The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 07, 1935, Image 1

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Neb. State Historical Society
The Frontier
--- ---- -■■■■■- -
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson Given A
Surprise Celebration By Their
Children And Friends.
On Friday, March 1, about 70
relatives gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson at Red
Bird, Nebr., to help them celebrate
their 30th wedding anniversary. It
was a complete surprise to them,
which had been planned by their
Mr. Carson was in O’Neill serv
ing at the regular session of the
county board, and had not expected
to be home, but due to the suc
cessful scheming of Supervisor
Sullivan and Hank Tomlinson, he
came home expecting to meet a
road engineer there at 11 a. m.
Instead of meeting the engineer
he was followed home by all the
When car after car drove up he
and his wife stood as if dazed but
when they saw their relatives from
a distance they realized it must be
a surprise for their wedding day.
Every one brought baskets well
filled with food and dinner was
served in cafeteria style. A large
wedding cake decorated with a
minature bride and groom, stood
in the center of the table at which
Mr. and Mrs. Carson sat.
After dinner a mock wedding
was enacted, Hank Tomlinson per
forming the ceremony, which was
very interesting and amusing. The
bride wore a blue silk dress with
a long white veil. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ladley were attendants to
the bride and groom, and Mrs. Guy
Wilson was train bearer for the
A short program followed the
wedding, consisting of an instru
mental selection by the Pickering
trio, tw'o vacol selections, “When
Your Hair Has Turned to Silver”
I and “An Old Spinning W’heel,” by
Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Albert Lade
ly. A short talk was given by Mr.
V. V. Rosenkrans and a few hymns
by the Pickering and Carson child
ren. They were then presented with
a davenport.
Those attending from a distance
were, Iris Carson, Will Ladely, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Ladely, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ladely and Mrs. A. R.
Ladely, of Gordon, Nebr.; Mr. and
Mrs. John Young, of Inman, Nebr.;
Mi*, and Mrs. Duane Carson and
daughter, of Chambers, Nebr.; Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, of
O’Neill, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Wolfe and Mrs. Oral Pickering, of
Lynch, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Wilson, of Burke, S. D., and Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, of Bone
steel, S. D.
Anna Ladely and John Carson
were married at the home of the
bride’s parents near Red Bird and
began housekeeping on the farm
where they now reside, and have
lived there these 30 years.
They have five children. One
boy, Iral, a twin to their only
daughter, died at the age of 10
months. The others are: Iris, who
is teaching at Gordon, Nebr.;
Duane, of Chambers; Ronald, of
Red Bird, and Albert, at home.
They also have two grandchildren.
Everyone enjoyed the day and
hoped they might be able to help
them celebrate another wedding
Supply of Seedling
Trees Is Exhausted
Agricultural Agent Reece is still
receiving applications for Clarke
McNary seedling trees, altho the
supply of everything is exhausted,
except a few of the pines. Applica
g tions can only be accepted for Jack
and Yellow pine, and then no as
surance of delivery can be given.
Committees Will Start
Appraisal March 11th
Most of the Community Commit
tees who are to do the appraisal
work of the corn land for the 1935
corn-hog contracts will start their
work Monday, March 11. They will
^ visit all farms in their neighbor
hood before they get thru. Those
who have made application should
make it a point to be home when
the committee calls.
Non-signers will be contacted
when the committee passes his
place and if he is home will ap
praise the land at that time if he
wishes to sign an application. If
he does not, the committee will'
pass on.
This visit of the committee to
those who have not signed will be
the last day they may sign without
paying the expenses of the com
mittee for their return trip. These
expenses will amount to approx
imately $5.00. It will save the
producer and the association ex
pense if the land of all signers and
those who wish to sign can be’ap
praised at one trip.
Congressman Stefan
Writes of Events At
The National Capitol
Washington, D. C., March 1—
The completion of this month of
February represents the half-way
point in President Roosevelt’s juor
ney in his present administration.
Two years have slipped by in the
most serious phase of our country’s
history, and incidentally, two
months have slipped by since the
74th Congress went into action.
Congressmen who have been in
Washington for many years declare
that the last two months have been
the most strenuous months in our
nation’s history, and they are
wondering what the next few
months will bring.
Many people thruout Nebraska
are taking more interest in govern
mental affairs than ever before and
from many letters I receive it
seems that people are listening to
the radio for news from Washing
ton, and are reading the magazines
and newspapers more carefully
than they have ever done before,
especially pertaining to the things
that are occuring in the nation’s
capitol. To a member of this Con
gress who is new, the amount of
money that is required to run the
government’s business becomes so
gigantic that it is almost impos
sible to realize that there is so
much money in the world.
Naturally, coming from a farm
community and mingling with
members from every district in the
48 states, island possessions and
territories of the United States, a
Nebraska Congressman realizes
that these 435 representatives of
the people really reflect the ideas
and opinions of people from the
entire nation and that everyone of
these representatives, delegates
and commissioners are desperately
struggling to have enacted into
law some piece of legislation in
which the people in their particular
district are interested.
Natftrally, a Nebraska Congress
man like myself usually stops to
ponder as to what he personally
has been able to accomplish, and
what this great body of legislators
have accomplished in the two
months of this session. Frankly
speaking, we have spent a tremen
dous amount of the taxpayers’
money; that alone seems to pre
dominate in the minds of congress
men who have come from the mid
dle states. People in Washington
seem to give little importance to
that particular phase of the action
of Congress thus far. Many Con
gressmen who come from states
east of the Allegheny Mountains
seem very little interested in what
is transpiring in the states of the
middlewest, especially in Nebraska.
Many of those coming from New
York, Boston, Pittsburg, anl large
eastern cities, cannot realize that
people in Nebraska are so much
interested in what is going on in
Washington, and a Nebraska Con
gressman suddenly realizes, too,
that he is looked upon somewhat
as a foreigner in a strange land,
especially when he brings up sub
jects pertaining to the farming in
dustry, which the man from the in
dustrial centers of the east does
not understand, but out of the cha
otic conditions here, and in burning
letters, is imprinted in the mfnd of
this Nebraska Congressman that
he has taken part in giving power
to spend about $7,07(5,000,000 in
round figures. Of course, that
represents the huge relief appro
priation and the five regular sup
ply bills. We in Nebraska think in
figures of $100 or $1,000, they talk
nothing less than millions and. bil
lions here. For instance, we have
authorized to spend:
$777,000,000 for Independent Of
$39,000,000 for the District of
$98,000,000 for State, Justice,
Commerce and Labor.
$903,000,000 fortheTreasury and
Post Office.
$378,000,000 for the War Depart
$1,880,000,000 for the Emergency
Relief Works Bill.
$1,000,000 for the Security and
Exchange Commission.
It is the greatest spending pro
gram the world has ever known,
and coming from a frugal state
and frugal family it becomes so
dizzy and so imposing that the Ne
braska Congressman wonders where
all of this money is coming from,
and whether or not the burden of
the taxpayer will become too over
With this start in huge spending,
we have four more major supply
bills, which include the Interior De
partment, on which we are now
working, the Navy Department,
the Agriculture Department and
the Legislative branch of the Gov
ernment, all of which will run into
many more millions of dollars.
That is the report of what your
House of Representatives in Wash
ington-has done in the two months
which have just elapsed.
Letters from home indicate in
terest in various constructive leg
islation. When that will be reached
no one here knows.
The soldiers’ bonus, old age pen
sions, the Frazier-Lemke Refinance
Bill, the Wheeler Amendment for
lower rate of interest to farmers,
and other legislation, bills for which
have been filed, are being held back
until the various appropriations
are out of the way.
With all of this work ahead for
Congress and, with many pieces of
legislation in which there is consid
erable controversy to be disposed
of, many Congressmen who earlier
in the session predicted a short
program for Congress now claim
that the House will be in session
far into the summer time.
Adelene Bowden
Weds Army Man
The Miller Park Presbyterian
church, Omaha, was the scene of
a pretty ring ceremony Sunday,
Feb. 24th, when Rev. E. J. Valder
united in marriage Adelene Bow
den and Harry J. Swack, of New
York City.
The bride and groom were both
attired in grey.
Attending the bridal couple were
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Weekes, of
Omaha, Mr. Weekes being a cousin
of the bride.
Following the ceremony a dinner
was served for the wedding party
and a few friends, in the newly
furnished quarters of the biide
and groom, at Fort Omaha, No.
66G, where they will permanently
The groom is connected, with the
Organized Reserves in the New
Federal building. xx.
Early Pioneer Dies
At Her Page Home
Mrs. Corilla Grace Snell died at
her home near Page last Monday
at the age of 82 years, 4 months
and 26 days, of ailments incident
to old age. The funeral was held
from the Methodist church in Page
at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. Geidel officiating and burial
in the Page cemetery at the side
of her husband who passed away
in November, 1931.
Mrs. Snell was one of the pione
ers of the Page country, coming to
Holt county in the spring of 1883
and, with her husband, settled on
a homestead a mile north and a
mile east of the present village, of
Page, where she had made her
home continuously since that time.
She leaves to mourn her passing
two sons and two daughters, R. L.
and Raymond, of Page>Mrs. Cora
VanConnett, Ottumwa, Iowa, and
Mrs. Chloe G. Pollock, of Ewing,
besides a host of friends and
Senator F. J. Brady and Repre
sentative L. G. Gillespie came up
from Lincoln last Friday and spent
several days home looking after
business matters and visiting with
their constituents. They returned
to Lincoln Tuesday afternoon to
attend the reconvening of the legis
lature on Wednesday, after a
week’s recess. Mr. Gillespie says
that some of the most prominent
matters before the legislature will
be taken up this week.
Pete Todson was in Norfolk Wed
nesday attending a meeting of the
managers of the J. C. Penney
stores in this section of the state.
Says Corn Payments Worth $4.50
Per Bushel To Nebraska
Farmers In 1934.
By F. M. Reece, County Agent
Nebraska farmers will hear all
kinds of stories in the next few
months about the sins of the Triple
A reductions, the destroying of
little pigs, and the plowing up of
cotton. Consumers who have be
come accustomed to low food
prices are all noticing the rise in
the prices of meat, butter, and
some other foods.
One practical Nebraska editor
has hit the nail on the head when
he said in his paper that, "all of
us have been wishing for several
years that farm prices would go
back up so farmers would have
some purchasing power, but right
now wre town folks are all cussing
the price of butter and eggs.” Few
people realize what the farmers
and town people of the state would
have been up against this past
winter had there been no wheat
and corn-hog checks, no cattle
buying program, and no corn loan.
Nebraska farmers husked about
15 million bushels of corn in the
entire state last year, compared
with a usual crop of 225 million
bushels. Had there been no corn
hog program and all the corn land
been planted to corn in 1934, the
crop would have been only three
million bushels higher than it was.
Those three million bushels, when
compared with the benefit pay
ments from corn alone, would have
cost the farmers $4.50 per bushel
plus the cost of production.
Comparison of corn and hog
prices thruout the year show defin
itely that feeding corn to hogs was
not profitable for the man who
farrowed the pigs in 1934. Reduc
tion of hog fallowings under the
corn hog contrfr*. was a help rath
er than a hindrance to Nebraska
hog raisers last year, Many corn
contracted acres produced addi
tional livestock pasture or rough
age last year which was also a
benefit rather than a disadvantage
to contract signers.
Nebraska farmers have ordin
arily realized three-fourths of their
cash income from the sale of live
stock. Livestock numbers are ex
tremely low' at the present time,
and some of the cash income in
1934 came from liquidation of
breeding stock which is always
paid for later when producers try
to get back into livestock produc
tion. Since this condition exists
over much of the state, farmers
will have fewer livestock to sell
in 1935 and 1936, and the money
they have to spend in the stores in
town may be considerably reduced
unless prices are enough higher to
make up for the decreased number
Nebraska small town and city
business, wages, employment, and
all other activities are dependent
almost entirely upon the buying of
the farmers of the state. Nebraska
consumers will see the reflection
of higher food prices in improved
local business conditions more
quickly than consumers of any
other state in the country, A crop
in 1935, plus satisfactory farm
prices, should make it possible for
the Cornhusker state to stage a
comeback like the one of 1924-'25
'26 when this state was the bright
spot in the entire country.
Holt County Couples
Take Nuptial Vows
During Fast Week
Claude E. Johnson and Miss
Jeanette Protivinsky were united
in marriage at the Catholic
church in this city last Tuesday
morning, Rev. B. J. Leahy officiat
ing, in the presence of a large
number of the relatives and friends
of the contracting parties.
A wedding dinner was tendered
the bridal couple and a few intimate
friends and relatives of the con
tracting parties at the home of the
bride Tuesday noon. More than 50
guests, a large number of whom
were relatives of the bride and
groom, partook of the splendid din
ner served by the host and hostess.
The groom is the son of Mr. and,
Mrs. L. O. Johnson, who live just
west of the city. He is an indus
trious and likeable young man who
has a host of friends in this city
and vicinity. For several months
he was in the employ of the federal
government in the corn-hog divis
The bride is the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Protivin
sky of this city and grew to
womanhood here. She is a win
some and charming young lady
who has a host of friends in this
city and vicinity, who wish for her
and the man of her choice many
yaars of wedded bliss.
Melvin Sanford, of O’Neill, and
Miss Georgia Kraft, of Atkinson,
were united in marriage at the
Episcopal church in this city last
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. William
G. Vahle, of Atkinson, officiating.
The groom is a young man who
was born and grew to manhood in
this vicinity. He is frugal and in
dustrious and has been an employee
of one of our cafes for the past
couple of years. The bride is one
of Atkinson’s fairest young daugh
ters who has a host of friends in
that vicinity. Their friends wish
them many years of happiness and
William H. Podany and Miss
Rose Zakrzewski, members of two
prominent families of northeastern
A & B Cut Rate
CIGARETTES—2 Packages.25c
CIGARS—Any Brand—6 For.25c
WHITE OWL—Box of 25.98c
WM. PENN—Box of 50.SI.93
1-lb. Union Leader $ .75
1 Pipe $2.00
All For.4U9
Only *17 f.eft
A Full Pound Can
Fresh from the Factory.
CIGARETTES—Per Carton.S1.19
Almost Any Brand You Wish
Per Can
Limit of I can
2 Cans .I5c
How much do you pay in
the city?
Holt, were united in marriage at
the Catholic church in this city
Monday morning, Rev. B. J. Leahy
officiating, in the presence of a
large number of the relatives and
friends of the contracting parties.
A reception and party was tend
ered the newly-weds at the home
of the bride’s parents Monday
night, which was attended by a
large number of the relatives and
friends of the hridal couple.
By James 11. Lowell
The state government has paved
the way for supplying funds for
relief for the first time in its
history, and Nebraskans face the
prospect of seeing $12,000,000 paid
out during the current year to sup
port nearly 260,000 persons on the
relief rolls. A good share of this,
of course, must go to meet the cost
of administrating the relief. The
state is to raise $2,000,000, the
counties a similar amount, and the
federal government thru the FERA
intends to put in about $8,000,000.
The state’s share of the relief
budget is to be raised by a 1-cent
increase in the gasoline tax, mak
ing a total of 6 cents. To enable
the counties to raise their pro
posed share of relief funds, a bill
was pushed thru and signed by the
governor authorizing counties to
continue for two years, use of the
inheritance tax for relief. A sen
ate file and a house roll which
would continue for two years the
right of counties to levy an addi
tional half mill for relief are pretty
certain to be passed in the near
The relief revenue law sets up a
state assistance committee to ad
minister the state’s relief funds in
co-operation with the board of ed
ucational lands and funds. Cost
of administering relief by the state
is limited to 6 per cent of the total
appropriation, or $240,000 for the
two years. The Nebraska ERA has
been spending about 13 per cent
for administration, according to
Administrator Haynes.
The extra gas tax expires auto
matically July 1, 1936, unless re
voked before that time. Revenue
close to $1,000,000 is expected from
liquor and beer taxes and this is
to augment the relief fund.
The pauper law, which provides
if close relatives of a poor person,
including grandparents,grandchild
ren and brothers and sisters, re
fuse to support him voluntarily,
the county may force them to do
so, at least to the extent of $10 per
week, would have been repealed
had a bill introduced by Represent
ative Havekost of Hooper, been
passed. However, it was killed in
the house. Close observers of the
relief situation say that if this law
were really enforced, about half
the persons now on relief w'ould no
longer need to be supported by tax
Immediately after his relief bills
became laws, Governor Cochran re
named the members of the state
relief committee as members of
the newly created state assistance
board. The group is headed by
Frank Throop, Lincoln publisher.
“It is our desire that the adminis
tration of relief be placed in the
hands of local authorities insofar
as federul relief regulations will
permit,” the governor said. “Pre
sumably, local relief administration
will be placed to a large measure
in the hands of county boards and
county supervisors.”
The mortgage moratorium law
which was introduced by Governor
Bryan two years ago and put thru
in jig time about the time that
farm strikes and farm marches
were in vogue, is to be continued
for another two years. H. R. 1,
introduced by Cone, of Valley, and
signed last week by the governor,
extends the moratorium act until
March 1, 1937.
Other measures that have been
signed by the governor recently
and added to the Nebraska statutes
include S. F. 48 which requires the
board of control and other public
purchasing agencies to fix in ad
vance the time for receiving and
opening bids on materials, supplies,
and contsruction contracts, and to
consider no bids presented subse
quently; S. F. 37 which allows the
spouse of an insane person to
mortgage real estate with approval
of the county court (this bill car
ried the emergency clause); H. R.
(Continued on page 4, column 1.)
Funeral Services Held For Sister
Mary Joachim Tuesday At
St. Patrick’s Church
On Saturday at 8:30 p. m., Sister
Mary Joachim, the primary teacher
of St. Mary’s Academy, passed
quietly to her eternal reward.
On Monday previous, she was
stricken with pleurisy which soon
developed into pneumonia, and its
rapid development proved too much
for her frail constitution.
Sister Joachim was born in Buf
falo, N. Y., on June 13, 1893. At
the age of 17 she dedicated her
young Jife to the special service of
God and spent 25 years teaching
the little ones entrusted to her care.
She was a most devoted and
energetic worker for the greater
honor and glory of God and the
welfare of God's best beloved—the
little ones.
Her work in education called, her
to various parts of the county—
Ohio,Washington, NewYork, South
Dakota and Nebraska.
As her mother, Mrs. Katherine
Epp, and the immediate relatives
could not reach O’Neill for the last
obsequies, the family was repre
sented by a cousin, Mr. Matthew
Thomas, of Columbus, Nebr.
The funeral was held on Tuesday,
March 5, at 10 a. m., in St. Pat
rick’s church, Rt. Rev. Monsignor
John G. McNamara officiating.
Mother Claver and the Sisters of
St. Mary’s extend kindest thanks
to the good people of O’Neill for
tokens of sympathy and aid in this
hour of bereavement. xx.
Seed Loans Are To Be
Available This Year
Adopting provisions for a seed
loan by Congress a few days ago
forged the last link in a chain of
activities of federal and state ag
encies to help farmers thru a per
iod of low prices followed immedi
ately by the worst drouth in history.
The seed loan will finance recovery
from the drouth and help thous
ands of western farmers try to
stage a come-back in 1935.
Congress has passed and the
President has signed the seed loan
bill but the appropriation for the
loan is tied up in the work relief
bill. No definite word regarding
the handling of the loans had
reached Nebraska headquqarters
at Lincoln last week end, but mach
inery for handling the loans is t'*
be set up as soon as possible. How
soon the loans will be available is
now the important question.
Mrs. Miles Elected Head
State Woodman Circle
Mrs. Clara B. Miles, of this city,
was elected president of the Ne
braska Woodman Circle at a meet
ing in Omaha last Friday after
noon. Mrs. Abbie E. Holden, of
Omaha, was elected vice president;
Mrs. Stella Callahan, ScottSbluft',
secretary; Mrs. Carolyn Grey. Om
aha, treasurer, and Mrs. Ida B.
Kennedy, Lincoln, chaplain. Mrs.
Florence H. Jensen and Mrs. Julia
Saunders, of Omaha, were elected
delegates to the national conven
tion in New York city next July.
O’Neill High Victorious
In First Tourney Game
The O’Neill High school basket
ball team went down to Norfolk
Wednesday where they are playing
in the regional tournament for this
district, which started this morn
ing. O’Neill played their first
game this afternoon and came oiF
victorious, defeating their oppon
ents, Meado v Grove high school
team, with a score of 24 to 20.
The Senior Class of the O’Neill
High school presented a three-act
comedy drama entitled “Fifty
Fifty’’ at the K. C. Hall last Thurs
day evening to a large and enthu
siastic audience. The different
characters handled their various
parts very cleverly and the play
was thoroughly enjoyed by all those
in attendance. The music for the
evening was furnished by the
O’Neill High school orchestra.
A nice little shower fell here
last Saturday and Sunday, the pre
cipitation amounting to .21 of an
inch. North and west of here the
rain fall was much heavier than
it was here, a half inch falling at
Stuart and north of Emmet.