Dancer Who Became a Kahn a > charming studio portrait of Sarah Jane Heliker, New York show girl, 10 has now become u member of the exclusive House of Kahn. Miss Heliker recently married Gilbert W. Kahn, son of Ott?> Kahn, financier. Kahn was divorced by his former wife. Ann Whelan Kahn, some time ago in llcno. He is a partner in the Wall Street firm of Kuhn. Loeli & Co. Schwab Elopers Home Back home after their elopement and marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Knowlton are shown in the Schwab mansion at Morristown, N. J. Mrs. Knowlton, the former Jane Schwab, is the niece of Charles M. Schwab, steel magnate, and her hubby is a New York bookkeeper. They were married in Easton, Pa., after a romantic elopement from Morristown. Vassar "Priestess" A charming picture of lovely Isa belle Spaulding, society girl, of lialtimore, Md., a senior at Vassar College, as she portrayed the role of “Priestess of the Shrine of Shiva’' in the Hindu love play pro duced at the college. The Vassar thespians regard the play as their outstanding dramatic production of the year. Launching of New French Liner The new French liner ‘‘President Doumcr,” named for the French Chief Executive who met his death at the hands of an assassin, is shown as it slid down the ways at La Ciotat, near Marseilles, at its launching. The new luxury liner when completed will be a model of safety from accidents Vf every description and, in iddition, will be fireproof. The family of the la'it President a‘»