The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 24, 1930, Image 8

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!= i
ghting a match
Brings Frigid
Food-Protecting Cold
UST light it once a day and leave it! That’s all you have
to do with Superfex, the economical new iceless refriger
ator that generates its own safe, dry cold from oil heat—
right in the kitchen. A few cents worth of kerosene pro
vides 21 to 36 hours* dependable refrigeration. The burners
operate about an hour and a half and go out automatically.
Hotter and cheaper than ice.
Superfex freezes ice cubes; chills crisp salads; keeps food
fresh and tasty for days in warmest weather—and in hot
winter kitchens. Saves thousands of steps daily, and pays
for itself in food savings. Enduring steel construction, por
celain lined. No moving parts.
Telephone today for further information, or come in and
see it work.
Made by Perfection Stove Company
{A Superfex is also available for use with natural, man-11
ufactured or tanked gases; semi-automatic controlJ|
Tooley & Crisman
Broken Bow, Nebraska
OIL-BUP v’Nc”m ILK'cmi ,ER
The Superfex principle it aw employed in a new c><l’er which coca*
milk to 40° at the rate of a gallon every 2 to 3 nvnutes. Aal; u* aocut it.
C. M. Head and mother, of Ran
dolph, Nebraska, spent Sunday at
the R. E. Magirl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo r Merriman
have moved to the residence of Mrs.
C. Smith on west Everett street.
T. 1). Hanley returned home from
1 Omaha last Sunday where he had
been visiting with his son George.
There will be a ball game at At
kinson, Sunday, July 27th between
the Atkinson and Niobrara teams.
W. H. Kennedy, of Fullerton, was
in O'Neill, Tuesday looking after his
residence property in the northwest
ern part of the city.
Burt Hubbard is expected home
Saturday from the officers training
camp at Omaha, which he has been
attending the past six weeks.
Clyde Ross, who suffered a severe
accident to a foot last fall by getting
it caught in a hay baler, went to
Norfolk, Monday to consult special
ists in regard to the foot.
Riverside Park
—Music by—
Grand Island Girls
Novelty Orchestra
—Music by—
Come and have a good
Next Big
; Combination Sale I
:!: SAT., AUGUST 16th i
;; Geo. Colman, Auct. :
!: JOHN L. QUIG, Mgr. i
Miss Peggy Timlin, of Hubbard,
Nebraska, is visiting in the home of
her uncle, Janies Timlin and family.
Miss Florence Malone, of Omaha,
is expected to arrive Friday for a
week-end visit with the home folks.
Francis and Gerald Shoemaker, of
Winner, South Dakota, spent the
week-end with their cousin, Lester
Mrs. C. W. Arnold of Sioux City,
' Iowa, came the first of the week to
visit her brother, R. E. Magirl, who
is quite ill.
Mrs. Charles Downey and little
son Jimmy are in Wayne, Nebraska,
where Mrs. Downey is attending the
state normal.
The Missionary Society of the
Methodist church will hold a Food
Sale in the Ben Grady store next
Saturday, July 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Burge and
children returned home last Friday
from an auto trip to points in Iowa
and eastern Nebraska.
Word has been received by friends
in O’Neill that Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Richardson and children and Mrs. L.
W. Arnold have moved from Water
town, South Dakota, to Kansas City,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Seybold and
daughter, Miss Helen, drove to
Kearney, Nebraska, last Sunday,
where Mrs. Seybold and daughter
will visit with her sisters. Mr. Sey
bold returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. John Kersenbrock accom
panied her little eight year old son
Jack to Sioux City, Wednesday
where Master Jack is receiving treat
ment from an eye specialist. Miss
Ruth Kratochvil, of Osmond, a sister
to Mrs. Kersenbrock, accompanied
them to O’Neill for a visit.
Rain is reported to have fallen
east, west, north and south of this
locality, but none has fallen here;
last Friday it looked as though we
were going to get a soaking; three
ditferent times a light sprinkle was
noticeable but all vanished away.
The southern part of South Dakota,
Valentine, the eastern part of the
state as far west as Norfolk and the
territory from Albion south and west
received a good rain Saturday and
Sunday. The weather has not been
quite so warm this week as was re
ported last week but the dry, hot
weather is telling on the corn; the
corn is not in bad shape at this time
but we must have rain soon.
Compiled by the Nebraska Press
Association and the Rehabiliation
Division of the State Department of
Vocational Education.
Report for Two Week Period Ending
July 15, 1930
No. of
Accidents Deaths Inj. Tot.
■Mootr vehicle 210 14 190 304
Other public 109 12 91 103
Agricultural 75 10 62 72
Industrial 33 2 37 39
Home _ ..47 2 40 42
Total_474 40 520 560
Of the 520 persons injured 29 yere
permanently disabled.
Accidents for the two-week period
including July 4 show a 40% increase
over the same period last year with
23% less fatalities, 45% increase in
permanent disabilities and 43% in
crease of injuries.
There were 21 injuries and 7 dis
abilities from firecrackers.
Agriculture had 3 times the injur
ies and 10 times the fatalities that
occurred in the same period in 1929.
The opinion is held by many con
scientious people that the great ma
jority of drownings occur to swim
mers while indulging in the sport.
To determine the facts as apply i.0
Nebraska, the following analysis was
made of fatalities by drowning dur
ing the past 60 weeks that this acci
dent study has been in progress.
We find that while swimming, boat
ing or rescuing drowning persons, 33
swimmers have been drowned. 10 of
these died from the result of diving;
3 from illness brought on by taking
water into the lungs; 14 suffered
cramps and 6 were drowned while at
tempting to rescue non-swimmers in
42 non-swimmers have been drown
ed while engaged in some form of
aquatic sport. Of 18 other accidental
drownings due to floods and accident
al falls into water; only one person
was a swimmer and he was caught
with a cramp.
15 small children have been drown
ed in tanks or washtubs. Of a total
of 108 persons drowned in Nebraska
in 60 weeks only 34 have been swim
A Nebraska daily paper has done
an outstanding piece of public ser
vice by promoting in Lincoln a “learn
to swim week.” While all commun
ities in the state do not have facil
ities for a similar activity, yet some
phase of accident prevention, which
will result in saving human lives,
can be sponsored locally by every
newspaper in the state.
Motor Accident Report for Period
Ending July 15, 1930
Cause of No. of No.
Accident Accidents Dths Inj.
Skids 14 3 20
Skids _ 22 2 42
Tire blows out _ 8 14
Mechanical defects 4 0 4
Loses control 22 0 46
Speed 11 0 17
Passing car struck
car passed 5 1 11
Passing car struck
oncoming car 3 0 5
Ditched by pass, car 2 0 4
Collision .. . 49 4 76
Struck obstruction 3 14
Struck pedestrian. .. 19 2 18
Driver intoxicated. _ 4 0 2
Driver ill--- 10 1
Passing signals and
highway markers 2 0 3
Blinding lights 4 0 8
Reckless driving ... 18 1 23
Railroad crossing 3 1 2
Miscellaneous . 23 1 20
Aviation . 1 0 0
Total 204 14 290
A Lincoln man has a sure-fire rem
edy for all traffic troubles. He sa£s
require everybody to drive fast
enough to keep out of the way of
everybody else.
Accidents Since January 1, 1930
Inj. Dis. Dths Tot.
Motor vehicle 2043 47 150 2240
Other public 485 41 98 624
Agricultural 303 54 40 397
Industrial_ 266 36 43 345
Home ... 335 37 68 440
Total ...... 3432 216 399 4046
(Continued from page 2)
his land was left as returned.
The following protests were inves
tigated and on motion was left as re
turned to-wit: Charles G. Fink; Lars
L. Lund; Benjamin Earl Morris,
Glen Pickeral; Clemens Olberding,
Mary Huseman, V, Leon Belt.
Protest of Emily M. Allen was in
vestigated and on motion W^NWy*
13-30-15 was reduced to $1270.
5 o’clock p. m.; on motion Board
of Equalization adjourned until July
3, 1930 at 1 o’clock.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman. Clerk
O’Neill, Neb., July 3, 1930
Holt County Board met at the call
of the Clerk. All members present
but Stein. Board called to order by
the chairman.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the general fund:
John Sullivan $ 40.00
John Steinhauser 45.00
C. D. Keyes 20.00
L. E. Skidmore 35.00
E. Gibson 86.60
Hugh L. James 47.80
U C. McKim 71.00
On motion bond of Levi Clemens as
road overseer in Wyoming township
was approved.
Mr. Chairman:
In reference to the application of
John Carr for a reappraisal of school
land in Sec. 16-27-11 upon investiga
tion it would appear that said land
is appraised too high. Therefore, I
move you that this Board recommend
to the Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings that said land ap
praisement be lowered to $800.
E. Gibson
Seconded by Hugh L. James. Upon
the above resolution being put to
vote by the chairman it was declared
carried and so ordered.
The following claims were audited
and approved and on motion allowed
on the road fund:
O. O. Newman __ 69.00
Halsey Hull 25.00
Joe Tomjack . 17.50
Roy Butler 27.50
W. O. James 6.00
M. J. Minahan 41.00
Leo Lydon 22.20
Walter Richards 11.20
Tickner Garage 1.15
Vedar Headman 10.00
John Tagel 4.00
Geo. Sobotka . .... 5.00
Farmers Union Oil Co. ...... 8.40
Clarence J. Tasler _„ 57.00
Mr. Chairman:
Your committee sent to view the
road commencing at SE corner of
Sec. 29-29-12 thence running west
three miles between Sec. 29 and 32,
30 and 3 1,township 29, range 12, and
range 13 and terminating at the SVV
between Sec. 25 and 36, township 29,
corner of Sec. 25, Twp. 29, Range 13
beg leave to report that this is an
open road and has been for more
than ten years last past, and would
recommend that the same be declar
ed an open road; that the County
Surveyor be instructed to survey and
plat the same.
L. E. Skidmore
Hugh L. James
E. Gibson
John Sullivan
Motion made and seconded that
the above report and recommenda
tions of the committee be approved
and surveyor ordered to survey and
plat the same. Upon above motion
being put to vote by the chairman it
was declared carried and so ordered.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman Clerk
O’Neill, Neb., July 3, 11*30
1 o’clock p. m.
Holt County Board of Equalization
met pursuant to adjournment, all
members present but Stein. Board
called to order by the chairman.
Minutes of July 2, 1930 read and
The average valuation of the land
in the different townships was com
pared and on motion the valuation of
townships was equalized as follows:
Average i n -
crease or de
Average as crease as
returned by equalized by
Townships assessor the Board
Antelope .- 11.46 no change
Atkinson _ 19.61 5% decrease
Chambers 12.32 5% increase
Cleveland 10.45 no change
Coleman ... 10.97 5% decrease
Conley 8.48 no change
Deloit 15.10 5% increase
Dustin 9.83 5% increase
Emmet __ 14.46 no change
Ewing- 10.10 no change
Fairview 8.52 nochange
Francis- 6.04 no change
Golden _ 16.62 no change
Grattan 19.10 5% decrease
Green Valley 11.08 no change
Holt Creek 5.21 10% increase
Inman- 14.84 10% decrease
Iowa 17.48 5% increase
Josie 4.52 no change
Lake ,..... .... . 11.09 no change
McClure . 9.12 no change
Paddock.. 11.60 5% increase
Pleasantview .._ 17.63 5% increase
Rock Falls . 5.99 15% increase
Sand Creek 7.35 no change
Saratoga- 9.54 no change
Scott- 9.14 no change
Shamrock 9.18 5% decrease
Sheridan 14.06 no change
Shields 14.05 15% increase
Steel Creek 10.03 no change
Swan 3.05 nochange
Stuart 20.12 no change
Verdigris 22.5.3 no change
Willowdale 11.73 no change
Wyoming 5.91 no change
4 o’clock p. m.; on motion Board of
Equalization adjourned until July 5,
1930, at 10 o’clock a. m.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman Clerk
O’Neill, Neb., July 5, 1930
Holt County Board of Equalization
met pursuant to adjournment, all
members present but McKim. Board
called to order by the chairman. Min
utes for July 3, 1930 read and ap
Board of Equalization spent the
forenoon in investigating the assess
ment of the Elwood property in Sand
Creek and Cleveland townships.
12 o’clock, noon; on motion Board
adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m.
O’Neill, Neb., July 5, 1930
1 o’clock n. ni.
Holt County Board of Equaliza
tion met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present but McKim.
Board called to order by the chair
man. Mr. Elwood not appearing and
it being found that the valuation of
his ranch land had been considerably
lowered from the 1926 assessment it
was decided to leave the valuation
stand as returned.
3 o’clock p. m.; on motion Board
of Equalization adjourned until July
14, 1930 at 9 o’clock unless sooner
called by the Clerk.
John Sullivan, E. F. Porter,
Chairman Clerk
O'Neill, Neb., July 14, 1930
9 o’clock a. m.
Holt County Board of Equalization
met pursuant to adjournment, all
members present; board called to or
der by the chaiiunan.
Minutes for July 5, 1930, read and
This being the time set for con
tinuance of hearing on amended peti
tion of School District No. 142, the
matter came on for hearing.
The Board of School Dictrict No.
142 of Holt County, Nebraska, ap
peared and were represented by J. J.
Harrington and the Board of School
District No. 13 of Holt County, Ne
braska appeared and were represent
ed by Julius D. Cronin and the case
was continued; further evidence in
- ■
I have retired from business. As
you all know, the O’Neill Creamery
took over the business on July 1st.
I have turned all accounts over to
Mrs. Mattie Soukup for collection.
She will call on you the first of the
coming week.
Levi Hull
Lost: Between O’Neill and Atkin
son, a suit case containing a baseball
suit, shoes, mitt, etc. Shirt had large
initial *‘B.” Liberal reward; notify
this office. 9-lt;
Dressmaking.—Clara Aim.
Farm Loans see R. H. Parker. 49tf
The Fro-ntier $2.00 per year.
Violin Students wanted*.—Gerald
ine Davies, phone 366. 4tf
ing.—W. B. Gaaves, O’Neill, 80-tf
Shoe hospital. Honest goods and
square dealing. L. L. Cornell. 5tf.
Furnished Rooms for rent for light
housekeeping.—Mrs. Ella Riley. 9tf
Stewart-Warner Radios. Come in
and hear them. -W. B. Graves. 28tf
Found: On show grounds, Rosary;
owner may secure same at this office
by identifying property and paying
for this notice. 9
The Federal Land Bank of Omaha
announces that they are anxious to
secure farm loans at this time. All
those desiring a loan, call on Jas. F.
O’Donnell, Secretary, and submit an
application. 35
I have private money to loan on
choice farms. See K. II. Parker,
O'Neill. Nebraska. 27-tf
Will take several boys to board and
room during the coming school year.
—Mrs. E. D. Henry. tf
For Sale: Three Hue cutters; have
never been used. Mrs, E. 1>. Henry.
For Sale: An extra good baby
buggy.— Mrs. Ed Williams. 9-2t
Ear corn for sale.—Bazelman Lum
ber Co. (5-tf
For Sale: Home Comfort Range,
nearly new.—Carrie N. Gibson, Op
portunity, Neb. 48tf
For Sale: 240 acre improved farm,
only one mile from O’Neill, on the
Elkhorn River. Good meadow, build
ings and cultivated land; running
water. I will sell this for about half
of what it is really worth.—See R.
H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 6
A few good gray does, bred or
open; reasonable; also young does
and bucks; visitors welcome any
time.—Mitchell Rabbitry, O’Neill. 41f
House for rent, modern except
heat.—Mary G. Horiskey. 6-tf
Buy one book at 75c, read it and
bring it back and exchange it for
another for 10c.
27-tf W. B. GRAVES.
(First publication July 24. 1930)
Estate No. 2168.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, July 22nd, 1930.
In the matter of the Estate of Jos
eph L. Witherwax, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are hereby
notified that the time limited for pre
senting claims against said estate
is November 21st, 1930, and for the
payment of debts is June 26th, 1931
and that on August 21st, 1930, and
on November 22nd, 1930, at 10
o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at
the County Court Room in said
County to receive, examine, hear, al
low', or adjust all claims and objec
tions duly filed.
(County Court Seal.)
9-4t. County Judge
(First publication July 24, 1930)
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, July 23, 1930.
In the matter of the Estate of
Thomas V. Golden, Deceased.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that the ad
ministratrix of said estate has filed
in said court her final report and a
petition for final settlement and dis
tribution of the residue of said es
tate and application to have deter
mined whether or not said estate is
subject to the payment of an inherit
ance tax; and that said application,
report and petition will be heard
August 13, 1930, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
at the County Court Room in O’Neill,
Nebraska, w’hen all persons interest
ed may appear and be heard concern
ing said final report and the distri
bution of said estate, and whether or
not said estate is subject to the pay
ment of an inheritance tax, and the
Couny Judge at said time and place
will decree whether said estate is
subject to such tax, and assess the
amount of such tax if he shall deter
mine said estate is of sufficient value
to be subject to the payment of such
(County Court Seal.)
9-3t. County Judge
(First publication July 10, 1930)
Estate No. 2180.
In the County Court of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, July 9th, 1930.
In the matter of the Estate of Wil
liam Mather, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court for
the probate of a written instrument
purporting to be the last will and
testament of William Mather, de
ceased, and for the appointment of
Julia Mather as executrix thereof;
that July 31st, 1930, at 10 o’clock A.
M., has been set for hearing said pe
tition and proving said instrument in
said Court when all persons concern
ed may appear and contest the pro
bate thereof.
(County Court Seal.)
7-3t. County Judge.
(First publication July 24, 1930)
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a certain chattel mortgage
dated the 2nd day of November, A.
D., 1929, and duly filed for record in
the office of the County Clerk of Holt
County, Nebraska, on November
fourth, 1929, and known in the rec
ords of said office as chattel mort
gage number 2944 and executed by
Mary C. O’Malley and Walter O’Mal
ley to The Nebraska State Bank of
O’Neill, Nebraska, and taken over by
Clarence G, Bliss, who is the duly
appointed, acting and qualified re
ceiver of and for the Nebraska State
Bank of O’Neill, Nebraska, which
said chattel mortgage was executed
to secure the payment of Four Thou
sand Two Hundred Fourteen Dollars
and ten cents ($4,211.10', on all of
which there is a balance of Three
Thousand One Hundred Three Dol
lars and seventy-one cents ($3,103.71)
with interest and costs of sale, due
and unpaid, and default having been
made in the payment of said sum and
no suit or other proceedings at law
having been instituted to recover
said debt, or any part thereof, we
will sell the property described in
said chattel mortgage, to-wit:
One red white-faced cow' with
horns; one black cow and calf; two
black white-faced heifers, 2 years
old; one iron grey mare; one black
mare, at public auction at the John
L. Quig place just south of the
Northwestern Ruilway Station at
O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 16th day of
August, A. 1)., 1930, at three o’clock
p. m. of said day for the purpose of
foreclosing said mortgage and satis
fying said indebtedness and costs of
Receiver of the Nebraska State
Bank of O’Neill, Nebraska. 9-4t
Lon^ Time
Loans On Live
Stock Wanted
Tri-State Agriculture Credit
Farm and Ranch Loans Again
John L. Qui{£
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
One block Sooth 1st Natl. Bank. |
I Dr. C. H. Lubker
Douglas Methods
I Phone 316, O’Neill, Neb. j
W. F. FINLEY, M. D. j
Phone, Office 28 j
| O’Neill :: Nebraska j
I John N. Stauffer j
I City Dray Line 1
9 Dray and Transfer fi
| Piano Moving. Phone 32ft I
■ O’Neill Nebraska I
Insist on The Frontier printing
Your Sale Bills.
You can’t beat our Milk
but you Can Whip our
The Best by Test
For sale by
John Kersenbrock
Or call 240
:; Dr. F. A. O’CONNELL ::
:: dentist ::
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Dr. J. P. Gilligan Dr. J, P. Brown
Res. Phone 10 Res. Phone 223
Graduate Veterinarian
Phone 304. Day or Night.
O’Neill, Nebraska
X 1