The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 08, 1931, Image 8

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Junior Girls Athletic Club
The girls in the club are working
for points. There are 20 girls who
are charter members. Those obtain
ing the most points as recorded now
are as follows: Delta Gunn 238;
Myrtle Brown 206; Anna Toy 125;
Florence Surber 125; Opal Ellison
125; Lola Stauffer 125: Thelma Crel
lin 125; Ellen Stauffer 125.
The girls held a special meeting on
Tuesday, January 6th.
Sixth Grade
The sixth grade class wrote stories
about the first Christmas; prizes
were given to Ruth Harris and Myr
tle Brown, for the best stories.
Andrew Youngkin was absent
from school Monday on account of
an auto accident in which he was in
jured slightly. ^ .
The sixth grade class is writing
book reports on books they have
been reading.
Among those who have missed 5;
or less words the first semester are ,
Delta Gunn, Ruth Harris, Lois Tern-,
pleton and Teresa Sparks. ^ |
The Juniors are having a kid’s j
party at the school house Monday |
evening. January 12th; this will be
their first party of the year.
The Seniors wish to announce that
another one of their classmates, Mary
Cuddy, was married Monday morn
ing, to Charles Wyant, of this city.
We extend congratulations.
The Sophomore class had a party
at the school house Thursday night.
The evening was spent in playing
cards; a light luncheon was served.
Misses Arbuthnot and O’Neil are
entertaining the teachers at a party
at the Arbuthnot home, Thursday
The pupils are all looking forward
to the semester examinations, next
week, which marks the close of the
Miss Barbara Hazel, public health
nurse, is to be with us during the
months of January, February and
March. This valuable service is fur
nished by the local branch of the Red
Cross. She will make a physical ex
amination of each pupil and reports
will be sent to the parents. In case
of defects, the parents then have an
opportunity to consult a physician;
she will also conduct a regular class
in Home Nursing or First Aid, for
the benefit of the Normal Training
st. Mary h ana tne u. it. s. oasKei
ball teams will play a game in the
public school gym Friday, January
9th. The game starts at 7:45 p. m.
Supt. Weigel, of Stuart, is the ref
eree. Admission 25c-35c. Let’s have
everybody out.
The grade boys of the O’Neill pub
lic school will play St. Mary’s Friday
evening just before the high school
game. We’e expecting a tough bat
tle; the public school lineup is as fol
lows: 0. Grfeen, Captain Beachey
Medlin, Eldrey Gaskill, B. Madison,
Gene Rummell, Leonard Bergstrom,
Max Hough and Kenneth Miller.
Ferd Cole is back after a long ill
ness. Guess we’ll have to “feed hint
up” for football next year.
Honore and Mae Langmack are in
Emerson, Nebraska, attending the
funeral of their father.
Gerald Smith and Marie Lawyer
have returned after a long absence,
due to illness.
Leola Brokaw has quit school. We
are sorry to lose a good Freshie.
Mary Richter and Eleanor Young
kin are among our recent casualty
victims; Mary has erysipelas and
Eleanor a broken nose.
Florence Surber earned a student's
Final Certificate from the Palmer
School of Penmanship. Merle Spang
ler, Anna Toy and Violet Pinkerman
earned Progress Pins. Dorothy Tim
merman, George Cook, Dowe Dixson,
Orville Green, Lola Stauffer, Beach
ey Medlin and Joe Hamilton received
Merit Buttons.
The class completed their work in
Agriculture and are now taking
Geography of Nebraska.
The inimitable comedy team of El
Brendel and Marjorie White which
has virtually run away with every
picture in which they have been pair
ed, are prominently featured in the
second big DeSylva, Brown and Hen
derson Fox Movietone musical com
edy, “Just Imagine,” acclaimed
everywhere as a worthy successor to
their “Sunny Side Up."
They were first seen and heard to
gether in DeSylva, Brown and Hen
derson’s initial screen offering, “Sun
ny Side Up,” which was undoubtedly
one of the most popular pictures pro
duced in 1929. They romped and
played through that picture, evoking
multitudes of laughs.
Both have unusually strong parts
in ‘Just Imagine' and those who have
seen the picture forecast early star
dom for each of these hilarious mirth
Others in the large cast are Maur
een O’Sullivan, John Garrick, Frank
Albertson, Kenneth Thomson, Hobart
Bosworth, Winifred Lucas, Mischa
Auer, Ivan Linow and Sidney De
David Butler, who directed “Sun
my Side Up” also directed this hit,
and Seymour Felix staged the dance
numbers. It is to open at the Royal
Theatre, Sunday, Monday and Tues
day, January 11-12-13.
Benj. Kuhler, Pastor
If you did not start to church at
the begining of the New Year it can
not be blamed on the weather this
time. But we did have a good attend
ance, both morning and evening; and
we liked the response to the mes
sages. The world talks about get
ting a kick out of putting things
over. The preacher has a kindred
feeling. And the attitude of the con
gregation has a good deal to do with
putting things across religiously.
Let us keep the good work going
throughout the year. There is some
thing each of us can do. If everyone
does that heartily unto the Lord it is
not hard to have a “live church.”
Had you been at the official board
meeting you would feel like things
are organized for business in a busi
ness way. There were thirteen pres
ent and all interested. The leaders
wish to see things go. You can help
them when the call on you for your
part. And be the happier, as we
tried to show you Sunday night. To
gird ourselves to serve is the key
that will unlock the door of happi
Tuesday, January 20th was decid
ed as the evening for church fellow
ship. Keep the date in mind.
And may. we not look for you out j
ugain next Sunday? In the evening
union services in our church with
Brother Johnson delivering the ser-j
(Continued from page 4)
ha, returned home Sunday.
Meek school began after the holi
days on Monday, January 5th, with
Mrs. Raymond Hunshizer of Bassett
as teacher; Mrs. Calvert, of O’Neill,
who was the teacher the first of the
term, decided to move away from
O’Neill, so gave up the school.
Rev. and Mrs. Marts and daughter
Nancy Jr., of Bassett came for a vis
it at the Merriady Hubby home. Rev.
Marts left on Sunday for Norfolk
where he expects to hold a series of
meetings. Mrs. Marts and Nancy Jr.
will remain with their daughter and
sister, Mrs. Hubby, for some time.
A very interesting program was
held by the Endeavor, Sunday night.
A mountain trail was represented by
cedars and large rocks which were
formed so as to make a lively scene,
and a little play was put on; those
taking part in the play were Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Robertson Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Borg; Oscar Lindburg was the
(Received last week)
Albert Kaczor recently installed a
new radio, which he purchased from
Ben McDonald.
The rrank Griffith family were
dinner guests at the A. L. Rouse
home on Wednesday.
John Steinburg, of Orchard, came
Tuesday for a visit at the Rouse
Bros, home, and with other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
children were Sunday evening sup
per guests at the Frank Griffith
R. D. Spindler had the misfortune
to have a calf strike his knee with
such force as to lay him up for a
Miss Morrison and brother Clifford
of Central City came Friday for a
visit at the home of their sister, Mrs.
Fay Puckett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Borg and Marv
el, and William Hubby motoed to
Fairfax, S. D,, Tuesday for a visit
with the Dan Hansen family.
Mrs. R. D. Spindler left Saturday
morning for a few days visit with
her sister, Mrs. Sanford, at Omaha,
and with her mother, Mrs. Blair, at
Glenwood, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young, sons
Leonard and Edward and daughter
Thelma spent Christmas with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Young,
of Opportunity.
A Watch Party was held at the
John A. Robertson home on Wednes
day night. A large crowd of young
folks attended; a very enjoyable
time was had by all.
Dinner guests at the F. H. Griffith
home on Christmas day were A. L.
Rouse and daughter Miss Maude, of
O'Neill; Gus Johnson, Oscar John
son and Ro Spindler families.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Hansen, Saturday, De
cember 27th. Mother and babe are
getting along nicely. Her sister, Mrs.
Ed Henifin, is staying with her for
the present.
Grandpa Prouty, who has lived in
this vicinity for 57 years, passed
away at his old home at Paddock on
Sunday, December 28th, and was laid
to rest in the Spencer cemetery on
Tuesday, December 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Benson enter
tained at Christmas dinner, their son
Blake and family; Mrs. Mamie
O’Neill, sons Carl and Arthur, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, who are
here from Canada, visiting.
Guests at the Charlie Linn home
on Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Thomas and children; Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Harrison, Mary and Dor
othy; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks
and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Korab and children, of Phoenix.
Christmas dinner guests at A. L.
Borg’s were: Mrs. A1 House and
Grace Louisa, also baby, of Ponca;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles, Austin
and Zane, and daughter, Ilene; Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Rouse and sons,
Lawrence and Lloyd; Arthur Rouse;
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby; Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Borg and daughter Marvel.
At the W. C. T. U. meeting held
1 uesday afternoon at the Bressler
home a letter was read from Mrs.
Clayton, State President, announcing
that the W. C. T. U. of California
have made a formal challange to the
state of Nebraska to a contest on
three counts: The greatest number of
new members; the greatest number
of new unions and the distribution of
the largest number of leaflets, the
forfeit to be the state flags.
Coming at this time the contest is
going to create considerable interest,
and from comments we have heard
we predict that the California Bear
had better forego his winter nap if
he expects to get his paw on the
beautiful new flag of our state which
was used for the first time at the Na
tional Convention at Houston, Texas.
The Publicity Director agrees to
keep us posted from time to time on
the progress of this contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wehrly were in
O'Neill, Friday.
Dorcas Ladies Aid met with Mrs.
Bauman, Wednesday and elected offi
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fullerton Sr.
spent the week-end with relatives at
Gordon. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fullerton Sr.,
spent the week-end with relatives at
Mrs. Hannah Richards and son cal
led at the August Brinkman home
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler vis
ited at the Anthony O’Donnell home
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler vis
ited at the Anthy O'Donnell home
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and
Beulah Delosch visited relatives at
Stuart, Sunday.
Edmond O’Donnell of Omaha visit
ed his grandmother O’Donnell and
family, Saturday.
The wood saw is kept busy hum
ming, sawing up the wood broken
by the ice, recently.
Mrs. Nels Anderson visited Mrs.
Joe Niezgocki at the Wilson hospital
in Stuart, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ries gave a
New Year’s dinner to relatives at
their home, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barnes enter
tained the Miller and Sorrey families
at their home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bessey enter
tained friends to an oyster supper at
their home Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Bessey and
Mrs. A. J. Klingler called on Mrs.
Floyd Barnes, Wednesday.
Mrs. Hannah Richards and son cal
led at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Brinkman, in Atkinson, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Vancleve; Mr. and
Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss and son visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baum, Thurs
day night.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Jones and
Beulah Delosch spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Delosch and fam
ily, near Stuart.
Mr.and Mrs. Guy Alton and fam
ily entertained Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Bessey and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bar
nes and son at their home Thursday
Mr. ana Mrs. Bert rreed; Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Barnes and son Donald;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler, spent
| Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Bessey.
Mrs. A. W. Morrell and Mrs. An
derson took the train to O’Neill to do
their shopping and visited Mrs. Si
mar in the afternoon, returning on
the evening train.
The Sorrey and Miller families
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bailey Miller, Sunday, and in the
afternoon visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Barnes and family.
Relatives and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Banks sprang a surprise
on them at their home, Thursday
night; the evening was spent danc
ing; lunch was served; everybody en
joyed the evening.
Seth Noble 34.00
Geo. A. Miles 138.45
H. Marble 10.15
H. Marble 10.05
C, J. Malone 30.20
H. Marble 10.05
H. R. Kelso Co. 16.49
Jacks Mfg. Co. 23.50
Interstate Power Co. 25.20
J. P. Gallagher 27.28
The Frontier 388.70
George H. Frohardt 10.80
Dr. VV. J. Douglas 12.70
City of O’Neill 32.60
Elva M. Bogue 16.00
W. G. B eha 27.00
Bauer Henry Lbr. Co. 34.20
Hugh L. James 34.00
Ira H. Moss . 183.33
John Sullivan 26.50
In the District Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska.
in tne matter ot Mother’s Pensions
for Holt County, Nebraska. Order.
Now, on this 29th day of October,
1930, came on for consideration be
fore the Court, the matter of extend
ing and granting mother’s pensions.
The court, being fully advised, and
having made independent investiga
tion, as far as possible, and having
submitted the matter for the consid
eration of the members of the board
of supervisors of Holt County, Ne
braska; and after due consideration,
It is ordered that mother’s pen
sions be granted to the following
named persons in the amount set op
posite their names, for a period of
six months and no longer, commenc
ing with November 1st, 1930.
Bertha Anderson $10.00
Anna Auten
Margaret Parvar
Emma C. Canaday
Goldie Liddy
Lena Cadwallader
Abbie Nelson
Bridget Swanson
Mary Spence .
Nellie True
Lillian It. Weller
Mrs. Ed Williams
Edna Worford
Mildred Davis .
Elzina Good
Ruby Wilcox
Maude Manning
Gladys Cleveland
Addie Bowden
It is ordered that the amounts be
fore stated be paid to the persons be
fore stated monthly.
It is further ordered that the pen
sion granted to Addie Bowden be paid
to Mrs. Steve Hicks, of O’Neill, the
children of Mrs. Bowden being in the
custody of Mrs. Hicks, their grand
mother. It is further ordered that
this pension to Mrs. Bowden shall be
discontinued in the event that Mrs.
Bowden fails to pay to Mrs. Hicks
for the support of said children the
sum of $5 per week.
Robert R. Dickson, Judge
The State of Nebraska,'
Holt County
I. Ira H. Moss, Clerk of
the Dis
trict Court of Holt County, Nebras
ka, do hereby certify that the above
and foregoing is a true and correct
copy of “Order” in the Matter of the
Mother’s Pensions for Holt County,
Nebraska, as the same appears from
the original on file and of record in
my said office.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the seal
of said court this 29th day of Oct
ober, A. D., 1920.
Ira H. Moss,
Clerk of the District Court
By Inez O’Connell, Deputy.
On motion the above order was ap
proved and County Clerk instructed
to write warrants on the mother1!
pension fund in accordance there
On motion claim No. 2769, Seth
Noble, in the amount of $87.50 was
allowed as follows: road fund $66;
bridge fund $16.50; general fund $5.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the road fund:
Breeding stock selected from 600
vigorous, healthy birds of the Giant
Copper Bronze strain. Adult Toms,
weight 45 pounds; Adult Hens, 24 to
28 pounds. This flock has been bred
up for a number of years for both
size and color. Price of young Toms,
$10; Pullets $6, at the place. To
fully appreciate these Bronze Beau
ties, you should look them over. You
will find them 10 miles south of Mer
riman, on the Niobrara river, at the
Madison bridge. In order to make
room for our breeding flock, we are
making a special effort to be sold out
by February 1st.
Mrs. J. R. Slack,
33-3t. Merriman, Nebraska
For Sale: 40 bred Ewes.—Frank
Benish. 32-2tp
For Sale: Nice, smooth Early Ohio
Potatoes.—Roy Cole. 33-3t.
For Sale: Purebred Chester White
boars.—C. T. Simonsen, Agee, Nebras
ka. 31-3
For Sale: Westinghouse Electric
Range, 3-burner, full automatic.
Telephone 364W. 33tf
tor bale: 100 tons of hay, at the
old Chas. Wrede farm. The Chas.
Wrede ranch for rent or sale.—Chas.
Wrede, Agee, Neb. 24-6-8-30
Dressmaking.—Clara Aim.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
ing.—W. B. Gnaves. O’Neill, 30-tf
Found: Tire and rim. Call at this
office. 31tf
Stewart-Warner Radios. Come in
and hear them.—W. B. Graves. 28tf
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebraska. 27-tf
I want farms for cash buyers. Des
cribe, give price.—R. McNown, 440
Wilkinson, Omaha, Neb. 31-4
Wanted: A man with car, to sell
farmers an honest, guaranteed prod
uct at an honest price; knowledge of
hogs helpful; real money for workers.
Write Division Manager, Box 235,
Long Pine, Neb. 32-2
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
announces that they are anxious to
secure farm loans at this time. All
those desiring a loan, call on Jas. F.
O’Donnell, Secretary, and submit an
application. 35
Start the New Y ear
right by having your
eyes examined. The
Perrigo Optical Com
pany has specialized in this work for
nearly thirty years. Their representa
tive will tell you the truth about your
eyes, and if glasses are needed, the
price will be reasonable. See him at
Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Saturday, Jan
uary 10th.
Lost: An insurance rate book, with
name and address in it; finder please
return and claim reward.—Carl
Grant, Star, Neb. 33-1
—Buy it in O’Neill—
Furnished heated room for rent.—
Mrs. Peter Ryan. 24tf
Buy one book at 75c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
(First publication Jan. 8, 1931.)
E state No. 2211.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, January 6th, 1931.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Charles Henry Kloepper, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court for
the probate of a written instrument
purporting to be the last will and
testament of Charles Henry Kloep
per, Deceased, and for the appoint
ment of Henry Wayman as Executor
thereof; that January 29th, 1931, at
10 o’clock A. M., has been set for
hearing said petition and proving
said instrument in said Court when
all persons concerned may appear
and contest the probate thereof.
(County Court Seal.)
33-3t. County Judge
(First publication Jan. 8, 1931.)
To: Franz E. Cowden, Adeline J.
Cowden, Mrs. W. F. Rankin,
real name unknown, Jesse Rank
in, - Rankin, real name
unknown, wife of Jesse Rankin,
Walter Rankin, -Rankin,
real name unknown, wife of Wal
ter Rankin, - Sham, real
name unknown, - Sham,
real name unknown, husband of
- Sham, Rankin Farms,
a corporation, and the heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
interested in the estate of W. F.
Rankin, deceased, real names
The above named or designated
persons will take notice that The
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany has filed its petition in the Dis
trict Court for Holt County, Nebras
ka, against them and each of them,
impleaded with Frank H. Binder, the
object and prayer of which petition
are to foreclose five certain mortgag
es executed by the defendants Franz
E. Cowden and Adeline J. Cowden to
the said Frank H. Binder and assign
ed by the said Frank H. Binder to
the plaintiff, all of which mortgages
bear date of August 21, 1923, and all
of which mortgages are past due and
are in default, one of which mortgag
es being in the sum of $7500.00 and
The West Half (W1/^) of the
Northeast Quarter (NE!4) of
Section Three (3), Township
Twenty-eight (28), North,
Range Twelve (12) West of
the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
and there being due thereon the sum
of $6891.75 and interest;
The second of said mortgages be
ing in the sum of $10,000.00 and con
Section Five (5), Township
Twenty-eight (28), North,
Range Twelve (12), West of
the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
Nebraska, except the right-of
way of the Irrigation Canal 100
feet wide running across the
northeast corner of said land,
and there being due thereon the sum
of $9457.50 and interest;
The third of said mortgages being
in the sum of $10,000.00 and convey
section inirty-nve (db), town
ship Twenty-nine (29), North
Range Twelve (12) West of
the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
and there being due thereon the sum
of $9457.50 and interest;
The fourth of said mortgages be
ing in the sum of $10,000.00 and con
Section Four (4), Township
Twenty-eight (28) North,
Range Twelve (12), West of
the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
Nebraska, except the right
of-way of the Canal belonging
to the Elkhorn Valley Irriga
tion Company running across
the east corner thereof,
and there being due thereon the sum
of $9457.50 and interest;
The fifth of said mortgages being
in the sum of $10,000.00 and convey
Section Two (2), Township *
Twenty-eight (28), North,
Range Twelve (12), West of
the 6th P. M., in Holt County,
and there being due thereon the sum
of $9457.50 and interest.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 16th day of February, 1931, or
otherwise judgment and decree will
be entered against you.
By Sidney W. Smith,
Julius D. Cronin,
Its Attorneys
(First publication Dec. 25, 1930)
To William H. Sigler, John W. Sig
ler, Elizabeth Landis, George W. Sig
ler, Etta Sigler, Alonzo Sigler, Glenn
Sigler and Ross Sigler, Non-resident
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 9th day of Sep
tember, 1930, Merchants National
Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, a Cor
poration, as plaintiff, filed its petition
in the District Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, against you, and each of
you, impleaded with others, as de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which petition is to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage of $8,500.00, made by
J. L. Fisher and Katherine Pearl
Fisher, husband and wife, to Merch
ants National Bank of Omaha, Ne
braska, dated the 19th day of August,
1922, recorded on the 21st day of
August, 1922, in Book 132 at page
153 of the mortgage records of Holt
County, Nebraska, and covering the
following described real estate, to
The North half (N%) and the
North half of the Southeast
quarter (N^SE^4) of Section
Thirty-one (31), and the North
half of the Northeast quarter
(NV6NEV4) and the Northwest
quarter (NW'4) of Section
Thirty-two (32), in Township
Twenty-five (25), Range Ten
(10) West of the 6th P. M.,
Holt County, Nebraska, con
taining 640 acres,
which mortgage was given to secure
a promissory note of even date for
$8,500.00 and interest.
Plaintiff prays that in default of
the payment by the defendants, or
some of them, of the amount due
plaintiff on its said note and mort
gage, said premises may be sold ac
cording to law to satisfy the amount
found due, with interest and costs;
that the defendants, and each of
them, may be forever barred and
foreclosed of any and all right, title,
interest or equity of redemption in
and to said premises; that out of the
proceeds of the sale thereof the
plaintiff may be paid the amount
found due it, together with the costs
of said action; and for such other and
further relief as equity may require.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
9th day of February, 1931.
Merchants National Bank of
Omaha, Nebraska, a Cor
poration, Plaintiff.
By Merrow & Murphy,
31-5 Its Attorneys
Insist on The Frontier printing
Your Sale Bills.
■ c.a.Snow&Co.
Successful Practice since 1875.
Over 25,000 patents obtained
for inventors in every section
of country. Write for book
let telling how to obtain
a patent, with list of clients
in your State.
710 8th St., Washington, D. C*
Long* Time
Loans On Live
Stock Wanted
Tri-State Agriculture Credit
Farm and Ranch Loans Again
John L. Quig
I Dr. C. H. Lubker
I Douglas Methods
Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb.
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block South 1st Natl. Bank.
——Phone 7*
Phone, Office 28
O'Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
You can’t beat our Milk
but you Can Whip our
The Best by Test
For sale by
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
John L. Quiff
Ship by Truck
Local & long distance Hauling
Insured Carriers —
Storage Warehouses
Branch Gen’l office, Branch
Stuart O’NEILL Atkinson
Phone 97 Phone 373 Phone 81
■ *******************ui♦♦ .
:: Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL ;;
:: dentist ::
' ■■!■»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» 11 m n I♦+♦;
Graduate Veterinarian
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
Insist on The Frontier printing
Your Sale Bills.