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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1935)
Siamese Monarch Renounces Throne Prajadhipok Will Reside on English Estate King Prajadhipok of Slam and Ids queen, who are no longer rulers of their tiny kingdom. The king, now residing in Surrey, F.ugland, an nounced tils abdication following months of internal disputes over governmental matters in Siam. It was hinted, however, that Hie king would return to his throne only If tii government recants and makes an about face on Prajadhipok's de ninnd for trial in an ordinary court for persons suspected of opposition to the government. Kleven-year-old Prince Anandn. nephew of Prajadhipok, tins accept ed the Invitation to mount the vn cant throne, according to an an nouncement from Btingkok. The prince litis been living in Switzer land while attending an exclusive school. Born in Europe, he lived for n time at Cambridge. Mass., while Ids father attended Harvard. Hauptmann’s Religious Adviser Lutheran Pastor Named to Help Convicted Man Dr. D. G. Werner. New York Lutli eran pastor, has been selected as religious adviser to iiruno Richard Hauptmann, the convicted murder er of the Lindbergh baby. Doctor Werner will console Hauptmann during the latter’s stay In Trenton, until the time conies for bis execu tion. At first, Hauptmann refused all religious aid, but during the past few days he has apparently changed. Signs of discord have developed be DR. D. G. WERNER tween the convicted man and his wife, Annie, following a visit she paid her husband In the cell block of the condemned. Mrs. Hauptmann brought their baby, Mannfried, to the peniten tiary, but left him in an anteroom while she went to see Bruno. Emerging from ttie death house. Airs. Hauptmann said: “I don’t care. I’ll never bring my baby into the death house. Why? Don’t ask me why. You know why. Even if our appeal falls and my husband must die. I will not take my baby in there.” Sprouted During Stay in Antarctic Bernt Balchen, noted pilot; Dr. Dana Coman, with the luxuriant beard he grew In the Antarctic; nnd Walter J. Lanz, three of the members of the Lincoln Ellsworth Transantarctic expedition, as they returned to New York. Ellsworth again was frustrated by bad weather In his attempt to fly across the Antarctic continent. Remove Ribs to Make Room for Heart Operation Saves Youngster’s Life Mary Erwin, age fifteen, in a Kan sas City hospital recovering from an operation In which three or her ribs were removed to allow her heart, which has become enlarged, to beat normally. For three years Mary has been confined to bed and slowly dying, but physicians decided on the rib operation and it Is thought now that she will get wll. The plucky little girl who has spent so many months In a sickbed is now happily looking forwnrd to MARY ERWIN the time when she will be able to resume her school studies. Camp Fire Girls Received at White House Camp Fire Girls celebrating the twenty-third anniversary of their organization at tiieir convention in Washington were received at the White House by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. At the right is shown Mrs. I.ida Foot# Tarr. national president of the Camp Fire Girls. Seek Overthrow of Greek Government Army [Vosses Forward to Crush Rebels Troops Capture Town After Battle in Mud Scones such ns this took place In Athens when Insurrectionists nt tempted to overthrow the Greek gov ernment. The rebels under tbe al leged leadership of ex-I’remler Veni xelos were reported to have suffered hnvy losses lu engagements with loyalist troops. The Greek government reported that they had recaptured the town of Seres, northeast of Salonikl, after a hard tight, and were pressing for ward to crush the last vestige of the rebellion. A heavy artillery bom hiirdment drove the insurgents from their positions with heavy losses. It Is said. Tension increased in Europe ns Bulgaria and Turkey massed troops on their frontiers, although they insisted their action was only as n protective measure. Turkey hns 80,otto men stationed near the Greek and Bulgarian boundaries, and prop urations have boon going on for more thnn a month, it Is said. France lias ordered a destroyer to proceed to Athens to protect French property, and Great Britain hns also ordered a battleship to speed to Phnleron bay. Venl/.elos Is reported ns ready to flee from Crete, headquarters of tlie revolutionists, nnd seek refuge in Alexandria. Egypt, nnd the Jugo slavia government has acceded to n request of Greek authorities to 'hold Gen. Nicholas Plnstlras. vet eran Greek revolutionary lender. If lie should attempt to cross Into Greece by way of the Jugoslav fron tier. Sets New Record at This Stunt Cadet Simon B. Buckner, Jr., of Valley Forge Military academy nt Wayne, Pa., sets a new record for setting up a machine gun while blind folded. Lieut. Wlllet J. Baird Is the Instructor while Cadet Ben Knowles of York, Pa., awaits his turn to compete. Cadet Buckner Is the son of the commandant of cadets at the United States Military academy at West Point. IN TiltS XKWS—1. Scenes of dis order In Greece following attempt of rebels to overthrow government. 2—Federal Judge J. 1*. Nlelds rules Section 7 A of Nit A unconstitution al. 3—Unite Itutli goes to Boston Braves as assistant manager. SOME SPEED MERCHANT Glenn Cunningham, of Kansas, winning the 1,500 meter event at the forty-seventh annual National A. A. U. indoor track meet at Mad ison Square garden In New York. Cunningham broke the world’s rec ord, being timed at 3:50.5. PWA SCHOOLS Ten Million* Spent in 38 States, Icke* Reports. Washington.—More than $10,000, 000 worth of school buildings have been completed In 88 states with the aid of PWA loans and grants, Secretary of the Interior Ickes an nounced. Hundreds of additional school are being constructed and will he ready for occupation by fall. Ickes said this program was woe fully Inadequate. He held out hope for approval of n $030,000,000 school building program this year, If con gress approves the President’s work relief program. Champion Lady Lumberjacks of the Northwest Champions, and real ones! Each one is six feet two Inches in height, andean they fell trees ! They are Miss Ituth Hoerschgen (left) and Miss June de Graff (right), both of Catal do, Idaho. They were pictured after they had won the "Lady Lumber jacks” championship at. Dalles. Ore., by felling a sixteen inch tree in 1 minute 50 seconds. The girls undercut the tree with an ax. and then felled It with a crosscut saw. Their feat further disproves the old terai of the “weaker sex" and the ancients’ contention nbont “wom an’s place In the home.” Wreck Gotham Slums for Tunnel Approach 1 1 I Demolition of ninety-one old houses in the Hell’s Kitchen district, to make way lor the Manhattan up proach to the Midtown tunnel has been started. The work Involves the razing of structures from thirty fourth street to Forty-second street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. Powerful Feminine Band The Delphian society is a national women’s educational organization. It has chapters In nil of the states ex cept two, Vermont and Rhode Island. It has a membership of 250,000 and its chapters number 3,500. As many as 30 chapters are banded together In some cities for a city federation. The purpose of this organization are higher education, social progress and personal improvement. Self-expres sion Is the keynote of the society. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce’* Pleaaant Pellet*. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach.—Adv. Expert Camel Riding In a recent Arab gymkhana at Tel Avlv, Egypt, a dusky rider made his camel jump through the “eye of a needle” by vaulting one man stretched between two benches, at the same time passing beneath an other held horizontally by two oth ers mounted on stools. and WORK than a *10022 WASHING ■ MACHINE ^ No Heating with Match#* or Torch ...N# Waiting...Light* Instantly, Lik# Gas D EDUCE your ironing time one-third your labor one-half! The Cole man Self-Heating Iron will save you more time and work than a $100 wash ing machine! Iron any place where you can be comfortable. No endleaa tripe carrying Iron from stove to board. Operating cost only n4 an hour. Helpa you do better Ironing, eerier, quicker. See your hardware or house furnishing denier. If local dealer doesn't handle, write us. THE COLEMAN LAMP * STOVE COMPANY Dept WU306, Wichita. Kans.j Chicago. III.; I#a Anas las. CaAf.; Philadelphia, Pa.; oe Toroolt Ontario. Canada. L<mi Moat of Them, Anyway Fashion Journal nsks what will the men wear next spring? Easy. Thg same clothes they wore last spring.— Florida Tlmes-Unlon. FOR LARGER BLOOMS AND STURDIER PLANTS You can depend on Ferry’s Purebred Flower Seeds. They are the off spring of generations of perfect plants and will reproduce, in your own garden, flowers of won derful size, color and form. Choose your fa vorite varieties today from the Ferry Seed Display Box. Life The man who grabs life In both fists and twists the essence out of It, counts.—It. W. Chambers. WNU—U 11—35 8ALESMEN WANTED to represent old estab.-suedcompany | established 1881) sell to Individuals in your community. Must have car No previous experience necessary Sub stantial income assured with drawing account. MEMORIAL apt CMWrrtNV.Inc., Sa.Ctwwd.UMww