The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1931, Image 8

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Clyde Elkins was at Jim Peters’
recently to have his windmill repair
John and Harry Peter repaired a
windmill for Chas. Martin which was
broken during the storm.
A seven o’clock dinner party was
given at the home of Jim Peter, Sun
day; Miss Agnes Peter acted as host
ess. About ten o'clock that evening
some members of the party surpris
ed the rest of the crowd by bringing
in a couple of freezers of ice cream;
ice cream and cake were served be
fore the guests departed.
Joseph Serck and Rudolph Brach
man were Sunday visitors at the
home of John Peter, Jr.
Miss Agnes Peter called on Mrs.
Chas. Manson, in O’Neill, Sunday
Walter Jutte is able to work as
usual; his am is o. k. again; the mem
ber was dislocated some time ago.
Miss Eloise Davey was unable to
teach school the first of the week on
account of illness.
John and Harry Peter are building
fences this week; they expect to
break more land for crops this com
ing year.
Rudolph Brachman is sporting a
new Ford car, purchased from the
Mellor Motor Co., this week.
(Received last week)
Mr. and Mrs. John Peter, Jr., call
ed on the Cyril Peter family, Sunday
Harry, John and Miss Agnes Peter
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Frank Pribil, Jr.
John Peter Jr., and family visited
Joe Soukup residing north of O’Neill,
Miss Margaret Zuehlke, of near
Chambers, was taken to Norfolk,
where she underwent a couple of op
Joe Peter, of Chambers, called on
Jim Peter, recently about some car
Rudolph Brachman was in Cham
bers on business matters last week.
The roads are in fine shape at
present and many people are taking
advantage of it.
Harry Fox trucked hogs to O’Neill
for George Hansen, Monday.
A. L. Borg purchased a Chevrolet
truck from u dealer at Spencer, last
Walter Thompson and Leon Hig
gins called at the Griffith home Sun
day aftenroon.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and
Merriady Hubby spent Sunday at the
Eric Borg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and
Cecil called at the Harry Fox home
Saturday evening.
Walter Thompson, of near Lynch
is helping at the Rouse Bros., while
Howard is on the sick list.
Mrs. Orville Harrison and daugh
ter, Mary, spent Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. II. Rouse.
Fred Lindburg took a truckload ol
calves to Sioux City, Wednesday, re
turning home Thursday. George Hen.
ifin did the trucking for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
children; Mr and Mrs. George Nelson
and daughter were Sunday dinner
guests at the Fay Puckett home.
Howard Rouse was operated on for
appendicitis, at the Stuart hospital,
on Thursday. Mrs. Rouse returned
home Monday and reported Howard
getting along pretty well.
A large crowd attended the funeral
of John Plessel, which was held at
the P leasant Valley church Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Plessel was an old
time settler in the community.
Mrs. Ted Sessiler was an over
night guest of Mrs. George Hansen,
on Thursday, as the snow and wind
prevented her from going to her
home at Scottviile. Mrs. Sesslier
teaches school at Leonia. /
Claude Hamilton called at the Geo.
Zellers home Tuesday.
Mrs. Clyde Streeter spent the day
in O’Neill, Wednesday of this week.
Clyde Streeter has been helping
Ernest Perkins get in his barley this
Mr. and Mrs. C. A Grass and
daughters, Lura and Kathryn, visit
ed the L. K. Hough home in O’Neill
The Crumley t>oys and Elton and
Arthur Grass visited at the Claude
Hamilton home Monday night. The
evening was spent in playing cards.
Mrs. Carmen and Mrs. Sterner en
tertained the N. O. K. Club, March
19th; a dainty lunch was served and
a good time was enjoyed. Guests of
the club were Mrs. Clarence Stewart
and two daughters, and Miss Laura
Charlie Fox spent Friday evening
at the Frank Griffith home.
Dun Hansen purchased a Farm-All
tractor in Atkinson, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaczor and son
spent Sunday evening at the Will
Devall home.
Charlie box and Bernice Itousch
were Sunday visitors at the Oscar
Lindburg home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griffith and
Cecil called at the Gus Johnson home
Thursday night.
Quite a nice rain visited this vicin
ity Friday night; there was quite a
EVEN in Summer you cannot
make hay without grass, and
even with a large income a man
cannot become rich unless he
The O’Neill National
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $125,000.00
This bank carries no indebted
ness of officers or stockholders.
bit of electricity also.
The sale held at Elmer Hull’s or
Tuesday was well attended every
thing went fairly well.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg and
daughters, Laverne and Helen spent
Sunday at the Sam Robertson home
The Roy Spindler family spent
Sunday at the Frank Griffith home,
Arthur Rouse and Leon Higgins also
called there.
Miss Goldie VanHowe, of Bristow,
spent the week-end visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Lansworth, of
Agee, and other relatives.
C. L. Benson, of Norfolk, and his
father, S. J. Benson, called at the
Will Kaczor home on Sunday. Henry
Krier and sister, Miss Genie, were
dinner guests there.
Several from this vicinity attended
the program by the Men’s Glee Club
of Nebraska Wesleyan, on Sunday
evening at the Methodist church in
O’Neill; the program was excellent
| and the church was packed.
Mr. and Mrs. Merriady Hubby and
baby; Mrs. Raymond Hulshizer, and
William Hubby motored to Cuba,
near Bassett, on Sunday to visit at
the home of Rev. Marts and family;
all rteurned home the same day ex
cept Mrs. Hubby and baby, who re
mained for a few days visit with
home folks.
Mrs. George Hess, of Wayne; Mrs,
Fred Harrison and daughter Leone;
C. L. Benson and daughter Margaret
of Norfolk, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J,
Benson, and also surprised their
brother, Blake, Saturday which was
his birthday anniversary, and they
helped him to celebrate. Mrs. C. L.
Benson came as far as O’Neill where
she stayed with her mother, Mrs.
Alice Roberts, who was on the sick
Charles Mulford and M a h 1 o n
Shearer were chosen as leaders of the
Cleveland Baby Beef Feeders. Ten
boys signed the application blank and
huve their calves weighed in. Nine
active and four associate members
of the Friendly Indians Garden Club
chose Rev. H. D. Johnson of O’Neill
as their leader. These'boys live in
O'Neill and are planning on a booth
for the county fair.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
Dressmaking.—Clara Aim.
Get your Easter Special Ice Cream
at Stannard’s Store.
Wanted: Competent girl to do
housework.—J. B. Ryan. 43
ing.—W. B. Gsaves, O’Neill, 30-tf
.. .»
Stewart-Warner Radios. Come in
and hear them.—W. B. Graves. 28tf
Wanted to Buy: A team of good
work horses that are gentle.*—Inquire
at this office. 45-1 p
Wanted, immediately: A middle
aged housekeeper, by a bachelor. In
quire at this office. 45-lp
Painting, carpentering and any
kind of work; prices reasonable.-—
Fred E. Nielson. 45tf
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebraska. 27-tf
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
announces that they are anxious to
secure farm loans at this time. All
those desiring a loan, call on Jas. F.
O’Donnell, Secretary and submit an
application. 36
WANTED—Man with car to oper
ate profitable retail business in Holt
County. No experience necessary.
Must be honest and industrious. No
capital required. Write Dr. Ward’s
Medical Co., Winona, Minnesota. Es
tablished 185C. 43-4t
Buy one book at 76c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
We have one of the largest displays
of Monuments in north Nebraska.
We have Rock of Ages and Foreign
Granites; we have no agents. Why
buy from pictures when you can
come to Plainview—less than fifty
miles away, and buy from the dis
play on the floor. By coming to
Plainview you can save 25% commis
sion usually taken by agents. No
matter how large or small the monu
ment is that is wanted, we have it.
Reference: the First National Bank,
O’Neill.—Plainview Monument Co.,
Plainview, Nebraska. 45-3
Your Eyes are your
most important poss
ession. They deserve
the best that science,
and experience can give them.
The Perrigo Optical Company will
have a trained specialist at the Gol
den Hotel, O’Neill, Saturday, April
11th. He will tell you the truth about
your Eyes and if glasses are needed
the price will be reasonable. Come
early and save time. 45
Beha Hotel for rent.—W. G. Beha.
O’Neill, Nebraska. 45tf
Furnished heated room for rent.—
Mrs. Peter Ryan. 24tf
Furnished apartments for light
housekeeping. Phone 330J.—Mrs.
Ella Riley. 35tf
For Rent: Furnished three-room
apartment in Naylor building.—Mrs.
J. A. Naylor. 44tf
For Rent: Seven acres at edge of
town, five-room house, good barn and
other buildings. Telephone Number
2, O’Neill. 44-2
if RiversidePark |i
♦♦ M
♦4 44
*♦ M
|j Sat. Night, April 4th jj
—Music By—
Dave’s Blue Chasers jj
of O’Neill
I - I
jl Sun. Night, April 5th ji
—Music By— jj
|| Vernon McDonald, Himself jj
jj And his 11-I’iece Band. The jj
| jj Pioneers of the West. Come jj
| jj out and hear them.
| Everybody Welcome jj
jj E. D. HOOVER jj
Lost: Saturday, March 28 on main
road cast of O’Neill to county high
way running north, a man’s traveling
bag, with name Sam Nelson, Ther
mopolis, W'yo. Liberal reward; re
turn to Sam Nelson or to this office.
HI Strayed ||j
Strayed March 20th from my place
one white-faced heifer, branded V on
right hip. Reward.—J. C. Stein. 44tf
Baby Chicks every week. Heavy
breeds, 11 to 12 cents; Leghorns and
mixed heavy, 9 to 10 cents; surplus
chicks 6 cents each. All flocks blood
tested.—O’Neill Hatchery. 41
R. C. Rhode Island Red hatching
eggs, 20 cents per doz. Phone 3F210.
—Mrs. Frank Pribil Jr., O’Neill, Ne
braska. 40-1lp
For a limited time, all Purebred
heavy Baby Chicks $10 per 100.—At
kinson Hatchery. 42tf
High quality Baby Chicks for sale.
First hatch March 2 and every week
after that date. Also custom hatch
ing.—Atkinson Hatchery. 39tf
Modern house for rent. Phone 274..
Mrs. J. J. McCafferty. 43tf
One yearling Hereford bull for
sale.—Robt. Tomlinson. 45-1
For Sale: Good player piano; good
terms.—Norb Uhl, or call 34. 451
Six stacks baled hay and 2 stacks
loose hay for sale.—Dan Sullivan. 451
Everbrite oil heater for sale; in
gcfbd condition.—Mrs. R. M. Sauers.
For Sale: Spotted Pole male hog;
also seed corn.—Orville Griffith. 40tf
Merriman’s Home Bakery, Dough
nuts, Brown Bobbies, Cup Cakes.
Opposite Postoffice. 45-4
For Sale: Two thoroughbred white
face bulls, 2 and 3 years old.—Ed
Matthews, phone 10F210. 45-lp
For Sale: Deep kerneled early Yel
low Seed Corn, picked before frost,
$21 per acre.—Fay A. Puckett. 45tf
For Sale: Modern residence, close
in; also a store buiding. I also have
some second-hand farm machinery
and furniture for sale cheap.—Peter
Reifer. 44tf
For Sale: 1 Ice Refrigerator, same
as new; 1 4-hole Red Star Oil Stove,
large oven. Priced right for quick
sale. See them at the Interstate Pow
er Company. 43tf
(First publication March 19, 1931)
In the Matter of the Appli
cation of Joseph Schollmey
er, Administrator of the Es
tate of Tressa Jones, De- ORDER
ceased, for license to sell 1
Real Estate.
Now, on this 12th day of March, A.
D., 1931, this cause came on for hear
ing upon the application and petition
of Joseph Schollmeyer, administrat
or of the estate of Tressa Jones, De
ceased, for license to sell deceased’s
undivided one-half (V6) interest in
and to the following:
The Southwest Quarter (SWVi)
of Section Twenty-seven (27),
Township Thirty-two, (32,)
Range Ten (10), Holt County,
The East Half (EV4s) of the
Southeast Quarter (SE V4) of Sec
tion Twenty-eight (28), Town
ship Thirty-two (32), Range Ten
(10), Holt County, Nebraska.
The Northeast Quarter (NEVi)
of the Northeast Quarter (NEVi)
of Section Thirty-three (33),
Township Thirty-two (32) Range
Ten (10), Holt County, Nebras
The Northwest Quarter (NWVi)
of the Northeast Quarter (NEVi )
and the North Half (NV6) of the
Northwest Quarter (NWVi) and
the Southwest Quarter (SWVi)
of the Northwest Quarter (NW
V4) and the Northwest Quarter
(NWli) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SWVi), all in Section Thirty
four (34), Township Thirty-two
(32), Range Ten (10), West of
the Gth P. M., Holt County, Ne
for the purpose of paying the debts
owing by said deceased and said es
tate, and it appearing to the Court
from the petition that there is not
sufficient personal estate in the hands
of said administrator or in existence
to pay the debts owing by said de
ceased and said estate, and the ex
pense of administration, and that it
is necessary to sell the interest in
real estate for the payment of such
debts and expenses.
IT IS, THEREFORE, ordered that
all persons interested in said estate
appear before the District Court of
Holt County, Nebraska, at the Court
House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the
30th day of April, A. D., 1931, at ten
o’clock a. m., to show cause why a li
cense should not be granted to Jos
eph Schollmeyer, administrator of
the estate of Tressa Jones, Deceas
ed, to sell the undivided one-half in
terest in the real estate above des
cribed, together with the improve
ments thereon, to pay such debts and
It is further ordered that notice of
the time and place of such hearing be
given by publishing a copy of this or
der for four successive weeks in The
Frontier, a weekly newspaper print
ed, published and of general circula
tion in Holt County, Nebraska.
Robert R. Dickson,
43-4t District Judge
(First publication March 19, 1931)
Forrest Lear, Special Master
Federal Building,
i>iorioiK, ixenrasha
PUBLIC NOTICE-is hereby given
that, by virtue of an order of sale is
sued out of the District Court of the
United States for the District of Ne
braska, Norfolk Division, and in pur
suance of the decree of said court
rendered at the September 1929 term
of said court, towit: On the 3rd day
of June, 1930, in an action therein
pending numbered 167-Equity, where
in The Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company is plaintiff, and James E.
Mott, Dollie M. Mott and Tukey Mort
gage Company, are defendants,
whereby the mortgage in said action
on the property hereinafter described
was foreclosed, I, Forrest Lear, as
Special Master of said court, by vir
tue of the authority in me vested as
such Master under the decree and or
der of sale issued to me a3 such Mas
ter, will on the 20th day of April,
1931, at 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon,
at the entrance of the county court
house at O’Neill, the county seat of
Holt County, Nebraska, at the usual
place where sheriff’s sales of land
are made in said county, sell at pub
lic auction to the high^§t bidder for
cash, the property on which said
mortgage was foreclosed, which said
property is situate in the County of
Holt, and State of Nebraska, and
known and described as follows, to
The Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (SWViSWVi)
of Section numbered Fourteen
(14); the South Half of the
Southeast Quarter (S^SEVi),
East Half of the Southeast Quar
ter of the Southwest Quarter
(E%SEt4SWVi) of Section num
bered Fifteen (15), the East Half
of the East Half of the North
west Quarter (E^E^NWVi),
the East Half of the Northeast
Quarter of the Southwest Quar
ter (E»4NEV4SW»4), the North
west Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter (NWViSEH), the North
east Quarter (NE14), the East
Half of the Southeast Quarter
(EVfcSE'/i), the Southwest Quar
ter of the Southeast Quarter
(SWUSEVi), the East Half of
the Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (EV&SE14
SWM), in Section numbered
Twenty-two (22), all in Town
ship numbered Thirty-two (32),
North, Range numbered Ten
(10), West of the 6th P. M., con
taining in all 540 acres, more or
less, according to Government
Survey, situate in Holt County,
io sausiy me piaintm in tne sum ot
$11244.78, with interest thereon at the
rate of 10% per cent per annum from
June 3, 1930, which amount is de
creed to be a first lien upon the mort
gaged premises hereinbefore describ
ed, and to satisfy the sum of $75.60,
costs shown on said order of sale,
and the accruing costs and expenses
of said sale; the proceeds of sale to
be applied on confirmation of said
sale, as follows: (1) to the unpaid
costs of said suit that have accrued
and may accrue; (2) to payment to
plaintiff of the sums found to be due
it, with interest thereon, as in said
decree provided, and its costs expend
ed, and (3) the surplus, if any, to be
paid to such defendant as may be
found at that time to be entitled
All as provided by said order of
sale and decree.
Said sale will be held open one
hour at the time and place aforesaid.
United States District Court
for the District of Nebras
43-5 ka, Norfolk Division.
(First publication March 12, 1931)
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned have formed a corpora
tion under the laws of the State of
Nebraska, the name of which cor
poration is “T. V. Golden Inc.,” and
its principal place of transacting busi
ness is O’Neill, Nebraska. The pur
poses for which said corporation is
formed are to buy, own, sell, mort
gage, lease and deal in real estate
and personal property; to acquire,
hold, use, lease, sell, mortgage, as
sign, convey or otherwise dispose of
real estate and all other kinds of
property; to execute deeds, notes,
mortgages, leases, assignments and
transfers of real and personal prop
erty; to take, hold, hypothecate, as
sign, collect or dispose of all kinds of
obligations; to borrow money, exe
cute notes and mortgages, pledge,
lease or hypothecate any or all of its
real and personal property to secure
the payment of money borrowed by
it, or as security for any obligation
which said corporation may incur;
and generally to do all things neces
sary to carry bn a general real estate
business. The capital stock of the
corporation shall consist of 500 shares
of non-assessable common stock of
the par value of $100 per share, and
no share of stock shall be issued un
til fully paid for. No business shall
be transacted by the corporation until
the entire capital stock is subscribed
and fully paid for. The time of com
mencement of the corporation shall
be March 12, 1931 and the lime of
termination shall be 50 years from
that date. The aifairs of the corpora
tion shall be conducted by a board of
five directors, four of whom shall con
stitute a quorum for the. transaction
of business. The highest amount of
indebtedness to which the corpora
tion may at any time subject itself
shall not exceed an amount equal to
two-thirds of the paid-up capital
Dated this 12th day of March, 1931.
Lily Morgan
Martina G. Dishner
Bernice Kinsman
Clear Golden
42-5 Maxwell Golden
(First publication March 26, 1931)
Estate No. 2231.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, March 24th, 1931.
In the matter 'of the Estate of
Martha E. King, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that a peti
tion has been filed in, said Court for
the probate of a written instrument
purporting to be the last will and
testament of Martha E. King, De
ceased, and for the appointment of
Clyde N. King as executor thereof;
that April 16th, 1931, at 10 o’clock
A. M., has been set for hearing said
petition and proving said instrument
in said Court when all persons con
cerned may appear and contest the
probate thereof.
(County Court Seal)
44-3t. County Judge
And get our new low h
|| interest rate on
Live Stock Loans
| Agent
| Dr. C. H. Lubker 1
Douglas Methods
| Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. |
fJohn N. Stauffer I
City Dray Line I
Dray and Transfer §
Piano Movin*. Phone 325 J
O’Neill Nebraska I
* ■»■■■■■■■■.—. J
| DR. L. A. CARTER jj
Glasses Correctly Fitted,
a One block South 1st Natl. Bank, j
-Phone 72
jj W. F. FINLEY, M. D. |
| Phone, Office 28 j
I O’Neill :: Nebraska j
I Graduate Veterinarian |
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
Ennis Shoe Hospital
West of the Penney Store
We Aim To Please
All Work Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
You can’t beat our Milk
but you Can Whip our
The Best by Test
For sale by
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
John L. Quig
i: Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL ii
: dentist ::
> 11