The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 12, 1931, Image 3

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    -— - . . .
What a relief and satisfaction
it is for mothers to know that there
is always Castoria to depend on
when babies get fretful and uncom
fortable! Whether it's teething,
colic or other little upset, Castoria
always brings quick comfort; and,
with relief from pain, re3tful sleep.
And when older, fast-growing
children get cut of sorts and out of effectjve. it « almost certain to
condition, you have only to give a dear Ui> any minor ai|mcnt ar,d
more liberal dose of tins pure eannot possibly do the youngest
vegetable preparation to right the ^jjj tj,e s|jg|,tC3t harm. So it’s the
disturbed condition quickly. first ^hing; to think of when a child
Because Castoria is made ex- has a coated tongue, is fretful and
pressly for children, it has just the out of sorts. Be sure to get the
needed mildness of action. Yet you genuine; with Chas. 11. 1 letcher'a
can always depend on it to be signature on the package.
_ ..
Doctor’s Way to
move the Bowels
Do your bowels fail you occasion
ally? Are you a chronic sufferer
from constipation and Its Ills? Then
you will be Interested to know of
tills method which makes t'.g
bowels help themselves.
Dr. Caldwell specialized on bowel
Ills. He treated thousands for con
stipation. The prescription he
wrote so many times—which has
been tested by 47 years’ practice
•—can be had of any drugstore to
day. Its pleasant taste and the
way it acts have made It the
world’s largest selling laxative.
“Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin,”
ns it is called, is a skillful com
pound of laxative herbs, pure pep
sin and other mild Ingredients.
Nothing in it to harm even a baby.
Children like its taste. It acts gen
tly, without griping or discomfort.
So It Is Ideal for women or older
people. But even the most robust
man will find Its action thorough,
satisfying. The quick, certain ben
efits millions are securing from
Syrup Pepsin proves a doctor knows
what is best for the bowels.
Next time you feel bilious, head
achy. bloated, gassy, or constipated
take some Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup
Pepsin and see how fine you feel
the next day—and for days to come 1
D*. W. B. Caldwell's
A Doctor's Family Laxative
A “dirt” farmer is one who knows
exactly what crop his dirt is good
for and raises that.
How you feel in the
tells the
real story
THAT’S the
time yet;
should feel li’ce
whistling and singing. Your muscles
should itch to tackle the day’s work.
Your mind should quickly solve the
problem that baffled you the after
noon before. Don’t let your health slip
away so that a night’s rest fails in its
natural recuperative powers. When
you awaken with a “dragged out’’
physical or mental feeling, heed those
bad symptoms. That’s the time you
need a dependable tonic to help restore
your old time energy. Try a bottle
of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis
covery, which is sold by druggists,
Jf a man is a good listener and
rloe-n't say much, it may be because
tie doesn't care.
Carolina Woman
Lost47 Lbs.
In 3 Months and
Feels Years Youngei
“I liave been taking Kruscher.
Salts for nearly 3 months. I liavt
continued taking one teaspoonful in
warm water every mornlDg. I then
weighed ills' pounds, was always
bothered with pains In my back and
lower part of abdomen and sides.
“Now I am glad to say I ant a
well woman, feel much stronger,
years younger and my weight is 170
pounds. I do not only feel better
but 1 look better, so ail my friends
• I shall never be without Kruschen
Sals, will never ceaae taking my
daily <loae and more than glad to
highly recommend it for the great
good that Is in it." Airs. S. A. Solo
mon. New Bern, N. C., Jan. 1930.
"P. K Vou may think I am exagger
81'ng by writing such a long letlei
but truly I feel so indebted to yon
for putting out such wonderful salt*
that I cannot say enough.”
A bottle of Kruschen Salts that
lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at
druggist! the world over. Take one
half teaspoon In a glass of hot wa
ter every morning before breakfast.
Attention to diet v/ill help—cut out
pastry and fatty meats—go light on
potatoes, butter, cream and sugar—
the Kruschen way Is the safe way to
lose fat. Try one bottle and if not
Joyfully satisfied—money back.—Adv.
Average mail who is granted n two
weeks' vacation is satisfied if lie can
nu ke it throe.
Bad Stomach Cause
of Bad Skin
You can’t expect to have a good
clear skin if your stomach is weak and
Undigested food sends poisons
through the body, pimples appear—
skin grows sallow and loses color.
But these troubles will end quickly
and skin clear up if you will start
today taking Tanfac.
Tanlac is made from herbs, barks
and roots. A tablespoonful before each
meal stimulates the digestion natu
rally so that you can digest what you
eat. And when your stomach is in good
shape again watch how quickly skin
begins to clear up. At your druggist’s.
Money back if it dot-an t help you.
Out Our By WiUianu
'There «»ore 1 se/er^Boo^ RoB voo
;<s> OKIE SmnEU. amD NEE-fO E'^eR'Y ©QC>Y
Gus'. tvieRV- -To DEATH. A GOOO GoY
Hina AROomO vaAE> , HE vmQulDn’ LET
'AtE.H 1 COuuO amO, >F HE OOESmT, HEE>
Be i_wTE NiO GOOO • 'aji-uCH \*E
\1HAT A Gooo OOG-Th'OmE
V That B\Te-s» T-V FooT Th'T
———--- Si c/.n.w»uiMM3 I
rou8HTOff_lUe CtOOO (2nW._ g)l93l Bt NEA SERVICE, INC. Z-&]
Modest Bossy Dons Bloomers
In order to catch a number of brown dog ticks and study them,
United States department of agriculture scientists at the Jeanerette, La.,
experimental farm are dressing cows in bloomers. The ticks attack them
selves to the cows for three to five days and drop off. The bloomers col
lect the falling ticks so the scientists can study them. Dr. Charles W.
Rees is shown fitting bloomers to a cow.
William E. Gaffey of Buena
ULsta county, Iowa, is a good farm
er, not the hit-and-miss kind, the
In-and-outer kind, who jumps front
pillar to post in an endeavor to hit
the right thing at a supposedly
right time. No. Gaffey is not that
kind of a farmer. He won't qualify
along that line at all, for he hits
the right thing most all the time,
because he* sticks to the thing that
he knows is good, and he goes after
It with all the energy, and enthus
iasm at his command.
Gaffey's fine farm and home, west
of Storm Lake a couple of miles,
Is what one would describe as a
top notch farm, the home of a man
who knows his business, who applies
business principles to everything he
undertakes, and because of that,
success is a word with which he has
easy familiarity. Gaffey is a nat
ural born farmer. He likes farm
ing. He likes that clcse contact
with nature, and nature’s ways, and
for that very reason, he has budd
ed a far greater success than would
be possible, if he were not in com
plete sympathy with every phase
of his business.
It’s gratifying to record the ac
tivities of such a man as Gaffey,
for he stands for all that’s elevat
ing in his profession. His is an
example for others to pattern after,
to shoot at, so to speak, if the
greatest success is the goal.
Came from Wisconsin
Gaffey is Wisconsin-bred, as were
his parents, bf*t when he shook the
dust of the Badger state from his
feet, he probably didn’t realize that
when he came to Iowa the change
was for the better. But one thing
is certain, after spending the great
er part of his life in the state, and
more than 30 years at his present
location, h?, doubtless, dees not re
gret the move.
Gaffey's connection with Chester
White production is known where
Advertising Best Salesman.
From Minneaooiis Tribune.
Gilbert T. Hodges, of New York,
president of the Advertising Federa
tion or America, put his finger on
a salient fact when he said in his
Minneapolis speech that the surest
way to restore prosperity was for
business to put its “greatest sales
man” back on the job on a full time
basis. The “greatest salesman’’ is
Naturally we recognize the ele
ment of self interest in this state
ment, but the fact that there is such i
a self interest doesn't detract in
the least from the truth of the
statement. One h*V* a nrofC- -
the breed Ls known. Ever since his
residence in Buena Vista county,
he has interested himself in the
raising of a lot of good hogs of
this breed, and the nice thing about
it is, that today he is just as en
thusiastic about the future of the
business as he ever was in the
palmiest days of his career. That’s
Gaffey, through and through, no
discouragement when prices are
down. He knows price trends, he
understands the philosophy of
business, the natural sequence of
business, the rise and fall of prices.
In late years, Gaffey has sold most
of the surplus of his herd at private
treaty, and he’s found it a satis
factory way for the seller and buy
er alike. Farmers and breeders who
patronize the herd year after year
know that his hogs stand the test,
and that’s the thing that interests
them when they buy.
Expert Feeder, Too
Gaffey is an expert cattle feeder,
tco. It's doubtful if the county in
which he lives can show one who
is more successful. He feeds around
100 head each year, preferring to
buy the well bred calf of the lead
ing beef breeds, and they are on the
farm for about a year before they
are headed marketward.
Last summer, Gaffey had his
usual quota in his yards, and it
was a nice bunch. Along in July,
they were ready to go at anytime,
but the market was in a nose dive,
and things looked dark. But Gaf
fey refused to be stampeded. He
therefore "sat tight” and let the
slump take its course, feeling that
there would be an upward swing
in price when climatic conditions
changed. Pis sound reasoning
saved the day, for prices came back
to an appreciative level, and when
Gaffey’s five loads went to market,
they were the outstanding cattle on
sale tiiat day—and they made a fair
profit for their owner.
Gaffey is one of the best farmers
able interest in the fact that twice
two is four, but the multiplication
table is none the less right.
The difference between good
times and bad times, considered
from the business viewpoint, is sim
ply the difference In the rate of ex
change of commodities. In good
times commodities are exchanged
rapidly and in bad times they art
exchanged slowly. As the dollar
passes from hand to hand, quickly
or slowly, so we have business pros
perity or business depression.
Advertising is the greatest stimul
ant for increasing the exchange
rate of goods, otherwise the United
States would not normally be spend
in his community. He’s a legume
enthusiast, and he believes that
barnyard manure has no substitute.
He uses hundreds of loads every
year and as a result, his farm is in
a high state of fertility. Gaffey
has an able assistant now in his
son, Lewis, and he has all the ear
marks of a successful business man.
Gaffey and son are headliners in
their chosen field. Men who know
their business, and who don’t make
bad breaks are always successful.
This statement is incontestable as
measured by any rule of successful
---■» » — -.
( lederat
Research which has extended
over years has finally brought to
the United States what is expected
to be a satisfactory parasite of the
Japanese beetle. The parasitic in
sect, according to department of
agriculture reports, is known by the
high sounding name of Tiphla popil
liavora Rohwer. The female of the
species is the one which attacks
the beetle.
Cottonseed meal as a fertilizer
Is growing more popular in the
United States, figures of the bureau
of agricultural economics show
During the year ending July 31,
1930, 215,000 short tons of the meal
were used for fertilizer. During 1929
only 183,000 short tons were used.
With the addition of the Hia
watha National forest to those
under the control of the forest ser
vice, the total number now set aside
by the United States is 150. The
new forest, recently proclaimed bj
President Hoover, has a gross area
of 270,071 acres in the heart of
Michigan’s upper peninsula. ,
Lack of production records on
cows s a great handicap to dairy
men, O. E. Reed, chief of the bu
reau of dairy industry, informs. Ai
present records of only two and a
half per cent of all the dairy cattle
in the country are being kept. In
Denmark records are being kept oi
31.3 per cent of the cattle. The aver
; age cow production in the United
States is only 4,600 pounds of milk
a year. The average in Denmark u
nearly half again more.
Forest rangers are all up in the
air in eastern national forests as
the result of the erection of nevi
type fire towers. In place of the
"tree towJ.s” which classed the
rangers as “tree sitters,” new steel
structures have been erected which
are from 65 to 130 feet tall. The
one shown here is in the Ocala na
tional forest in Florida, and enablei
a ranger to see from 10 to 20 miles
Inset is an old type "tree tower.”
More than one fifth of Illinois
most valuable grain crop, corn, h
lost every year • through diseases
i which could be controlled, accord
ing to the college of agriculture,
University of Illinois.
Farmers in the corn belt who art
operating with no legumes or with a
very small percentage of them ir
their rotation may be losing as much
as $7.50 an acre in production re
turns which these legumes give.
j ing a billion dollars a year on this
salesman. According to Mr. Hodges
when business took its sharp re
bound from the heights after the
stock market crash, business cut its
advertising appropriation 25 pel
cent. The incentive to buy was re*
i duccd and buying was reduced. Afc
* tlon followed reaction until the
country hit the bottom. Business be
gan to realize that in order to sell
' goods it had to have salesmen. To
the extent that its “greatest sales
man” w'as back on tire job sales in
i creased.
rirst Aid—Home
Remedy W^cek” Coming
Chicago.—Kirst Aid-Home Item
edy Week, Sterling Products' “bet
ter merchandising and greater ad
vertlsing hit by,” celebrates its tenth
anniversary March 13-21. Druggists
everywhere will co operate. “Kill
That Medicine Chest Now!” ts the
slogan of action. The National As
sociation of Retail Druggists spun
sored the event lu 1922, aud with the
National Wholesale Druggists’ Asso
ciation and National Association of,
Retail Drug Clerks have, with other ;
organizations, massed ttieir energies ;
for success of this movement for the
abolition of much needless suffering
and often the salvage of life.
Dr. W. K. Weiss was first to okay
the idea ns a splendid aid to pre
paredness for unexpected illness 01
accident. This is stressed as sens!
hie insurance for immediate relief.
The every spring festival of sales
is a fixture of housec'leaning time.
Sterling Products is giving a tenth
anniversary surprise party to every
druggist in America—for the Do
minion as well as the States endorses
lids idea of n more intensive adver
tising effort in Drugdoiu. Replacing
the old streamers there lias been
adopted n colorful poster represent
ing a filled medicine chest display
ing 1 ho slogan of each par.t success:
“Kill That Medteii.a Chest Now.”
Avoid Burns from
Mtistard Plasters
When you have Rheumatic or Muscu
lar Pains in the hack, chest or limbs or
if you have a cold coming on, try this
jimple treatment. It is more convenient,
safer, cleaner and more effective than
mustard plaster.
Get a bottle of Hoff’s Liniment and ap
ply it with brisk rubbing. Then saturate
a cloth with Hoff’s and apply to the pain
ful area and in a few minutes you will
feel the warming and stimulating effect
yf this powerful liniment
Hoff’s is different from ordinary lini
ments that are applied with rubbing
alone. It brings a quick flow of blood to
the affected area, reducing congestion
and relieving pain. Get an eight ounce
bottle of your druggist today for 60 cents.
If you do not get relief in 30 minutes he
is authorized to refund your money.
Goodrich - Gamble Company, St Paul,
War on Injects
Brazil plans to use thousands of
parasites to fight the Insect plague
which infests a third of the country’s
coffee plantations.
Act Promptly When Warned
By Kidney Irregularities.
When bladder irritations,
getting up at night and con
stant backache keep you miser
able, don't take chances! Help
your kidneys at the first sign
of disorder. Use Doan's Pills.
" Successful for more than 50
years. Endorsed by hundreds
of thousands of grateful users.
Garfield i ea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stom
ach and Intestinal
111. This good old
fashioned herb
homo remedy for
c o n s t i o a tlon,
ills nnd
other derange*
j meats of the sys
tem so prevalent these days Is In
even greater favor ns a family med
icine than in your grandmother's
ass G<moV\s
and colds wear down £
your strength and
vitality. Boschee’s ^
Syrup soothes instantly—
ends coughs quickly. Re
druggists Syrup
1 >on’t get the big head because
you happen to get ahead.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription maken
weak women strong. No alcohol. Hold
by druggists in tablets or liquid.—Adv.
By doubting we come at truth.
The daily press tells of increasing numbers of cases of
sore throat. A sore throat is a menace to the person
who has it, and to those around him. Don’t neglect
the condition. Check the soreness and the infection
with Bayer Aspirin 1 Crush three tablets in tumbler
ful of water and gargle well. You can feel the im
mediate relief. The soreness will be relieved at once.
The infection will be reduced. Take Bayer tablets for
your cold; and for relieving the aches and pains common
to colds. Bayer Aspirin brings quick comfort in
neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc. Get the genuine,
with the Bayer cross on each tablet: