Over the County INMAN NEWS The Inman schools closed Wed nesday in order that the teachers might attend institute. Most of the faculty attended at Norfolk. Mrs. Eckleberry, of Bonesteel, S. D., is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor and daughters drove to Omaha Sunday, rturning Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones and son, Lawrence, and daughter, Ele nor, of Chambers, were guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Hancock Sunday. Miss Mildred Riley visited her sister, Mrs. Emmet Bartsch and family at Royal last week. Mrs. Ralph Stevens, of Page, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conard here Wednesday. Pat Laney, who is a student at St. Mary’s Academy at O’Neill, spent the week-end here with rela tives. Mrs. Earl Goree and daughters, Frances and Mildred, are visiting relatives at Ainsley, Nebr., this week. Mrs. Emma Knovolin, ef Winner, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Amcl Knov olin, of Osmond, were here Monday visiting friends and transacting business. Mrs. Knovolin was for merly Miss Emma Bobisud of this place. Mr. and Mrs. U. Jr. Hancock ana son, Marlin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hancock and son, Warren, and Miss Barbara Ann Hancock, of O’Neill were here Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary Hancock. Mrs. Mary Hancock and daughter Miss Gladys drove to Atkinson Thursday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann. They also visi tedl at the John Conard and S. M. Ohmart homes at Emmet. Miss Lois Moor left Sunday for Franklin, Nebr., where she has ac cepted a position in the Franklin High school. Another teacher having resigned Miss Moor was elected to take her place. EMMET ITEMS The Methodist Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. John Lowery last Wednesday for a business meeting. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Homer Lowery. The next meeting is planned to be held at the home of Mrs. John Conard Wednes day, November 21. Ford Vogel returned from Mis souri, where he had been working for the past few months. Miss Geraldine Harris spent the week-end at her home in Page. Miss Eugenia Luben was an over night guest of Miss Dorothy Sesler Friday night. The Womans Foreign Missionery Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Thursday, No vember 1. The Freshman class gave a party at the home of Agnes Vogel Wed nesday evening for the Sophomores. Mr. and Mrs^Sam Banks and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Donnell. Roberta Bush spent the week-end with her folks south of Emmet. Bert Nickolls and Herman Boll, of Lincoln, visited at the Bill Roth home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Roth and children spent the week-end at the Bauman home at Atkinson. Ernie Wagner visited relatives at Crestori during the week-end. Ford Vogel visited his sister, Mrs. Hazel Davis at Norfolk Sunday. Joe Luth accompanied him. (Political Advertisement) JOHN J. HARRINGTON DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT First Request For Public Office EX-SERVICE MAN Margaret Gaughenbaugh enter tained at bridge Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilster and children, of Amelia, called at the Howard McConnell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grothe went to Norfolk Monday and returned Saturday. Miss Evelyn Tomjaek spent the week-end with Miss Teresa Pon gratz. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and family. A wedding anniversary dance was given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler Sunday evening. PLEASANT DALE When Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl re turned from church service Sunday evening, October 21, they were much surprised to find about 75 of their neighbors and friends with well filled baskets and plenty of music had come to help them cele brate their eighteenth wedding an niversary. Although thoroughly surprised they soon made every one feel at home and dancing and card playing were indulged in until the early morning hours when every one returned home feeling they had a very enjoyable evening and wish ing Mr. and Mrs. Babl many more happy anniversaries together. M. C. Trulien, of Mead Kansas, called at the Gust Segar home Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmohr and Gladys and Walter attended a Halloween party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Way man Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz and son Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family, Mrs. Ada Stahley and son, La Verne, and Miss Loretta Flannery visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne Sunday evening. Mrs. Joseph Pongratz was pleas antly surprised Tuesday evening when she and her husband drove to the Joe Winkler home and found about eighty guests waiting to help her celebrate her birthday. The evening was spent dancing and playing cards. The guestfs de parted at a late hour wishing Mrs. Pongratz many more happy birth days. Mrs. Henry Winkler enjoyed a visit with her little granddaughter of O’Neill this week. Little Miss Leona Fern Beck with spent Tuesday evening with her cousin, Myrlen Beckwith, while her parents attended the surprise party for Mrs. Joseph Pongratz. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hickman Sunday afternoon. Litttle Arlene stayed w'ith her grandpar ents for a longer visit. Mrs. Joe Winkler entertained six ladies at a quilting bee last Thurs day. Those present were: Mrs. John Babl, Mrs. Ed Heeb, Mrs. Joe Babl, Mrs. Herman Janzing, Mrs. Joe Pongratz and Mrs. Henry Mul len. At noon Mrs. Winkler served a delicious goose dinner. MEEK AND VICINITY This community was shocked by the passing on of Gertrude Bed ford last Friday night at Pierre, S. D. Gertrude was born and grew to womanhood in this community, and everyone was her friend. Ah though she has not spent much of her time here the past few years, she will be sadly missed by friends and loved ones. The family have (Political Advertisement) I RICHARD 0. | “Dick Johnson” hi _ in1 I! republican for I ATTORNEY GENERAL Member State Legislature 1927-29 Thirteen Years Successful Law Practice in Nebraska (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) r " % ■ A %1 :: JOHN P. SULLIVAN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR i YOUR SUPPORT SINCERELY APPRECIATED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2&3 T and T Pumpkin Pie Spice Sale Special 2 Pkgs. 15c Sweet, Tender Peas Don’t confine pur chases to two cans at this price. 2 £,,2 25c Vanilla Wafers Special Sale on these Fresh Baked Cookies. Average 48 cookies to the lb. For the table and school lunch. Fine to dunk. 15c Pound GERMAN’S Sweet Chocolate Sale Special 2«£. 17c “Superb” Mince Meat Sale Special 2 Pkgs. 17c Genuine Red Alaska Salmon Deep red in color; rich in oil and a wonderful flavor. Most excellent in salmon loaf. Sale special. 17c Tall Can Peaberry Coffee Fresh roasted. Ground to order. Lb. • 19c Grape Nuts Sale Special Pkg. 16c Michigan Navy Beans The Genuine Mich igan I’ea Beans. So nice for soup and for Baked Beans. Buy a good supply at the Sale Price. 16c 3-Lb. Bag Robb-RoSS 'n *,n'tat*<,n Flavor and color. One teaspoon “.Mapo” jfives color and a _ A delicious Maple flavof to one quart of suirar syrup. BOTTLE J Golden “C” Brown Sugar Best for a pancake ayrup when flavored with •'Map**.'* 2 lbs, lie “First Prize” Buckwheat First Quality New York Buckw heat. A brand that positively assures light, fluffy golden brown pancakes of the BAG finest flavor. Don't forget the 5-LB. yeast cakes so you can have Buckwheat cakes for breakfast. LtJ the sympathy of the entire com munity. R. D. Spindler was here over the week end. Mrs. Roy Spindler, Leone and Le roy and Harold, and Raymond Johnson spent Thursday evening at Frank Griffith’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and baby, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and children were guests at the Sam Robertson home on Sunday. Mary Emma Spindler spent the week-end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Mariedy Hubby and children, Miss Louisa Shiveley and Miss Marjorie Hendrx were dinner guests at the Fay Puckett home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil called at the Gust Johnson home on Sunday afternoon. Louis, Jean, Ilene and Raymond Robertson spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Ralph Ernst. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kimbrough, of Geneva, are visiting at the Bill Grutsch and Mart Schelkpof homes. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradstreet, of Home Owners And Property Owners Repair, Remodel and Beautify under the Federal Housing Act Loans are now available under this act on small monthly payments, which may be extended over a period of one to three years. Call and see us and we will advise you fully and arrange to get your loan for you. We carry a complete line of mater ials at all times. No charge for estimates of materials. SETH NOBLE O’NEILL, NEBRASKA G. S. Agnes, Mgr. Phone 32 (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) GIVE THE TAXES TO N IRASKA INSTEAD OF TO I bootleggers; If Nebraska remains dry it will be a roosting place for gangsters, hoodlums and racketeers. They will continue to make big profits from their illicit liquor dealings. These undesir ables will also deprive the state of a tremen dous amount of TAXES which rightfully be long to Nebraska. Too, it will cost untold sums of money to enforce the dry law, due to the fact that our sister states are WET! And not only that.... YOU MAY LOSE YOUR BEER If REPEAL does not carry, there is a great possibility that the 3.2 Beer Law will be held unconstitutional ANI) YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BEER, TOO! Let’s be sure to keep BEER in Nebraska. (Jive the TAXES to Nebraska instead of to bootleggers. VOTE AND WORK FOR REPEAL Let’s Keep Step With PROGRESSIVE AMERICA Spencer, were guests at the Frank Griffith home on Friday. Mrs. Seholkpof, of Geneva, came last week for an extended visit at _ the home of her son, Mart. A surprise party was held at the Herbert Rouse home at Inman on (Continued on page 8, column 1.) (Political Advertisement)_(Political Advertisement) ELECT CLARENCE J. McCLURG FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT QUALIFIED BEYOND THE REQUIREMENTS SET BY STATE LAW My Aim To Carry The Standard of Education Higher With LOWER OPERATING COST SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT IN THE COMING ELECTION (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) [ J. LTEWELL, DISTRICT JUDGE FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT i Non-Political Ballot “* * In this county, where he has lived for 20 years, Tewell received 2,423 votes while the com bined vote for his two opponents totaled only 4tH). Tewell has served over 13 years as a District Judge, and prior to his appointment as Judge had a successful law practice. He has had a much more extensive experience as a lawyer, and about twice as long an experience as a district judg(vas his opponent in the election this fall has had. In this county the farmers and laboring classes voted for him almost to a man. He was reared on a farm southwest of Lexington, Nebraska, received. 4 t \ 4 two degrees trom tne university ot iNeDrasica, and is nigmy quai- t ified to fill the position he seeks.”—(Reprint from The Telegraph- i News,Sidney,Nebraska, August 21, 19114, Guy V. Doran, Publisher.) ! Both candidates are younger in age than any present member | of the Supreme Court. * VOTE FOR HIM (X) JAMES L. TEWELL j (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) " " " I Congress Trustworthy Capable Practical Trained in th? School of Hard Knocks—not a “high brow”—he has always worked for the interests of the common people. Karl Stefan knows their needs and will carry out their wishes. His election will guarantee honest representation, for he will not be controlled by any political machine. ‘Tom Can Depend On Kari” This advertisement sponsored and paid for by friends of Karl Stefan in this community, in appreciation of his unselfish service and loyalty to the people of this section.