The Frontier -----•- * D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska as Second Class Matter. "ADVERTISING RATES: Display advertising on pages 4, 6 and 8 are charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week; on page 1 the charge is 40 cents an inch per week. Want uds, 10c per line, first insertion, subsequent insertions, 5c per line. One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska $2.50 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re moved from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must un- md a derstand that these con ditions are made a part of the contract between pub lister and subscriber. Republican Ticket General Election For Lieutenant Governor: C. W. Johnson, Cheyenne county. For Secretary of State: Frank Marsh, Madison county. For State Auditor: George W. Marsh, of Lancaster county. For State Treasurer: T. W. Bass, of Custer county. For Attorney General: Richard 0. Johnson, of Lancast er county. For Land Commissioner: Leo N. Swanson, Douglas county. For Railway Commissioner: Robert J. Marsh, of Holt county. For State Senator: Frank J. Brady, of Holt county. For I'nited States Senator: Robert G. Simmons, of Lancast er county. For U. S. Senator, (Short Term): J. H. Kemp, of Nance county. For Congress, Third District: Karl Stefan, of Madison county. For Governor: Dwight Griswold, of Sheridan • county. For State Representative: L. G. Gillespie, of O’Neill. For County Treasurer: J. J. Krska, Atkinson. For County Clerk: C. P. Hancock, O’Neill. For Register of Deeds: Esther Cole Harris, Emmet. For Clerk of the District Court: Ira 11. Mobs, O’Neill. For Sheriff: Henry D. Grady, O'Neill. For County Attorney: Julius D. Cronin, O'Neill. For County Surveyor: M. F. Norton, O’Neill. For County Assessor: Chauncey I). Keyes, Inman. For Supervisors, First District: J. C. Stein. For Supervisor, Third District: C. W. Porter. For Supervisor, Fifth District: Ezra Cooke. For Supervisor, Seventh District: Ed. J. Matousek. If you want to be on the winning aide, vote the republican ticket. -- Chauncey Keyes has made a good and efficient county assessor. He ia one of the pioneer residents of the county and has given general sat isfaction in the conduct of his office. The republicans of the county, as well as the state, present a splendid list of candidates for the approval of the electors at the coming elec tion. They are all pledged to an economical administration of the affairs of the county and state. You will make no mistake in voting the republican ticket. Only a few days more then the battle of the ballots begins. Some will be happy and others will be disappointed. Be sure and go to the polls and express your choice among the candidates for the sev eral offices. If you do this you will be performing your duty as an American citizen. Esther Cole Harris has served the people of the county for one term in the office of register of deeds. She has made a good, fuith fol and efficient official and is en titled to another term, and from reports that we hear the people will give her title to another term in office at the ballot box next Tues day. Bob Simmons is making votes every' day for himself and the bal ance of the republican ticket. His clear cut statements on the issues confronting the people of this state and nation, is winning many to his support and it now looks as if Bob would win the election on next Tuesday with a substantial maj ority. Many election polls taken in the eastern part of (he state, show Simmons leading for senator and Griswold for governor. The tide has been running strong agaHst Charter No. 5770 Reserv e District No. 10 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The O’Neill National Bank of O’Neill, ir, the State of Nebraska, at the close of businessVon October 17, 1934. ASSETS Loans and discounts .... $ 69cojH»i Overdraft# 625.31 United States Government obligations, direct inntcn.n and-or fully guaranteed 200,150.00 Other bonds, stocks, and securities- <6,447.4o Banking house, $3,388.00. Furniture and fixtures, $1,680.00 5,0 , Real estate owned other than banking house 1-00 Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank — $215,650.85 Cash in vault and balances with other banks 161,893.97 Outside checks and other cash items — 161.82 377,706.64 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer..— Other assets 2,2*1 A1 Total Assets $734,368.80 . LIABILITIES Demand deposits, except United States Government deposits, public funds, and deposits of other banks----r - $325,181.94 Time deposits, except postal savings, public funds and deposits of other banks - ■ i 116,978.21 Public funds of states, counties, school districts, or other subdivisions or municipalities 63,537.72 United States Government and postal savings deposits . 5830:5 Deposits of other banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding . •— 46,980.24 Total of above five items: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and-or investments __---$ 38,964.78 (b) * Not secured by pledge of loans nnd-or investments .— ...— 514,296.36 (c) Total Deposits -- $553,261.14 Circulating notes outstanding „ - • 50,000.00 Capital Account: Common stock, 500 shares, par $100 per share . 50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits—net 31,107.66 131,107.66 Total Liabilities $734,368.80 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabalities United States Government obligations, direct and-or fully guaranteed * 86,000.00 Other bonds, stocks, and securities .. 10,000.00 Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) $ 96,000.00 Pledged: Against circulating notes outstanding — $50,000.00 Against public funds of states, counties, school districts or other subdivisions or municipalities 46,000.00 Total Pledged.-. .$ 96,000.00 State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. J. WEEKES, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of October 1934. [Seal] MARJORIE DICKSON, Notary Public. My Commission expires June 5, 1935. Correct—Attest: Emma Dickinson Weekes, E. F. Quinn, F. N. Cronin, Directors. (This bank carries no indebtedness of oflicers or stockholders.) the democratic party during the past few weeks and from present indications the republican ticket will be successful. From reports that come in from over the county, L. G. Gillespie is u sure winner for member of the legislature. Lloyd has made an ag ressive campaign and has probably interviewed more voters this fall than any other candidate. His can vass is being successful, too, ac cording to reports and he is assured of a splendid vote in all sections of the county. The republican candidate for United States senator for the short term, Hon. J. H. Kemp, of Fuller ton, is a splendid citizen of the state and one well qualified to fill the highest position within the gift of the people of Nebraska. The writer has known the Senator for over 20 years and know him to be one of the up-standing men of the state, able, clean and progressive. The voters of Nebraska would honor themselves in electing Kemp to the United States Senate. Henry Grady has made an active and agressive campaign for the office of sheriff of this county and is meeting with marked success in this campaign. Practically all the old timers, who know Henry’s record while sheriff here years ago, are nearly all for him, openly and above board. They also are not backward in singing his praises to some of the newer arrivals who were not familiar with his record. It is such support as this that has made him a formidable candidate for the position, with the odds fav oring his election. The democrats realize they have a hard fight on their hands if they retain their representation in the Third congressional district. Sev eral democrats of promnence in the councils of the party have come into the state and are delivering speeches for Congressman Howard. ! But the importation of southern congressmen into this district will not change the minds of the voters of the district. They have decided I they are going to elect Karl Stefan | aa congressman, and all the demo cratic congressmen in the nation will not get them to change their minds. They know Karl and know that he can be trusted to safeguard their interests in the capitol city and that he will he a congressman, 1 not a yes man. “If ability and strict attention to business and the conduct of their offices, means anything to the peo ple of the county, there are two county officers that are sure to be elected," remarked a prominent Holt county farmer the other day. "Julius D. Cronin has made the best county attorney we ever had, and has saved the people more money in the conduct of his office than any two former officials hold ing the same position. He has the ability to successfully cope with any lawyer in the state, and is recognized as one of the brightest young attorneys of the state. Then there is Ira H. Moss, who is clerk of the district court. He has been an efficient and capable officer, pay ing strict attention to the duties of his office, without fear or favor for friend or foe. There should be no question about his election, if the people want capable and efficient serive from their officers. Some people may have some personal reason for the choice of some other candidate, but the people generally recognize ability and service and will prove their faith in these two officials at the polls next Tuesday." The republican candidates for supervisors are able and competent men and deserving the support of taxpayers who have their own wel (Political Advertisement) McCLURG FOR County Superintendent BECKWITHS TRANSFER O'NEILL. NEBRASKA Loading out of Omaha and Sioux City each Monday and Thursday. No Complaint 2t Hours Old | LOWEST RATES fare at heart. Their election will mean a change in the control of the county board and one that would be beneficial to all taxpayers. In the first district J. C. Stein is a can didate for re-election. He has made good in the position. He is not a politician but a practical business man who has made a success of his own business and is a heavy tax payer. He deserves re-election. In the Third district Chauncey W. Porter is the republican candidate. He is not a politician, but is a level headed young man who has made good in every position. He pos sesses qualifications that would make him a valuable member of the board. He has no enemies to punish or friends to reward and could handle the business of the office with credit to himself and with a saving of the txpayers money. Taxpayers who are mind ful of their own interest will sup port Porter. In the Fifth district Ezra Cooke is the republican candi date. He is able, qualified, and wfill do his own thinking. His election to the position is conceded by many of the oppostion. He will be a valuable addition to the county board. In the Seventh district Ed. J. Matousek is the republican candi date. He is a successful farmer and stockman living near Atkinson, and possesses the qualifications necessary for a splendid member of the board. Many democrats in that district are supporting him on account of his qualifications and there seems to be no question but what he will .be elected. , ,<_ The New Deal Much has been said about the New Deal and several articles runn ing in the papers make mention of the New Deal several times. It certainly is a new deal for a president to put us into debt like I we are now. Why don’t the democratic party give the money direct to the unem ployed that it will take to plant trees as is proposed from Canada to Mexico and 100 miles wide, where the farmers themselves have been unable to raise trees, in North and South Dakota. It will cost several million dollars to plant these trees, and take care of them after they are planted; why not Rive this money direct to (Political Advertisement) JUDGE Ec F= DARTER Judge of the 17th Judicial. District NON-POLITICAL CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE OF THE r SOME people* woulel ratlie*r live* improperly beyond tlieir income, than properly within it. THE O’NEILL NATIONAL y BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $125,000.00 This bank carries no indebted 1 ness of officers or stockholders. (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) Register Of Deeds Has Record Of Efficiency To voters of Holt county: Having served as your Register of Deeds for one term, and as a candidate for re election, I offer the following facts concern ing my record. I have had no office help during the four years, except during the first three months when I was learning the duties of the office. During my term, up to Oct. 1,1934, my office has earned in fees $7,822.45, which is $922.64 more than the total expense for that period and which amount has been paid to the county treasurer. I have a family of five children fiom 5 to 14 years of age, and the salary of my office is our only source of income. I have tried always to give you courteous and efficient service and, if after due consideration you feel that I am deserving of a second term, I earnestly ask your support in the coming election. ESTHER COLE HARRIS, Republican Candidate for Register of Deeds. the needy ? All the money used for the pur pose of planting these trees must be borrowed by the government and interest paid on it. So why not give the money it takes to plant these trees direct to the people that are out of work, so they can purchase groceries and clothing with it; it will not be wasted that wray. No one tells us that the New Deal is financed on borrowed money. If the democratic party favors the tree planting program and the spending of millions of dollars that way, instead of giving it to the needy and unemployed, so they can buy groceries and clothing for the winter, then why should anyone vote the democratic ticket? Observer. (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) IRA H. MOSS Republican Candidate For CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Qualified and experienced. An ex-service man. * *r Your Support Will Be Appreciated (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) -- Vote For B. T. WINCHELL Democratic Candidate For County Treasurer YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) Remember and Vote For L. G. Gillespie Republican Candidate For State Representative Sixty-fourth District Your Support Will Be Appreciated YOU PAY THE SAME BUT YOU GET .-4 FRANCIS DEMPSEY Standard Oil Servisman You get extra energy in every gallon of Standard Red Crown Superfuel. Yet it doesn’t cost you a penny more than "regu lar!” You get all that lively power —that extra mileage — that smooth performance —at no extra charge whatever! Besides, it is well to re member that you also get, in Standard Red Crown Super fuel, the finest anti-knock fluid known—tetraethyl lead. Fill up with Standard Red Crown Superfuel where you 8ee the Standard sign. There’s more Live Power in every gal lon—and tetraethyl lead in every drop! Hays: "It's hard to believe Standard Red Crown Superfuel is actually better than it was before — but it is.” STANDARD RED CROWN SUPERFUEL — more Live Power per gallon f Another fine gasoline: RELIANCE —a highly efficient fuel at a low price. STANDARD OIL WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON VALUE Hera’s where to fill up your tank: Standard Oil Service Station Fifth and Douglas Street, O’Neill i Alva MarccUus, O’NeKl J. M. SeyboW, O'Neill