The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1931, Image 2

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O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 13, 1930.
10 o’clock a. m.
Holt County Board met pursuant
to adjournment, all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
Minutes for Oct. 20, 1930 read and
The following election claims were
audited and approved and on motion
allowed on the general fund:
Antelope $34.25
Atkinson 39.10
Atkinson 1st W. _ - 35.70
Atkinson 2nd W. 40.10
Atkinson 3rd W. . 37.00
Chambers .. 45.70
Cleveland 37.30
Coleman 36.25
Conley 36.50
Deloit 42.10
Dustin .— 35.50
Emmet 38.40
Ewing 40.10
Fairview 32.00
Francis _ 31.50
Golden . 38.55
Grattan 88.80
O’Neill 1st W. 44.60
O’Neill 2nd W. 34.50
O’Neill 3rd W. 40.90
Green Valley 85.60
Holt Creek 32.00
Inman 45.00
Iowa 33.50
Josie 35.00
Lake 33.00
McClure 34.00
Paddock 38.10
Pleasantview 29.60
Rock Falls 37.60
Sannd Creek 32.30
Saratoga 32.30
Scott 35.50
Shorn rock 28.35
Sheridan 46.80
Shields 40.40
Steel ('reel; 35.00
Sautrt 47.20
Swan 32.00
Verdigris 43.90
Willowdale 40.00
Wyoming 39.00
The following claim of C. &. N. W.
K. K. IJo. tor ireigni on car
load of snow fence was audited and
approved and on motion allowed on
the road fund.
12 o’clock, noon; on motion board
adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 13, 1930
1 o’clock p. m
Halt county board met pursuant tc
adjournment, all members present
Board called to order by the chair
On motion Board went into a joinl
session with the Department of Pub
lie Works and the County Board ol
Boyd County to open bids on bridgt
at Grand Rapids.
State Aid Project, Grand Rapid.1
Bridge, Boyd and Holt County.
Pursuant to publication of Notice
to Contractors which has been pub
lished for three consecutive weeks ir
a legal newspaper of general eircula
tion in Boyd and Holt counties, call
ing for bids on work to be construct
ed in Boyd and Holt counties the fol
lowing proceedings were had anc
done: Bids were opened, read and
tabulated on November 13, 1930 ir
the office of the County Clerk ir
O’Neill, Nebraska, and joint meeting
was called between the Boyd and
Holt county board of supervisors and
the Department of Public Works, ir
the presence of: R. A. Clifton, Mar
tin Johnson, Jas. A. Curtis, John A
Seiler, G. H. Chittenden, Luke Dar
nell—Boyd County; John Sullivan,
Elmer Gibson, L. E. Skidmore, Hugh
L. James, John Steinhauser, J. C,
Stein, L. C. McKim—Holt County,
representing the county board of su
pervisors of Holt and Boyd counties
and Mr. R. L. Cochran, State Engin
eer, representing the Department ol
Public Works.
Mr. Sullivan nominated Mr. Coch
ran to act as chaiwnan of the joinl
meeting; seconded by Mr. Curtis;
motion carried.
Mr. Clifton made a motion that ar
award of a contract be made to tht
Diamond Eng. Co., of Grand Island
covering bridge work in the total
sum of $21,280.00, and to the West
ern Bridge and Construction Co. cov
ering fills in the sum of $8,667.00
Mr. Steinhuuser seconded the motion
the same was declared carried.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman. Clerk.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 14, 193C
9 o’clock a. m
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment, all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
Minutes for Nov. 13th, also joint
meeting with the Department and
Boyd County read and approved.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the general fund;
L. E. Skidmore_ _ _ 16.00
L. C. McKim 22.40
Hugh L. James ... 14.00
John Sullivan 22.64
Mr. Chairman; In conformity with
Chapter 156 of the Session Laws for
1927, I move that the penalty on the
official bond of the hereinafter nam
ed county officers be fixed as herein
after shown for the term of their of
fice commencing in January, 1931:
Julius I). Cronin, County Attorney,
Ira H. Moss, Clerk of the District
Court, $5,000.00.
John C. Gallagher, County Clerk,
W. E. Conklin. County Treasurer,
Hugh L. James
I second the motion.—J. C. Stein.
Upon thea bo*e resolution being
put to vote by the chairman it was
declared carried.
WHEREAS, the present Secretary
of the Department of Public Works,
Roy L. Cochran, has been an efficient,
capable and affable officer, and by
reason of his l«*ng service, is thor
oughly familiar with the Highway
and Bridge program in this state,
and the needs and requirements of
every community and section of the
state, and the amount and character
of traffic in all sections of the state
and on all Highways, and
WHEREAS, his knowledge of ter
rain, soil and traffic, and his famil
iarity with the road program and the
experience gained in his service at
the head of this Department, make
him an especially valuable public
servant whose services cannot be dis
pensed with without serious loss to
the state, and,
WHEREAS, the people generally
in this county have faith in his abil
ity, fairness and integrity, and be
lieve he is a great asset to the state
government and its road program,
and that he should be retained, and,
WHEREAS, his term of office ex
pires in January, 1931,
NOW, THEREFORE, I move that
this Board urge Governor-elect Char
les W. Bryan to retain Roy L. Coch
ran as State Engineer and Secretary
of the Department of Public Works
of this state.
L. E. Skidmore
E. Gibson
J. C. Stein
Hugh L. James
John Sullivan
L. C. McKim
John Steinhauser
m _ _l_ ____t •_i_j
iiimiii, uii im/uuu uwoi u
adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 14, 1930
1 o’clock p. m.
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment, all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
On motion the policy of the Trav
elers Insurance Co. for compensation
for county employees for the year
1931 was accepted.
3 o’clock p. m.; on motion board
adjourned until Nov. 24, 1930.
Chairman. Clerk
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 24, 1930
10 o’clock a. m
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment; all members present
but Skidmore. Board called to order
by the chairman. Minutes for Nov
14, 1930, read and approved.
On motion the following officia
bonds were approved:
Julius D. Cronin, County Attorney
Holt County.
L. L. Cosner, Justice of the Peace
Stuart Tiwnship.
Grover Shaw, Justice of the Peace
Shamrock Township.
Wm. Hong, Justice of the Peace
Francis Township.
John Haskins, Township Clerk
John Johnson, Township Clerk
Coleman Township.
George Howard, Township Clerk
Golden Township.
12 o’clock noon; on motion boarr
adjourned until 1 o'clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 24, 193<
1 o’clock p. m
Holt county board met pursuant t<
adjournment; all members presen
but Skidmore. Board called to ordei
by the chairman.
In the District Court of Holt coun
ty, Nebraska. In the matter of th<
application of Margaret Posvar foi
a mother’s pension. Order.
Now on this 16th day of Novembe
1930, this cause came on for hearing
upon the application of Margare
Posvar for a mother’s pension, ant
was submitted to the Court upon tht
application and the evidence. On con
sideration whereof, the Court finds
the allegations of the plaintiff’s ap
plication to be true, and the appli
cant is entitled to a mothers pension
It is therefore considered and ad
judged by the Court that she be, an<
she hereby is, granted a mother’:
pension in the sum of $10 per montl
commencing with November 1, 1930
and for the period of six month:
from that date.
It is further ordered by the montl
that the board of supervisors of Hoi
county, Nebraska, make provisior
for the peyment of the same.
Robert R. Dickson, Judge
The State of Nebraska, 1
[ 88.
Holt County
I, Ira II. Moss, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court of Holt County, Nebras
ka, do hereby certify that the abovi
and foregoing is a true and correc
copy of ‘Order’’ granted on the ap
plication of Margaret Posvar for t
mother’s pension.
Witnes my signature and seal thi:
15th day of November, 1930.
Ira H. Moss,
Clerk of the District Cour
On motion the above order was ap
proved and Clerk instructed to writ«
warrants on the mother’s pensior
fund in accordance therewith.
Mr. Elkins appeared before th<
board in the matter of a pension foi
the blind. The matter was postponec
until November 25th, 1930.
The Superintendent appeared be
fore the board in the matter of ar
attendance officer.
On motion the board instructed the
Superintendent to hire an attendance
officer for the time she deems neces
sary at a salary of $4 per day when
employed but not to exceed $90 and
mileage at 10c per mile.
5 o’clock p. in.; on motion board ad
journed until November 25th, 1930 at
9 o’clock a. m.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman. Clerk
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 26, 1930
9 o’clock a. m.
Holt county board met pursuant to
ment; all members present. Board
called to order by the chairman.
Minutes for Nov. 24, 1930 read and
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the general fund:
E. F. Porter ___... _ 16G.66
Luella A. Parker ..._ 168.35
Ira H. Moss 183.33
Margaret Donohoe .... 90.00
Peter W. Duffy _ 250.26
Elizabeth Eggleston . ... 90.00
W. E. Conklin . 630.30
B. T. Winchell 125.00
Grace Joyce 104.17
Edith J. Davidson 90.00
Inez O’Connell _ 91.66
Ed Jones 167.70
C. C. Bergstrom 321.76
Della M. Harnish 31.30
| Marjorie Dickson . 90.00
| Harry Bowen 111.86
I C. J. Malone 183.33
12 o’clock, noon; on motion Board
adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 25, 1930
1 o’clock p. m.
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment; all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
On motion the claim of James
Davidson, No. 2995 in the amount of
$37.45 was allowed as follows: $4.25
on the road fund and $33.20 on the
general fund.
On motion the claim of Walter
Puckett for $35.00 was allowed ns
follows: $7.50 on the bridge fund
and $27.50 on the road fund.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the road fund:
D. H. Allen . 25.00
Sid Adrian 7.60
Arbuthnot & Reka . 86.67
riaiiK Dciiaan ui.uu
Gilbert Benash . 93.50
Hans Bogue . 12.00
M. Campbell & Son . 48.08
J. L. Crawford _ 78.75
Andy Clark _ 35.00
Albert Carson . 58.10
F. G. Calhoun 62.00
Emmet Elkhorn Val. Hay Co. 101.75
Wm. A. Friend _ 20.00
W. C. Farrand 10.50
Gaffney Bros. . 27.00
Will Gilman . 13.50
Warren Gilman ..—.. 20.00
Wm. Gill ._. 15.75
Ralph Gribble - 56.00
Halsey Hull 41.00
Wm. Krotter Co. 83.20
Ed Karr ~~ 3.00
Elmer Long 21.00
Wm. P. Murphy . — 3.00
Clayton Mesner .—. 35.00
D. E. Alder 33.50
Atkinson Twp. 57.75
Clarence Benash - 10.50
Clarence Benash ._ 28.50
John J. Bauer Jr. 21.00
Edwin Braddock . 25.40
Edw. J. Coufal .. .— 7.00
Ii. E. Coyne - — 39.60
John A. Sarson . 39.00
Edw. Carson . 83.80
Dexter Bros. . 34.65
Frank Fox -.. 78.75
Lew Forbes . 14.00
Fay Gimmill . 6.00
Levi Gilman _ 26.10
Warren Gilman - 74.25
George Gilman .—.— 13.50
Mort Gill ..-. 20.50
Scott Hough 56.00
W. F. Jonas 9.50
. M. B. Kennedy - 21.00
John Luber 15.00
i Wm. Luber Jr. . 30.00
H. O. Morris 21.00
I Musil Bros... 24.00
Mellor Motor Co. . 58.75
• Lyle McKim _ 15.00
. Clifford Newman _ 13.00
» Pete Nelson . 21.00
Frank Osborne 333.00
' Omaha Road Equip. Co. ... 1170.00
D. G. Kunz 25.50
• Lee Sammons 18.90
• L. H. Steinhauser.- ..— 10.57
' Standard Oil Co. 344.71
Sam Stortz 16.50
’ J. C. Stein 20.00
' Leslie Uhl 127.00
: Karl Weichman .. 34.50
I J. E. Wiley _. 22.00
• Charles Ross „ 32.00
Joe Stoecker —. 78.75
Charles Ross 60.00
L. C. McKim 25.00
Coy Nelson .— - 26.25
0. O. Newman 57.00
Seth Noble 62.40
Omaha Road Equip. Co. 13.95
O’Neill Gas & Oil Co— 85.70
B. McKay 26.00
C. Schafer 42.00
i Stuart Oil Co. 136.99
Uhl Bros. 3.35
Wm. Stortz 10.50
Joe Thoendel Jr. 16.50
John Welsh 11.25
E. E. West 113.75
. Flovd Robertson . 36.50
J. J. Rohde 8.00
John Welsh 84.75
Levi Yantzi 11.00
5 o’clock p. m.; on motion board
• adjourned until Nov. 26, 1930 at 9
! o’clock a. m.
: John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman. Clerk
1 .
UNeiu, web., Nov. 26, iyau
9 o’clock a. m.
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment, all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
man. Minutes for Nov. 25, 1930, read
and approved.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
' on the road fund:
Laurence Hays .. $110.00
Clinton McKim _ 110.00
John Sullivan _ 20.00
Harry Sullivan . 110.00
Chet Fees 39.15
Floyd D. Gibson . 8.00
E. H. Medcalf 92.50
Myron Smith. 27.00
Dick Porter . 110.00
Hans Jensen . 27.00
John Haskin ... 110.00
L. H. Steinhauser__ 110.00
Hugh L. James 11.00
Wm. Dexter 110.00
L. C. McKim _ 20.00
John Sullivan . 20.00
Richard Minton 110.00
L. E. Skidmore _ 33.19
H. W. Hubbard_ 25.00
Chet McClanahan __. 110.00
E. Gbson_ 50.00
Walt Richards _ 18.55
Lewis Kopecky 28.10
O. L. Keller ..... 62.50
John Steinhauser_ 55.10
Hugh L. James 25.00
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the General Fund:
Mrs. H. H. Haffner . 10.00
Atkinson Gen. Hospital 72.50
Wm. Bruder _ 15.02
George Bressler . 15.00
Harry Buttger __ 3.00
M. Campbell & Son .. 59.75
H. E. Coyne.. 9.25
M. Campbell & Son _ .... 48.50
Wm. E. Davis _ 6.17
George H. Frohardt . 9.30
R. H. Fink 10.00
L. G. Gillespie ... 52.53
Grand Cafe 26.50
Roy Hagedorn .. 10.00
Minnie L. Hough __ 74.55
J. S. Jackson ... . ___ 43.30
Wm. Krotter Co__ 10.81
C. J. Malone 28.20
Ira H. Moss 128.00
M. H. McCarthy _ 17.50
E. P. McKee ‘ . . 16.67
N. W'. Bell Tele. Co_ 175.40
J. F. O’Connor _ 16.00
E. F. Porter _ 882.00
Mrs. Kate Potter .. 30.00
Leroy Richards _ 18.75
Mrs. Mike Rotherham . 5.00
Scott Township . 25.00
School Dist. No. 55 _ 25.00
Walter Smith .. . 15.00
Fred H. Swingley . ... 40.00
D. Stannard _ 1.15
Frank Wilson _ 45.15
C. H. Allman 40.00
Atkinson Graphic __ 43.50
Ed Brandt 2.50
Harry Bowen _ 7.50
Wm. G. Beha . 32.60
Chambers Sun 40.00
R. B. Crellin 46.20
Dr. W. J. Douglas _.... 52.00
Dr. D. L. Fletcher .. 60.15
The Frontier . 1321.60
Drs. Gilligan & Brown _ 10.00
A. J. Frost 25.40
Ben J. Grady . 40.41
Hoskinson Co. 64.00
I. O. O. F. Lodge 12.00
E. J. Kilmurray __ 15.00
Fred Lowery 28.00
J. G. Masters _ 2.15
Thomas Mains _ 22.00
M. H. McCarthy ... 5.00
P. Wr. McGinnis _ 11.46
Seth Noble 29.75
E. F. Porter 40.25
Luella A. Parker_ 107.36
Thos. Richards . 35.00
Ratigan & Son 21.04
St. Joseph’s Home __ 122.00
J. J. Stilson . 6.50
Carl Sonicksen . 50.00
J. N. Stauffer . 5,00
Verges’ Sanitarium _ 375.00
Western Hotel 60.00
J. H. Wanner . 28.47
E. A. White .. 10.00
Floyd Wright . 10.00
Dept, of Public Welfare 31.00
L. C. McKim 24.40
E. Gibson . 49.80
J. C. Stein 39.00
John Steinhauser . 37.80
Dr. F. L. Wilson 28.67
Wilson Drug Co. 15.00
Frank Youngkin __ 9.55
L. E. Skidmore .. 16.00
Hugh L. James .. 19.00
Hugh L. Janies _ 42.17
John Sullivan _ 37.50
James Barrett „.„ 12.00
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the dragging fund:
F. D. Strope _ 32.20
Calvin Allyn . 5.25
John P. Berger _ 43.40
Joseph Batenhorst . 7.00
Lee Coakley .. 15.00
W. L. Colman . 14.00
Carl Crawford _ 72.00
Henry Fuelberth _ 28.10
John Galligan _ 64.05
Geo. Hansen _ 14.00
F. B. Hoffman 15.60
E. W. Jenkins _ 12.55
Tony Lockman.. 22.40
A. L. Mitchell _ 4.55
M. B. Miller . 14.70
Frank MJnarik .. 22.05
E. D. Nicholl _ 84.00
Pete Nelson . 28.10
George Robertson .... 63.00
Cleve Roe _ 4.50
Edgar Stauffer . 28.50
J. P. Sullivan _ 9.45
Robert Starr _ 25.20
Chas. Tangeman __ 11.90
Clarence Wayman _ 15.75
L. C. McKim (General)_ ... 5.00
Wm. Anderson _ 19.60
Geo. Bittner 18.00
Paul Bittner 51.00
C. F. Baker 22.40
John A. Carson 16.00
Lee Coakley . 28.70
Ralph Ernest 16.75
John Fila .. ..35.00
John Humphrey _ 4.00
Austin Hynes . 5.00
W. F. Jonas ....._ . 33.00
William Lubin Jr. 22.50
C. R. Munson 4.00
R. B. Marsten . 14.70
T. E. Maring _ 45.90
A. H. Marquardt 33.00
J. W. Nachtman 2.45
D. H. Omey .-. 30.10
John Ruterbories .. 12.50
Grover Shaw 26.00
D. C. Shafer . 53.00
C. M. Stevens _ 4.90
Henry Timmerman ... . 25.00
Floyd Vequist _ 9.45
John Welsh .. 42.75
Mrs. A. Wytaski (General)_ 10.00
10 J
AM V vtvvii) iivvil ) VII tuvvivt t UVH1U
adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 26, 1930
1 o’clock p. m.
Holt county board met pursuant to
adjournment, all members present.
Board called to order by the chair
On motion the claim of Nye, Jenks
Grain Co. for $52.45 was allowed as
follows: $8.00 on the road fund and
$14.45 on the bridge fund.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the bridge fund:
H E. Coyne . 31.00
Lyle McKim 11.00
G L. Keller _ 36.00
Warren Gilman _ 3.00
Pete Nelson . 24.00
L. E. Skidmore _ 17.50
Hugh L. James . 13.60
Karl Deichman ... 4 00
L. C. McKim . 15.00
John Wrede . 3.00
Wm. Storjohn _ 3.00
M. Campbell _ 11.85
W. S. Goree . 3.00
Jim Hopkins _ 3.00
Lyle McKim .. 19.20
Peter Peterson _ 24.00
Herb Jansen .. 7.50
Wm. Gill . 18.00
J. C. Stein _ 21.60
Seth Noble__ 6.00
John Steinhauser_ 4.00
Roy Karr .... _ 5.00
Ray Noble - 8.00
James P. Harte_L 6.00
E. Gibson- 25.00
Charles Smith . 18.00
J. B. Fraka_ 5.00
On motion the following official
bonds were approved:
Edward Hamik, justice of the
Peace, Stuart Twp.
Chas. H. Ballon, Twp. Clerk, Francis
R. P. Wagers, Assessor, Verdigris
Whereas it is reported to the board
that numerous parties who are re
ceiving aid from the county are own
ing and driving automobiles. Now
therefore be it resolved that the
county shall not contribute aid to
the support of any person who owns
or manages an automobile.
Hugh L. Janies
L. C. McKim
L. E. Skidmore
E. Gibson
John Steinhauser
J. C. Stein
John Sullivan
Upon the above resolution being
put to vote by the chairman it was
declared carried unanimously.
Resolution: Whereas the claims
filed by physicians for operations on
county patients are so large and so
many that they are becoming a bur
den to the taxpayers. Therefore, I
move you that the county pay for no
more operations and that a copy of
the foregoing resolutions be sent to
all physicians in the county.
Hugh L. James
L. C. McKim
L. E. Skidmore
E. Gibson
John Steinhauser
J. C. Stein
John Sullivan
Upon the above resolution being
put to vote by the chairman it was
declared carried unanimously.
4 o’clock p. m.; on motion board
adjourned until December 22nd, 1930
at 10 o’clock a. m., unless sooner cal
led by the Clerk.
John Sullivan, • E. F. Porter,
Chairman. Clerk
O'Neill, Nebraska, Dee. 31st, 1931
9 o’clock a. m.
Holt County board met pursuant to
adjournment. All members present
but Gibson. Board called to order by
the chairman.
Minutes for Dec. 24th, and 30th,
1930, read and approved.
On motion the following official
bonds were approved.
R. R. Coburn, Justice of Peace of
John P. Berger. Justice of the Peace
Walter Brennan, Justice of Peace,
E. J. Allen, Justice of the Peace,
E. A. Scholtman, Justice of Peace,
John Bruner, Justice of the Peace,
John Bruner, Justice of the Peace,
C. M. Stevens, Justice of the Peace,
John A. Corson, Justice of the Peace
Frank W. Pierce, Justice of Peace,
E. C. Wertz, Clerk, Willowdale.
H. V. Rosenkrans, Clerk, Steel
Taylor Jordan, Clerk, Lake.
Jay D. Grimes, Clerk. McClure.
C. A. Grass, Treasurer, Antelope.
L. G. Bernlioltz, Treasurer, Verdi
Orton Young, Treasurer, Willowdale
On motion the clerk was instructed
to strike from the personal tax lists
1920, the assessment of Capital Fire
Ins. Co. as the opinion of the Attorney
General is that they were not liable
for taxes in |Holt County for that year.
WHEREAS, a petition has been
filed with the County Clerk asking
this board to make an application for
a county agent and Whereas, upon
examination of the petition we find
several names duplicated and others
who are not actively engaged in farm
ing, and wre have been informed from
reliable sources that many signed the
petition under a misapprehension as
to the matter of expense to the county,
and further under the present condi
tion of the general fund of the county
we do not think it expedient to em
ploy a county agent at this time.
THEREFORE, I move you that the
prayer of the petition be denied.
Hugh L. James
L. E. Skidmore
J. C. Stein
John Steinhauser
L. C. McKim
John Sullivan
to vote by the chairman it was de
clared carried unanimously.
The fillowing claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the general fund:
Mrs. John Archer --3.00
R. H. Fink.....10.00
J. P. Gallagher - 69.61
Hugh L. James --30.20
Hugh L. James.. 10.00
C. J. Malone_—.11.30
C. J. Malone.. 26.00
P. W. McGinnis _ 15.00
P. \V. McGinnis - .20.21
John Sullivan - 35.50
John Steinhauser -- —16.00
Vaughn Merc. Co.--—.—40.00
J. S. White _ 18.40
Mrs. Elva M. Bogue..—16.00
A. J. Frost -- 20.00
Minnie L. Hough ....,- 126.65
Hugh L. James _ 19.00
Harry Kepp -.-.- 14.10
C. J. Malone. 8.70
N. P. McKee _ ....12.00
School District 35 -. 14.00
L. E. Skidmore —- 21.00
Anton Toy-- 18.50
J. H. Wunner - 45.06
Mrs. H. ill. Haffner _ -10.00
12 o'clock noon on motion board ad
journed until 1 o’clock p. m.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk
O’Neill, Nebraska. Dec. 31st, 1930 j:
1 o'clock p. m.
Holt County board met pursuant to
adjournment. All members present
but Gibson.
Board called to order by the chair
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the road fund:
J. W. Bouska _____ 23.80 m,
Hugh L. James ...10.00 *
Motor Tool Sp. Co. __19.83
John Sullivan . 15.00
L. E. Skidmore ._. _.10.00
W. W. Schaaf . 21.15
Ed. Jenkinson —....5.00
John Callelly . 14.00
Bauer Henry Lbr. Co. —. 22.20
Harry La ns worth ...12.00
Dustin Twp. . 261.15
Chicago N. W. H. R. Co. _1.10
L. C. McKim „. 15.00
(Continued on page 3) *
Long Time
Loans On Live
Stock Wanted
Tri-State Agriculture Credit
Farm and Ranch Loans Again
John L. Quig
Ennis Shoe Hospital
West of the Penney Store
We Aim To Please
All Work Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
Mbu can’t beat our Milk
but you Can Whip our
The Best by Test
For sale by ^
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
John L. Quig
:: Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL :;
:: dentist -
it ii
I Dr. C. H. Lubker |
Douglas Methods
I Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. |
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block South 1st Natl. Bank, ;
-Phone 78
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska j
| John N. Stauffer |
| City Dray Line f
I Dray auid Transfer
Piano Moving. Phone 325
1^ O’Neill Nebraska |
Graduate Veterinarian §
Phone 804. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
Ship by Truck
Local & l#ng distance Hauling
Insured Carriers —
Storage Warehouses ;
Branch Gen’l office, Branch
! Stuart O’NEILL Atkinson
; Phone 97 Phone 378 Phone 81