The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 02, 1933, Image 6

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    Military Honors for Ernie Schaaf
Here is the funeral cortege of Ernie Schaaf, Boston
boxer who died following a bout with Primo Camera
at New York, shown as it proceeded through the
streets of Sheldonville to St. Mary’s Church at Wren
tham, Mass., where services were held for the fighter.
Wrentham Post of the American Legion formed •
guard of honor, and a firing squad from Boston Navy
Yard fired three volleys.
Recapture of Stolen Warship
The tomb you see exploding here on board the Dutch warship, De Z*even
Provincien, took a toll of 22 dead and 26 injured. The bomb was dropped
on th# ship by a Dutch plane after mutineers, who had overpowered
their officers, had stolen the ship and held ib for several days. The
stoler battleship was overtaken in the Indian Ocean after a chase which
began at Kuta ltaja, Sumatra.
Dead Kaiser Aide
Admiral Hubert von Rebeur-Fasch
witz, former adjutant general to ex
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, who
recently died of pneumonia at Dres
den, Germany, at the age of 69.
From 1898 to 1902 he was naval at
tache at the German Embassy at
Washington. He also commanded
the German naval squadron which
visited the United States in 1912.
Captured Roosevelt’s Would-Be Assassin
Here are the three Miami policemen credited with the
capture of Guiseppe Zanjrara, the crazed Italian who
attempted to assassinate President-elect Roosevelt,
nnd saved him from the infuriated crowd. Patrolman
Clarke (center) is holding the cun which missed its
main objective but wounded five others.
Frau Winifred Warner, English
born widow of Siegfried Wagner,
son of the famous composer, who,
according to her relatives, may
marry Adolf Hitler, Nazi Chancel
lor of Germany. Hitler and Frau
Wagner, who have been friends for
years, met recently at the memorial
acrvices for Richard Wagner at
Leipzig, but, contrary to expecta
tions, the bachelor Chancellor did
not announce their betrothal.
Heroine of Miami Shooting
Mrs. W. F. Cross, of Miami, Fla., whose courageous action in grappling
with Gv.iseppe“2angara while he was firing his pistol at the President
elect undoubtedly saved Mr. Roosevelt from injury and possible death.
Mrs. Cross grabbed the assassin’s wrist when he began firing and de
flected the bullets intended for the President. The plucky woman key'
her grip upon the man until he was secured by officeri.
Oeadshot Co-ed
This modern Diana, skilled with
high-powered rifle instead of the
romantic bow and arrow, is Miss
Evelyn Kerr, captain of the George
Washington University rifle team,
at the national capital. She is
| shown here at practice for a tele
graphic match with a Philadelphia
rifle team, and, in passing, let us
•ay we wouldn’t want to offend
Miss Kerr.
Cool Majesty
There’s no danger of this charming
queen getting “hot and bothered”
over the affairs of state, for she has
a nice, cool throne. She is Miss
Mabel White, of Petoskey, Mich.,
who is pictured in all her majesty
as she reigned over the recent Win
ter Carnival in her home town. The
throne was carved from hard
packed snow.
May Be Minister
Ruth Bryan Owen, Florida Con
gresswoman, who, it is reported, is
being considered for the post of
United States Minister to Denmark
when the administration of Presi
dent-elect Roosevelt takes office.
Should Mrs. Owen be appointed as
envoy, she will be the first woman
ever to hold a diplomatic post in
U. S. history.
Held For Bond Theft
Omaha police said Ray Winger
19, of Boise, Ida., confessed theft
jf $230,000 worth of Idaho state
onds from a Boise printing house
ile said he would not finht extradi
tion from Nebraska. (Associated
Press Fhoto)
Mustn’t Miss This Miss
in tennis, this might be called an overhead smash, and even here it would
have been a smash if Bobby Vernon (left) had failed to catch Gwen
Stone, who is enacting the role of human tennis ball, before the first
bounce. Gwen, the very personification of grace, is shown soaring over
the net on a court at Coral Gables, Fla., after being catapulted into the
air by the two stalwarts at right.
W Waters F-Fine
John Ashoo, 43, of Yonkers, N. Y.,
doesn’t care what he does with his
time—and here you see him show
ing a polar bear something that
would give said polar bear a chill in
short order. John is swimming in
the Hudson River, near his home
town, and shoving awray the ice
cakes that impede his progress.
In a Big Hurry
You’d be in a hurry, too, if the nice,
warm water were waiting for you
just to plunge in. That is why
Leila Quinn is sprinting down the
sands at Palm Beach, Fla. She is
the daughter of E. V. Quinn, of
Shrewsbury, N. J., and is one of
the most popular of the very young
set in the fashionable resort.
The Jump of a Champion
The mythical cow that jumped over the moon had nothing on Roy
Mikkelson, who is shown here as he won the national amateur ski
jumping championship at Salisbury, Conn. Mikkelson, who jumped 43
meters, learned the A-B-C of skiing in his native Norway.