The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 14, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
•, H, Cronia, Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Postoftv e at O'NejJl,
Nebraska as Jtoeand Class Matter,
Display advertising on page* 4,
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of 26c in inch (one 'olumn wide)
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ads, 10c per line, first insertion,
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Economic HiKhlii<htH
The ominous word “strike'' is no
longer found daily in newspaper
headlines. Hut this doesn't mean
that labor Is satisfied either with
government labor plans or industry.
It is as far from holding out the
palm of peace now as it was a year
Washington observers have been
forecasting u labor blow-up for
some months and it looks as if
that long-feared event nut in it*
official appearance on February 2.
On that day, burly, hard-boiled
John II. Lewis, head of the United
Mine Workers, thrust a thick wedge
l»etween the American Federation
of Labor and the Roosevelt Admin*
Focal point of Mr. Lewis’ uttack
was Donald Riehberg, who is often
termed “the Assistant I'resldent,"
Reason for the attack was renewal
of the existing automobile code,
which the Federation has bitterly
opposed, in that It permits men to
work 48 hours per week a com
pared to the ,'10-hour week for all
industry, which the Federation
passionately espouses.
You may not believe in Mr.
lewis’ opinions- millions of people
don’t but It is generally agreed
that he is sincere, honest and out
spoken, lie represents the old
time, belligerent type of labor lead
er who bus definite opinions and
doesn’t mind airing them. When
he becomes involved in a verbal
duel, he never wears gloves.
Mr. Lewi* daid flatly that Donald
Itichhorg is a "traitor 1o organised
labor." Me stated that Mr. Itich
berg has deserted hlk'fofiflKr com
rades. It is Interesting to remem
ber, In this connection, that Mr.
Iftehlicrg made his reputation aw a
hard fighting labor lawyer, thut
when General Johnson appointed
him to the post of Nit A counsel,
conservatives feared he would be
excessively pro-labor in his attitude.
Mr. Itichberg’s reply to the union
charge of treason, was thut it
amounted to a demand that he put
union interests above loyalty to his
government. He udded; “If a n
fusul to yield f|‘ Birch a demand be
treason, let those who charge it
make the most! of it."
.Mr, Lewis is often at outs with
his A. F. of L. associates, ami his
opinions might huve been largely
disregarded ns being of a purely
personal nature, bad not A. F. of 1..
President Green followed him up
by saying that the Lewis’ state
ment "reflects the Federal Ion’s
feelings very strongly." Mr. Green
then said that hi' Would shortly go
to the White Mouse with a union
protest against delay in codifica
tion of the tobacco industry.
That brings up another import
ant point in thr widening gap be
tween Administration and labor
leaders. Cigarette manufacturer*,
ufruid *>f unionisation of their in
dustry, will have nothing to do
with tiie proposed tobacco code.
That, to labor's way of thinking, is
bud enough and. it in
finitely worse in the light of the
fact that the NR A chairman is S.
Clay Williams, formerly president
of one of the "big three" cigarette
makers the K. J- Reynolds Tobac
co company. NR A official* have
?a»d several times thut Mr. Wil
liams withdraws from board meet
ings when the tobacco code is being
discussed, in an effort to avoid
charges of prejudice but labor
doesn't seem to be convinced. They
don't call the NR A officials liars
directly but they intimate just
about that.
It is noteworthy that union lead
era have not yet criticised the
President all the criticism is di
rected toward various of his uides,
However, Mr. Roosevelt makes all
present government policies, and
Mr. Kk'hberg, Mr. Williams and
others are directly responsible to
him. it is therefore possible that
the labor leaders will eventually
come out with dirnrt criticism of
the President-* and the potential
political results of that would he
tr.-.umlouH, A F. of b'» member
*hfp t« mpo«ing in %%im and it tx
usual,} considered a potent polit
kai ind Lienee. Whether that ix true
or not will be seen in the future—
non - vein ve that the rank arid file
of Labor doe* not follow it* leader*
blindly, that Mr, Green and Mr,
Lev.;* and other union head* con
trol fewer vote# than they think.
At any rate, the Labor-Admin
ixtration battie i* likely to »>e one
of the mo*t important internal
problem* of the next year. Wheth
er trike# will result—and on a
: greater wale than a year ago—ean
1 not be safely forecast now.
Tic Annalist report* that ms
tained expansion In steel output
continue# to dominate the buxine##
outlook. Practicaliy all steel uier*
are iir reaxlng their orders, with
the automobile industry showing
the greatest advance in demand for
Also encouraging is a substantial,
sustained upturn in construction
contracts the building industry
wa hit hardest of all by depression,
has be*n the slowest to pick up.
The Wall Street Journal reports
a rise in the net profits of some
leading power and light utilities
this industry, for the past few
years, has been selling more power,
yet has earned smaller profits, due
to higher costs of all kinds, arid
soaring taxation. Klectrie appli
ance manufacturers are finding a
broadening market for their pro
The general business index is at
about 05 per cent of normal.
By James It. Lowell
The state highway department
has let contracts for approximately
$178,WO worth of paving and high
way improvements in the state.
Nebraska's governmental sub
divisions during the month of Jan
uary reduced their bonded indebt*
ediie by $2HI,OHO, Bunds paid and
cancelledduring the month amount
ed to $217,080, while only one
original issue was registered, that
being for only $1,000 for a Blaine
county school district.
Governmental appointments are
still a matter of considerable inter
est around the state house. Last
week Clarence G. Miles, Lincoln
attorney, was handed a plum in the
shape of appointment to assistant
counsel for the state banking de
partment at $1,800 n year. He
Inker the place vacated by barlow
Ny<% of Kearney, who Hume time
ago got the better paying job of
assistant U, S. district attorney for
Nebraska. The post of chief coun
sel in the banking department is
now occupied by Franz Kadke, ap
pointed by Former Governor liryun,
hut no man knoweth the day nor
hour when bis head may eome off
, . . J. Flunk liaskin (It) of Benk
elman, has been appointed by the
governor as a member of the state
giuto- and park board. He will be
the only republican on the board
and succeeds George Hastings of
Grant. also a republican, whose in
euinbency ended Jununry 15 . , .
Much talk is being heard as to who
will be the new warden of the
state penitentiary which lias lost
two wardens in the past five
months, one by physical disability
and the other by death. Nate Har
mon, state parole officer, seems to
be the beat bet at present.
Governor Cothran lias taken a
tip from President Roosevelt and
has started a series of weekly radio
addresses over a Lincoln statio t.
He will discuss the legislative and
administrative affairs of the state.
Requests for PWA grants in Ne
braska amounting to $5,415,(180
were received as the result of tin*
first two days’ meeting of the new
ly appointed state planning board.
This included a million dollar build
ing plan for the state university.
The projects are intended for use
when the $1,880,000 national work
and relief program goes into effect,
if and when.
District Court Filings
1*-.>rethen Gregory for herself ami
n trustee for H. Vollmer has tiled
suit in the district court aguinst
Mary Hartman, et al., to foreclose
a mortgage for $2,800 given on
April 24, 1830, on the north half
northeast quarter and northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter
and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter and the south
west quarter of the northwest
quarter of section IS, township 33
north, of range 13 west. In her
petition she alleges that the de
fendant refused to carry insurance
on the biuldings on the above real
estate and neglected to pay the
interest due on said note and mort
gage on. April 1, 1832, and has paid
no interest since that time. The
alleges that there is now due and
unpaid tiie sum of $3,338.60. She
asks the court to determine the
amount due and if same is not paid
within a reasonable time that the
land be sold.
Henry H. Hookstra ha* brought
suit against Dorothy R, Shadd, et
al., to foreclose a mortgage for
12,0(10 given on May 25, 1932, on
the east half northeast quarter of
section 12, township 30, range 16
west. He allege* that the mort
gage was doe and payable on May
25, 1 arid that no interest ha*
been paid on said note except $36
which wag paid on Jan, 23, 1933.
He allege* alto that they failed to
pay the tare* on the land for the
year* 1932 to 1934 inclusive and
that there is now due and unpaid
the *unj of $2,7*5.55. He asks the
court to determine the amount due
and that if >;»mt is not paid within
a reasonable time that the land be
Grace Campbell has filed suit
against Robert Wright, et al., to
foreclose a mortgage for $2,300
given on November 23, 1929, on the
southeast quarter of section 23,
township 31, north of range 15
west of the 6th 1'. M. She allege*
default in the payment of interest
and claims that there is now due
the sum of $2,873. She asks the
court to determine the amount due
and if same is not paid within a
reasonable time that the land be
Maude K. Barton has filed suit
for divorce from Frank Barton.
In her petition she allege* that
they were married at Marysville,
Mo., on April 14, 1926. She al
leges that she is 55 years of age
and the defendant is 68 yea of
age. She further alleges that ; he
has resided in Atkinson for mire
than 24 months and that she had
been u resident of Holt county for
many years before her marriage.
She further alleges that in Septem
ber, 1932, they were living together
and her husband was out of em
ployment. A son of her husband,
who resides at Chattonoga, Tenn.,
offered to make a home for his
father. Plaintiff asserted that she
could provide her own living and
her husband went to Tennessee.
Since thut time she alleges she
has made her own living without
help of any kind from her husband
or his children. She is unwilling to
make her home with her husband’s
children and they would be un
willing to support her or have her
live in any of their homes. She
asks for a decree of divorce and
such other relief as may be just
and equitable.
The Reward Of
Good Democrats
From a speech delivered by
Henry 1*. Fletcher, chairman of the
republican national committee, be
fore the New York county Repub
lican Club at Cooper Union, New
York, on Jan. 31, 1935, we clip the
“The country was repeatedly as
sured when the Federal Relief Ad
ministration was set up that no
federal relief aid would, go to any
state until after that state and its
various localities had done their ut
most in the way of contributing
funds for the support of the needy.
The records of the Federal Relief
Administration show that this was
just another pledge of the admin
“During the twenty-one months
period covering the existence of the
Federal Emergency Relief Admin
istration up to September .'!(), 1934,
it contributed 9(1%of the money ex
pended for relief in the state of
Alabama, 97% in Arkunsas, over
95% in Georgia, 98% in Louisiana,
over 99', in Mississippi, 94% in
the rich state of North Carolina,
nearly 94% in South Carolina, over
'97'. in Tennessee and 84% in the
state of Virginia. Compare these
figures with Massachusetts, where
the government contributed only
one-third of all relief funds; with
Connecticut where it contributed
34%, Delaware only 35%, New
York 49%, California 54%, Iowa
ami New Jersey between 55 and
56%, Indiana 61% , Maryland 64%,
Pennsylvania between (14 and 85%,
land even the drought stricken
state* of Karsati and Nebraska
only $4% and 07'V, respectively."
It will be noted that the rest of
the country is contributing very
liberally to the support of the dem
ocratic south and many of them
are much richer in natural re
sources than some of the westerr,
states that were hard hit by the
drouth of last year.
Work on the gutter along the
west side of Fourth street, pre
paratory to the laying of Ine pave
ment, has progressed rapidly the
past couple of weeks and it looks
as if this part of the w-ork would
be completed in a couple of weeks.
Then the balance of the work
will be taken care of and it seems
as if all the preliminary work
would be completed before April]
1 so that paving can be laid as
soon as the weather permits.
The legislature is still grinding
awry and after *ix weeks little
has been done on the three major
subjects before it, liquor, pari
mutual betting and the one-hou*e
legislature. The daily press the
other day said that the spring-like
weather of the past couple of weeks
has made the members of the
house rather restive, and many of
them are anxious to get through
and go home ho they can look after
their spring work. It begins to
look as if the session would last
until May 1.
Mrs. Margaret Claussen, pro
etor of Margaret’s Beauty Shoppe,
returned Wednesday night from
Lincoln, where she had spent three
days attending a convention of the
Nebraska Independent Cosmetology
organization of the state. She says
they had a splendid convention and
that many artists from eastern
cities were present to give instruc
tions to the delegates on the var
ious hair treatments and the uses
of many new articles of equipment
which are being gradually added
to the up-to-date beauty parlors.
Mrs. Claussen purchased a True
Power Water softener to add to the
equipment in her well equipped
Sheriff John Hopkins, I)r. M. J.
Healey, Robert Updike, M. J. Mc
Cabe, Hugh McCabe and Abraham
Ceaser, of Omaha arrived in the
city last Sunday night for a few
days rabbit hunting as the guests
of Hugh Coype. They were out
Monday and Tuesday, found a lot
of rabbits and'the members of the
party say they never had a better
time than they had the two days
they spent hunting here. Sheriff
Hopkins had a splendid time here
visiting among his old time friends
both in the city and in the country
in the vicinity of the “old home
piace,” near whkh a good deal of
their hunting was done. They left
for rorre T-e-da;. :-jght.
Our Taxes Cost
More Than Food
What is the largest item in your
family’s budget?
If you answer food, clothing,
rent or similar expenses, on which
you spend the bulk of your income
directly, you’ll be wrong. Taxes
are the largest item of expense car
ried by the American people—and
they lead their nearest competitor
by a wide margin.
Food, the most vital of all nec
essities, costs the nation $7,600,
000,000 a year. Clothing takes $3,
600.000. 000. Rent also takes $3,
600.000. 000, and automobiles dent
the national pocketbook to the ex
tent of $2,900,000,000. Electric
service costs United States’ fam
ilies only $650,000,000.
The national tax bill, by compar
ison, is $9,000,000,000 — a billion
and a half greater than the nation
al food bill. That being the case,
where is the most important place
to start in to reduce the cost of
living ?
These figures will come as a sur
prise to the average citizen, who
thinks only of the sums of money
he spends directly in the course of
day by day living. What he should
realize is that taxation now repre
sents an exhorbitant part of the
cost of everything.
A cut in the cost of government
would be directly and immediately
reflected in a lower cost of living—
ar.d in stimulated employment, in
vestment and industrial expansion.
No other cost weighs so heavily on
individuals and businesses alike—
no other family living expense is
rising so rapidly. It is a historical
fact that extravagant government
promotes depression and discard.
Armour Hatchery Here
One Of Four Located
In Mid-western States
Four hatcheries have been estab
lished by Armour and Company in
western states to aid farmers in
producing poultry which is better
suited for the eastern market and
consequently more profitable for
grower and packer alike.
Announcement of the hatchery
plan wras made by R. E. Pearsall,
vice-president of Armour and Com
pany and head of the produce de
partment at Chicago. The hatch
eries are located at Enid Oklahoma,
Marysville, Kansas, O’Neill, Ne
braska and Bismark, N. D. The
O’Neill and Bismarck hatcheries
will specialize in turkeys under a
new plan calculated to fit the birds
for market earlier in the season
when higher prices can be obtained.
The Armour hatcheries, Mr. Pear
sall said, will be operated like the
most efficient commercial plants.
They will buy eggs and sell chick
The American Legion
Presents the
O’Neill Dramatic Club
in a three act mystery comedy
• # .
K. of C. HALL
February 19th & 20th
Admission 35c Balcony 25c
Reserved seats now on sale at Reardon Drug
Dance following show Wednesday night
Knockproof at Prte© of Regular
EN-AR-CO f or high compression and other motors. Half a
Century of experience is back of this famous
MOTOR OIL gasoline.
Paraffine Base
Wear Proof
Phone 16 O’Neill, Nebr.
#»ns for cash and service men will
make blood tests, deworm, delouse
and cull flocks at the prevailing
"We believe the only practical way
to run a hatchery is on a cash
basis," Mr. Pearsall said, "but we
are not going into this end of the
business to make money. Poultry
can be very profitable to everyone
involved if the product is made to
fit the market. If the birds are not
marketable at good prices, the pro
fits vanish."
“Establishmentof the four hatch
eries is in the nature of an experi- <
ment. They will serve only the
territory in the vicinity of each
establishment, but if they prove
popular with the poultrymen, oth
ers will be opened at our proces
sing plants.”
No hatchery will be established
by the company, however, in a sec-,
tion where there is an adequate
supply of chicks and poults which
will grow rapidly and dress well.
The company has made arrange
ments to obtain thousands of fine
quality turkey eggs from Texas
early enough in the year so that
the poults may be flitted for mark
et by September.
Every flock from which eggs are
obtained will be tested - Hy the
Armour service men. The service
will include following the flock thru
the season to make sure that prop
erly balanced diets are used.
Sometimes vve feel that if half
as much energy was expended by *
most of us in an effort to take care
of ourselves as is expended in our
attempts to have the government
take care of us, there would be no
need for government relief.—Green
leak, Kansas, Sentinel.
It is said that knocking never
gets you anything but did you ever
notice how often these congress^
men and senators with hammers
get re-elected to office?
Friday, February 15
Ted and His
Royal Nebraskans
Saturday, March 2nd
We are going to have a big clean-up sale. If
you have anything to sell—WAIT! If you want
to buy anything—WAIT!
Coleman & Moore Moore & Coleman
A GOOD deal of the in
creased cost of living is
clue to increased careless
•« I-1
ness in spending.
”' - * 1* * * Ml *
• ' i y ’• VV
** ’ .r.J .! .*
, , i
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits,
This bank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
Again we bring to the people of this com
munity the opportunity to obtain free health
Wednesday, February 20
One Day Only
These free health examinations include a
thoro analysis of your entire system given on a
most accurate scientific diagnosing instrument,
and are given absolutely free to one member of
each family.
By the use of this highly developed instru
ment, we are enabled to tell you the exact vital
ity and strength of each organ of your body
without it being necessary for us to ask a single
question regarding your condition or for you to
remove any clothing.
If you are ailing in any way, do not fail to
take advantage of this opportunity to find the
exact cause of your trouble.
Married women must be accompanied by
their husbands so that both will have a thoro
understanding of the examination at the same
CLINIC HOURS 9 a. m. to fi p. m.
Evenings by Appointment
Clinician Technicians