MURDER By An I ARISTOCRAT I ^ 1 Evelyn or Janice had cer tainly been the last person to see Bayard alive. I could Got believe that Janice with er loveliness and her youth and her charm had killed Bayard. And Evelyn would have had to have a very ur Eent motive for murdering im; It would have had to be a motive that even her gift for expediency and her ex tremely practical intelligence oould discover no other pos sible way to satisfy. And while It’s true that a woman like Janice, passionately and hope lessly in love, may be impelled to do extraordinary things— still I don’t know that she need take to manslaughter as a relief for her feelings. But there was the time and opportunity Janice had had— , there was the egg basket and ; the revolver and that com promising episode In the kit chen the very next morning following the murder. There was no escaping the deduction that she’d known the revolver was in that basket and that she’d gone to the refrigerator either to be sure it was still undetected or to remove It to a safer place. A dozen pictures of Janice returned to me: The fright ened, beautiful girl in soft yellow chiffon, bravely hold ing her fright in leash and showing me into Bayard That cher’s room; the slim child In green dimity working among the flowers, herself lovelier than any of them; the tor tured woman with the spent white face leaving her love and her lover without sur render there at the foot of the stairs, with the still sum mer night and the moonlight and shadows and the scent of the roses outside. And there was her letter with its pride and pain and honesty. And there was the girl of the aft ernoon, happy and warm in spite of herself because Allen was there beside her, and holding that dark red rose to her cheek as if that were the one thing she might caress. No, it couldn’t be Janice. Yet Bayard Thatcher had certainly been murdered. I al ways came back to that. Twilight was coming on when I went downstairs. That night dinner was a silent and a rather dreadful meal. Those desperate efforts to keep up appearances had flagged from very weariness with the long and trying day, and I daresay everyone dreaded tomorrow’s ordeal. Tomorrow, when they would lay Bayard’s body away with those other Thatchers, and would know, every one of them, that In their small circle was that one who had murdered him. No, it was no pleasant thing to anticipate, and there was no escaping it. There were, even, no more telegrams to be opened and read and discussed with a de termined pretense of the or dinary and the commonplace. Flowers, however, had begun to come with the arrival of | the evening train; they had been stored in tubs of cold water in the summer kitchen, but among them were lilies whose cloying fragrance had filled the house before the sheaf was removed, and which now clung to everything, a ghostly notice of the ordeal to come. To my surprise Janice was white and tired and failed to catch the occasional effort Evelyn made to introduce some safe topic of conversa tion. The meal was half over before I discovered why; somehow, I had expected her to be greatly relieved from alarm and anxiety by the re turn of her letter and to show It in her face and bearing. But. possibly from not having had an overwhelming amount of experience in such mat ters, I am rather clumsy. I had not perceived that her distress and anxiety as to who Patron Shot at Waiter, Then Robbed Car Driver Kansas City. — rup>— "Snappy lerrtce” was the motto of J, R. Brookshire waiter in a downtown lunchroom hare. So when a sup posed customer entered a few nights ago. he snapped into action. Hastily he reached under the coun ter to fill a glass of water. Instantly the customer whipped out a pistol and firrd The bullet unaxlv d into the wail not far from B.ooluhirc • head aa he I had read her letter would be greater than her relief at get ting it into her own hands once again. After all, it might ; have been kinder to tell her. After dinner we sat out on : the porch in the quiet, deep ening summer night. There was very little said. The greens of the lawn lost them selves in shadow: the cigarets became small red spots of light; the street lights away down at the corner made the trees loom huge and black and far away, with leaves edged in light silver where the light touched them. The moon came ; up finally; the dusk was lost, and the shrubs and trees stood out black against the white lawn, and white strip of road. The moon, I thought idly, was at its full. After a long time Evelyn murmured something about going home, and Adela stirred to say, out of the darkness beside me, that she’d like them to stay there again for the night. There was no ap peal in her deliberate voice, but I felt she wanted Hilary and Evelyn near her. Evelyn agreed at once. “Allen won’t mind staying over at the house alone," she said. “But I’ll want a few things from home. Allen, will you take the car over and ask Julia to pack my overnight bag. Tell her to put in that new white silk. The crepe with the long sleeves; she’ll know the gown I mean. And the white hat that goes with It. And gloves. Tell her to fold the silk carefully, I don’t want to have to press It. We’d better wear white tomorrow, Janice. Adela will wear black with her long crepe veil, but I think plain white summer dresses with white hats would be better for us to wear. Peo ple will like it. Do you mind, Allen?" “I hope I get the right things,” said Allen, rising from the step. Against the moon lit lawn his tall figure looked strong and full of life and vi tality. His cigaret was a small red comet across the lawn, and he said: "Better come along, Janice. The drive will do you good.” “Oh, no. No,” said Janice. There was a hint of panic in her voice. Of what had she been thinking, I wondered, as she sat there so quiet in the shadow of the clematis vine and watched Allen In the moonlight, and felt the soft summer night and wanted, perhaps, the touch of his hands and his arms and his mouth. Poor Janice, who knew so well what love could do. But perhaps Allen suffered more when he thought of Dave. Dave! With some cha grin I reminded myself that my morals were tottering— morals which had served me well for longer than It’s neces sary to mention. There was Dave, too, to be pitied; Dave whose wife no longer loved him; Dave whose friend was treacherous. Dave, who, by all rights, ought to be pitied more than any of them. But for the life of me I could not feel par ticularly sorry for Dave; per haps it was owing to his curi ous detachment; his enig matic lack of interest in his lovely wife, his morose si lences, his somber, withdrawn look. Wearily I found myself again In that hopeless circle of speculation and resolved to leave It at least for the night. But I was not permitted to do so; one of the strangest things about the Thatcher case was the Inexorable destiny which dragged me into every phase of It. Evelyn, too. may have caught some meaning note In Janice's voice, for she rose. “Perhaps I'd better go along after all,” she said firmly. •'We’ll be awfully hurried to morrow morning, and I’d bet ter be sure I have everything. ducked. The customer fled, kid naped a tax tea ii driver. and robbed him of M 75. And Brookshire's movement* as ha waited on his next customer were far from snappy Vice Consul Has Easiest Job in America, She Says San Francisco — »UF« — Seno rtta Teres! t a Arguello, M V'.ce Consul for Nicaragua in San Francisco, thinks she has the eas iest job in America ’All I tiara U do la attend I'll bring your things, too, Hi'ary. I think I know what you’ll want.” The sound of the car shook the still night. Janice had shrunk back into the shadow of the vine. “Such a few mo ments,” she had said, “out of all the years. All the rest such a dreadful waste.” Adela stood. “I’ll say good night,” she said. “As Evelyn says, we’ll be hurried in the morning ” She sighed. “I only hope no one says anything about our hur rying the funeral so. It doesn’t seem fitting not to wait—but tomorrow’s Sunday—perhaps they’ll think—” She checked herself and said in a more collected way, “Will you come with me, please, Miss Keate? I am very tired.” I went with her, of course. She did look dreadfully weary. I was giving her a back mas sage when someone knocked at the door. At Adela’s word Florrie entered. “Well, Florrie, what is it?” asked Adela. “I’m sorry to trouble you, Miss Adela,” and Florrie. “But I thought you might have some aspirin. I’ve got one of my bad headaches. And I don’t want to be sick for tomorrow, ma’am. There’ll be a lot to do.” ‘‘Why, certainly, Florrie. There ought to be some in the medicine chest, there in my bathroom. Go and look.” But there wasn’t, it de veloped, and Adela sent Flor rie to Janice’s room. “I’m sure she has some. Just look in the medicine chest in her dressing room. She always keeps it on hand for Mr. Dave’s headaches.” Florrie went away. It was perhaps five minutes later that she returned. At first sight of her eyes, shining a little, and that odd look of malice in her usually stolid ! face, I straightened up and looked at the thing she held in her hands. It was a small white felt hat. Adela looked, too, and became an old, old woman before my very eyes. “I thought I ought to bring this to you, ma’am,” said Flor rie, her voice shrill with a kind of ugly triumph. “I saw It accidentally. It was stuffed back of the radiator in Miss Janice’s dressing room, ma’am. Right there below the medicine cabinet.” I have never .before or since admired Adela as I did at that moment. She said: ‘‘Give it to me, Florrie. Miss Keate, haven’t you some as pirin for her?” I did have: A large boxful of tablets. A pasteboard box Into which I had tumbled the tablets for convenience and which I had labeled. It was in my small instrument bag, and I got it at once and thrust box and all into Flor ae's hand and told her not to take too many of them. “Yo» may go now. Florrie,” said Adela. Her bluish lips looked stiff, and her eyes like Ice. The girl went; she looked frightened. Adela did not try to dis semble before me. I suppose she knew it was no use. I looked at the small hat. It was the hat Janice had worn the previous afternoon; i I knew it at once. And I re membered with frightful clarity that she had worn it when she entered the house alone, not more than 10 min- : utes before Bayard was found murdered. And that when, at the alarm, she had appeared in the library beside us all she had worn no hat. But on the white brim of that small felt hat were four red-brown smudges. I have seen dried blood too often not to recognize it immediately. Adela said stiffly: “Take it. Nurse-” And at that very instant there was a knock on the door, and without waiting for a reply it was pushed open. I Janice stood on the thresh ! old. Her dark eyes went to me and then to Adela and then ; fastened upon the hat. It was not nice to see the loveliness leave her face; to see it be many parties ' She explained. Dr. M««ntelfagre. I he consul gen eral. doesn't care for the many parties to which the consul Is in vited. so I go instead '* Her pretence is always welcome to other consular represents Uvea here because Senortts Argurlis is tall, slim and beautiful. She ta the only feminine consular offi cial stationed hare DOfl'H Lift?—IT TMM Knoxville. Tenn — Toodles may have led a dog * Hie in her IT ysara, but during that time, thought to be a record age for one of her come a stiff, strained white mask, hiding terror. CHAPTER X Many times during my stay in the Thatcher home I was astonished at the Thatcher capacity for utter silence. Ut ter and complete silence at times when an ordinary per son would have burst into frenzied explanations. But I was never more taken aback by that baffling trait than when Janice merely looked at that bloodstained little hat, that dreadful witness against her, for a long moment, and then said: • What are you doing with my hat?” Her voice was quite steady, but then I had seen something of her powers of self-control. And her face was still white and drained of life. ‘‘Your — hat,” said Adela with difficulty. It was not ex actly a question or a state ment; it was just the utter ance of words in a curiously tentative way. She offered, I thought, a chance for Janice to deny the hat. But Janice said, ‘‘Why, cer tainly. You know it’s my hat. What are you doing with it?” “It was—found,” said Adela. She looked shrunken and ter ribly old. ‘‘It was found and brought to me.” “Who found it?” “Florrie.” “Oh,” said Janice. “Oh. Florrie. Florrie seems to be taking quite an interest in my affairs lately. Well, if you are quite through with it, I’ll take it.” She walked swiftly to the bed and picked up the hat. I noted that her slender fing ers seemed to avoid touching the brim; that brim that showed where four fingers had touched it and had left so ugly a mark of their pressure. To complete my bewilderment she bent over Adela, kissed her cheek lightly, said, “Have a good night, darling. Don’t worry about tomorrow,” and turned away. At the door she remembered my presence and said over her shoulder, “Good night, Miss Keate.” She said it coolly, her dark eyes unfathomable, her slen der figure erect, her chin up, and the tell-tale little hat crushed in her hand. Then she closed the door firmly behind her, and Adela sighed. “You see, Miss Keate, we were wrong. We both leaped to an unjust and horrible con clusion. Or not so much a con clusion as a very dreadful sus picion. It only goes to show how one’s nerves may trick one. We are both unstrung by the dreadful and shocking circumstances of Bayard’s aeptn. He was Kiuea uy a burglar, and we know it. And yet merely the sight of—the sight of-” She could not say the word and substituted, “merely the stain on Janice’s hat made us both fear-” Deep waters here, Adela. And she realized it. For she checked her words to cough delicately, to hunt for a hand kerchief, to ask me for a drink of water. And finally to resume: “Absurd of us. When there are so many ways that could happen. Of course. I know my own family. I know none of them are capable of—that Janice is not—that she could not-” She stuck again. Poor Adela, she could not bring herself to voice her thought. As for me, I should have been much happier if Janice had said something — any thing— to explain that hat. Her silence was almost as damning as the bloody fing erprints; more so, in fact, for I felt if there’d been an in nocent explanation she would have given it. And the grim little Incident brought rather forcibly to my mind the danger in which I stood. I. the stranger; I, the outsider. I said quietly: “By the way. Miss Thatch er, you won’t need me past to morrow. I can return to the hospital after the funeral.” (TO BE CONTINUED) .. -— »» I ■■■■ Too Early, In Fact. From be Moat ifue •’You're alwayt late Why. you were late on our wedding day. ’ "But not late enough " breed, the mixed collie and water spaniel baa had a good time The dog. property of Mr*. MUUe E Ridgeway, la still living, but she is atone deaf. Judged on the usual baais that one year of a dog * life is equivalent to five year* of a human's. Toodlet is now SO year* old. To His Credit. From Toronto Telegram. "Look heir. waiter. IVe been waiting half an hour for that atcak I ordered " •Yea. ur. I know. air. Life would be worth living if everybody waj u patient at you are ’ SUMMING UP WISDOM And lie la oft the wisest man who Is not wise at all.—Wordsworth. 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