Over the County PLEASANT DALE Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hickman and Vera Coleman visited at the Guy Beck with home Wednesday evening. Sewell Johnson called at the Carl Lorenz home Sunday evening. Mrs. Ada Stahley is assisting Mrs. George Kirkland of Atkinson with her house work. Miss Blanch Young came home Sun day from Central City where she at tended summer school the past nine weeks. She was a ccompanied home by her mother, Mrs. R. E. Young, wrho spent the past week with relatives at Central City. Miss Vera Coleman, of Phoenix, spent the past week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hickman. Mrs. Carl Lorenz visited Mrs. Guy Beckwith Wednesday forenoon. Miss Velma Stahley drove to O’Neill Wednesday forenoon to take her music lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seger were din ner guests at the Ralph Beckwith home Sunday. Francis Mullen visited at the Joe Winkler home Thursday. The boys spent the afternoon picking apples for Grandma Winkler. Mrs. John Kee and family were din ner guests at the Andrew Johnson home Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Linville visited Mrs. Fred Beckwith Saturday afternoon. Miss Julia U. Hurley, Thomas Ring and Joe Hurley, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Julia Samples, visited at the L. G. Lin ville home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and daughter and Misses Mildred and Lela O’Connell visited at the R. E. Young home Sunday afternoon. Ralph Beckwith says he saw a white turtle dove Monday evening. He says it was with a flock of about a dozen other doves. Threshing for this year is done in this community. John Kee and Carl Lorenz were on the last of the list and they finished Tuesday. Fred Beckwith and Guy Beckwith have combined their hay crews and have nine teams busy this week. EMMET ITEMS The South Side Improvement Club met at the home of Mrs. Alex McCon nell. All members were present ex cept five. Sandwiches, cake and lem onade were served by Mrs. Moyer and Mrs. McConnell. The Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wal ter Puckett on September 8th. Mrs. D. H. Allen and Miss Agnes Allen called at the William Luben, Jr., home Thursday afternoon. Dugel Allen finished haying last Tuesday. John Luben called at the Henry Hagel home north of Emmet. The Snappy Cooking Club met at the home of Maxine McConnell last Friday evening. Walter Puckett and Howard Mc Connell took in the rodeo at Burwell last Thjujsday. The Luben boys finished haying this week. iVir. aim ims. univmc v>cic pel's in Emmet Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett called Sunday at the home of Mrs. Pucketts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell Mrs. Guy Cole went to Yankton to get her children, who have spent the past few weeks with relatives there. Kieth Maring returned to Yankton with them. Mr. and Mrs. Goosey, of Lincoln, were visitors at the Hoppe home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enbody moved to Atkinson last week. INMAN NEWS Leo Mossman and family have moved into the Mossman estate prop erty in the eastern part of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hancock and sons, Wayne and Marlin Dean, of O’Neill, visited among relatives here Sunday. Miss Helen Anspach is visiting at the Hardin Anspach home at Page for a couple of weeks.. Mrs. Cleve Roe and daughter Hazel who have been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Peterson and family at Casper, Wyo., the past month, re turned home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rutledge, o. Newman Grove, Nebr., visited here Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kivitt and family. Mrs. Mary Hancock accompanied Joudge and Mrs. C. J. Malone, of O'Neill to Norfolk Saturday, where they visited until Sunday evening. Miss Esther Davis, who with a party of friends toured the western states, returned home Friday morning. Miss Davis states that they were in Wyom ing, Montana, Colorado, Yellowstone Park, and on through Oregon and Washington to the coast. She re ports a wonderful trip of more than 6,000 miles without a mishap. Miss Ru h Killinger, also of Inman, was one of the party. She is in Gordon, Nebr., with her sister, Mrs. John Bor ders, but will be home soon. D. J. King and sons, L. L. King and wife and Roy L. King and wife, all of White River, S. D., were here over the week-end visiting Mr. Kings sister, Mrs. B. H. Clute and Mr. Clute and Rev. Miss Mertie E. Clute. The group meeting was held at the Inman Methodist church Sunday even ing. A large delegation from the churches of O’Neill and Page were present and a nice service was carried out. Special musical numbers by the young people of the churches and a reading by Miss Farnsworth, of Page, were enjoyed. The address of the evening was delivered by Edgar Far ley, of Page. The Simonson’s held a family re union picnic at the O’Donnell lake south of Inman last Sunday. There were seven cars in all. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree and three daughters came from Long Pine Sun day for the Simonson reunion. — MEEK AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg returned from Sioux City, Tuesday night, bring ing Harold and Grace Louise House with them for a visit. Mrs. Eric Borg had the misfortune to run a nail into her knee, which left it very sore. It is better at present, but not well yet. Mrs. George Weldon spent last week visiting relatives in South Da kota. She was with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sol Galentine. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson, Harold and Helen, drove from Mead Saturday for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindburg and Helen and Mrs. R. D. Spindler re turned Sunday from a weeks motor trip to Iowa. They visited several places in Iowa and also at Omaha. The Gus Johnson family called at Roy Spindler’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Berry and children drove down from South Da kota the first of the week to visit rela tives here. Mrs. Berry will be remem bered as Edna Bedford. Both Mr. and Mrs. Berry were born and raised in this locality. Threshing is still going on in this locality. A few showers the past week have stopped the threshing for a few hours frequently. Mrs. A. L. Borg spent Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Griffith. Several from here went to Pine Creek to attend the camp meeting this week. The Ralph Young family called at the John Grutch home Sunday after noon. i ...... ~ iriiss xuuuue xvuuac, wuu apnu acv eral days last week at the Ralph Young home, returned to her home in O'Neill Saturday. In last weeks items a mistake was made. Where it read, the Fay Puck ett family were Sunday guests at the Lorenz home it should have said they were guests at the Walter Puckett home at Emmet. Mrs. Ella Bonawitz came up from Wayne Monday for a visit with rela j fives and friends. Mi. and Mrs. Sol GMentir.e and Mrs. George Weldon came back from Fair burn, S. D., Tuesday. Services at the Presbyterian Church Sunday School 10:00—Mr. Geo. C. Robertson, Superintendent. Morning Worship 11:00—“The Lav ish Gifts of God.” Evening Service 8 00—“According ! to Opportunity.” The best way to relax is to com ' mune with God. Services of worship will help you. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. Methodist Church Notes Benj. Kuhler, Pastor Suppose all of us get to Sunday School next Sunday. Worship and Preaching hour 11:00. “The Entiance of Thy Word Giveth Light.” The evening service at 8:00 will be in charge of a group of young folks and their pastor, Rev. W. E. Wilson from Creighton, Nebr. Rev. Wilson will deliver the sermon. The regular Epworth League ser vice at 7:00. Prayer and Bible Study service Thursday evenings. Election of lay delegate next Sun day morning. And Tuesday evening, August 23rd, Dr. Gomon will be with us for the fourth Quarterly Confer ence. The ladies will serve a 25 cent dinner at 6:00 P. M. Dr. Gomon will preach a sermon immediately after the I dinner and business session will follow the sermon. Continued from page 4 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION occasion and definite action taken at that time, no further action was taken at this time. 12:00 Noon. On motion, the Board adjourned util 1:00 P. M. John Sullivan, John C. Gallagher, Chairman. Clerk. August 8, 1932. 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Equalization met as per adjournment. All mem bers present except Stein and Skid more. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONER LINColnvbgkq jvbgkqj vbgkqj Lincoln, Nebraska To the County Clerk of Holt County, O’Neill, Nebraska THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at a session of the State Board of Equalization and Assessment, held at the State Capitol in the year of A. D. 1932, pursuant to an act of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, approved April 23, 1928, the following rate of tax was determined and levied by said Board for the year 1932, on the total valuation as shown in the abstract of your County Assessor, now on file in this office, and as equalized by said State Board: General Fund.2.26 Mills on the Dollar Capitol Fund .11 Mills on the Dollar Total_2.37 Mills on the Dollar In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and af fixed the Seal of tne State Board of Equalization and As sessment at Lincoln this 2nd day of August, A. D. 1932. (SEAL) WM. H. SMITH, State Tax Commissioner. Motion by James, seconded by Keyes that the following County, Precinct, City, Village and Scvhool District levies be approved. Carried. STATE LEVY FOR 1932 Mills on the Dollar General Fund .2.26 Capitol Building Fund .— -H Total_2-37 COUNTY LEVY FOR 1932 General ---- Bridge and Prior Indebtedness 1.00 Road - Mothers Pensions..-.01 County Fair -04 Coyote Bounties -— •01 Repairs and Improvements - -0J Special Emergency Bridge Total County Levy - State —.. Total for State and County J. 6.10 Also a levy of 10 cents on each and every colony of bees. CITY AND VILLAGE LEVIES lyaz w,no5iwwQ> g « Z 3 1 = » S gftotasBna 3- £ 3 w m o* w ^ ^ c o J 3 : *«■ ‘ f\2 C- ti* M M . C5 t-* »—. bi bi cn ' in i* ►—* cn co to J-* b\ »u cn io in H-* |(3 to p lU C ~ ?° r* 1 -i cn in I - General Light Parks Amu enu ' Fire Dept. Streets JJo. Eonds Eight Bonds Cemetery Water Bonds City Hall Total PRECINCT LEVIES FOR 1932 I ___ » * - | t Antelope .4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Antelope .4 .6 1. Atkinson 1. .0 1.6 Conley 2. .4 .6 1. 4. Coleman 1. .6 1.6 2. Cleveland .6 .4 1. | Chambers 1. .2 .2 1.4 J Deloit 1, .4 .6 2. | Dustin .4 .4 .8 Ewing .4 .4 .8 .4 | Emmet 2. .4 2.4 | Francis 1, 1. Fairview 1. .4 .6 2. Grattan .5 .6 .9 .1 Gr. Valley 2. 2. Golden .4 .3 .7 Holt Creek .5 .5 Inman .4 .6 1. Iowa 1. .6 1.6 Josie 1.5 1.5 Lake 2. .4 .6 3. i McClure 1. .4 .6 2. PL View 1. 1. Paddock 0.0 Rock Falls 1. .4 1.4 Sand Creek 2. .4 .4 2.8 Saratoga 1. .4 .4 1.8 I Scott 2. .4 .6 3. I Shamrock 1. .3 1.3 ; Sheridan 2. .3 .3 2.6 | Shields .8 .1 .1 1. Steel Creek 1. .5 1.5 Stuart 1. .6 1.5 Swan 2. .4 .6 3. Verdigris .5 .5 Willowdale .4 .6 1. Wyoming 1. .4 .6 2. SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES FOR 1932 Dist. Gen. Bond Total Free No. Hi. 1 8. 8. 3.3 2 19. B. 24. 3 8. 8. 3.3 4 8. 4. 12. 3.3 5 3. 3. 3.3 7 14.3 14.3 8 4.5 4.5 3.3 9 5.2 5.2 3.3 10 15. 15. 3.3 11 3.3 12 7.3 7.3 3.3 13 8. 8. 3.3 14 8. 8. 3.3 15 5. 5. 3.3 ' 16 4.5 4.5 3.3 17 6. 6. 3.3 18 6.7 6.7 3.3 19 4.3 4.3 3.3 20 8. V 8. 1.65 21 8.9 6.1 15. 22 3.7 3.7 3.3 23 8. 8. 3.3 24 5. 5. 3.3 26 2.7 2.7 3.3 27 4. 4. 3.3 29 20. 4. 24. 30 18. 18. 31 3. 3. 3.3 32 8. 8. 3.3 33 8. 8. 3.3 ' S4 8. 5. 13. 3.3 35 2.7 2.7 3.3 36 6. 6. 3.3 37 4.8 4.8 3.3 38 8. 3. 11. 3.3 39 6. 6. 3.3 40 2.4 2.4 3.3 41 3.7 3.7 3.3 42 8. 8. 3.3 44 19. 2. 21. 46 7. 7. 3.3 47 8. 8. 3.3 48 5. 5. 3.3 49 6. 6. 3.3 50 6. 6. 3,3 51 6.4 6.4 3.3 52 8. 8. 3.3 53 7 2 7.2 3.3 ■ 55 8. 8. 3.3 j 53 8. 8. 3.3 57 3.5 3.5 3.3 58 4.2 4.2 3.3 59 6.3 6.3 3.3 60 7. 7. 3.3 62 8. 8. 3.3 63 8. 8. 3.3 64 8. 8. 3.3 65 4.5 4.5 3.3 67 4.6 4.6 3.3 68 12. 12. 3.3 a ft 3 3 | 70 1.6 1.6 3.3 71 G. 6. 3.3 72 3. 3. 3.3 73 5. 5. 3.3 74 8. 8. 3.3 76 2.3 2.3 3.3 77 4.5 4.5 3.3 70 8. 8. 3.3 80 8. 8. 3.3 81 6. 6. 3.3 82 9. 9. 3.3 83 15. 15. 3.3 84 7. 4. 11. 3.3 86 6.4 , 6.4 3.3 87 8. 8. 3.3 : 88 8. 8. 1.65 89 2.4 2.4 3.3 90 2.4 2.4 3.3 91 6. 6. 3.3 92 4.2 4.2 3.3 93 8. 8. 3.3 95 8. 3. 11. 3.3 96 13. 13. 3.3 97 5.3 5.3 3.3 98 7.3 7.3 3.3 99 8. 8. 3.2 100 6. 6. 3.2 101 10. 10. 3.2 102 8. 8. 3.2 103 8. 8. 3.2 105 8. 8. 3.2 107 5. 5. 3.2 108 12. 12. 3.2 110 5. 5. 3.2 111 8. 8. 3.2 113 4.3 4.3 3.2 1 Id 3.5 3.5 3.. H8 6. 1119 -5. v 6. 3.2 Dist. Gen. Bond Total Free No. Hi. 120 8. 8. 3.3 121 8. 8. 3.3 122 6. 6. 3.3 123 7. 7. 3.3 124 8. 8. 3.3 125 2.8 2.8 3.3 127 8. 8. 3.3 128 13. 3. 16 3.3 131 6. 3. 9. 3.3 132 6. • 6. 3.3 134 5.6 6.6 3.3 135 7. 7. 3.3 136 5. 5. 3.3 137 13. 13. 138 3. 3. 3.3 141 4.2 4.2 3.3 142 2.7 2.3 6. 3.3 143 2.7 2.7 3.3 144 6. 6. 3.3 145 5.5 5.5 3.3 146 5. 5. 3.3 147 6. 6. 3.3 148 1.2 2. 3 2 3.3 150 8. 8. 3.3 152 4.5 4 5 3.3 155 7. 7. 3.3 156 6.6 6.6 3.3 157 7. 7. 3.3 158 11. 3. 14. 3.3 159 5. 5. 3.3 160 8. 8. 3.3 163 5.3 5.3 3.3 165 4.4 4.4 3.3 168 3.5 3.5 3.3 169 5. 5. 3.3 170 8. 8. 3.3 171 19. 19. 3.3 172 8. 8. 3.3 173 4.3 4.3 3.3 174 4.2 4.2 3.3 176 8. 8. 3.3 177 8. 8. 3.3 178 4. 4. 3.3 180 6.8 6.8 3.3 181 5. 5. 3.3 183 4. 4. 3.3 184 3.3 187 8. 8. a.a 188 8. 8. 3.3 192 3. 3. 3.3 193 6.2 6.2 3.3 194 8. 8. 3.3 196 6. 6. 3.3 197 8. 8. 3.3 202 7. 3. 10. 3.3 203 6. 6. 3.3 205 4.2 4.2 3.3 206 5.5 5.5 3.3 207 1.2 1.2 3.3 208 8. 8. 3.3 209 6. 6. 3.3 210 4. 4. 3.3 211 7. 7. 3.3 212 7.3 7.3 3.3 213 5. 5. 3.3 215 3.5 3.5 3.3 216 8. 8. 3.3 218 8. 8. 3.3 222 6. 6. 3.3 223 3.3 224 8. 8. 3.3 225 8. 8. 3.3 226 3.6 3.6 3.3 227 8. 8. 3.3 228 13. 13. .825 229 2.4 2.4 3.3 231 2.4 2.4 3.3 I _ Dist. Gen. Bond Total Free* No. Hi. 232 7.5 7.5 33 233 6. 6. 3.3 236 6. 6. 3.3 237 4.3 4.3 3.3 238 8. 8. 3.3 239 3i3 240 15. 15. 33; 241 4.7 4.7 3.3 242 6. 6. 33. 243 8. 8. 3.3 244 7.5 7.5 3.3 245 3.3. 246 7. 7. 3.3. [247 6. 6. 33. 248 8. 8. 33 249 5. 5. 3.3: 250 6. 6. 33 251 8. 8. 1.65 2 Vi 4. 4. 33 18 Vi 33; 90 Vi 3.3. Minutes of meeting of August 8,. 1932, were read and, on motion were approved as read. 5:00 P. M. On motion by James, seconded by McKim, and carried, the Holt County Board of Equalization adjourned Sine Die. John Sullivan, John C. Gallagher,. Chairman. Clerks. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS O’Neill, Nebraska August 9, 1932. 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervisors at the call of the Cl.‘rk. Members ‘present: Sullivan, James, McKim, Root, ami Steinhauser. Minutes of meeting of August 1, 1932, were read and, on motion, were approved as read. The following resolution was pre sented and read at this meeting: Whereas, Holt County recently acquired by tux foreclosure cer tain nal estate in Golden and Ewing Townships and described as follows: S'•> Non-Des. No. G, Section 34, Township 27, Range 9, Ewing Vil lage. N* Non-Des. No. 0, Section 34„ Township 27, Range 9, Golden Pre cinct. Whereas said property has been? recently sold to Warren S. Mc Donald by Holt County for$l,500. from which sum was to be paid taxes on said property for the years 1929, 1930, and 1931, which taxes were levied and assessed after said foreclosure action was started, in the total sum of $206.55, and Whereas there remains a bal ance of $1,293.45 of said purchase price. Nowf, therefore, I move you that such money, should be turned over to the County Treasurer with in structions to disburse the same as follows: 1. To the payment of the costs incured in said foreclosure, pay ment to be made to Clerk of the Court. $83.87. 2. The balance to be pro rated Continued on page 8. ’ ... | ANNOUNCEMENT | All automobile top and upholstry work, | and suit case repairing. Call and see me at the T. M Harrington | | Harness Shop. == == WILLIAM BROWN . ..■■•.■■a ii in i ■iitiftiiiii niiiiiii i m 11111H t unlit Hitiiii t ii iiiiiitiii miiiiiiitii hi n ii tl t lit lit i Poverty is a piper no man need pay—if he provides himself with a bank account. The O’Neill National Bank Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $125,000.00. This bank carries no . indebted ness of officers or stockholders.