The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 30, 1931, Image 8

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baking powder
is the
Use K C Baking Powder the next time
you bake and judge id quality by
results. You will hnd there is none better
—purer or more efficient.
You save in buying and save in using
K C Baking Powder.
25 ounces for 25c
! Sale of Hereford Bulls j
j I will offer at Public Auction at the J. N. Dennis yard, adjoining »
| Butte, Nebraska, commencing at 2:30 o'clock, on
j Saturday, May 2nd !
I4 Six Choice Registered Yearling Hereford Bulls
These bulls are of good size, well marked, of the famous Beau Mis
chief and Fairfax breeding, and good enough to head any herd. If
you are on the market for a bull, come to this sale and take home at I
bull that will be a credit to your herd for years to come. j
TERMS: C months’ time on approved notes bearing ten per cent in- i
terest. If credit is wanted, make arrangements with clerk before sale i
E. M. ENGLEHAUPT, Butte, Owner |
J. N. Dennis. Auctioneer First National Bank, Butte, Clerk {
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gatz were if
Chambers, Sunday.
The Presbyterian Ladies Guild wil
meet with Mrs. Elmer Surber, Maj
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Revelle, of Op
portunity were in O’Neill on busines:
There will be Lutheran services a
the Episcopal church, Tuesday even
$3.40 Round Trip to
Go Friday or Saturday—
Return as late as Monday
ing, M ay 5th.
J. R. Durrie and brother Harry
Durrie, of Norfolk, were O’Neill vis
itors, Wednesday.
R. H. Parker is driving a new
Buick “8” which he recently purch
ased of A. Marcellus.
Mrs. Nona Bedford, of Page is vis
, iting at the Ed Burge and E. Wr. Sar
gent homes in O’Neill.
J. B. Ryan is having some improve
ments made on his south ranch and
will have an ideal cattle ranch when
Miss Ruth Barnard and Leslie Mey
ers, of Omaha, were week-end guests
of Mrs. Sam Barnard and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Yantzi.
Miss Florence Malone come up
from Omaha, Saturday for a short
I visit with her parents, Judge and
I Mrs. C. J. Malone.
J. W. Wright, of Omaha, Nebras
ka, auditor for the Westren Union
Telegraph Co., was in O’Neill the
first part of this week.
Jack Honeycutt returned home last
Friday from Oklahoma City, where
he went to try out as a pitcher for
Oklahoma City in the Western lea
EVEN in Summer you cannot
make hay without grass, and
even with a large income a man
carnot become rich unless he
The O’Neill National
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $125,000.00
This tjank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
Bi-hop Rummell, of Omaha, was in
O'Neill, Tuesday and met with the
priests of the deanery; over twenty
priests were present.
1 Mrs. H. B. Hubbard and Mrs. W.
i C. Templeton represented the local
branch of the Red Cross at the coun
ty meeting in Atkinson last Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sisco and son,
of Pawnee City, Nebraska, arrived
here Sunday for a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Carter, parents of Mrs.
The County Agent was at the E.
.]. Revelle place Monday of this week
poisoning prairie dogs. Neighbors
watched; an acre of grounn was cov
ered with poison.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in the
basement of the M. E. church, Tues
day afteroon, at 2:30 with a program
on' Mother’s Day. All mothers are
mdially invited to attend.
A Candy Sale at Ben Grady’s store
J Saturday, May 2, at 2 o’clock, bene
t ntting the Christian Endeavor So
eiet’, of the Presbyterian church.
Your support will be greatly appre
Mrs. Toni Main . of Stuart and
Mis. Ed Johnson, of Omaha, nieces
of Mrs. D. Standard were here to at
tend the funeral of Mr. Stannard, on
April 17th.
A number of the relatives and
friends of J. P. Protovinsky met at
his home in the northeastern part of
the city last Sunday and assisted
him in celebrating the anniversary of
his birthday.
Mrs. Bernard Matthews entertain
ed three tables at bridge, Tuesday
evening, celebrating a birthday anni
versary of her husband; a two course
luncheon was served at the close of
the festivities.
J. C. Harnish, Ira Moss, Harry
Bowen, J. H. Meredith, L. G. Gilles
pie and Elmer Bowen were in Lynch,
Tuesday attending a district meeting
and special session of the grand
lodge of the I. O. 0. F.
John Warner, residing north of
Emmet, submitted to an operation
for appendicitis, Tuesday at the Wil
son hospital in Stuart. We under
stand that he is recovering nicely
from the effects of the operation.
Miss Dorothy King, from the Elba
Beauty Parlors at Sioux City, Iowa,
is now in charge of the Classic Beau
ty Porlors, Miss Blanche Gibson hav
ing resigned. Miss King began work
ing in the Classic Monday morning.
Mrs. G. A. Mitchell entertained
four tables of bridge at her home in
the southeastern part of O’Neill last
Monday evening. Mrs. Harold Lind
burg won the high score prize and
Mrs. S. A. Liddell, the consolation
Jack Allinger, r.a uaiz, twy Car
roll, Dr. J. P. Brown, of O’Neill, and
Cy Farrier, of Chambers, drove to
Long Pine, Nebraska, Tuesday even
ing where they were candidates in
the Red Cross degree in the M ason
ic lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harty, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Cronin, drove to Sioux
City, Sunday for a couple of days
visit Miss Nora McAullife, who has
been visiting with Miss Genevieve
Biglin, accompanied them to her
home in Sioux City.
John Stauffer returned home Mon
day evening from Lemar , Nebraska,
where he trucked the household goods
of Mrs. A. A. Revell, who with her
family are moving to Lemar to join
her husband who is employed upon a
ranch in that vicinity.
8,000 trees were planted at Goose
Lake last week by Clearwater tree
planters. The trees were all native
grown. About five miles of furrows
were plowed with tractor and trees
placed on bottom. The state forester
and crew are planting Chinese elms
on upper grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewis, Aber
deen, South Dakota, stopped i n
O'Neill, Monday for a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clevtsh.
Mrs. Lewis is a sister of Mr. Clpv
ish. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were en
route home from Lincoln where they
had been visiting relatives.
Seventy-five Ford dealers and
salesmen from this zone met at the
Golden Hotel last Tuesday evening
and held a conference which was pre
sided over by George Irwin, of Oma
ha, who is manager of the district.
The district extends from Valentine
to Clearwater and from Winner to
Leo Zimmerman, formerly of this
place, has purchased the confection
ery and grocery store of his brother
Harold Zimmerman and Mrs. Zim
merman ou south Hastings avenue,
in Hastings, Nebraska; Leo took pos
session Wednesday of this week. Leo
Zimmerman and family have resided
in Hutchinson, Kansas, for a number
of years.
Mrs. leu McEihaney, assisted by
Mrs. Gifford Bachman and Mrs. Guy
Cole, of Emmet, entertained the la
dies of the M. M. Club and their hus
bands at a card party at her home on
east Clay street last Tuesday even
ing. Mrs. C. P. Hancock and Roy
Warner won the high score prizes at
bridge; the consolations went to Mrs.
A. E. Stevens and Clarence Zimmer
The new Downey building west of
the Royal Theatre is nearing comple
tion. Mrs. D. H. Clauson will occu
py the west room with the Margaret
Beauty Parlors; Mrs. D. Stannard
and daughter, Mrs. Laura Burke,
will occupy the east room with the
Idle Hour Party Room and Fountain
Lunch The rooms will be nicely
equipped and will have every con
venience for the enjoyment of those
who patronize the different places.
“The Man Who Came Back” tells
the story of young Stephen Randolph,
played by Charles Farrell, who, ener
vated by too much wealth, sinks to
the very gutter, only to be redeemed
by the devotion of his sweetheart An
gie, enacted by Miss Gaynor. Ken
neth MacKenna is foremost in the
supporting cast of this picture which
begins its stay at the Royal Theatre
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, May
ii Riverside Park i
- h
j* Saturday Night, May 2 ||
—Music By—
Albert Nemic’s
h Old Time Orchestra, of Spencer ;j
| _ |
I: Sunday Night, May 3rd p
—Music By— *:
Omaha Nite Owls
j» All Star Colored Orchestra. H
ji Hear these boys play and sing. t|
j« Admission SI.00 per couple
H Extra ladies and spectators 25c :j
Everybody Welcome
u ::
The Bazelman Lumber Company
are cleaning up the debris from the
fire which they suffered a few weeks
ago and expect to be ready next week
to start the erection of a new office
and store building on the site of the
former building. The new building
will be one story. The side walls of
the lumber sheds will be concrete and
John McCarthy and sister, Miss
Edna, drove to North Prairie, Wis
consin, last Sunday where Miss Edna
will remain with relatives; Miss Es
ther McCarthy, who has been at
North Prairie for the past year, ac
companied John to O’Neill today; W.
H. Harty accompanied them as far
as Shullsburg, Wisconsin, where he
visited with his father and sister.
Miss Esther has been appointed dep
uty county clerk of Holt county and
will assume her duties Friday morn
earner ouroer ana iamuy are ar
ranging to move to Lincoln some
time about the middle of June. Mr.
Surber states that the move has been
decided upon because of a slight re
organization of the mail clerks on
his run which will take place July 1;
at that time another clerk will be
added to this run which now goes to
Sioux City and then to Lincoln. Mr.
Surber is the oldest man on this run
who might desire a change of resi
dence, so he has availed himself of
an opportunity where he will have
college facilities for his children.
On May 31st the C. & N. W. Ry.
expect to run an all expense educa
tional tour from Bonesteel, S. D., to
Washington, D. C., and return, for
the duration of one week. The price
of this trip will be only 853.50 from
Bonesteel and return. All expenses
for this trip will be taken care of by
the company, including hotel, meals,
sight-seeing trips at Chicago and
Washington, also with a liberal stop
over at Chicago on both the going
and return trips. The trip is being
promoted under the auspices of the
teaching faculty of the Bonesteel
High School.
A meeting of the Holt County
chapter of the Red Cross met at At
kinson, April 23rd. Officers for the
ensuing year were elected as follows:
Chairman, Dr. W. J. Douglas, At
kinson; Vice-Chairman, Dr. Gill, of
Chambers; Secretary, H. A. Snyder,
Atkinson; Treasurer, F. H. Swingley,
It was voted to employ a Health
Nurse for the nine school months,
work to begin at the opening of
school in September.
The police dog belonging to Glenn
Merlyn Templeton strayed from the
car in Atkinson on Thursday, April
23rd; she answers to the name of
Joan; is rather shy. Reward.
W. C. Templeton.
Ewing, Nebraska
May 2 .... “Omaha Night Owls”
10-Piece, Colored
May 9 “Smiling Billy Stewart”
13-Piece, Colored
May 16. “McDonald’s All Stars”
12-Piece, White
Baby Chicks every week. Heavy
breeds, 11 to 12 cents; Leghorns and
mixed heavy, 9 to 10 cents; surplus
chicks 6 cents each. All flocks blood
tested.—O’Neill Hatchery. 41
R. C. Rhode Island Red hatching
eggs, 20 cents per doz. Phone 3F210.
—Mrs. Frank Pribil Jr., O’Neill, Ne
braska. 40-1 lp
Baby Chicks every Monday. Heavy
breeds $10 per 100; Leghorns and
heavy surplus, $8 per 100; light mix
ed, $6 per 100. Purina Starter, Pig
Chow, Peat Litter, Oyster Shells.—
O’Neill Hatchery. 49
Mammoth Bronze Turkey Eggs
from 100 large, heavy-boned females
that weigh 25 to 28 pounds at year
lings; mated to toms from fine exhi
bition stock. Can furnish unrelated
matings. Price 36c each or $25 per
100.—Mrs. J. R. Slack, Merriman,
Nebraska. 47-3
All leading heavy' breeds, from
purebred flocks, $10 per 100; heavy
assorted all purebred, $9 per 100 pre
paid. Shellmaker Peat Moss and
Chloraide always on hand.
46-tf Atkinson Hatchery
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
Dressmaking.—Clara Aim.
mg.—W. B. Graves. O’Neill. 30-tf
For wall papering, Murescoing,
and odd jobs, call Dave Loy, phone
278. 49-2
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See R. H, Farker,
O’Neill, Nebraska. 27-tf
Lost: A bunch of keys, on the
streets of O’Neill, April 21st; re
ward.—F. J. Biglin. 48-2
Fuller Brush Company has created
an opening in this community for a
man capable of qualifying for ex
ecutive' position within 9 0 days.
Write or call 526 Trimble Bldg.,
Sioux City, Iowa. 49-1
Any child of school age may have
their name placed on their fountain
pen for 25c. Any pen purchased in
the future will have the owner’s
name stamped on it free.—Graves
Jewelry. 46tf
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
announces that they are anxious to
secure farm loans at this time. All
those desiring a loan, call on Jas. F.
O'Donnell, Secretary- and submit an
application. 35
Lower Prices—Kodak Finishing
25c currency, stamps or money or
der will develop a film and deliver
you six high gloss prints. Mail to the
O’Neill Photo Co. with this advertise
ment. 47-6
WANTED: A man to sell a well
known line of Household Products in
Holt County. Salary and commission
paid. A good car is required. Inter
ested parties write age, qualifications
and three references to Box 555, Keo
kuk, Iowa. 48-3
—Buy it in O’Neill—
For Sale: Brood sows.—Ray Noble.
Three ice boxes for sale.—A. V.
Virgin. 49-1
For Sale: Buffet, in good condi
tion.—Mrs. H. L. Bennett. 49tf
Ever bearing Strawberry plants
for sale.—Willard Anrold. 47-3
For Sale: Turkey Eggs, §1.25 per
setting.—C. T. Simonson, Agee. 47tf
For Sale: Spotted Pole male hog;
also seed corn.—Orville Griffith. 40tf
For Sale: 5-room house, partly
modern, in excellent condition.—J. M.
Seybold. 46tf
For Sale: 250-egg size Super
Hatcher incubator in No. 1 condition,
price §15. Inquire at The Frontier
office. 48-2t.
For Sale: Modern residence, close
in; also a store buiding. I also have
some second-hand farm machinery
and furniture for sale cheap.—Peter
Reifer. 44tf
For Sale: Deep kerneled early yel
low seed corn, picked before frost;
shelled and graded; S2.50 per bu. See
this corn any day but Sunday.—Fay
A. Puckett. 48tf.
The Southeast Quarter of Section
7, township 31, Range 10, now occu
pied by Ross Ridgeway; this land is
well improved; good clay soil; also
the Charles Wrede ranch, consisting
of 1680 acres, and 480 acres of school
land, all in one body; also house and
lot in O'Neill, two doors east of Ga
lena Lumber Yard. See Chas. and
John Wrede. 464t.
—Buy it in O’Neill—
For Rent: My house: call 171J
49tf Mrs. Olive Pendergast.
5-room house for rent, 2nd door
west of Presbyterian church.—Mrs.
C. Smith. 49tf
Furnished apartments for light
housekeeping. Phone 330J.—Mrs.
Ella Riley. 35tf
For Rent: All modern 7-room
house, including electric range and
Weir furnace; close in. Phone 171-J.
Buy one book at 75c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
(First publication April 30, 1931)
The Ballou Banking Company.
Thomas F. Shufflebotham and all
persons having or claiming any inter
est in Southwest Quarter Section 26,
Township 28 North. Range 11 West
6th Principal Meridian in Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown,
defendants, are notified that on April
29, 1931 Jacob Pribil, plaintiff filed
a petition and commenced an action
in the District Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, against you, the object of
which is to have plaintiff decreed to
be the owner of the real estate above
described; to have the title to said
premises quieted in plaintiff; to have
you decreed to have no title to or in
terest in said premises; and to re
move the clouds cast on plaintiff’s
title by reason of your claims.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before June 8, 1931.
49-4t. Jacob Pribil, Plaintiff.
(First publication April 23, 1931)
Estate No. 2231.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, April 21, 1931.
In the matter of the Estate of
Martha E. King, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are hereby
notified that the time limited for pre
senting claims against sail estate is
August 14, 1931, and for the payment
of debts is April 16, 1932 and that on
May 14,1931, and on August 15, 1931,
at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will
be at the County Court Room in said
county to receive, examine, hear, al
low, or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
(County Court Seal.)
48-3t. County Judge
(First publication April 9, 1931)
The Elkhorn Life & Acci
dent Insurance Company.
George \Y. Liess, Clemen
tine Liess, Mrs. Marion NOTICE
Boyd Gerfen, Mr. Gerfen,
husband of Mrs. Marion
Boyd Gerfen, first and real
name unknown, and John
Y'ou are hereby notified that on the
15th day of July, 1929, The Elkhorn
Life & Accident Insurance Company,
plaintiff herein, filed a petition in the
above entitled cause in the District
Court of Holt County, Nebraska,
against George W. Liess, Clementine
Liess, Mrs. Marion Boyd Gerfen and
Mr. Gerfen, husband of Mrs. Marion
Boyd Gerfen, first and real name un
known, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a mortgage
executed on the 1.3th day of January,
1927, by George W. Liess and Clem
entine Liess upon the property des
cribed as follows, to-wit: The North
West Quarter (NWii) of Section
Twenty (20), Township Thirty-one
inuilii, ivange inirteen vio;
West of the Sixth P. M. in Holt
County, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of the sum of $3,000.00, due
and payable on the 1st day of Febru
ary, 1932; that there is now due and
payable on said mortgage $3,000.00
with interest at six per cent from
August 1, 1929, $90.00 interest coup
on with ten per cent interest from
August 1, 1928, $90 interest coupon
with interest at ten per cent from
February 1, 1929, and $90 interest
coupon with interest at ten per cent
fiom August 1, 1929, for which sum,
with interest and costs, plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants
be required to pay the same and that
in default of such payment said
premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said
petition on the 18th day of May, 1931.
Dated this 3rd day of April, 1931.
By Boyle & Koenigstein,
46-4t Its Attorney
Estate No. 2225.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, April 8, 1931.
In the matter of the Estate of Si
mon Simonson, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are hereby
notified that the time limited for pre
senting claims against said estate is
August 7, 1931, and for the payment
of debts is March 26, 1932, and that
on May 7, 1931 and on August 8,
1931, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I
will be at the County Court Room in
said county to receive, examine, hear,
allow, or adjust all claims and ob
jections duly filed.
(County Court Seal.)
46-4t. County Judge
H And get our new low |
interest rate on
Live Stock Loans
Ennis Shoe Hospital
West of the Penney Store
We Aim To Please
All Work Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
You can’t beat our Milk
but you Can \Yhip our
The Best by Test
For sale by
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
John L. Quig
:: Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL ;;