The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 18, 1935, Image 6

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    Prefabricated House of Concrete Panels
MONO the newest developments In the attempt to
transform residential construction Into a mass-pro
duction Industry Is h prefabricated house of concrete
panels, the first example of which has Just been com
pleted on Colesvllle i’ike, In the outskirts of Wash
ington, D. C. With 32 panels of concrete, each 2
inches thick, 9 feet high und from 4 to 10 feet wide.
John J. Karley has assembled the walls of a five-room
bnngalow, for which many advantages are claimed
in the way of low Initial cost, low upkeep cost and
permanence. The window casements art* cast solidly
I Into the panels In the course of their pre-fabrication
In the factory, so that when the walls are assembled
and the roof Is on the workers may proceed with
the interior finish regurdless of exterior weather con
ditions. After the foundation is made, a skeleton of
studding, either of wood or steel. Is set on It to fur
nish a frame against which the panels are placed,
l.lglit reinforced concrete columns are then cast be
hind the Joints between the panels, which are attached
firmly to the columns. The panels of the average
house, It Is said, can be put In place In one day.
It does no good to just regret
If your mistakes you soon forget
Danny meadow mouse had
learned this by hard experi
ence. Now whenever he makes a
mistake he wastes no time regret
ting that mistake, but neither does
he forget It. He tucks It away
In his memor> so that he never will
do the same thing again, and then
be puts his wits to work to get out
of the trouble his mistake has got
him Into.
As he peeped out of the hole In
the far hank of the Smiling pool,
where he had found safety, he
“I Certainly Have Got Myself Into
a Heap of Trouble Thla Time,"
Thought H*.
wished with all his might that he
had stayed at home. Ilut he wasted
little time that way. lie hadn’t
stayed at home, so the thing to do
was to try to find a way out of his
present difficulties. Ills home was
some dlstnnee away on the Green
Meadows on the other side of the
Smiling Tool. On the other bank he
could see Reddy Fox. Down In the
Smiling Pool he could see the Hlg
Pickerel, who had so nearly caught
him when he was swimming across.
There also wns Snapper the Snap
"On* thing about prize-fighting,’’
•aye observing Olivia, "It’s the only
profession where they pound one
another out in the open.”
Cl. Bell Syndicate.—WNU service.
ping Turtle. To make matters worse
lie caught a glimpse of Hilly Mink
swimming along closer to the op
posite hank. A fat Meadow Mouse
for dinner would tickle nny of
Then to make matters worse he
happened to look up and there suit
ing round and round high overhead
was Itedtall the Hawk, and there
Is nothing In the world thut Itedtall
likes better than Meadow Mouse
for Ida meals. Danny sighed, but
lie took care that that sigh couldn’t
he heard more than a few Inches
away. It was a very gentle sigh, a
very gentle sigh Indeed, but In It
were expressed all Danny's feelings
—fear, worry and vnin regret.
"I certainly have got myself Into
a heap of trouble this time,"
thought lie. “I’m surrounded hy en
emies. Yes, sir, I'm simply sur
rounded hy enemies, and. If I don’t
"Pop, what la a palet?"
"Local color.”
(ft. Uell Syndicate.—YVNU service.
watch out there won't be any Danny
Meadow Mouse. I had no business
to come over here to the Smiling
Bool, but here I am, I got myself
Into this trouble and now Pve got
to get myself out of It. Nobody
else can or will. If n fellow didn’t
have to eat things would be easier.
I could stay right here until I could
he sure of a safe trip home. But
goodness knows when that time will
come and I’m hungry this very
Then as he once more caught a
glimpse of Billy Mink a dreadful
thought came to him. Billy Mink
might take it Into Ids head to come
over on that bank of the Smiling
Bool and peep Into all the holes
there, a way he has of doing. “He
would surely find me then," thought
Danny, “and that would be the end
of me. I don’t dare go and I don’t
dare stay. Whatever shall I do?”
€). T. W. Burgtit -*WNU 8ervlc«.
Because You Love Me
BECAUSE you love me. I can bear
The lack of everything I
1 should possess to make life fair.
The trilling gift that you have
Is lovelier in my fond sight
Than Jewels sparking In the light
The gentle touch of your dear hand.
A tender glance from your warm
And somehow I can understand
The quality of Paradise,
Just to sit near you is to be
A part of divine harmony.
Because you love me, I can find
A rainbow In the darkest sky.
The troubled days I do not mind
As long as yon are standing by.
My smiles will always shine through
If you will love me down the years.
Convrlrht.—WNU Service.
Minute make-ups
-Ry V. V.
Sachet powder has various uses.
Many people forget that It Imparts
a subtle fragrance when used on
the skin. You may rub just a little
under the armpits and enjoy a fra
grance that will last through the
Copyrlnht by Public Ladner. Inc.
WNU Service.
Question box
t, ED WYNN, The Perfect Fool
Dear Mr. Wynn :
I live in lirooklyn and work In
New York, so I always ride on trol
ley ears. It has been a great source
of amusement to me. watching wom
en get off the cars. Why does a
woman nlways get off a car hack
wa rd ?
Yours truly,
Answer: A woman always hacks
off a car so she can get a last look
at the conductor.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
A crowd of hoys and girls are go
ing on a picnic next Sunday. We
must each bring something to eat.
I am supposed to make some
‘‘hash," Can yon tell me the bes'
way to make "hash”?
Truly yours.
THE most delightful dish other
wise, may he ruined by the ad
dltlon of a bit too much or too lit
tie of Just the right seasoning or
flavor. Browning wus not using
it In this connection, but how
well the couplet expresses Just the
Idea of well seasoned foods:
Oh, the little more and how much
it is!
And the little less, and what world
Success In cookery depends upon
the nice taste of the cook In the
adding of seasoning, spice or flavor
lng, without which the food Is zest
less and flat. Here are a few hints
gleaned from various sources which
Let the Sparks Fall Where They May
I » * r .
will be suggestive when serving
these familiar dishes. A mere trace
of nutmeg added to fresh lima
beans Improves them. A trifle more
may be added to the dry ones. Add
a small piece of mnce to panned or
creamed oysters. Remove it before
serving. Add both ginger and
mustard In Boston baked beans.
Ginger for zest, mustard for flavor.
The ginger takes the place of pep
Drop a small piece of cinnamon
In the oatmeal while cooking. Re
move this so that no one will dis
cover what makes It taste so good.
Add a bit of grated lemon rind to
the mush that Is to be fried for
Grated orange peel or the pre
served skin added to ginger bread
makes a most delectable ilavor; add
it to a spiced cake or currant or
raisin loaf flavored with lemon ex
A small bit of sugar, half a tea
spoonful or less added to vegeta
hies while cooking will improve the
flavor, also it Improves soups, roasts
are given a more appetizing brown.
A pinch of stilt improves almost
any food, custard, applesauce, and
other stewed fruits. Add a few
grains of salt to cocoa, coffee and
chocolate for cake filling, to fudge
and to Icing ns well as all forms
of candy. When butter is not used
more stilt will be needed. Adding
salt to cooked fruits will save on
sugar, for salt brings out sweetness.
©. Western Newspaper Union.
Generally speaking, “non-lmml
grant” Is applied to any non-elti
zen who seeks to enter the United
States temporarily for business or
pleasure The temporary period is
usunlly limited to six months, but
may be extended by authorities for
good cause Non-immigrants are
not counted in the quota.
Answer: My dear boy, “hash” Is
not made. "Hash” is an accumu
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I know nothing about the work
ings of the Block market, but my
ambition is to become a speculator
on Wall Street What I want to
know is will they make me a “Bull"
or a “Bear”?
Answer: If you know nothing
about Wall Street they will not
make you a "Bull" or a “Bear."
They will make a “monkey" out of
<f>. the Associated Newspapers.
WNU Service.
Through a
** r\ KAR Jean Newton:
U “Did yon read about the man
after twenty three years in prison
going back to Italy to marry his
childhood sweetheart who faithfully
waited for him all that time?
“Who said that today romance Is
I wish I could, like our reader, re
act only with a romnnt'< thrill to
the story of the miner who on the
eve of sending for his sweetheart
in the Old Country Inadvertently
killed a man and had to postpone
his wedding twenty-tnree years—
who now, at the age of forty-seven.
Is to go back to marry that faithful
sweetheart. X
My slant Is more of the shock
that may be In store for both of
them when their dream of meeting
comes true.
You can see the picture In the
mind of the girl who has been wait
ing—the picture of the brave, hope
ful young emigrant going forth to
battle the world and establish for
her a haven of peace and secur
ity In the promised land? Let us
hope that the interval has not too
much altered the subject of her de
votion to make possible a happy
ending of the story.
The man twenty-three years In
prison has had little in his mind,
naturally, but the dream of the girl
he left behind him. With the years
that dream has remained, doubtless,
of the sweet young thing, clinging
to him, full of hope and faith In
the goodness of life and the
strength of her lover. Let us hope
thnt he Is somewhat prepared for
revision of at least outward aspect
of the middle-aged woman who will
meet him on his return; and more
important—that the things within
which count most may not have
changed too much with the years.
Lifelong devotion is beautiful—
particularly on the part of this
woman out in the world who made
the sacrifice. But when it comes to
romance, I’ll take my chance on
the couple growing old together
against the reunion of sweethearts
after twenty-three years.
©, Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Nifty Sports Outfit
Buttoning down Its entire front
length and featuring short cool
sleeves and a kerchief collar, this
one-piece dress Is excellent for
sports wear. It Is crocheted In
fancy stitch of yellow and brown
mercerized floss.
|| jo You Know—
That the Anemone, one of
the first flowers of spring,
speaks the love of Venus for
Adonis. According to the
old Greek legend, Adonis
was mortally wounded by a
boar. When dying his blood
flowed upon the earth and
united with the tears of
Venus and from them the
anemone grew.
McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNCT Service.
An Air Conditioner for Rural (Jse
H CUB'S an air conditioner that utilizes cold well water for suuimet
cooling nnd heat In the winter, when connected with a lieuting out
let. Besides it will humidify and dehumldlfy the air, as desired. It was
developed by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr., right, son of the motor car manu
facturer, who is showing the inside of the new unit to his brother Jack.
Fanciers Credit Dogs
With Ability to “Talk”
BoMlderwall, a Great Dane that
died recently at Little Compton, It.
1., was one of a very few dogs cred
ited by fanciers with an ability to
speak. This animal, so his master
and acquaintances said, was self
taught and was able to express him
self in a limited way in the Knglish
The people most likely to shrug
their shoulders at this are people
who have not come into much close
contact with intelligent dogs.
It is probable that Boulderwnll
possessed the "gift of gab” beyond
the ability of most members of his
race, but it is equally probable that
many other canines try to make
themselves understood in human
language, and sometimes fail because
of the inattention or Indifference of
listeners, more than because of their
own limitations.
Certainly many dogs have vocab
ularies of their own, and there is not
the slightest doubt about the ability
of those with well-developed brains
to understand simple conversations.
Indeed, in the presence of many »
dogs, prudence of expression Is as
advisable at times as it Is in the
presence of children. We know dogs,
too. with a sense of humor that
crinkle their eyes and would laugh
human fashion If they were physically
equipped to do it.
What would happen if it were pos
sible to develop a breed of dogs
with palates and lips which would,
permit clear articulation might be"
extremely interesting.—Detroit Free
Nature’s Cure
Learn to live In the open air. It
is a good cure for the blues.
Beauty that
won’t WEAR OFF!
When you Simoniz your car, you can
be positive—yes, absolutely sure that
it will stay beautiful. What’s more,
Simoniz protects the finish and makes
it last longer. Perhaps, however, your
car is already dull. Then first use the
new, improved Simoniz Kleener. It
brings back all the lustre and beauty ’
your car had when new. So always in
sist on Simoniz and Simoniz Kleener.
Besides being easier to apply, they
cost no more than polishes and so
called waxes that give but a here-today
and-gone-tomorrow shine.
Simoniz and Simoniz Klaanar ara told by
hardwara and auto accattorydaalart,fill
ing stations and garagat avarywhara.
Onck you taste Grape-Nuts Flakes, you’ll
cheer tool And it not only has a delicious fla
vor, but it's nourishing. One dishful, with
milk or cream, contains more varied nourish
ment than many a hearty meal. Try it—your
grocer has it I Grape-Nuts Flakes is a product of
General Foods.
Bring quick relief from the itching of
pimples, eczema and other skin irrita
tions. Then rely upon the regular use
of this simple treatment to soothe and
protect your skin.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c.
Sold at all druggists.