"SCIENCE rescues the DEAFENED” by Floyd Gibbons Noted journalist describes his visit to a leading clectro-acoustic lab oratory. Everyone w ho Is herd of bearing should read it. Reprinted front the Reviewcf Reviews. Send 2jf stamp to Dept. A-59 SCNOTONE 19 West 44th St. New York City South America Unique South Anieiicit is slie only conti nent in which no places below sea level have beet found. EXCESS ACID SICKENS—GET RID OF IT! Sour stomach, Indigestion, gas. us ually mean excess acid. The stom ach nerves have been ever-stimulat ed. Food sours in tlio stomach. Correct excess acid with an allcall. Tiie best form of alkali Is Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. It works instantly. The stomach becomes sweet. Your henrtI>urn, gas, headache, biliousness or indigestion lias vanished! Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia is the pleasant way—the elTicient way to relieve the effects of over-acidity. Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia has been standard with doctors for over 50 years. 25c and 50c bottles at drug gists. Wisconsin Woman Lost 11 Lbs. “Have been taking Krusclien Salts for fat reduction—am on my second bottle—I lost 11 pounds in six weeks and feel line—Krusclien sure gives you a lot of vim and pep." Krusclien Salts are used daily by millions all over tlie world not only to take off fat from overweight peo ple but to rejuvenate llie entire sys tem. One bottle of Krurchen Palls (lasts 4 weeks) costs but S5c and one bot tle will prove of vast benefit to peo ple who have constipation, headaches, indigestion, nervousness, rheuma tism. depression, acidity and auto intoxication. Not only that but one bottle will bring about body activity—Increase In energy, vigor and ambition, spar kling eyes and freedom from pimples and blemishes—millions know all this —you ought to know it. Take one half teaspoon in a glass of hot water every morning before break fast—walk a little each day—rut down on sweets and fat forming foods. Sold by druggists America over with the distinct understanding that one bottle will help you lose fat or money back.—Adv. The sharper a man is the harden it is to make a tool of him. f)r. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bovrcl3 and stomach. One little Pellet fot c kzative—three for a cathartic.—Adv. Learn to be a good loser. You are sure to need the knowledge. Avoid Baras from Mustard Plasters When you have Rheumatic or Muscu nr Pains in the back, chest or limbs oi if you have a cold coming on, try this simple treatment. It is mere convenient, safer, cleaner and more effective than mustard plaster Get a bottle of Hoff’s Liniment and ap ply it with brisk rubbing. Then saturate u cloth with Hoff’s and apply to th«- pain ful area and in a few minutes you will feel the warming and stimulating effect of this powerful liniment. Hoff's is different from ordinary lini ments that are applied with rubbing alone. It brings a quick flow of blood to the affected area, reducing congestion and relieving pain. Get an eight ounce bottle of your druggist today for 60 cents If you do not get relief in 30 minutes he is authorized to refund your money. Goodrich • Gamble Company, St. Paul, Minnesota. His Schooling “Joe. am 1 the first girl you ever kissed?" “Yes, dear, I got my tech nique at tlie movies.” }r $ Take Boschee’s Syrup and coughing stops at ! Relieveswhercothersfail Contains nothing injurious—but, oh, so effective! GUARANTEED. Boschee's &S- Sytup Dollars by Weight Approximately 4‘j:i new onedollai bills weigh one pound. ■_■ Sioux City Ptg. Co., No. 9 -1931. Out Our Way__By Wiiiiam* /mhaT OlO /hear R'M PoT 0OS\MESs\^OH,HE!s TusT AFRA'D \ Father OO ? I / om Th' e^° There ? x j he's iwheptco some r his oC mam am’ ( vjoRv^m'Buooo am’ oh , MV faiher - l ram a STEAM SHOVEL ,\ l<5> -fo OET R\0 '^‘‘Wi MV FATHER I BoT MOT TrV ©oS'MESS. OF »T. TELL 'EM SOoR RAM A STEAM / T dOmV MHoW WHATS Comim' qC. MAM V^ORvfe.0 HARD <£>HOVlEL. OVER SOME PEOPLE .THESE AkJ- THES’lL HAmO SCO Busimess OAVS-THEV hate to admit A Shovel - “Tell'em "THE\R AwCLEmGRS VA/oRHED SOUR OL. MAM W5Mf FOR A UVtM’ *-TMEV vjehg vAJORH Am' THES CL ALL ARISTOCRATS . I OOMT I HAMO sou a O TA'R - Blame 'em For Bum afraid / hum.tm mature a>mt_ \ VoF VJORH.BoT VAiHV Be \rvvAviiEO MuCH S'MCt/ vjx———. ashamed of n>: x^9,- lj—~~ J U A. /^cl ^-zr^=s v O 4j-.F?.WiL\.ib»ms> _ "Ti-A€L NNORV'ftMCt STRWM. <*M»31 »V NCA SERVICE, V BtGU 3. PAT. Oft. ........—_:_ • -I— THAT’S ANDY MELLON’S WAY. R. H. L. in Chicago Tribune. Se’s first in war and first in peace, He always stands the test; And when he says “No bonus!" We know that that is best. And though old soldiers yearn for cash To keep the wolf away, Our peerless leader never bends; ^ That's Andy Mellon’s way. When hideous war came on the world, And filled us all with fear. We heard his voice say firmly: “Don’t worry, I am here!" He took the flag and grabbed * gun, They could not say him nay; “To hell with ships,” he cried, “I’ll swim!" That’s Andy Mellons way. At last he reached dear Sunny France, And hitch-hiked to the front; Through shot and shell and shrap nel He bore the battle’s brunt, He'd dash right at the enemy, And run ’em round all day, And then he'd chase ’em all the night; That’s Andy Mellon's way. “God's sake!” the Germans wildly cried. As ’round and ’round he dart; “This here hain’t war, its murder; Say, fellow, have a heart!" He caught their bullets in his teeth, He ground ’em into clay, He kicked their cannon right and left; That’s Andy Mellon's way. He chased the crown prince up a tree, Broke Hindenburg's front line; He smacked the shock troops on the snoot, And jumped across the Rhine, “Don’t shoot!" the kaiser hollered, “I surrender right away!” The war it ended then and there; That’s Andy Mellon’s way. And now throughout our happy land Sweet peace and plenty dwell, And every one is prosperous, Lykell, lykell, lykell. The soldiers they sell apples, Reward enough we say; For we must watch our stocks and bonds; That’s Andy Mellon’s way. English Develop New Train Control System London—(UP)—During the last year British railroads have devel oped a system of automatic train control. It is understood that the main lines will be equipped during the present year. The system gives audible warning of the state of the signals to the engineer in his cab. It works con tinously and when visibility is bad, or there is fog, the driver is able to “hear” his way. At the present time one company Is conducting magnetic automatic train control tests for increasing safety. ---• «-: “TRANSMITTING BRAIN’* London—There will be no eaves dropping on trans-Atlantic tele phone conversation now as a result of the invention of an electrical “transmitting brain” and “translat ing brain.” One machine takes a telephone conversation and garbles it so that an eavesdropper hears nothing but gibberish. The other rearranges the sounds into intel ligible form. -— -♦♦ RAIN OF MUD Paris—It seldom rains cats and dogs here, but citizens received a very unpleasant ducking recently Ireland on Sound Basis. Shaemas O'Sheel in CommonweaL The Irish Free State is one of the few European countries compara tively prosperous. The national debt, including bonds and other obliga tions, amounts to £22,528.000. The revenue from taxes for the fiscal year 1929-30 was over £24,172,000. Expenditure is kept well within re ceipts. The place given to education m the Free State budget is not ible; in the estimates for the fis cal year ending March 31, 1931, £4, 100,000 is ear marked for that serv out of a total of £22,800.000. The Irish budget has balanced from he first. Meanwhile the adverse Winners Iowa Pig Crop Contest II Use of a mature, big boned good type boar as shown in the upper left hand picture, raising the pigs in movable hoghouses on clean pasture as shown in the upper right hand picture and the use of mature sows for breeding stock and properly balanced rations enabled Earl Colville, Mahaska county farmer, to raise the hogs shown in the lower picture and win first in the Iowa pig crop contest for 1930 conducted by the Ex tension Service at Iowa State college. The hogs shown are cross-breds and averaged 262.8 pounds at six months of age. Extra Seeds Pay Dividends The above farmer is happy because by increasing the amount of seed used per acre from 10 bushels, which he had been using, to 20 bushels per acre he increased the potato yield by 100 bushels per acre, according to C. L. Fitch, vegetable specialist in the extension'service. At this rate 10 extra seed potatoes in the basket at the left produced the extra yield shown in the basket on the right. when it rained mud for several min utes. A big black cloud hovered over the city and let loose its torrent in the form of red mud. It splashed up cars, pedestrians and buildings. In some places half an incll of the mud remained on the streets. It is said the mud came from the Sahara desert, 1,500 miles away, after being sucked up by a violent storm. ---- LUCKY “NUMBERS’* Tokio—Telephone number brokers trade balance has been reduced by 47 per cent. Property subject to in come tax has increased by nearly $25,000,000. The Free States credit is of the highest. The national loan bonds command a price of 105 in the home market and are at a good premium in Wall street. A recent issue of agricultural credit bonds was oversubscribed at 101 within an hour. The completion and instant suc cess of the Shannon electrification scheme is perhaps the brightest achievement of an Irish govern ment in Irish control. It was orig inally thought that the second stage of this development might have to be initiated within 10 years of the are operating in Japan to secure telephone numbers desired by their customers. If a subscriber is given a number which he considers un lucky, he sees his broker and that worthy purchases his lucky number for him. Some numbers in great de mand bring from $300 to $3,000. The unlucky numbers are generally as signed to police stations. --+* A paradise for cows la the way county agents describe the large acreage of velvet beans planted in North Carolina. completion of the first stage, but in fact, work had to begin on the second stage six months after the current began to flow from the orig inal plant. Cheap and abundant electricity is available to all Tre land. Q. What population must a town have before it is called a city? L. G. A. The bureau of the census says that the population has nothing to do with the matter of a town be ing called a city. This is a matter of state legislation. The post office department says that a town must have 10,000 population before It can be given city mail delivery. . Avoid so far as possible the places where f’u 1 germs are most likely to be spread; over crowded cars and public meeting places; overheated, stuffy rooms. Be careful of close contact with others end beware of all coughors and sneezers; breaihe through the nose, get fresh air, but avoid drafts or chilling. Get lots of rest. Eat plenty of citrus fru'ts. *4 Keep the bowels open. Take extra precau tion to keep In good physical condition, ro your system will have high resistance against germs. Above all, avoid catching colds. They lower your resistance to the flu germ. _ Ward them off. At ti;a first sign of any cold, take Bayer Aspirin and temain in doors if possible until your cold is gone. If you have a sore throat, dissolve some Bayer Aspirin tablets in water and gargle; this will relieve the soreness and reduce the Inflammation. jpb If you have any reason to suspect even a 5 touch of flu, call your doctor at once. Garfield T ea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stom ach and intestinal 111. This good old fashioned herb home remedy for c onstipation. ills and other derange ments ot the sys tem so prevalent these days U In ev en greater favor as a family mod leine than In your grandmother’s day. Wanted—A C’nanci All the average man needs Is a •hai.ee: once he Is given respniicihil ity lie must have (lie opportunity to ■>e himself.—American .Magazine. Sunshine"" —All Winter Lang At the Foremost Desert Re»oit of the West—marvelous climate —warm sunny days—clear starlit nights —dry invigorating air — splendid roads — gorgeous mountare cenes finest hotels—the ideal wirier home Wrlta Crao A Chattev PALM SPRINGS i'atifnrnia ll si i i EKING W ITH III I I Lot mo lit Ip you. L>in|i nip n llm. KItl ti C I WHITNEY, f. 42Stlt St., Drs Moillen, love l .V lent inn—Women, (iirh. Lei u» ehn-v vcr. Sold by dealers every where. 1 50,000 Users Publicly Endorse Doan's; MRS. T. C. COOK. 3223 DARWIN DRIVE. LOS ANGELES.CALIF., *ayc“I had dull, drugging pain, in the small of my buck nnd sometime, sharp pains, too. Headache, and disriness were almost a daily occurrence. The lea«t work tired me so that I could hardly get aba j^. Doan’, Riils however, relieved me of all these symptoms and I felt belter in every way after utrni Doan's.” Doan’s Pills ZBZ A practical joke is one Unit Is bedroom “1100k” is nlioiit at» de n the wrapper