The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 08, 1931, Image 7

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    There May be
Poison in YOUR
STEP out tomorrow morning with
the fresh buoyancy and briskness
that coines from a clean intestinal
tract. Syrup Pepsin—a doctor's
prescription for the bowels—will
help you do this. This compound
of fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin
and other pure ingredients will
clean you out thoroughly—without
griping, sickening or discomfort.
Poisons absorbed into the sys
tem form souring waste in the
bowrels, cause that dull, headachy,
sluggish, bilious condition; coat the
tongue; foul the breath; sap ener
gy, strength and nerve-force. A
little of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep
sin will clear up trouble like that
gently, harmlessly, in a hurry. The
difference it will make in your feel
ings over night will prove its merit
to you.
Dr. Caldwell studied bowel trou
bles for forty-seven years. This long
experience enabled him to make his
prescription just what men, women,
old people and children need to
make their bowels help themselves.
Its natural, mild, thorough action
and its pleasant taste commend It
to everyone. That’s why “Dr. Cald
well’s Syrup Pepsin,” as it is
called, is the most popular laxa
tive drug stores sell.
Dn.W. B. Caldwell’s
A Doctor’s Family Laxative
White Woman’s Clothes
Made Savages Curious
An American archeologist and writ
er who recently led an airplane ex
pedition into Latin America brought
back a great deal of interesting and
valuable materia! in the way of pic
tures of ancient mins and primitive
life. Tiie most Interesting experience
was that among the San Bias Indi
ans, who inhabit the Islands off the
shore of Guatemala, whose attire
consisted largely of gold rings worn
In the ears and nose. Their curiosity
about the visitors was Intense and
sometimes embarrassing. The leader
of the expedition was alarmed to see
his wife seized by a number of na
tive women and carried into a tent.
The guide was sent to protect iier,
but soon returned and said that the
lady was safe. It developed that the
native women were curious about her
clothing and she obliged them by
removing a great deal of her dry
I>r. Tierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the orig
inal little liver pills put up 60 years ago.
They regulate liver and bowels.—Adv.
Enough to Divide
Fap—Clever? Oh, very! Why,
Doris has brain enough for two.
Keen—Just the girl you ought to
Man's “place in the home” Is de
cided by himself.
Amazes Mother
“Bobbie's stomach was often upspt
and lie suffered a lot from colds,”
says Mrs. 1*. S. Fletcher, .Tr., 4410
>V. 30th St., Los Angeles, Cal. “We
found lie was constipated.
“Mother used California Fig Syrup,
so we gave Bobbie some. He amazed
me by the quick way he became
strong, energetic, well again. His
bowels act freely now, and his
digestion is splendid.”
The quick, safe way to cleanse and
regulate the bowels of bilious, head
achy, constipated children is with
California Fig Syrup. Every child
loves it. It has the full endorsement
of doctors. Appetite is increased by
Its use; digestion is assisted; weak
stomach and bowels are given tone'
and strength.
Look for the word California on
the carton. That marks the genuine,
famous for 50 years.
Sioux City Ptq. Co., No. 2 -1931
Out Our Way
By Williams
f K-W Bo/, here,
Just Quit
School, akj*
1 ThoT MAW8E
v^kiow Iv-ieRS
A UDr O’
off mfrg.
Fuse. Fact
1 oomT Bfusue
right mow.
GooO WlGitf!
That uooT!
\AU-W H^
QO^T schoou
/wes , BuT Twer \
WORK' "Thf.^ .
we vjaTcD TiUU
we was so RE
we coolom’t
GfT A JO0.
VnnkiCf. KAAGCrtE
sAFfc-rv first*
_M8 U. »■ PAT, orf. Cl 930 BY NEA SEWVICg. INC /tH,
fc-'.T-tanr-— .... ■ ■ . ■. =H ---—
“Banking- long rows of celery (top) on the “world’s largest” single celery farm near Stockton, Cal.,
is followed by harvesting (lower left) and packing (lower right).
Stockton, Cal. — — More
than a square mile of celery in a
single bed—approximately 21,450,000
bunches in all—and each one plant
ed by hand.
That comprises what is called the
world’s largest individual celery
This acreage, furthermore, is
more than doubled by nearby tracts
also controlled by J. C. Maurer and
his four sons near here.
If all celery plants grown by
father and sons were in a single
row, spaced the customary six
inches, it would stretch more than
7,180 miles—more than twice the
distance across the continent.
In 40 years’ celery experience in
New York state, Maurer accumu
lated some ideas about how celery
could be grown in California. They
were rather unique and wholly the
oretical, but he Was eager to try
Five years ago he succeeded in
interesting his sons in a western
migration. Two abandoned college
careers to participate in the family
They started with 140 acres and
added to it yearly, yet the achieve
ment is more one of innovation and
method than of mere magnitude.
Unlike New York, Michigan or
other celery-producing areas, rains
cannot be expected to keep plants!
alive in the transplanting season in
the San Joaquin, valley.
So the Maurers adopted a method I
of flooding land under six inches
to a foot of water. The soil is peat
sediment, so trenching has to be
done when the ground is so soft
that horses frequently bog.
After much experimentation, an
average of 120 crates per acre has
been achieved for the farm as a
whole, with 250 crates an acre for
some of the tract.
Through improved methods of
culture, blanching and packing, the
California product is able to com
pete in the New York market—the
world’s largest for celery—despite
the long freight haul.
More than 8,000 acres are har
vested in the delta region of Cali
fornia, where a few years ago none
was grown.
New York — — The business
recession of 1930 has contrasted
strikingly with that of 1921 in the
apparent abundance of credit avail
able for any promsing commercial
Not only in 1921, but in most de
pressed periods of the last 50 years,
the situation has been aggravated
by frozen credit and high rates for
funds to carry on essential business.
This year, however, has witnessed
a drastic cheapening of credit, par
ticularly short term credit. Call
money has been offered day after
day at 1 per cent against the 1929
peak of 20 per cent.
The United States treasury was
recently able to offer six-month
certificates with a coupon rate of
only 1-li per cent, the lowest since
Not Quinine Enthusiast,
(Elmer C. Adams in the Detroit
Last week unnoticed by the world
at large a company of devoted men
assembled and quietly celebrated
the three hundredth anniversary of
the discovery of quinine and its use
in the cure of malaria.
Unnoticed, and happily so. I can
not go into raptures on the subject
of quinine. I have no malaria. I
never did have any malaria. Never
theless I have in my time swallowed
barrels of quinine for whatever was
the matter with me. For measles,
rash, spring fever, whooping cough,
coated tongue, growing pains, and
the government inaugurated this
form of short term borrowing.
It has been true, particularly in
the later months of the year, how
ever, that the abundant credit avail
able has been handled with consid
erable conservatism.
The freeing of credit dammed up
in the security markets has been on
a vast scale. Figures for actual
brokerage loans, as represented by
j total borrowings of New York
stock exchange members, have
; dropped to little more than $2,000,
000,000, compared to nearly $4,000,
000,00 at the start of last year and
the peak of about $8,500,000,000 on
October 1, 19?C.
■ --M
Miller, S. D.—(AP;—Hand county
4-H baby pork club members raised
6,711 pounds of pork in carrying out
their projects this year, it was
shown by a summary compiled by
N. N. DeLong, district club agent
with headquarters at Faulkton.
Divided up into pigs, this tree
being late for school I was dosed
in my helpless youth with that bit
ter specific. Nor did it come in the
innocuous capsule form, but naked.
I raw and terrible on the end of a
teaspoon, or mixed with sugar, or
fiendishly hidden in a jam sand
Quinine in those days would cure
more ailments than the violet ray
machine cures today—and a hun
dred times quicker. Quicker? Why,
while mother was taking three steps
between you and the medicine shelf
every symptom would miraculously
Quinine, I hear, is still going
strnnsr. It needs no ooor words
tons of pork represents 38 head. The
baby porkers were fed by the 4-H
club boys for a period of 102 days,
from May 16 to August 26, during
which time they made an average
gain of 134 pounds, or 1.31 pounds
a day.
The champion pig, owned and
shown by Robert Hancock, made an
average gain of 1.90 pounds, or a
total of 194 pounds. The Duroc bar
row of Marion Campbell was second
with an average daily gain of 1.
68 pounds and a total of 172
Q. Was the drought last summer
worse than any that has preceded
it? A. M. C.
A. It was the severest in the cli
matological history of the central
and eastern portions of the United
States. The growing season from
March to August was the driest of
record in the Middle Atlantic states
and the Ohio and middle Mississippi
mine to praise cr to protect. But I
will gladly join in a memorial ser
vice for the now obsolete and de
funct sulphur-and-molasses.
Two Minds With—
From Lustige Sachse. Leipzig.
‘ How happy Mrs. Smith looks.”
"No doubt she's thinking of the
silver fox fur she just got.”
‘‘And how sad her husband looks."
‘‘No doubt he's thinking of the
same thing!”
Three sisters living in the little
village of Bockingen, Baden, Ger
many, were born on the same day,
married on the same day, and
“•eh has eight healthy children.
Can'* PLAY
Can’t REST
—child needs Castoria
YVHEN a child is fretful and
irritable, seems distressed and un
comfortable, can’t play, can’t sleep,
it is a pretty sure sign that some
thing is wrong. Right here is where
Castoria fits into a child's scheme—
the very purpose for which it was
formulated years ago! A few drops
and the condition w;hich caused the
trouble is righted; comfort quickly
brings restful sleep.
Nothing can take the place of
Castoria for children; it’s perfectly
harmless, yet always effective. I'or
the protection of your wee one—
for your own peace of mind—keep
this old reliable preparation always
on hand. But don’t keep it just for
emergencies; let it be an every-day
aid. Its gentle action will ease and
soothe the infant who cannot
sleep. In more liberal doses it will
effectively help to regulate sluggish
bowels in an older child.
All druggists have Castoria: it’s
genuine if you seeChas. H. Fletcher’s
signature and this name-plate:
“Proud Man” Powerless
Before Wiles of Woman
If they cannot see you nt 10
o'clock, could they see you at 4, and
If you cannot see them at 4, when
will you he free? They have counted
upon your help. They knew that yon
would help. They want your help,
and nobody else’s help will do.
The matter Is so vital and they
ask for so little. You could not he
Indifferent. You could not be opposed.
Surely n man In your position and
with the public Interest at heart, who
need only say the word and the thing
will be done.
They argue and bog, they beseech
and Implore, they flatter and cajole.
They exalt you and debase you. They
praise you and threaten yon. They
wheedle and annoy. They suggest
and demand, they respectfully pres
ent, they exhort and direct.
They grow facetious, they wax
sarcastic, they become abusive. They J
reproach you and malign yon. They
urge and Insist. They counsel and ad
monish. They cheer and compliment.
They reprove and scorn, slander and
vilify, disparage and hiss.
They blame and censure, denounce
and repudiate. They rant nnd rave.
They coax nnd eulogize. They pester
nnd badger. They point out and
plead. They caress nnd fondle, pam
per and embrace you. They pet and
spoil, coddle nnd Indulge you.
They defame, defile, maltreat, mo
lest, persecute nnd oppress, ill-use,
extol and laud, rail nt and favor,
panegyrize nnd vituperate, abuse,
uphold end vindicate, humble and
humiliate, overawe and mortify, con
fuse nnd embarrass, shame nnd
Inspire, rally nnd animate, abash,
confound, disconcert and dishearten.
At last they get what they want.
For what. In the face of such an at
tack, is n poor, defenseless man to
do?—Baltimore Sun.
Colorado Land Holding*
The United States government is
by far the largest lnnd holder In the
state of Colorado, according to the
state immigration bureau. While
precise figures are Impossible to com
pile because of conflicts of reserves,
withdrawals nnd classifications, the
bureau estimates thnt the govern
ment owns or controls 37 per cent
of the entire surface area of the
Garfield Tea
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stom
ach and intestinal
111. This good old
fashioned herb
home remedy for
c onstipatlon,
istomach ills and
other derange
- menis or rue sys
tem so prevalent tliese days Is In
even greater favor as a family med
icine than in your grandmother's
■_—__ _
High Hstt»ri
"The trouble with the high hat,’'
says Edgar Guest, “is that It Is an
uncomfortable piece of headgear at
the best. It frightens away friends
and fails to frighten a single ene»
my.”—American Magazine.
Speaking of Golf
John D. Rockefeller has been play
ing golf now for 30 years. He lias
owned at one time three private golt
courses, but never a pair of knickers.
—Collier’s Weekly.
WORK won’t wait for a
headache to wear oh.
Don’t look for sympathy at
such times, but get some Bayer
Aspirin. It never fails.
Don’t be a chronic sufferer
from headaches, or any other
pain. See a doctor and get at
the cause. Meantime, don’t
play martyr. There’s always
quick comfort in Bayer Aspirin.
It never does any harm. Isn’t
it foolish to suffer any needless
pain? It may be only a simple
headache, or it may be neu
ralgia or neuritis. Rheumatism.
Lumbago. Bayer Aspirin is still
the sensible thing to take.
There is hardly any ache or
pain these tablets can’t relieve;
they are a great comfort to
women who suffer periodically;
they are always to be relied on
for breaking up colds.
Buy the box that says Bayer,
and has Genuine printed in red.
Genuine Bayer Aspirin doesn’t
depress the heart. All druggists.
' Preparations '
The household remedies that meet every
requirement for the daily use ©f every
member ©f the family. The Soap for
regular toilet use, the Oinl mout to heal
pimples and irritations and the Talmm
to refresh and cool the skin.