The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 25, 1935, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Over the County
The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E.
church held its regular meeting on
Wednesday of this week at the
home of Mrs. Forest Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Anspach
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Anspach and Helen went to Emmet
Sunday to spend the day with Mr.
and Mrs. John Conard.
Miss Lois Moor, who teaches in
the Franklin, Nebr., high school,
spent her Easter vacation here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Moor.
Miss Muriel Chicken, senior at
the Wayne State Normal, spent
the Easter vacation here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chick
Clayton Ullery, of Page, was in
Inman on business Saturday even
State surveyors were here Thurs
day surveying the site for the new
highway which will follow the C.
& N. W. track thru Inman. The
highway will be north of the track.
Hebe Asher, of Page, transacted
business here one day last week.
Mrs. Walter Jacox visited rela
tives and friends at Basset, Nebr.,
a few days last week.
George Lines was called to Keya
Paha county last week on account
of the death of his brother. He
was accompanied by his son-in-law,
Clyde Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Carney and
daughter, Norma, of Norfolk, spent
the week-end here with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter French and
daughters, Elizabeth and Jean, of
Mead, Nebr., and Mrs, J. Murphy,
of Page, were here Friday visiting
their sister and daughter, Mrs.
William Thompson.
The Senior class, including Miss
Frances Gallagher, Cecil Keyes
and Elmer Crosser, and their spon
sor,Supt. George Cornish and wife,
drove to Lincoln over the week-end
at which place they visited the
state capitol and other places of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox, of
Lynch, Nebr., were here Saturday
looking after business.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Benschoff,
of Van Tassel, Wyo., were here
Sunday visiting at the home of
their neice, Mrs. E. L. Watson.
They were enroute from Mobile,
Alabama, where they had spent
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and
daughters, Mary and Anella, of
Neligh, were here Sunday visiting
at the A. N. Butler home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harte
went to Sioux City Sunday night
where Mr. Harte will enter a hos
pital for medical treatment.
A- family gathering took place
at the Elias Brombaugh farm last
Sunday, the occasion being the
92nd birthday anniversary of Mr.
Brombaugh. Mr. Brombaugh came
to Holt county more than fifty
years ago and has lived contin
uously on the homestead that he
took at that time. Mr. and Mrs.
Brombaugh,well advanced in years,
are in good health. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Carney
and daughter, of Inman; Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs.
James Kelley, W. E. Kelley and
Deverne Jackson. A huge angel
food birthday cake baked by his
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Kelley, was
the main feature of the dinner.
The pupils of Pleasant Dale
school, who will take examinations
Thursday and Friday, are Gladys
Schmohr and Leonard Winkler,
Eighth grade, and Walter Schmohr
You can feed a balanced feed a
lot cheaper than corn or
shorts alone.
MASH _. 4>ZiJU
This is Rood feed and you can’t
afford to let your chicks
ro without it.
STARTER, 100-Lbs. —$Z»UU
FLOUR . vJn.Oj
and LaVern Stahley, Seventh grade
Mrs. V. R. Beckwith and daught
er, and. Mrs. Gus Seger visited
Friday with Mrs. Ralph Beckwith.
Mrs. Ed. Heeb called on her
daughter, Mrs. John Babl, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruder drove
to O’Neill last Wednesday to get
their daughter, Mary, who is at
tending school at S. M. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coleman
and family from Phoenix and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family
spent Easter Sunday with Mrs.
Vera Hickman.
Spring farming is well under
way in this community. Almost
every farmer planted oats or bar
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson
returned home last Wednesday
from Texas, where they spent the
winter with relatives. They visi
ted their son, C. E. Johnson and
wife of Waverly last week.
Miss Edna Heeb spent last week
with her friend, Mrs. Cecilia Ries.
Little Miss Naydene Kee visited
Sunday afternoon with Myrlen
Mrs. Ceclia Ries and Miss Edna
Heeb visited. Mrs. Emma Ries
Monday evening.
Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Leon
Beckwith Tuesday afternoon. At
the close of the meeting the host
ess served a delicious lunch. She
was*assisted by Mrs. Leana John.
Little Arlene Beckwith returned
home Sunday after visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Vera Hickman,
for several days.
Miss Merl Ohmart enjoyed a two
weeks visit with friends at Anoka.
The Misses Geraldine Dusatko,
Alda and Armella Pongratz were
home for Easter.
Bud Clemens and Ned Saunders
went to Chambers Monday even
At Atkinson Sunday a car driven
by Miss Barrett backed into the
new car belonging to Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Baker, crushing the side. No
one was hurt and the car will be
sent to Norfolk for repairs.
John Bower got “hung up” a
short time at the township line
bridge south of the Berry school
house Monday on his way to
Amelia. A hind wheel of his truck
dropped in a hole just off the bridge
and threw the truck to one side
dangerously near the tipping over
point. The truck was extricated
after a little work with a shovel.
Floyd Adams has the building
ready for his new filling station
at Amelia, occupying the strategic
point at the south end of the vil
lage’s main street.
Mrs. Roblyer, of Atkinson, visi
ted at the Riley home and else
where in this community Sunday on
her way south to spend a day or
two at the home of her brother,
Charley Clark, near Dumas.
Mrs. R. Saunders is spending a
few days with friends near Atkin
A number from this neighbor
hood attended the funeral of War
ren Gilman at Amelia Monday af
ternoon. Death came to Mr. Gill
man Saturday. He had been af
flicted for many months past, being
practically helpless for some time.
Another pioneer is gone with the
passing of Mr. Gillman. He was
one of the early ranchmen of this
section and had acquired large
holdings, both in lands and live
stock, in the rich country south
west of Amelia. Burial was at
From somewhere far to the south
a cloud of dust originated and
floated north, enveloping this
neighborhood Monday in a strange
gloom. At 3:30, as I write, the
room is dark as approaching night.
With windows and doors closed^
some way a flour-like dust reaches
one’s nostrils, throat and eyes, and
the head aches. Out in the open
one can scarcely see 40 rods. Cat
tle grazing in the pastures lift be
smudged faces and blackened noses
as you approach and if they do not
get enough of the dust with the
feed to result fatally it will be
well. At 4 o’clock the gloom has
become such that lights are neces
sary. From the horizon on all
sides to the zenith the dust cloud
hangs like an oncoming tornado;
and then clouds, real clouds, an
nounced by rumbling thunder, ap
pear above the dust and we sit and
hopeforrain. At 5 o’clock the dark
ness is as deep as starless midnight.
Then a few drops of rain. At 5:30
light breaks thru the thick cloud
but up until nightfall hte unnatural
gloom continues. The night brings
rain. R. S.
Emmet School Notes
High School Room
The Tenth grade are studying
the classic, Merchant of Venice,
for English.
The Ninth grade are studying
the classic, Julius Ceaser, for Eng
lish this six weeks.
Elsie Fernholtz and Helen Vogel
were visitors this week at school.
Students absent last week were
Anna Rose O’Donnell, Eugenia
Luben and Carl Luben.
The high school is almost ready
to give their annual school play,
entitled The Dutch Detective. The
play will be given Friday.
Those having perfect attendance
for lastmonth were: Francis Regal,
Faye Sesler, Agnes Vogel, Mary
Ann Winkler and Wayne Bates.
The mud storm Monday night
made curtains unnecessary in our
room. It is hard on the Sopho
mores who sit by the windows.
The teacher says our Comercial
Arithmetic grades are “awful.”
Perhaps we should take warning
from that. The end of the sem
ester is not far off.
The close of the season is
tearing along like a motor
cycle! Better order now.
Order chicks (from your
choice of seven leading breeds)
and poults bearing the fam
ous Armour “Cloverbloom”
brand. Play safe — but be
quick! Send postal for free
folder and low prices or call
the next time you are in town.
L. L. Cambre, Manager
Hatchery Department
4th St. & N. W. tracks
GRAHAM FLOUR ^ BEANS, 3 No. 2 cans Zl U
5-Lb. Bag _ Z I U
BACON-Lean Strip f)1-. ?pU?S-Wh*on8in 01 CO
IVr Found L I C tobb,ers’ l00'lb ba* 4> I «U J
Fresh Ground, Per Lb. ZUO Full Quart, each I uC
Fresh Strawberries - Radishes - Tomatoes - Cucumbers
Lettuce - Celery - Select Baby Beef and Veal
Groceries and Meats
Phones 23 & 24 We Deliver
Intermediate Room
Louise Grothe was absent from
school Thursday and Friday of
last week due to illness.
Junior Harris, Alda and Armella
Pongratz and our teacher’s little
nephew, Dwain Pongratz, were
visitors Friday at the school.
The Fifth and Sixth grades are
studying Italy for geography.
The Intermediate room was quite
surprised Friday afternon when
our teacher excused us from les
sons for a while and we had a
party. We had planned at our last
club meeting not to have a party
until after the Seventh and Eighth
gradeexaminations, and that would
be our weiner roast.
Frances Luben was absent from
school last week.
We are all studying very hard
so that we will get passing grades
in the final exams.
We received our report cards
Helen O'Donnell is the only one
on the Honor Roll this month.
The Seventh and Eighth grades
finished Enoch Arden and are now
reviewing for exams in reading.
Mrs. Ralph Young and son, Leon
ard and daughter, Helen, of near
O’Neill, were guests at the Howard
Rouse home on Tuesday.
Clyde Hemingway, of near O’
Neill, was an over-night guest of
Ted Crawford’s on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marieday Hubby
and Bonnie and Bruee, of Atkinson,
were dinner guests at the Howard
Rouse home on Wednesday. They
also called at the Eric Borg home
in the afternoon.
A large crowd from this locality
attended the funeral services for
S. J. Benson on Thursday. The
family lived in this locality until a
year ago, when they moved to
M iss Hazel McDonald is still suf
fering with an attack of rheuma
tism. Although she is somewhat
better she has not been able to
teach for several days. Her many
friends hope she soon will be all
right again.
Miss Mary Heminvvay closed her
school in district 170 with a picnic
on Friday, which most of the pat
rons of the school attended.
Arthur Rouse called at Frank
Griffith’s Saturday evening.
Mary Emma Spindler spent Sun
day afternoon with home folks.
Some from this locality attended
the play at Aaron Boshart’s on
Thursday evening and give very
good reports of the play.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griffith and
Cecil were dinner guests at R. D.
Spindler's on Sunday.
The Lee Wyant family, of
O’Neill, the Arden Johnson family,
of near Riverside, and Mrs. Irvin
Sanders and children were dinner
guests of Mrs. E. H. Rouse on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Fox and son, Harold,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linn and
Ralph and Virginia Rousch were
dinner guests at the Will Kaczor
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sundal and family
am! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson
and family, of Wayne, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Robertson and children
Combination Sale
Thursday, May 2nd
We sell everything. If you don’t believe it
come and see us Sale Day. List anything.
JOHN L. QUIG, Manager
and Mr. and Mrs. George Robert
son were Sunday guests at the
John A. Robertson home.
A meeting will be held at the
Paddock Union church on Monday
evening, April 29, for the purpose
of planning a program for Decor
ation day. All are cordially in
(Continued on page 8, column 2.)
An Adaptation from
The Life of Our Savior
A Descriptive
With Beautiful Singing and
Symphonic Music
2 Days—May 2nd & 3rd
Matinee Thurs., May 2nd, 3 p.m.
Matinee Prices 10c & 25c
Evening Prices 15c & 30c
Motorists who know these facts
will save money:
Motor oils refined by the usual methods have
some oiliness and film strength, but they
may form carbon and sludge, which lead to
expensive motor repairs.
d ‘
Other oils may form almost no carbon and
1r '<l • •
sludge, but are so over-refined that they are
robbed of oiliness and film strength they
need to prevent motor wear.
Germ Processed Oil is refined lo eliminate
carbon and sludge troubles and then the Germ
Process adds extra oilincss and 2 to 4 times
more film strength than any mineral oil/
YOU will save money on repairs and have a
smoother running motor if you use Conoco
Germ Processed Motor Oil!
The Germ Process—adding concentrated oily es
sence to highly refined oil—gives it the extra oiliness
and film strength so necessary for full protection of
high-powered, high-speed motors. No other oil is
made by the Germ Process.
Germ Processed Oil cuts down costly starting
wear, which other oils fail to do. It is the only oil
with the “Hidden Quart" that stays up in your motor
and never drains away.
Germ Processed Oil is free from carbon and sludge
troubles. It has a lower rate of consumption and gives
longer mileage, as proved by the famous Indianapolis
Destruction Test.
Say,“0. K.—Drain”—and fill with Conoco Germ
Processed Motor Oil.
★As proved by tests on Timken, GERM PROCESSED
Almen, Mougey, and Sibley »ai*'hn iaii
machines, which measure oili* B 11
ness and film strength. PP | K I L
> *-• * ’ '
Denver sent a complete free
plan for our trip—marked
road maps of every state and
... travel booklets and hotel and
camp directories. They also sent
excellent information on where
to fish.”
“We stopped at Conoco stations along our
way for many helpful, free services. You
can apply at any Conoco station for such
a plan for your motor trip.”
Across the street from the Public Library