The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 18, 1932, Image 8

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    Continued from page 5.
by the County Treasurer between
the different funds and political
subdivision as their interest there
in may appear for the years
which taxes were foreclosed upon.
Hugh L. James,
L. C. McKim.
The above resolution, on being pul
to a vote by the Chairman, was de
dared carried.
The applications for dance Hal
Licenses of Aaron Boshard, Johr
Wrede, and Fred R. Mack were pre
sented and read at this meeting.
Motion by James, seconded bj
Steinhauser, that date for hearing or
the above applications be set foi
August 30, 1932, at 1:00 P. M.
The Board spent some time in aud
iting for medical, surgical services,
and claims for the care of the poor.
12:00 Noon. On Motion, the Board
adjourned until 1:00 P. M.
•John Sullivan, John C. Gallagher,
Chairman. Clerk.
August 9, 1932. 1:00 P. M,
Holt County Board of Supervisors
met as per adjournment. All mem
bers present except Stein and Skid
more. Meeting culled to order by the
Moard spent afternoon in auditing
Assessors claims and General claims
for care of the poor.
6:00 P. M. On motion, the Board
adjourned until August 10, 1932.
9:00 A. M.
John Sullivan, John C. Gallagher,
Chairman. Clerk.
O'Neill, Nebraska
August 10, 1932. 9:00 A. M.
Holt County Board of Supervisors
met as per adjournment. Members
present: Sullivan, James, McKim,
Root, Steinhauser, and Skidmore.
Meeting called to order by the Chair
mnn. Minutes of previous meeting
were reud and, on motion, were ap
proved as read.
The following assessors claims were
audited and approved and, on motion,
were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the General Fund in pay
ment of same:
B. B. Thomas _ $ 05.30
Fred Mulford 70.18
W. O. Whitehead 192.90
J. H. lltrtel 70.20
L. G. Gilespie 250.0:'
Wm Blackburn _ 80.00
E. A. White 40.15
W. R. Shaw __ 85.4
Frank Anderson_100.6
; G. S. Withers 105.0
V. A. Moler 90.0
Bon McDonald _ 75.0
W. F. Hart_ 90.4
W. B. Cooper 170.5
August H. Smith . 90.0
Theo Grof.100.6
1 J. S. Hoffman _ 50.0
1 F. P. Snyder 60.0
M. J. Fullerton 202.6
W. T. McElvain 180.0
C. E. McClurg 55.2
[Claude Bates 115.5
G. C. Willoughby 45.U
i Jesse Briles 70.5
IJ. B. Fullerton 70.0
Wallace McKim 60.0
W. L. Butler . 100.8
E. L. Davies 176.9
H. J. Lienhart , 85.0
Geo. Tomlinson 125,7
Motion by James, seconded by Me
Kim, that assessors claim of Ed Wei
ton, amounting to $10.00, be allowei
in the sum of $35.00 and farrant b
drawn on the General Fund in pay
ment of same.
12.00 Noon. On motion, the Boari
adjourned until 1:00 P. M.
John Sullivan, John C. Gallagher,
Chairman. Clerl
August 10, 1932. 1:00 P. M
Holt County Board of Supervisor:
met as per adjournment. All mem
bers present except Stein. Meetin)
called to order by the Chairman.
The following claims for care am
support of the poor for the months o:
April, May, June, and July were aud
ited and approved and on motion wer;
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on the General Fund in payment o
St. Josephs Home, West Point $630.31
Koht $122.00
Stenke 122.00
Marroris 248. it
Baird 1.38.00
Anna Vequist (Bowden) 40.0(
R. It. Morrison . 123.31
O. E. Morgan 18.60
Maring 7.53
Langan 70.05
Hosting . 40.00
Kuhik .... 9.14
Graham . 11.38
Shannon ___2.25
Geo. Syfle _ 49.2E
Briles . 19.25
Henefin .30.00
W. N. Coats & Sons _ 160.0C
palm until
Flace a match tu the hem or border of a handkerchief before performing
this trick. Then In the presence of your audience open and display both
sides of the handkerchief, calling attention to the fact that you have nothing
d>ut the handkerchief In your hands. Borrow another match, place It In the
t>alm of your left hand, and drape the handkerchief over the hand. With your
right hand work the match hidden In the hem so that It will be held upright
<t>eneutb the handkerchief. Then ask some one to tnke hold of the match and
*>reak It In several pieces. In the meanwhile the borrowed match remains In
rthc palm of your left hand. When the person Is positive the match Is broken
Temove the handkerchief and bring forth the whole match from the palm of
your hand. The audience, unable to see the broken match In the hem of the
^handkerchief, will be surprised to see what Is believed to be the broken match
'displayed whole.
- ’
i i
'Villa trick is similar to the famous shell game, only Instead of using three
shells and a pea, you use two marbles, two thimbles and two paper cones. The
spaper cones are made so they fit snugly over the thimbles. The marbles are
•placed side by side on a table and one Is covered by a thimble. You do this
“secretly. In the above drawing the exposed marble and thimble are num
►bered 1 and 2, and the cones have Identical numbers. The Idea Is to make
the exposed marble and thimble change places. This does not really happen,
•but It can be made to appear so by moving the different articles In the fol
•towing manner: Cone No. 1, under which a thimble Is concealed. Is placed
'bver marble No. 1. Cone No. 2 Is placed over thimble No. 2. Say a few words
- bf magic over the cones and remove No. 1, being careful to have the thimble
"beneath remain on the table. Remove No, 2, pressing on the sides so the
thimble beneath Is taken with It. Yon will then have made the marble and
nhlmble change places and the success of the trick lies In not letting your
^audience know of the duplicate marble and thimble.
IfW-V.-W* VIMI * T loSkwt »
1 Steinbach __75.00
5 Boldra . 76.00
) J. H. Wunner 118.48
3 Smith 28.65
3 Wright _38.36
3 Stauffer_12.24
3 Curtis_3.24
9 Angus ,_2.89
2 Babutski_5ji9Ql
3 Sholes __5.00
3 Walstrom 3.10
3 Chambers. 20.00
^ Geo. Frohardt (Northrop)- 30.31
' Mrs. Rill Bessey (Northrop)— 50.00
* P. V. Hickey (Eveland) .. 6.08
1 Wm. Bruder (Ames) . 60.00
J J. I. Gray Co. 67.01
1 Block_31.85
1 Stewart .. 30.16
I Gibson....— 5.00
1 Ben J. Grady 111.46
1 Hagerty 40.61
* Bowden _ 52.69
Eveland . 6.60
1 J. W. Finch 205.47
i Butterfield . 15.14
Cunningham . 44.54
Hart _ 52.66
Taylor 60.67
I Taylor 00.67
Ferris 88.44
It J, McManus 9.48
; Beams 4.00
Ed Hood . 98
j Jail _ 4.50
. J. C. Penney Co. (Langan) 29.05
< Writ. Clark & Sons ... 78.45
Cunningham_ 6.23
I Mikelson .. 5.00
' Peterson . .67.22
■ Thos. Salem (Hansen) ..... 10.00
■ Dr. W. J. Holtzfaster
(Norhrop) 35.00
Mrs. S. A. Horiskey . 11.35
Greseck _ 10.10
i Snowardt ... . 1.25
Henry Mills (Shoemaker) _ 10.00
Greenstreet Brs. (Sturgeon) 6.86
Hoskinson Mercantile Co. 81.25
llasack 40.00
i Tushla . 40.00
Mrs. Groff_ 1.25
LeRoy C. Richards (Weller) ... 38.75
McMillian & Markey (Jtiry) ... 27.40
J. P. Protivinsky 10.41
A uten .... 3.00
Tim Ryan .7.41
Mrs. Pete Bonenberger
(Johnson) 10.00
F. P. Murphy (Mileage) _ 6.00
Clarence Hills (Evelnd) 24.79
Harty Laundry (Jail) —. 10.10
Bamm Bros. (Stewart) _ 14.26
Harry L. Cowles . 145.00
August Schutt_140.00
Allhou8e .—.- 5.00
Mrs. Mervin Riley . 8.32
Golden Hotel (Jury) ..... . 20.80
R. H. Fink . 87.00
Sequist _ 40.00
Barton 10.00
Babutski _ 10.00
Eliment _ 10.00
Pollock _ 5.00
Dixon 2.00
Vaughn Mercantile Co. ... 53.12
Northrup .— 40.00
Weber .13.12
F. L. Hunter _ 63.49
Parshall _ 13.95
Stewaif . 8.99
Frank P. Wilson_ 68.00
Thomas _48.00
Gr air im _ 20.00
Geo. H. Jones (Gaddie) . 30.00
Campbell Lumber Co.. 71.35
Weller _29.85
Northrup _17.85
Spence . 11.70
Ames . 6.40
Porter ..— 5.55
vy . r. CjVfiaiiu vi^veiuuu;
Amelia Larson (Stewart) . 15.00
Atkinson Lbr. Co. (Barnes) 8.20
Seth Noble Lumber Co._. 43.90
Mrs. Kubic . 3.40
Court House_40.50
W. A. Smith . 13.30
Scholz . 10.00
Hunt 3.30
John Ratigan (Thurlow)_ . 4.20
Nora Peterson (Heuman) _ 45.00
Idle Hour Cafe (Jury) .. 36.25
Ira L. Livingston (Sarchett)_ 36.20
Golden Rule Store (Lynch) .... 10.50
A. J. Frost (Henefin) . 7.00
C. E. Stout (Drugs for poor) 57.20
O. O. Newman (Bailey) _ 20.00
Dr. J. P. Brown _ 33.65
Worford __ 26.55
Deveraux _ 7.10
Geo. Hartford (Hart) _ 5.04
Thos Richards - 69.00
Henefin _24.00
Kellogg _45.00
Emma Howell _ 15.00
J. Hagedron (Mileage) . 9.00
The following claims were audited
and approved and, on motion, were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on the General Fund in payment of
Rodell Root _$ 24.40
Hugh L. James_ 24.00
L. C. McKim_ 29.40
John Sullivan_ 21.00
The Board took up the matter of
the care and support of the poor for
the coming year and the matter was
discussed at length.
The following schedule of provi
sions to be supplied to those in need
was adopted: Flour or bread; yeast;
oatmela; potatoes; dry beans; syrup;
tea or coffee.
5:00 P. M. On motion, the Board
adjourned until August 30, 1932.
10:00 A. M.
John Sulivan, John C. Gallagher,
Chairman. Clerk.
Tuogh on the Wild Cat.
Two hunters who had chased a wild
cat to a clearing were terrified to see
the beast jump through the window
of a cabin from which the sound of a
woman’s voice had just been heard,
i Outside, apparently unperturbed,
sat the husband.
“Is your wife in there?’’ yelled one
of the hunters.
“Good heavens, man, get busy! A
wild cat just jumped through the win
“Well, let him get out the best way
he can. I got no use for the critters,
and danged if I’m goin’ to help him.”
We Believe This One.
ASeotchman lay dying in a London
I hospi al and the doctor told the nurse
to give him anything he wanted. She
asked him what he would like and he
said: "I wad like to hear the Bag
pipes ofore I dee.”A piper visited the
Ward and played a tune. The Scotch
uman recovered but all the other
patients died.
Don’t take your worries to bed with
you; you need all the sleep you can
get to dispose of them tomorrow.
Lecturer: ‘“Can any of you girls
tell me what makes the Tower of Pisa
Stout Student: “I’m sure I don’t
know, or I’d take some of it myself.
Lecturer: “Allow me before I
close to repeat the words of the im
mortal Webster—”
Farmer Podsnap: “Lan’ sakes
Maria, let’s git out o’ here. He’s
a-goin’ ter start in on the dictionary.’’
(First publication, August 18, 1932.)
l gg
In the Probate Court of said County
In the matter of the Estate of Henry
Harry Meyer, Deceased.
On this 18th day of August, A. D.,
1932, J. F. Black and Florence Meyer
McBride filed thehir petition in this
court, and presented an authenticated
copy of the Last Will and Testament
of Henry Harry Meyer, deceased, late
of Seligman, Barry county, Missouri,
the prayer of said petitioner being
that a day be fixed by this Court for
the purpose of approving and allow
ing said Last Will and Testament, and
causing the same to be filed and rec
orded in this office. It is therefore
ORDERED, That on, the 8th day of
September A. D., 1932, at 10 o’clock
A. M. be fixed for hearing said peti
tion, when all persons interested in
said matter may appear and show
cause why prayer of said petition,
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof, be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in The
Frontier, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county, for three weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
County Judge.
(County Court Seal) 13-3
(First publication, August 18, 1932.)
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Public
Works in the State House at Lincoln,
Nebraska, on September 8, 1932, until
9:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time
publicly opened and read for Grading,
Culverts, Roadway Culvert Pipe and
incidental work on the Stuart-Atkin
son Emergency Construction Highway
Project No. E-158-B, Federal Aid
i ne proposed worx consists oi con
structing 9.4 miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
200,000 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Ex
50 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Concrete for
Box Culverts and Headwalls
5,050 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for
Box Culverts and Headwalls.
96 Lin. ft. 18 in. Cuh-ert Pipe
528 Lin. ft. 24 in. Culvert Pipe
48 Lin. ft. 30 in. Culvert Pipe
The minimum wage paid to all un
skilled labor employed on this work
shall be thirty (30) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this work
shall be fifty (50) cents per hour.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information se
cured at the office of the County Clerk
at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the office of
the District Engineer of the Depart
ment of Public Works at Ainsworth,
Nebraska, or at the office of the De
partment of Public Works at Lincoln,
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100 per cent of his contract.
As an evidence of good faith in sub
mitting a proposal for this work or
for any portion thereof as provided
in the bidding blank, the bidder shall
file, with his proposal, a certified check
made payable to the Department of
Public Works and in an amount not
less than the total amount, determined
from the following list, for any group
of items or collection of groups of
items for which the bid is submitted.
Grading Items One Thousand (1,000)
Culverts Items Fifty (50) dollars
Roadway Culvert Pipe Items Thirty
(30) dollars
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
R. L. Cochran, State Engineer,
R. F. Wellar, District Engineer,
John C. Gallagher, County Clerk
13-3 Holt County.
(First publication, August 18, 1932.)
Estate No. 2231
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, August 17, 1932.
In the matter of the Estate of Mar
tha E. King, Deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that the executor
of said estate has filed in said court
his final report and a petition for
final settlement and distribution of
the residue of said estate; and that
said report and petition will be heard
September 7, 1932, at 10 o’clock A. M.
at the County Court Room in O’Neill,
Nebraska, when all persons interested
may appear and be heard concerning
said final report and the distribution
of said estate.
County Judge.
(County Court Seal) 13-3
(First Publication August 11, 1932.)
Notice is hereby given that there
has been filed in the office of the
County Clerk of Holt county, Nebraska,
a petition and application asking and
praying that Aaron Boshart, of Joy,
Nebraska, be granted a license to op
erate a Dance Hall or pavillion on
the south half of section 6, township
30, north of range 11, in Paddock
Township, Holt county, Nebraska,
which is ten miles north of the city
of O’Neill, Nebraska.
A hearing on said petition will be
held by the County Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebraska, at
their office in the city of O’Neill, Ne
braska, on Tuesday, August 30, 1932,
at 2 o’clock P. M., at which time re
monstrances against, or arguments
for granting said license w’ill be heard.
12-3 County Clerk.
(First Publication August 11, 1932.)
Notice is hereby given that there
has been filed in the office of the
CountyClerk of Holt county,Nebraska,
a petition and application asking and
praying that John Wrede, of Red Bird,
Nebraska, be granted a license to op
erate a Dance Hall or pavillion on
part of the west half of the southwest
quarter of section 12, township 32,
north of range 10, in Scott township.
Holt county, Nebraska, which is ten
miles east and 21 miles north of the
city of O’Neill Nebraska.
A hearing on said petition will be
held by the County Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebraska, at
their office in the city of O’Neill, Ne
braska, on Tuesday, August 30, 1932,
at 2 o’clock P. M., at which time re
monstrances against, or arguments
for granting said license will be heard.
12-3 County Clerk.
(First publication August 11, 1932.)
In the County Court of Holt county,
All persons interested in the estate
of Mary A. Driscoll, deceased are
notified that on August 9, 1932 the
administrator of said estate filed in
said Court his final report and a peti
tion for distribution of said estate;
that said report and petition will be
heard August 31, 1932 at 10 o’clock
A. M. at the County Court Room in
O’Neill, Nebraska.
12-3 County Judge.
(First publication August 4, 1932)
Estate No. 2302
In the County Court of Holt countj
Nebraska, July 30, 1932.
In the Matter of the Estate of Hugh
J. McKenna, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested in said estate that a petition
has been filed in said Court for the
appointment of Anna N. McKenna as
Administratrix of said estate, and will
be heard August 25, 1932, at 10 o’clock
A. M., at the County Court Room in
O'Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
(County Court Seal) 11-3
50c to November 10th
75c to January 1, 1933
A special thru the election offer, a
special balance of the year offer, mak
ing the Daily Journal within reach of
all. Every home should have a daily
newspaper, one that the whole family
can enjoy and benefit by reading, and
for but a fraction of a cent delivered
in your mail.
The Lincoln Journal is the only
daily between Omaha and Denver
printing regularly at night, in fact
after 5 P. M. Editions are printed
right up until train time day and
night. The Morning Journal comes in
time for mail delivery on the same
The Lincoln Journal give unexcelled
service to our community on a Morn
ing newspaper from the Capitol City,
edited 100 per cent for Nebraskans.
All of the other big Nebraska Morn
ing Dailes are printed on the Iowa linq
and edited fo rlowa readers also. The
Big Combined Sunday issue has twelve
pages of colored comics, eight com
plete sections in all, with the most
wire service of any Nebraska news
Mail your remittance direct to Ne
braska State Journal of Lincoln and
they will send your your choice of
these offers: Until November 10th
Daily only 50c, with Sunday 75c; Un
til January 1, 1933 Daily only 75c,
with Sunday SI.25. Don’t give money
to strange solicitors; order direct or
through our office. The Lincoln Journ
al wants wide awake carrier boys in
every town to deliver Daily and Sun
day for 15c a week.
For Rent or Sale—New five room
modern home.—Pete Reifers. 13-3p
For Rent—Newly decorated, unfur
nished apartments, over the Penney
store. See T. J. Brennan, Phone 141.
Furnished House for Rent, west of
Presbyterian church.—Mrs. Catherine
Smith. 8tf
Why not buy your tomatoes from
Lawrence? Phone 17-F21. 13-lp
For vegetable, fresh from the garden
call 171-J. 8tf
Pump For Sale. Mary G. Horiskey.
For Sale—Summer apples, 50 cents
a bushel. 1 mile north and one half
mile west of Chambers.—E. A. Farrier.
Give your boy or girl
an equal chance with
other children. Have
their eyes examined
before school starts. See Dr. Perrigo
at Chambers Hotel, afternoon, Aug.
22, Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Tuesday,
Aug. 23. 13-1
For the return to the Interstate
office, One Black Leather Brief Case,
lost Wednesday A. M. 13-lp
WANTED—S. F. Baker & Co., of
Keokuk, Iowa, can give some respons
ible man employment in this locality.
Previous selling experience not needed.
Your car is the only investment re
quired. Liberal commission. Steady
employment. Write at once. 13-3
• * ’ < •