf.K e of the wn ter. She kicked violently with both legs and pounded him with her fists. Andy was bitterly determined. "Stop that! Do you want me to knock you out?" One of his arms encircled her tightly, and with his other arm and legs he kept them both afloat. She tried to push awav but Andy raised Ills fist menacingly. "All right," she gasped. "I’ll go with you." Her body relaxed, nnd with one hand on his shoulder she allowed him to tow her. Laying her down gently In the soft dry sand, he asked. “Are yon all right?” Without nnswerlng she gave him a smile of unbelievable sweetness. Andy took one of the cold white hands In his. "Darling, I don’t know what's happened, hut I love you. and I want to marry you. I want to take care of you always.” "You’re sweet, Andy.” “Will you marry me?” "Yes. I didn’t want you to res cue me. But when you did, I found I loved you. Do all the ladles yon save fall In love with you, Andy?" The man Ignored her question. "Darling, why did you try to drown yourself? Promise me you’ll never do a thing like that again.” Judy smiled, salt water still clinging to her long eyelashes. "I wasn’t trying to drown myself. Andy. I was just practicing for mv big scene tomorrow, with extra pay I’m doubling for Mona Manning In a suicide act! I was supposed to swim away under the water, but yor spoiled it all by rescuing me.” 1 Art of Walking in Long Skirts Graceful Motion Not Hard to Master; Simple Exercises. Now that long skirts have come Into their own again for afternoon ami evening frocks, it Is Important for women to know how to walk In them. The short skirts which have prevailed in the long period of man nish styles permitted wearers to adopt a mannish stride, If they so wished. The long skirts require the wearer to pay heed to her steps lest they betray an awkwardness and un accustomedness to dainty feminine apparel. No one who wishes to make a good appearance will slouch along or take mannish strides. In long skirts. The grace of a person ac customed to society's dictates In cos tume nnd carriage can he ncqulred with prnctlce. To gain the desired poise, try the following simple exercise, standing, and preferably out of doors, or In a room fragrant with fresh air. Tnke a deep breath, then draw In the ab domen, nnd slowly exhale. Do this ten times, at one period and have three such periods. Again raise the arms slowly to n horizontal position while Inhaling, draw in abdomen nnd slowly drop the arms to the side while exhaling. It Is amazing how erect and well poised one gets by such exercises. After such exercises walk around for a few moments, avoiding extra long strides or mincing steps. Keep the head well up. Walk naturally. Affectation of any sort detracts from charm. The poise nnd improved car riage of the body will be a great aid in a graceful walk. When you go to the theater and see plays of the date when women wore long skirts, with trains, note the manner In which the actresses manage these trnlns. It looks so easy! But these women have not nc qulred the grace without much prac tice. They know exactly where to place the foot to advance, nnd Just how to swing the train with the oth er foot so that it straightens out or circles in the direction wanted. Cos tumers used to give their inexperi enced patrons advice about these things. The patrons gladly practiced under the eye of the coutourier. Without such aid nnd training, the modern woman has to teach herself or be awkward. A graceful walk can he acquired with practice. <g). Bell syndicate.—WNU Service. Danger in Overworking Child Musical Prodigy Even students of music nnd the majority of their pedagogues nre only dimly aware of the extensive ravages of (lie occupational neuroses affecting musicians, for all over the world they are plagued by specific occupational diseases pertinent to their profession, Robert 1‘ollnk says in an article on the psychic ailments of musicians, In Hygela, the Health Magazine. For the overworked child prodigy who shows unusual musical talent, the danger Is especially imminent; often little attention Is paid to his diet, exercise and relaxation. At best, youth is a hazardous period. The danger zone of puberty Is one of physical, mental nnd social crises. The youth with talent must be guard ed In some way from his own ex cesses, from the blindness of his par ents and sometimes from the stupid ity of tils teachers. The modern teacher must be something of a pathologist as well as a musician, lie should he able to detect the tend encies toward occupational disease In this formative period. He Is re sponsible for tlie teaching of the hygiene of work and rest as well ns for Instruction in harmony and coun terpoint. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the orig inal little liver pills put up 60 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels.—Aav. At Least That Stratosphere picture makes the earth look like n checkerboard. Well, everybody is trying to keep one Jump ahead.—Birmingham News. HIGHLY POPULAR “FAN” RAG RUG By GRANDMOTHER CLARK This ‘‘Fan” rag rug has attracted a lot of attention and to our knowl edge quite a few home rug makers have made one or more like it. It must be seen to be appreciated. Made up in brilliant colors, the pan els in alternating light and dark shades and the center of dark green and red, this rug is bound to catch the attention of anyone upon enter ing the room. This model measures 58 inches across and 30 Inches deep, and requires about four pounds of material to crochet. The ten panels are made flrst and then crocheted to gether. The center half circle is made to fit opening for It and in turn is slip stitched into space. This beautiful rug is one of the twenty handmade rugs shown in col ors in rug book No. 24. If handmade rag rugs Interest you send us 15c for this book of rugs with instructions, and you will re ceive it by mall postpaid. Address HOME CItAFT COM PANY. Department C, Nineteenth and St. Louis Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Inclose a stamped addressed en velope for reply when writing for any information. NEUTRALIZE Mouth Acids — by chewing one or more Milnesia Wafers Unsightly Complexions muddy-looking, blotchy and red—relieved and improved with safe, medicated Resinol. WNC—U 17—35 ADVERTISING is as essen rial to business as is rain to growing crops. It is the key stone in the arch of successful merchandising. Let us show you how to apply it to your business. Says Mrs. M. E. Ryner son of Clayton, Indiana. "My cakes and pastries won 44 awards at the Indiana State Fair last year and all were baked with Clabber Girl.” “Simoniz Makes the Finish Last Longer" Play safel Simoniz your carl Don’t let “finish rot” go on and on, ruining its beauty. Simoniz •tops this destructive decay. Makes the finish last longer and keeps it beautiful for years. If your car is dull, first use the new, improved Simoniz Kleener. It quickly restores the lustre.