The Frontier. VOLUME LI. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1930. No. 25 The Official Vote of Holt County General Election, Kov. 4th, 1930 Total Vote Amendment 149—For Amendment 149—Against Amendment 189—For Initiative Petition 322—Yes Initiative Petition 323—No Initiative Petition—Yes Initiative Petiton 325—No Intiative Petition 326—Yes Initiative Petition 327—No lT. S. Senator George W. Norris, Rep. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Dem. Beatrice Craig, Petition _ Governor Arthur J. Weaver, Rep.. Charles W. Bryan, Dem. Lieutenant Governor Theodore Metcalfe, Rep. James C. Agee, Dem._ Secretary of State Frank Marsh, Rep. . L. A. Larson, Dem. . ?| H | I fl c £ W A e o as G o cfi B c o ■J c Oi u 0? A A I < l a cc .C u 91 rt j SIS o o ©. *5 C, 0,0 Q -I S ! £ C* ju A : 33 ^ _ , a ts t o o I ic d j s g g r Si p *5 % - 1 o *5 - X : oi 3 ens n S !• O' > =i ■ fc m _ i cj <3 ; g C y 5- &< LJ ^ o CS 02 W' 2 1 S! r i 3! IS 2 *8 . E « S ^ ^ S1 P fe Q '5' £ & A C (H cj'Sfl, ^ : ,sj i; «- !> Ph pi S www c/i cri vi rn rn 4? Q A u V Ifj £ •3 £ Li ** o> £ a e a c . o tn — , h E i 0 £ a. £ i? o o ,sJei 2 5 W !>, 4, ® *j .2 — 1 £ 5 | o 3 O < P3 . *■»; 23 5 o H C C5 s !, I II I I. r i. r r 250jl47jl52i230|286|72|100|76 105I56|1 D0|233 45 48|309|79^ 115 23'i«9'87 52 168!83il 17|80 G2 SB 3G| 188) 159(98 455|45!328;7t»;i 121303 235j30t>|49|30|28j79|6096| I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 85|x55| 61 94)134j32| 36;18. 52)15) 55,119112 22 113 19 391 23 34 26 46 13! 19'22 16 13! 29! 39 g 16 52;28! 13! 29 20 29113! 64ll06i48i39,2ni 69 33; Amendment 189—Against _>..50 42 Auditor of Public Accounts Geo. IV. Marsh, Rep. Cecil E. Matthews, Dem. Com. Public Lands and Buildings Dan Swanson, Rep. John Thomssen, Dem, •ite Treasurer T. W. Bass, Rep. Charles Smrha, Dem. Attorney General C. A. Sorenson, Rep. Grover Long, Dem. Railway Commissioner Hugh Henderson Drake, Rep. E. A. Walrath, Dem. _ Congressman 6th District, 113| 92 48! 20 651 7*>! 28, 69’ 125! 99i 13! 58 56| 26 113! 123! 1101 102' 84! 39 1211 90! 111 104 113 94 90! 41| 95 37' 95 34 98! 109; 89 39 124| 94 109 108 98 34 88; 36! 41 50 68j 42| 71 65! 42! 83|24 77! 89|23| 25; 13 33|16l 45|133; 7' 5 62 10, 49! 81120 24121 47|29 35 17 B139|21i33 14| 581 67.46,16120 169 18 54,131 31J 9(17 28|llj 40| 37;20j 84; 9 56 27 20 61 25f23 39110; 46? 45|l3)2»| 79,38 26 44 44 41 13 511 56 123 22! 58; 90! 53121) 36! 28! 22(23' 33ill 57| 91! 3!22 129)21 39)271 35i 79| 3 16 67138! 61)101 50 33 26) 22 49122 31 12, 46 30 34 11 24!23jl7!19;13| 36; 27|23l21|ll| 98,15| 4L 72 14 31 64 20 20 45; 13! 53 67 89H1B 15)107;32 20102 | I I I I I 54 22 62432 17130 14, 78, 70 34 97,124125; 6 18 26(2483,341 36 481 9|12 0,12 1142 79|13l| 79]33| 35 35! 82161 27|19| 28 30 45 47; 92i 16 55 92 57 26 I I I I 52! 98)194150! 78 107 64:211 16: 121 20 0 29)20! 25123) | | 69146 24 23 3, 0 5l !40| 69122 4[16|116 22 31! 5| 43! 59) 3119, 89 39! II I III (l 21 lli 48 84 3,171107 22« 47(26; 38 73 2 18! 69 36! 54 91133)38 27 27! 70(37 23 7 31 64146! 32 14 24 33 42 33,21 60 13 81)46)115 43! 90 36 28 20; 251 50 26 31 12 41 16 65 23 48 31 13:26 35,1S8136 24 5 61 104)15 7 100(33 0) 2 3, 12| 0) 3 8, 2 60 135.51 56 28 39! S5 16 22 21 11 10* 0! 2 1| 95)71 5512 9| 0 96 84,169)48 51 132 114:24 91 89 201 51110 55 95 98 196 43 23 41,38 54(32: 35 22) 63! l 133*46:45 47 77l40'30 301 66 26' 23i 90 59 16(41129)43 37 51 (29(25(37 34 66 45 37)24 23 50 79163131 52 27! 33! 17)26(27 211 63| 43(45 207 81 98! 94(38 172 50 24 30! 8 73| 64 61 96! 78 27 76) 72(46 88' 74!34 .1 N 26*164 42! 67 161 96)20! 30 154 243 32 203)49 155ll2! 88)18 80 25 213121 165)22 154)39 105)23 73 29 128 136 109 114 160 148 117 87 190 107: 65 80 113 78 130 181 76 169 98 120)207 82 54 5| 8 25-2408 I I 29120*19 60)313611017 19 el 5)19 2119! I 29)19:16)45 19) 61 6123 2798 2385 34|l»ll9 42 14* 7 I 25,20 23) 5 4133 14*39 6l29 3194 2269 413 925 3240)1186 2054( \'no « ol i ilnrtfoli coo nuuei i ki. oiuimuiis, ivtjp. _r...... John McCoy, Dem.. State Senator, 22nd District Ross Amspoker, Rep. Crist Andersen, Dem. ■1133 'J7 83! 33 Representative G4th District C. E. Havens, Rep, _ E. O. Slaymaker, Dem. _ County Clerk E. F. Porter, Rep... John C. Gallagher, Dem.„.. Register of Deeds Esther Cole iHarris, Rep. __ Ren T. Winchell, Dem. -101 113 87 146| 105 891 94i 68 123! 50! 531146 Clerk of the District Court Ira H. Moss. Rep. ___ William J. Wilkinson, Dem. ... County Treasurer W. E. Conklin, Rep. ___ Harry Miller, Dem... County Sheriff J. S. Ennis, Rep. ___ Peter W. Duffy, Dem.. County Assessor C. D. Keyes, Rep. _ John J. Melvin, Dem__ County Attorney Julius D. Cronin, Rep.. County Surveyor M. F. Norton, Rep.. Supervisor, 1st District J. C. Stein, Rep.... Henry P. Mullen, Dem. ... Supervisor, 3rd District Wm. G. Shaugnessy, Rep. _ John Sullivan, Dem.__ Supervisor, 5th District RodeM Root, Rep__ E. Gibson, Dem. 141 88 106 132 1241 781 119! 6,51 I I 63! 50 Supervisor, 7t.h District F. O. Hammerberg. Rep. _ Hugh L. James, Dem._ State Superintendent Charles W. Taylor,___ John M. Matzen_ County Superintendent Luella A. Parker_ 83 53 91 50| 41 85 57 123 65 137 31 154 111 94 721126120 !M)j44 j 33|18; t>U 301102 39! 11 62 42 45 28! 39| 50 31! 39|27 52 148 94! 44) I 82! 57 181 92 121! 90 82 45 98 45 91 51 78 69 58 93 90 45 158| 109 !lll I I 14711021109 104! 81 131! 69 ! 110! 74 100! 60 I 216|129 92 57 86 50 122 89 115 78 140 86 142 37 193 129 171 111 99 185 238 36 165 113 210 76 521 34 53! 191 401 30! 411 25 46 24 I 27l 45! 36 61 27 67 57 36 46!45 53124 65 33 71 41 57 47 50 25 78|26 22 31 20 31 18 29 19 26 76 741 52 83jl58 591 89 3U 11 28 13 27 102 j 119 j 15 66lll4!25 108 j 111 jl 9 120 108!27 62|H3!14 56I126 29 1l0j 88*13 78! 118l 17 10l!l 11(27 Z6\161 ; 4 I 2l!l34 26 i 21 Il08j371 20!155!30| I I I 151 92!l3j 32*169 59 1 221101 I 291146 181137 651192137! 130 158 124 76*32! ! 220T60| 69 219 159 121 66 156 120*119 I 1431246 70 20| 55i 38! 28! 60 60 57 13 36 67 43 56 60 39 129 39 37 75 29 30 66 271 49 26*132 75(42 80 31 66 41 36 71 97 120 117 71 18*110 77 75 57'51!151 103119 126(24 120 101 162 173 100121 109*34 189 37 194 27 351131150 13H59'22 121144! 9 341163169 I 221116123 201170142 75 32 42 64 50 51 56 55 50 56 55 51 23 68110 115*44 104145 40 16251 54 1Z a>-DU 33 21 29 41*30 4 4 i 4 7 I 36 53 58132 20! 5l|33 54135 103*42 17' 68*19 311 74*59 22 49*29 29 49 65 49 62 53 28*113i5l! 58 99 110 130 102 97 , , 126 41 57 39! 68*23! 37 I I II I I 60 53 65 48 OOOU^I lUU! UliUU iOT 40 un o.r 23 29 5 68 78*22|130!ll* 82*13* 19 ' 1 ! 1 ! ! 30 231261 74| 45143 251 !28l 150l27l 71 28 56 6* 94'106*43*154(14*138*37* 31 19 42 29 44 24|29 32(33152 6 94 106!43!l54!l4,138i37* I 16| 571 36!42!l08!23!l49l31| 127*30! 1321107 I 117) 67 156(136 16*1161110*40 331121 48 36 32 14 84 26i24*53l21 52l25jlll 94 591 75i40|36|37jl9 91 24*41 131155 160 51*40 261 92*36 65142*37*22! 62*45 621137 481 91 24147 62*35 30] 68 43 2ll 92139 36!21'48'16* 79 ||l 50!3l|49j26! 70 88| 81|50 194*29 204 199 16 21 25*31 * 8*107 40*40*17 18I44I17 73*40!202*23 57!l33*68!46|20| 91|19l 50!l 5*23 .55!59!221128 95 30(175*14 I I I 951 60*511307(27 85! 95145 127*18 181*32* 139|42' | | 171*41* 131130' I I 197*50! 83(22! 58*107' 62 461165*142 j 1 60' 96* 65 461203*175 551181 91 jl 8 158 100 153 109 159 138 139 175 49*117* 84*120 851194 21! 94 152137! 164'39* ; i vj ,1 ■ 1 ui/ v»m 22*1930! 41 2649 5*30*2783 17 12f40 7131 18*22|21*44 154*227125 68 58123 6911821125 391115*106 36*225 I 1 29*223 195 103 111 172 II 36 52| 521 53 46 63 81 83 100)29|39 I I 164145143 72*47*34 I I 183l72|G6 129136 126133 I 311 74163) 65162139 ..,11 20! 91*30' 45143*34 301 63'48| 62130123 I I I 109 55! 90*70*49 32(211 33* 45*45' 112*22'225 181 69'66 245 651 89 115 106 110*61 31 25 115 54| 86*69*44 76 25 131 I ll I 261102* 144 541151154 I I 1 46*17* 71 39117! 91 I I 761291131 55* 12 55*26! Mil 116* 54 110 43 110 100 100 57 *122 5l!338!2ll 96 I I I * 521215127*195 40*185116*120 84!348!33*250!58 52* 25 44 26 I I 20(32 2333 3136 2703 3150 134 803 447 30781447 2631 3372 146I18|24|16 144129 621 83* 71 !160!22 521215 81*318 33*236159 ! I 65 35 92 85 16! 78! 63157*182*26 16| 73! 78*30*194*12 35*251 82134* 51*54*34 87*54'36'25l 57l36l 50118*25*26 I I I ! I III ! 186*86*79l*4l|l27l60l 98171 156*76*31 *149*117I88I352 4(*285*68! 99*226 74 223 222 213 106 186 160[l36j26 59 166 168 158 100 123 74' 35( 158128 126 21 238 247 157 138 7! 8 162*38* 115i28l 73l 95 18*172 70*115*24*16 1381129I21I 7 2312247 I 46*3151 20)2723 1125 428 11! 7 2512583! 17( 8 63134901907 20111 39*2805120 7! 9 3212785! I 2l]21 64*4183i4483 I I ! 20*21 631435014350 ! I 2* 4011170 I 231! I ! ! |15| 5731 125' 57512 I ! I I 5* 485*85 I 21 400! . I I I ! 31 450* *12' 612(162 14*32*2687*148 7132*2539* I I I ! I I I 176l 252*44* 28*23|59*4885! 4885 LIST OF JURORS FOR NOVEMBER TERM OF THE DISTRICT COURT Stuart Hartigan — Walter Jutte - Howard Bauman ... Chas. Gonderinger Mark Howard - Oscar Whitehead-Stuart Robert Fullerton.. Atkinson John Damero _.___Phoenix Frank Valla_O’Neill _Amelia ...... O’Neill Atkinson _ Stuart O’Neill . Chambers .. Chambers _Amelia Stuart _Inman O’Neill _ O’Neill _Atkinson Page Lloyd James — P. V. Hickey E. H. Chase _... Tony Lockman Wm Grutsch Al. Litka _ Tim Reed _ Lee Samons_ Frank Kaup_ Lyle McKim_ J. K. Bellar George Shoemaker _ _ Opportunity . O’Neill _ O’Neill George Godel - Atkinson George SchifFern Atkinson W. R. Callen Atkinson LARGE STILL CAPTURED ON JOHN IIAGLEX FARM A large still was apprehended and brought to O’Neill last Friday even ing by federal law enforcement offi cer George Bay; some alleged liquor was als' secured. Last Monday Mr. Hagler was brought to O’Neill; he posted a $1000 bond pending his hearing next Sat urday in county court. ROSS AMSPOKER DEFEATED BY 122 IN DISTRICT Compi .: returns from the differ ent counties in the Twenty-second state sens.* ' 1 district, comprising Boyd, Brov Rock, K' ya aha and Holt, shon at Cris And< c ; dem ocrat, of Bristow defeated Ross Ams poker, of Springview by the narrow margin of 122, the vote being Ander sen 6,374, Amspoker 6,252. The offi cial count in Holt county will change slightly. NEW" ROYAL THEATRE OPENING TONIGHT The New Royal Theatre will open tonight with the new comedy success “Check and Double Check.” featuring Amos ’n Andy, which will aslo be shown Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon. As we stated last week, the build ing has been remodeled throughout, new drapes hung and new chairs were installed yesterday. The new sound machines have replaced the old ones and the New Royal is now al to give reproduction equal to any in this part of the state. JURY CASES TO HE HEARD IN DISTRICT COURT MONDAY Monday will open the November term of District Court In CNeill with fourteen jury cases to be heard at this session. The list of the cases to be heard are as follows: State vs. Harry Dempsey. Oscar Newman vs. National Union Fire Insurance Co. John Fiala vs. State Farm Insur ance Company. Joe Nekoliejak vs. Frank Eppen bach. State, ex-rel Spangler vs. Melvin Hunt. Dliss, Receiver, vs. Horace Bradley. George Wilson vs. Sanford Parker. Banking House of Folda vs. J. M. Higgins. Alfred Dorr vs. James Fullerton. L. E, Jackson vs. Mike Rotherham. George Schwartz vs. Nick Schwindt. H. A. Tower vs. National Fire Insur ance Company. McMillan & Markey 'vs. Fremont Wool Company. Guaranty Life Insurance Co. vs. Ivo Sanders. L. G. GILLESPIE SEDAN OVERTURNS NEAR NORFOLK L. G. Gillespie and son Bennett suffered an accident to their Chev iolet sedan four miles west of Nor folk last Sunday afternoon. The car m into loose gravel and turned over into the <1 itch which contained enough water to submerge both of the men. Mr. Gillespie, who was on top of Bennett, managed to open the car door and they both crawled out without serious mishap. The car was taken to Norfolk where it was repair ed and driven home the following day. GUS WOERNER, STUART, B31FORE INSANITY BOARD Gus Woerner, 40, of Stuart, Ne braska was brought before the insan ity board, Tuesday and was adjudg ed to be a paranoiac; he was taken to the state hospital in Norfolk, Wed nesday by the sheriff. Superintendent G. E. Charlton, of the ctnte hospital at Norfolk, was present and conducted the examina tion. Dr. Charlton is recognized as one of the loading experts on mental diseases. Woerner is the fellow who was held several weeks ago charged with the placing of three sticks of dyna mite under the seat of the car being driven by J. Wefso, manager of the Krotter Company, at Stuart. The dynamite was connected to a couple of spark plugs of the car but for some reason the explosion did not oc cur as planned; after Wefso had riven the car several blocks he took it to a garage to find out why it w>as not working well; the mechanic dis covered the wires leading to the dynamite under the seat. Woerner was released at that time for lack of sufficient evidence to convict him. THE ROYAL THEATRE WILL HOLD OPEN HOUSE The New Royal Theatre will hold “open house” next Tuesday afternoon from two until six o’clock. The show will be free to everyone. Mrs. Rasley is asking you to visit the theatre Tuesday afternoon as her guest; she wants you to bring your friends. The show will be “Girl of the Port" with Sally O’Neill in the leading role. The New Royal Theatre has been newly furnished throughout and the new machines are of the latest type and are built to give the best sound reproduction. Visit the theatre next Tuesday and show Mrs. Rasley that you appreciate what she is doing to give the public the best in pictures. THOS. WHELAN ELECTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF BIG CALIFORNIA COUNTY Thomas Whelan, (familiarly known as Anselm), the son of Captain E. H. Whelan and Susie Quilty W’hclan, was elected district attorney of San Diego County, California, November 4th, with a majority of 13,000 odd. Tom received 33,115 votes and his op ponent, John Coker, 19,854. The population of Ran Diego coun ty is about 200,000, and the county contains the large city of San Diego, (population 150,000,) which is adja cent to the well-known Mexican cen ters of Agua Caliente and Tit Juana, which are only sixteen miles distant from the city of San Diego. On ac count of the position of the city and county, the office of district attorney is a very imporant one , there being ten paid deputies with salaries rang ing from $4,500 to $2,40 per year ac cording to grade, while the salary of the district attorney himself is six thousand dollars. Tom Whelan is well known to the younger generation in our city and county as he lived here from his birth in 1902 to 1920. He is a grad uate of the O’Neill High School and bus a number of relatives and a host uf friends in this community. 150,000 PHEASANTS SHOT BY HUNTERS (Norfolk Nows) Frank B. O’Connell, state game warden, and for the moment at least, a statistician, sallied forth today with salient facts and figures concerning the recent ten day open season in Ne braska when the elusive pheasants were sent to cover. Of first importance, the warden said, was the toll of birds amounting to 150,000 in the twenty-two open counties. He admitted he had no ac cess to the figures in the non-open counties. Howrard county, he figured, witnes sed a total kill of 20,000 birds , of which 14,000 were tagged and taken out of the county for consumption. Sherman county, with 15,000 killed, he said, was second, and Merrick county third with a toll of 14,000. The meat value of the pheasants killed, O’Connell fixed in round num bers at $100,000. They would have filled twenty-two box cars, and the total weigh was 225 tons, he said. Some counties, according to his tabulations, consumed more of their birds at home than were taken away and Cheyenne county ranked first in home consumption inasmuch as only 180 birds were tagged. All birds tak en out of the county, the law said, must be tagged. Some of his other essential facts follow: “That 40,000 persons, hunted pheas ants at one time or another during the season. • “That the hunters had $500,000 worth of fun, while those who ran afoul of the law had $5,0Q0 worth of grief. “That about ten persons out of each 1,000 grappled with the law dur ing the season. “That about $25,000 worth of am munition was expended, allowing each hunter three shots to a bird.’* To the latter, however, O’Connell ad ded this footnote, “A good many hunters will dispute my figures on this.”