The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 31, 1935, Image 6

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Fastidious motorists can now All
the tanks of their cars with scented
petrol. A process has been devel
oped wherehv it Is possible to per
fume |H*tro|, and It max soon he a
delight to trail s motorist as the ev
haust pipe of his car emits violet,
lilac, or possibly attar of roses. A
patent has been granted for a prof
ess which eliminates the unpleasant
smells from the exhaust gases of In
ternal comhuslon engines. Thes<
gases can lie given an agreeable odor
by adding to each gallon of petrol
four grammes of an artlhclal musk
compounds, which it is claimed ha*
the property of resisting combustion
In the engines of motor ear and con
rcrtlng the unpleasant stiipII of ex
hansted gas nnd half burned oil Info
a delightful odor. —I^indon Tit-Hits
Doctors Know!
.. . and they use
liquid laxatives
You’d use a liquid, too, if you knew
how much better it makes you feel.
A liquid laxative can always be
taken in the right amount. You can
Sadually reduce the dose. Reduced
sage is the secret of real and safe
relief from constipation.
Just ask your own doctor about
this. Ask your druggist how popular
liquid laxatives have become. I he
right liquid laxative gives the right
kind of help—and the right amou *
of help. When the dose is repeated,
instead of more each time, you take
less. Until the bowels are moving
regularly and thoroughly without aiu.
People who have experienced this
comfort, never return to any form of
help that can’t be regulated I The
liquid laxative generally used is Dr.
Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It contains
senna and cascara, and these are
natural laxatives that form no habit.
It relieves a condition of biliousness
or sluggishness without upset.
To relieve your occasional upsets
safely and comfortably, try Syrup
Pepsin. The druggist has it.
Feminine Ambition
“Have you un.v ambition beside**
wanting to look beautiful?"
“01i, yes—1 want to be told I do.'
And Unragretted
The miser dies that fools and ln\\
.vers may live.
I To quickly relieve \\\
II chapping, roughneaa, U\
J cracking, apply nontlilng, \\\
II cooling Mentholalum. \\\
Conversation Faults
Most of the faults of conversation
are committed not by those who tall,
little but by those who talk ton
much.—Emily Post.
Burning .sore.cracked,
soon relieved.and healing aided
u/itn safe.soothing
WNU— V ' 5—3.-.
IP your kidneys function badly
and you havo a lame, aching
back, with attacks of dizziness,
burning, Bcanty or too frequent
urination, getting up at night,
swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic
pains . . . use Doan's Pills.
Doan's are especially for poorly
functioning kidneys. Millions of
boxes are used every year. They
are recommended the country orer.
Ask your neiyhbort
Yclloiv Tiber Overflows Its Banks
RteCOlUMlUKAKI,\<> rains In the mountains ot centrnl Italy recently caused the yellow Tiber to overflow
Its books, the rl\er reaching Its highest point In many years. This view was tuken at Home during the
flood, which caused much distress.
«*IF YOU are so fond of the cold,
* 1 don't see what you leave the
Far North at all for," sold Refer
Itabhit to Snowflake the Snow
“Because, I’eter,” replied Snow
flake, twittering merrily, "like every
body else I have to eat In order to
live. When you see me down here
you may know that the snow up
North Ik so deep that It has covered
all the 'Seeds. I hope I will not
have to go any fnrther south than
this, but If some morning you wake
It Was Wanderer the Horned Lark.
up anil IIihI the snow so deep that
nil the weeds are burled, don't ex
pect to find me."
"That’s what I'd call good, sound
common sense." said another voice,
mul a bird very near Snowflake’s
size, and who at first glance seemed
to be dressed almost wholly In soft
chocolate brown, alighted on the
snow and began to run around In
search of seeds. It was Wanderer,
the Horned Lark. I’eter had known
him ever since his tlrst winter, yet
did not feel really acquainted, for
Wanderer seldom stayed long
enough for a real acquaintance.
Now, as Wanderer reached up to
pick seeds from n weed top, Peter
had a good look at him. The first
thing he noticed was >vhat looked
like two little horns above and be
hind the eyes. It Is from these that
Wanderer gels the name of Horned
Lark. Of course, they are not
really horns nt all. hut little tufts
of black feathers. Ills forehead, a
line over each eye, and his throat
were yellow. There was a black
mark from each corner of his bill
curving downward and nlmost Join
ing a black crescent shaped band
across the breast. Beneath this he
was solid white with dusty spots
showing here and there. Ills hack
was brown In places, having almost
a pinkish tinge. His tall was black,
showing a little white along the
edges when he flew. Altogether
he was a handsome little fellow.
"Do all your family have those
funny little horns?" asked Peter.
"No," replied Wanderer promptly.
"Mrs. I.ark does not have them."
"I think they are very becoming,"
said Peter politely.
“Thank you,'' replied Wanderer,
“I nm Inclined to agree with you."
Just then Peter discovered some
thing that he hadn’t noticed before.
“My goodness." he exclaimed, “what
a long claw you have on each hind
It was true. Each hind claw was
about twice as long as any other
claw. Peter couldn’t see any spe
cial use for these, and was just
about to ask more about them when
Wanderer suddenly spied a flock
of his relatives some distance nway
and flew over to Join them. Prob
ably this saved him some embar
rassment. for It wns doubtful If he
ldmself knew why Old Mother Na
ture had given him those long
hind claws.
©, T. W. Burumw.—WNII Servlea.
The House Awakes!
ct-mie house awakes with Dickie,
JL whose bare feet
Come pattering across the sunny
And then the other children’s voices
Across the quiet rooms; and on
our street
A dozen houses, tilled with children,
And dust the sleep out of their
drowsy eyes.
When off to school the happy chil
dren go.
The house sinks In a sleep as deep
as Death,
And does not wake till the return
ing breath
Of children make its staring win
dows glow.
And down our street a dozen
houses shout,
And wake to happiness when school
Is out!
CoDvrlRht.—WNTT Servlca.
“Pop, what Is the horizon?”
"Greener field.”
©. Bell Syndicate. — WNU Service.
The Fancy Figure Skater
1 W ■ 9,
Do You Know—
That the slash in men’s coat
sleeves is a relic of the days
when men settled their dif
ferences with the sword. To
prevent melord’s elaborate
sleeve from being in the way
on such occasions his cuffs
were originally slashed so
that they could be turned
& McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU Service.
Question box
b ED WYNN, The Perfect Fool I
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I live in an apartment house and
there la a rumor about a mnrried
couple, In the same building. The
rumor Is that the husband bea's his
wife up every morning. Do you
believe this?
Yours truly.
Answer: I know the people you
refer to and It is a fact that the
husband beats his wife up every
morning. He gets up at 0:00 a. w.
and she doesn’t get up till 7:00.
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I am a scientist. At present I am
experimenting with “flies.” I am
trying to solve the big problem of
the century; that is: “Should Flies
This Is my sixth year on the sub
ject, and my greatest difficulty is
to keep the flies over the winter
months. Last winter I put a fly in
a cuckoo clock to rest, but it woke
the fly up every hour and the poor
thing died from the lack of sleep.
Can you tell me the best place to
keep a fly so it can rest peacefully?
Yours truly.
Answer: Nothing In the world,
excepting the discovery of the
North pole, will be of greater bene
fit to humanity than the solution of
the problem, “Should Elies Marry?”
I lind that the Importance of flies is
a subject to think about. Some
folks like tiles, others don't. I know
one man who owns a candy store
and he likes tiles so much that he
has Just engaged a blacksmith for
his store. This blacksmith is sup
posed to “shoo the files." On the
other hand, I hear, every day, of a
man named Rahe Ruth who doesn’t
like dies. At least, it appears so,
as he keeps hitting flies over the
fence. Now I would like very much
to help you, so after years of re
search work I tind the best place to
keep a fly, if you do not want it
disturbed at all, is in a Scotchman’s
Dear Mr. Wynn :
I am a girl nineteen years of age.
There Is a young man who seems
to be madly In love with me. but I
am not sure I love him; he has pro
TTEUK are some old ways of serv
ing oysters that may never
have been brought to the attention
of the present generation:
Fricaseed Oysters.
Prepare f>0 oysters, pour water
over them In a sieve and look over
carefully for any broken shell. Save
the liquid and add to it enough milk
to make one pint. Put two tea
spoons of butter and two of flour
into a sauce pan, and the oyster
liquor and milk and stir anti)
smooth and thick, adding one tea
spoon of salt, a few dashes of pep
per. The above, with the oysters
added, will be creamed oysters. For
the fricassee add the yolks of two
eggs lightly beaten and a teaspoon
of finely minced parsley. Serve on
squares of buttered toast.
Oysters Fried in Oil.
Drain 25 fat oysters, lift each care
fully by the muscular, hard part,
place on a board and dry well with
a soft cloth. Dust with salt and
cayenne. Beat two eggs without
separating and add to them two
tablespoons of hot water. Put on
a board a quart of dry bread crumbs
—do not use cracker crumbs. Dip
the oysters into the crumbs, then
Into the egg and again into the
crumbs. Use the flnger3, as stick
ing a fork into the oyster spoils the
flavor. After all are covered ar
range them, without touching, on a
board. Have the fat hot, using any
kind of sweet fat; place the oysters
in a wire basket and fry, six at a
time, until brown. They should be
brown iu two minutes. Over cook
ing will toughen the oyster. Drain
» N V I
(0 ltll, by Ml Syrndkaflf
The girl chum gays It’s queer that
nobody has devised step-on insur
ance for people who buy aisle seats
at the theater.
WN'u service
carefully, standing on brown paper.
Keep hot and serve garnished with
parsley and lemon.
©. Western Newspaper Union.
I in
<t >■ rw >»«*»»« i» »
“The modern girl can be without
everything else in this world,” says
cosmetic Connie, “except a lip stick.”
WNU Service.
Gold Stars* Association
The Gold Star Mothers’ associa
tion was organized In Washington,
D. C., June 4, 1028, and incorporated
January 5, 1020. In the same city.
posed to me. He swears that If I
marry him he will treat in* like an
“angel.” What shall I do?
Yours truly,
Answer: Always beware of the
man who calls you an “angel," or
the man who says he will treat you
like an “angel.” Go to any urt gal
lery and look at a painting of an
“angel.” You will Immediately see
all the clothes he intends buying
©. the Associated Newspaper*.
WNU Service.
Jersey and Lace
Malnbocher’s most exciting con
tributions to the spring mode are
his lace-trimmed daytime frocks.
Here Is one of grege Jersey and
navy blue lace. It looks like a two
piece, but is in reality a one-piece
Swans Mate for Life and
Share Responsibilities
Swans are perfect models of con
jugal conduct. They mate for life
and the sexes share the domestic
responsibilities, notes a writer in
the New York Herald Tribune.
The downy young when first
hatched are not the “ugly duck
lings” of popular belief, but lovely
little creatures, clothed In silky,
golden down and without the exag
gerated neck and huge paddle-llke
feet of their parents. Very soon,
however, these characteristics be
gin to appear and ungainllness re
places their natal loveliness until
the grace and beauty of maturity
Geese, like swans, pair for life,
and the young birds remain In the
company of their parents for near
ly a year after they are hatched.
Endowed with keen Intelligence
and extreme wariness, they can be
depended on to maintain a fair
degree of abundance as long ns ade
quate wintering grounds are afford
ed them. But, above all, they, like
swans, require freedom from mo
lestation when they are at rest, so
that a large measure of solitude
and wide spaces are the chief
requirements for their perpetua
Ducks, for the most part, are very
different from swans and geese
In their family habits. While they
pair like other birds, and are not
as a rule polygamous, the male In
most species Is not a constant
husband and abandons the female
and all family cares as soon as in
cubation of the eggs Is well under
way. Stiff-tailed ducks, however,
are notable exceptions to this rule.
Woman Becomes an Air Mail Pilot
MISS 11LLEN U1TCUEY Is the tirst woman to win the right to pin
Uncle Sam's air mall wings on her left coat pocket, ami has begun
work as co-pilot of a mail and passenger plane. She Is seen here receiving
the congratulations of William E. Howes, second assistant postmaster
general, as she left the Washington airport
For nn after-the-gume (lance, or an
after-the-worklng day dinner engage
ment, this lovely afternoon dress
would be perfect. It’s a shining
hour frock, designed with an eye to
the vogue for elegance In this win
ter’s mode. A spirited double-Jabot
tops the bolero lines of its youthful
bodice. Smart slashes at each side
give a final touch of chic to Its pen
cil slim skirt. For a costume of un
usual glamor, try chiffon-velvet witn
shimmering metal cloth for the bod
Ice bolero. Sntin wdth velvet would
be a lovely choice, too. Make the
sleeves with nicely pointed cuffs or
9,98 V U LJ
In a sinnrt three-quarter length Ilka
the small back sketch.
Pattern 9198 may be ordered only
In sizes 14. 10, 18. 20, 32, 34. 36, 38.
40 and 42. Size 16 requires 2% yards
39-inch fabric, and 1V4 yards con
or stamps (coins preferred) for this
pattern. Be sure to write plainly
Complete, Diagrammed Sew Chart
Send your order to Sewing Circle
Pattern department, 232 West Eight
eenth street. New York, N. Y.
“It’s going to be a real battle of
wits, I tell you,” said the sophomore
member of the debating team.
“How brave of you,” said his room
mate, “to go unarmed.”—Brooklyn
Dally Eagle.
Pa** Quietly, Pleaie
Mnn—Why, darling, I didn't make
a sound when I came in late last
Wife—Rubbish ! The noise woke
Man—Well, don’t blame me. It
was the four fellows carrying me
who made the row.—Exchange.
Wile Old Santa
Assistant—Do I understand that
you have traded your herd of rein
deer for a Hying machine?
Santa Claus—Sure, and a good
trade, too. Next trip I’ll have a
cinch dodging the custom house in