The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 25, 1935, Image 6

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    Germany Prepares for the 19.36 Olympic Games
MOKK than half a million spectators can sit com
fortably in this enormous sports arena, the
greatest concentration of stadia, gymnasia, fields and
halls ever constructed In one single unit. Nine tenths
of all the activities of the next Olympic games will
be centered here. But it will not take more than
thirty minutes to fill or empty the great space, with
the new transportation facilities created especially for
the purpose. The center bowl Is the Olympic stadium.
On Its opposite side, looking In the picture like an
open double-winged door, Is the swimming stadium.
The large space to the left of the Olympic stadium Is
the assembly field, serving also ns polo grounds. It
covers more than twenty four acres and accommo
dates 400,000 participants and spectators. On its left
side rises the “Fuehrerturm" (Leader's tower) from
which the Olympic bell will ring In the games. The
oval near the lower left-hand corner, above the rail
road cut, Is the equestrian stadium. Opposite, In the
midst of the wooded section in the upper left-hand
corner. Is the Dietrich Ecknrt open-air stage. To the
right of It, the small round space, Is the dancing
arena. At the distant right, there Is a group of gym
nasia, pools and training buildings, with the “House
of German Sports” and an auditorium for 1JSOO. On
the extreme right, straight over from the big center
howl, are parking spaces for ten thousand automobiles.
Just beyond is the hockey stadium. In the lower right
hand corner Is the railroad station “Relchssportfeld.”
An underground railway station, also called “Itelchs
sportfeld," Is opposite the hockey stadium. There also
are basketball Helds and recreation halls.
Who hesitates because of fear
May lose the thing he holds mos<
IT HAPPENS over and over again
* among human folks as well as
among the little people of the Green
Forest and the Green Meadows.
Perhaps It was because he had seen
It happen more than once thnt
Danny Meadow Mouse acted as
quickly as he did. If lie had stopped
to think about It fear might have
prevented him from doing ns he did
HI* Great Claw* Were Spread Ready
to Seize SomeOne and That Some
One Wat the Big Pickerel.
and things might have turned out
quite differently and not at all bo
But Danny's wits are sharp and
he has learned to use them quickly.
There Is nothing like danger to
sharpen one’s wits aud Danny, as
you know, is In danger u great part
of the time. As he sat there peep
ing out of the little hole In the bank
of the Smiling Pool where he had
sought safety he was surrounded by
danger and he knew It. It wasn’t
safe to leave and It wasn’t safe to
remain. Could anyoue possibly be
in worse fix?
Be was doing his best to think of
some way out of his troubles, when
he saw the Big Pickerel which had
been hiding under some Illy pads,
swim out In the middle of the Smil
ing Pool and there stop close to
the surface as If to enjoy the sun.
Not two minutes later there wus a
sharp swishing sound In the air
Danny looked up to see a dark form
shooting out of the sky. It was
Plunger the Osprey, often callec
Kish llavvk. His great claws were
spread out to seize some one and
that some one was the IUg Pickerel
With a great splash Plunger
struck the water and disappeared
right where the Big Pickerel had
been a second before. Ornndfather
Krog dived front his big green pad
with a startled “Chug arum I” Snap
[ter the Turtle sank from sight.
Billy Mink disappeared. Reddy
Kox stood up on Ids hind legs the
better to see.
With a quick glance up to see
that Redtail the Hawk was not
watching, Danny darted out of his
hiding place and scurried nlong the
bank of the Smiling Pool toward
the Laughing Brook. He knew' that
for a few minutes the attention ot
everybody would he fixed on Plung
er. He ho|ted that no one would
notice a scared little Meadow
Mouse. He beard the water fall
ing from Plunger and the beating
of his great wings as he rose In
the air, but he didn’t even glance
to see If Plunger had caught the
Big Pickerel. He simply made those
four little legs of his go as fast as
they possibly could until he reached
a tangle of matted grass, under
which lie crept, his oenrt going pit
a-pat, plt-a-pat. Not till then did
he look back.
©. T. W. Bur****.—WXU Service.
JloYou Know—
That in England horserac
ing has been popular since
the Tenth century, when
Hugh Capet, in return for
the hand of King Athelstan’s
sister, sent him a gift of sev
eral “German running
4P). McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU Service
The Baseball Season Opens
, lets hot wait H
■ /for pappyJ
-„r ,
THE fabric of your friendship
never wears,
Nor does It gather dust and pull
It falls with tenderness upon the
• cares
That press, when evening comes,
upon my heart.
It Is a shawl to keep my shoulders
When all the world is cold, and
chill winds blow.
It Is protection from the winter
And shade in summer from the
hot sun’s glow.
The fabric of your friendship,
woven tine
With all the beauty of your love
ly thought.
Embroidered in an Infinite design
By wisdom that your garnered
years have taught,
Is to my life the same as the blue
To the tired earth—a background
that Is sure.
When all these lovely years have
drifted by,
The fabric of your friendship will
CopyrlKht—WNIJ Service.
FN ITALIAN recipes calling for
* grated ctieese the correct mix
ture Is one-third Gruyere and two
thirds Parmesan.
Risotto a la Milanaise.
This Is a very thick soup which,
with the poor, Is put on the bread,
thus making a substantial meal.
For use at a dinner It should he
considerably diluted. Cut up half of
a large onion In fine pieces, add
butter the size of an egg and fry
to a bright brown, add one pound
of washed and soaked rice and one
quart of bouillon. Cook until the
grains are soft but not crushed. Set
the dish aside to keep hot, add one
fourth pound of grated cheese and
two ounces of butter. Season with
white pepper, salt if needed, and a
bit of nutmeg,
Potage au Chou.
Boll one-half pound of rice and
the heart of firm cabbage In boil
ing salted water until tender. Drain
and chop the cabbage In large
rough pieces. Put back Into the
soup pan with three ounces of hut
ter. three onions minced, anti light
ly fried In the butter, add one
quart of good soup stock, salt and
mixed spice. Roll up for half an
hour. Set aside and add grated
cheese to flavor the soup before
Herring or Mackerel a I'ltalienne.
Split and trim, removing the heads
and tails of the fish. Let the fish
soak four hours in seasoned oil and
vlne„ar. Use salt, pepper, sliced
onion and chopped parsley. Drain
and dust them with flour and fry
them in oil. Serve crisp and hot
Egg Entree.
Peel one-fourth of a pound of on
ions and one-half pound of mush
rooms, add a clove of garlic and cut
into strips. Fry In three ounces of
butter until the onions begin to
color. Add a teaspoon of flour, salt,
pepper and let that color, then thin
with stock to make a sauce, season
to taste and simmer half an hour.
Out the whites of six cooked eggs
into strips, leaving the yolks whole,
add to the sauce and when thor
oughly heated, serve.
©. Western Newepaper Union.
Chic Tailored Outfit
A stunning outfit of the tailored
type. A gown of raspberry red cot
ton lace In a geometric design is
made with a waist-length jacket and
worn over a matching silk taffeta
petticoat. From Flattie Carnegie.
Question box |
_» ED WYNN, The Perfect Fool |
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I read tu the papers of a taxi
dermist who took a lion and skinned
him alive. Do you believe this? If
so, how did he do It?
Answer: First he caught the lion.
Then he covered him with porous
plasters, then he pulled them off
Dear Mr. Wynn:
My son, ten years of age, goes to
public school. He now has the
mumps. Should I keep him from
school? Yours truly,
Answer: Let him go to school till
some of the other boys catch the
mumps, then he will have some one
to play with when you keep him
out of school.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
1 am a young Irish girl. Just ar
rived la this country. I will have
to work In order to live, as 1 am a
poor girl. I am undecided what
kind of work to do. Do you think
it is nil right for me to get a Job at
| light housekeeping?
Yours truly,
Answer: Yes. Rut tirst find out
where the lighthouse is located and
if you can get off on Thursdays.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
For years 1 have watched kettles
! on a stove just to see the steam
i come out. It has always fascinated
me and yet, I must admit, I cannot
understand what makes It come out.
j I’lease explain to me why the steam
comes out of the kettle.
Y’ours truly,
Answer: The reason steam comes
out ot a kettle Is simply so a wife
can open her husband’s letters with
J out the husband knowing It.
i Dear Mr. Wynn:
1 read in the newspapers that the
Statue of Liberty’s right hand nieas
ures llVi Indies. Is that true and
if so why did they make it Just
11 Vi indies?
Yours truly,
Answer: Her hand was made 11 Vi
inches long because the sculptor
knew that if he made her hand 12
inches long it would have been a
®. the Associated Newspapers.
WNU Service.
Womans Eyes
WHEN a well-known clubwoman
spoke recently, on “Making a
go of marriage,” she said: “Let nei
ther husband nor wife strive to be
the dominating person in the house
hold. A victory for either in this
respect means failure for the part
And that is true. The emptiest
victory in the world is the victory
of being the boss; and particularly
in marriage. Not only does it mean
failure for the partnership if there
is a “boss"—it means the death of
love—the kind of love that counts.
For we can hardly be “in love”
with anyone we have to be afraid
of, from whom it Is expedient to
conceal something, some one who
by getting his or her own way,
“puts one over” on us. We can
hardly await that person’s home
coming with joy, or in the case of
a man, look forward with joy to
going home to such a person.
We can’t have that warm feeling
which means love and affection and
pleasure in being in a person’s com
If we stop to think about it, that
must be obvious to any of us. And
yet people don’t stop to think, ap
parently. For constantly, around
us, we see going on between hus
bands and wives that struggle to
get their own way—to be “boss.”
They do not think of it so much
in terms of being “boss,” of course;
they are just impelled to get their
own way. And they get it—or the
one with the most dominating tem
perament and the strongest consti
tution does. And both lose.
If people would only stop to think
about it, I believe in nine cases out
of ten they would conclude that the
thing in which they got their own
way wasn’t really worth making
such a fuss about, and was cer
tainly not worth the high price it
©, Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Kidskin Similar to Caracul
Kidskin in appearance is quite
similar to caracul, but the leather
Is Inferior, being lighter, stiffer and
less supple.
Deputy Sheriff Finds Rare Mineral
IT MA\ iiaie the appearance ot chalk, hut It is Bentonite, a rare non
inetulllc mineral found in pnly a few places throughout the world. The
new find was made by Deputy Sheriff Worth Bagley, and his uncle, J. G.
Bagley. It Is located In Imperial county, California, near the Riverside
county line, and the Bagleys exjiect soon to begin mining operations
there. Bentonite is used in the refining of gasoline and oil. being more
eflicient than dlatomaceous; also It is used as the base for printers' ink
and is employed In the manufacture of candies and drugs. Photograph
shows: Deputy Sheriff Worth Bagley showing Miss Vera Moore how he
and his unde made the discovery
Hot Breads and Fine Cakes
Baking Powder Has Important Part in tlie Preparation
of These Typical American Foods, hut It
Must Be Employed Wisely.
Hot breads and fine cakes are typ
ical American foods. Modern cook
tiooks, magazines and newspapers de
vote much space to directions for
their preparation. Cook books of an
o.den time, however, furnish few rec
ipes for these dainties because ‘‘yeast
powder,” as baking powder was first
known, is a comparatively modern in
vention. In these olden recipes we
find directions for the use of soda and
cream of tartar or vinegar, molasses
or sour milk. Modern recipes use the
two latter ingredients with soda, but
most of them add ns well a little bak
ing powder in order to overcome the
inconsistency of the varying acids.
Ilaking powders, of which we have
three types, are all made of a soda
base, but the acid, which is the oth
er principal ingredient, differs. The
three types of baking powder are
known as combination, phosphates
and tartrates. To be successful with
a recipe which calls for baking pow
der you should know what type of
baking powder you are using. The
phosphates and tartrates demand
more in comparison to the amount of
flour than does the combination. Ex
periments mnde at the University of
Chicago show that in most recipes
about two-thirds as much combination
baking powder should be used in most
recipes. Other experiments show that
for muffins, biscuits and cakes, ex
cepting where extra eggs are used,
the proportion of one teaspoonful to
a cupful of flour gives generally good
results. In using phosphate or tar
trate baking powders, the proportion
for cakes is generally one and a half
teaspoonfuls to a cupful of flour.
For biscuits one and a half
to two teaspoonfuls to a cupful of
flour, according to the type of crumb
you wish. For absolutely accurate
results, it is a very good idea to use
(lie tested recipes supplied by the
companies which manufacture each
type of baking powder.
The use of too much baking pow
der produces a porous, coarse, dry
crumb with a cracked, sticky crust.
A great excess will make a cake fall.
If too much baking powder is used,
your product may have a slightly bit
ter taste. Too little baking powder
produce a heavy cake, which has
a rather bready consistency.
When sour cream is used, we par
ticularly need linking powder ns well
as soda, unless we use another acid,
beenuse there is not so much acid in
sour cream ns there is in sour milk.
It takes one-quarter of a teaspoonful
of soda to produce leaven with one
cupful of sour milk, hut a cupful of
sour cream needs only a quarter of a
teaspoonful of soda to neutralize the
acid, and we do not get so large a
proportion of gas to raise our mix
ture. Because chocolate has a slight
acid reaction many recipes for this
favorite cake demand a small amount
of soda, which produces a dark color
and makes a tender cake. Let me
warn you that an over-use of soda
produces an unpleasant flavor and a
slightly soapy texture.
The Improvement in the prepared
cake and biscuit mixtures is largely
due to tlie scientific combination of
the baking powder as well as to the
good quality of flour, shortening and
other Ingredients used. One of the
prepared gingerbreads on the market
claims to have been developed from
the recipe used by Mary Washington,
whose son provided a birthday worthy
of an annual celebration.
Baking Powder Biscuits.
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons tartrate or phosphate
baking powder or 2 teaspoons com
bination baking powder
2 tablespoons fat
% to 1 cup milk or water
% teaspoon salt
Mix and sift the dry Ingredients
and rub In the fat with the fingers
or cut it In with a knife. Make a hole
in the flour at the side of the bowl
and add half a cupful of liquid. Add
enough more liquid to make a soft
dough. Itoll on a tnetal surface or
oilcloth until one inch thick. Cut In
to rounds and bake ten or twelve
minutes in a hot oven (450 degrees
Fahrenheit). This recipe makes ten
medium-sized biscuits.
Standard White Cake.
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons tartrate or phosphate
baking powder or IV2 teaspoons com
bination baking powder
i,a cup butter or other shortening
l'cup sifted sugar
•)A cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 egg whites, beaten light
Prepare pan. Sift Hour once, meas
ure, add baking powder and sift
again together. Cream .shortening
thoroughly, then add sugar gradual
ly and (Team together until tight and
fluffy. Add sifted flour and baking
powder to creamed mixture, alter
nately with milk, a small amount at
a time. Beat after each addition un
til smooth. Add vanilla, fold In egg
whites. Bake In loaf or layers in
moderate oven. (Loaf, one hour, 350
degrees Fahrenheit; layer, twenty to
twenty-five minutes. 375 degrees Fah
| renheit).
Plain Muffins.
3 cups flour
Vi teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons tartrate or phosphate
baking powder or 2 teaspoons com
bination baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
* tablespoons melted shortening.
Mix and sift the dry ingredients.
Beat the egg, pour the milk Into it,
and stir gradually into the dry ingre
dients. Add the melted fat and fill
the greased gem puns three-quarters
full. Bake twenty to thirty minutes
in a moderate oven (400 degrees Fah
©. Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
World’s Oldest Bible?
The director of the German Ar
oheologic institute in Cairo recently
discovered in an obscure Cairo
bookshop what is said to be the
world’s oldest Bible, This Bible
which is thought to have been writ
ten in the Second century, contains
only the gospel according to St
Matthew, the letters of St I’aul, and
portions of the Old Testament. The
oldest Bible known previous to this
And was written in the Fourth cen
Soap arul Ointment
Containing emollient and healing
properties, they soothe and comfort
tender, easiiy irritated skins and help
to keep them free from irritations.
Be Sure They Properly
Cleanse the Blood
YOUR kidneys are constantly fil
tering impurities from the blood
stream. But kidneys get function
ally disturbed—lag in their work—
fail to remove the poisonous body
Then you may suffer nagging
backache, attacks of dizziness,
burning, scanty or too frequent
urination, getting up at night,
swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic
pains; feel “all worn out."
Don’t delay! For the quicker you
get rid of these poisons, the better
your chances of good health.
Use Doan’s Pills. Doan’s are for
the kidneys only. They tend to pro
mote normal functioning of the
kidneys; should help them pass off
the Irritating poisons. Doan’s are
recommended by users the country
over. Get them from any druggist.
Mrs. Ruhl of 1104
Nash PI., Kansas City,
Mo., said : "I am glad to
have an opportunity to rec
ommeiid Dr. Pierce’s Fa
vorite Prescription. I used
it at one time when I felt
rundown and it helped me
just as it was advertised
to do. It strengthened my
I whole system and I felt
fine afterwards.” New size, tablets 50 cts.
Write Dr. Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y..
for free medical advice.
ww O You find them
F G f announced in
O the columns of
this paper by merchants of our
community who do not feel they
must keep the quality of their
merchandise or their prices under
cover. It is safe to buy of the
merchant who ADVERTISES. 4
Rice op^