BOARD OP EQUALIZATION PROCEEDINGS O’Neill. Neb., July 1, 1930 Holt County Board of Equalization met pursuant to adjournment; all members present but Stein. Board l called to order by the chairman. Minutes for June 30, 1930 read and approved. AMENDED PETITION In the matter of the levying Taxes for the Current Year for School District Number 142 and School District Number 13, Holt County, Nebraska. To the Honorable Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Now comes School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska, by Roy Lowery, its Treasurer, and gives this r Honorable Board to understand and be informed: That the Northern Nebraska Pow er Company is the owner of certain taxable property situated and confin ed within the boundaries of School District No. 142 of Holt County, Ne braska. That the legal description of the territory covered by School Dis trict No. 142 of Holt County, Nebras ka, is: All of sections one (1), two (2), three (3), eleven (11) and twelve (12) and the east half (E%) of sec tion ten (10), all in township thirty- j two (32), range Twelve (12), and, sections thirty-four (34), thirty-five | (35), and thirty-six (36), and all of sections twenty-five (25), twenty-1 six (26) and twenty-seven (27) south of the Niobrara river in township j thirty-three (33), range Twelve (12) i and the west half of section thirty one (31), and all that portion of the west half (W%) of section thirty (30) south of the Niobrara river, in township thirty-three (33), range eleven (11) in Holt County, Nebras ka, That part of the above described property is in Coleman Township and part of it is in Paddock Township, but that the entire property above described, whether it be in Coleman or Paddock township, is all located and situated on the property and with in the boundaries of School District No. 142 and no part of said property is situated within the boundaries of School District No. 13, of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska. Your petitioner respectfully repre sents that all of the above described property, w'hich as heretofore averred is situated within the boundaries of School District No. 142 of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, and all improvements, by way of earth and concrete dam, flood gates and all improvements on I ANNUAL STATEMENT OF W. E. CONKLIN, COUNTY TREAS- j URER OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, SHOWING RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES FOR THE YrEAR BEGIN NING JULY 1st, 1929 AND ENDING JUNE 30th, 1930. j RECEIPTS j | To Balance on hand June 30th, 1929 - --.- ^32,89165 j * To Total Tax Collected . — &75,253-/2 j ? To Total School Land Funds Collected -- 18,045.08 | To Total University Funds Collected . -.— L741.98 I { To Total State Apportionment for Schools, collected 18,552.03 | I To Total State Aid for Schools, collected 1,310.51 , 1 To Miscellaneous Collections (County General Fund) 12,825.60 I To Miscellaneous Collections (County Bridge Fund) 241.71 I | To Miscellaneous Collections (County Road Fund) - - 24,368.30 j '! To Miscellaneous Collections (County Dragging Fund) 25,893.18 | To Miscellaneous Collections (Inheritance Tax) — 2,306.84 | | To Misc. Collections (Interest on County Deposit) 3,401.62 j To Miscellaneous Collections (Redemption Fund)— 48,410.90 , I To Miscellaneous Collections (Fees) — — - 1,033.85 j To Miscellaneous Collections (State Highway Supervision) 943.08 j To Misc. Collections (State Highway Maintenance) 10,886.55 i To Miscellaneous Collections (Fines and Lecenses) 1,996.70 I To Miscellaneous Collections (Drivers Licenses) 2,918.00 I I 1983,027.30 j DISBURSEMENTS j I By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Consolidated Fund) $ 66,414.56 i I By State Treasurer’s Receipts (School Land Fund) 16,419.43 By State Treasurer’s Receipts (University Land Fund) 1,699.61 | By State Treasurer’s Receipts (state highway supervision) 944.49 | By State Treas. Receipts (state highway maintenance) 10,892.75 j By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Drivers License Fund) 1,373.00 By County General Fund Warrants Paid-- 84,988.89 | By County Bridge Fund Warrants Paid-- 28,139.47 j By County Road Fund Warrants Paid... — 50,821.58 f By County Dragging Fund Warrants Paid .— 13,831.51 g By County Soldier’s Relief Warrants Paid.. 500.00 i By County Mother’s Pension Warrants Paid .—-- 2.660.00 By County Special Emergency Bridge Warrants Paid- 12,313.68 | Bd District School Orders Paid... 248,309.91 j By District Bonds and Coupons Paid..— . 22,169.33 ? By District School Judgment Paid--. 33.85 By District School Free High Orders Paid-- 41,930.05 g By Township Treasurer’s Orders Pa;d-- 59,473.10 j By Village Treasurer’s Orders Paid- 25,783.51 . By Water Bonds and Coupons Paid- 7,684.50 g By Sewer Bonds and Coupons Paid--- 1,056.11 | By Electric Light Bonds and Coupons Paid.—. 1,963.33 _ By Township Library Orders Paid.... — 3,640.00 | By Coleman Township R. R. Bonds ami C«,., -ns, paid- 420.00 I By Redemption Fund, paid --- — —!- 48,773.01 j By Inheritance Tax Appraiser’s Fees. pa; ‘- 40.18 By Refund Orders of County Board, pa -- 833.55 g By Salaries, paid -- ^4.17 j B> County Fair Warrants, paid-—--- 1,800.00 ; By Balance on hand --- --- 228,013.73 | $983,027.30 BAL | I State Consalidated Fund -$ 1,485.81 j f State School Land Fund 2,793.59 , | State University Land Fund - 178.10 * State Highway Supervision Fund - 12.79 f ! State Highway Maintenance F ’ „.. 147.91 | County Bridge Fund _ .... - - 13,344.63 | 1 County State Highway Fund _ 25.55 j J County Soldier’s Relief Fund - 790.67 | I County Mother’s Pension Fund _.- 963.57 County Fair Fund - 2,270.11 j I County Judgment Fund - 5,715.01 I i County Repairs and Improvement - 2,461.38 j District School Fund - 88,162.70 i | District School Bond Fund - 26,262.48 f District School Judgment Fund - 804.76 j i District School Free High Fund - 6,792.10 j f Township Fund ......—.... 86,113.50 I Village Fund .. 10,787.50 | | Water Bond Fund ___-— 7,484.62 j Sewer Bond Fund _ 315.98 , I Electric Light Fund - 1,380.74 f I Library Fund _ 626.34 | Coleman R. R. Bond Fund ----- 5,742.89 j Redemption Fund ...—-- 1,762.99 County School Fund - 93.97 I Irrigation Fund - 193.31 f Special Bee Tax - 26.11 [ Fees from W. E. Conklin, County Treasurer.. 13,231.97 1 $229,946.98 j I OVERDRAFTS County Road Fund ---$ 11.34 Special Emergency Bridge Fund- 1765.52 County General Fund ___ 156.39 1,933.25 $228,013.73 Cash on hand in Banks..-.— $176,674.49 Cash on hand in Office _ 9,349.60 Federal Land Bank and U. S. Bonds.. 23,950.00 Bridge Fund Warrants in Trust ... 18,039.64 228,013.73 COUNTY WARRANTS REGISTERED General Fund ..._---$ 27,840.67 Bridge Fund ___ 3,957.42 ^ Fair Fund ......... 1,200.00 I $ 32,998.09 The State of Nebraska, Holt County 1, W. E. Ccnklin, Treasurer of Holt County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing Statement of Receipts, Disbursements and Bal ances, is true and correct to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. CONKLIN, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July, 1930. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk By Grace Joyce, Deputy g X the above described property in con nection with the power house of said Northern Nebraska Power Co., are all situated and located in School District No. 142 of llolt County, Ne braska, and no part thereof is situ ated in School District No. 13 of Holt County, Nebraska. That the Northern Nebraska Pow er Company is a Nebraska corpora tion organized for the purpose of purchasing property, installation, maintenance and operation of plant or plants for lighting and for genera tion of electrical energy, and for oth er purposes, with its principal place of business at Spencer, Boyd county, Nebraska, and the power house that connects with the aforesaid property and dams and which is worked in conjunction with said dams and prop erty situated within the territorial limits of School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska, and the ma chinery in said power house of the Northern Nebraska Power Company, is all situated in Boyd couny, Nebras ka, and no part of said power house or machinery therein is situated in Holt County, Nebraska. That the middle of the main chan nel of the Niobrara River divides Holt and Boyd County, Nebraska and the middle of the main channel of said river being the dividing line be tween said counties and the middle of the main channel of the Niobrara River is south of the south side of said power house and the machinery in said power house; that said power house and all machinery therein is situated in Boyd County, Nebraska, and no part thereof is situated in Holt County, Nebraska, either in School District No. 142 or School District No. 13, but the concrete dam and earth dam and all other equip ment in connection w'ith said power plant near the Whiting bridge at the Niobrara river and which is south of the channel of said Niobrara river, is all situated within the boundaries of School District No. 142 of Holt coun ty, Nebraska, and no part thereof is situated or located within the bound aries of School District No. 13 of Holt County. Nebraska. That the Northern Nebraska Pow er Company, immediately north of the west half of section 31 in town ship thirty-three, range 12, in Holt county Nebraska, and in Boyd coun ty, Nebraska, fully five years ago, erected a power plant beginning about the north bank of the Niobrara River on the south side of Boyd coun ty and extended said power plant about forty feet south out into said river and beyond that and immediate ly south thereof is a concrete dam extending for about 200 feet and im mediately beyond that and in a south westerly direction, is the continua tion of said dam and from the con crete dam, continuing then to the southwest for more than one-half mile, is an earth dam. That the object and purpose of the Northern Nebraska Power Company was to furnish eelctrical energy for power, heat, light, refrigeration etc.,1 for public use. That the said concrete dam and ] earth dam aforesaid, and all connec tions of every pare thereof, are per manent fixtures to the above describ ed real estate and whether claimed by this honorable body as real estate or personal property, it is all situat ed and contained within the bound aries of School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska and is part of the taxable property within said School District No. 142 of Holt coun ty, Nebraska. Your petitioner respectfully re quests that this Honorable Body, on the last day of sitting as a Board of Equalization, or at some other con veniene time, make an order listing said property in School District No. 142 and assessing the same as prop erty within the boundaries of School District No. 142 of Holt County, Ne braska, and that it then levy the necessary taxes for the current year, including all school district taxes for School District No. 142 of Holt coun ty, Nebraska, as required by law; that said levy be in accordance with the taxes regularly voted in said School District and certified to the County Clerk and shall be duly plac ed upon the tax list for and on be half of said School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska. That if there be any objections to this petition by School District No. 13 of Holt County, Nebraska, or any other party having any right to make any objections, that a full and com plete hearing be had upon said mat ter, giving all parties a full and complete opportunity to be heard. Wherefore your petitioner prays: That no part of the concrete dams, earth dam, flood gates or spillway and other parts and equipment of said dam owned by the Northern Ne braska Power Conmany, and which is used in connection with the power plant of said Northern Nebraska Power Company, be found and de creed to be in School District No. 13 of Holt County, Nebraska, and that all of said property i9 situated in Holt County, Nebraska, and that it be found and decreed within the boundaries of and situated in School District No. 142 of Holt County, Ne braska, and all west of the half sec tion line of section thirty-one and half section line running north and south of section thirty-one, township thirty-three, range eleven in Holt County, Nebraska and that all of said property of said Northern Nebraska Power Company which is situated in Holt County School District No. 142, be, by this Honorable Body, listed for a taxation of the taxes assessed upon said property for the use and benefit of School District No. 142 of Holt County, Nebraska, and that no part of said taxes be listed or assess ed for or on behalf of School Dis trict No. 13 of Holt County, Nebras ka, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. School District 142 of Holt County, Nebraska, By Roy Lowery, It’s Treasurer. By J. J. Harrington, Its Attorney. The school board of School District No. 142 appeared before the board of equalization represented by J. J. Harrington, and the school board of School District No. 13 appeared be fore the board of equalization repre sented by J. D. Cronin. A hearing was had which was reported by Ted McElhaney, official court reporter. 12 o’clock, noon; a recess was tak en on the hearing and on motion Board of Equalization adjourned un til 1:30 p. m. John Sullivan, E. F. Porter, Chairman. Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., July 1, 11)30 1:30 p. m. Holt County Board of Equalization met pur.suunt to adjournment; all members present but Stein. Board called to order by the chairman, and hearing on petition of School District No. 142 was continued. Petitioner Dist. No. 142 presented their evidence and rested and Dist. No. 13 requested a continuance and it was agreed by all parties to ad journ the meeting until July 14, 1930 i at 9 o’clock a. m. 5 o’clock p. m.; on motion Board of Equalization adjoruned until July 2, 1930, at 9 o’clock a. m. John Sullivan, E. F. Porter, Chairman. Clerk O’Neill, Neb., July 2, 1930 Holt County Board of Equalization met pursuant to adjournment; all members present but Stein. Board called to order by the chairman. Minutes for July 1, 1930, read and approved. Mr. Mounts appeared before the Board in behalf of the Security Mu tual Life Insurance Co. and A. H Bucksetff protesting the valuation placed by the assessor on their land in Holt County. After investigation it was found that the values complam i ed of were practically the same as other land in the same locality of the same quality and nothing could be done. The Royal Union Life Insurance Co., represented by Guy Slocum and J. A. Donohoe appeared before the Board in protest of valuations placed by the various assesors on tracts of land owned by them in the county. On motion the above was adjusted as follows, to-wit: NE'4 14-28-12 re duced to $1600; NW'4 9-29-12 reduc ed to $1720; NE>/* 12-29-11 reduced to $2500; NW% 12-29-11 reduced to $2500; NE'4 35-29-16 reduced to $640; 1-27-14 reduced to $12R0; NE!4 2-27-14 reduced to $640; Ebi NW'4 2-27-14 reduced to $240; SMs SEV* 35-28-14 reduced to $240; N% NE'4 22-28-11 reduced to $1600; SM: NE'4 22-28-11 reduced to $800; NW '4NW'4 14-28-12 reduced to $400; S E^iSW'4 and S%SE»4 11-28-12 re duced to $1200; SW^iNW'i 30-30-14 reduced to $500; NEViSWVi 30-30-14 reduced to $500; W%SW*4 30-30-14 A SPENDTHRIFT is like a cannon ball. He must go on. If he stops his career is over. The O’Neill National Bank Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $125,000.00 This bank carries no indebted ness of officers or stockholders. reduced to $1260; NEV4 26-30-16 re duced to $1280; on motion NE% 13 31-16 was reduced from $1400 to $1,000. 12 o'clock, noon; on motion Board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. O’Neill, Neb., July 2, 1930 1 o’olack p. m. Holt County Board of Equalization met pursuant to adjournment, all members present but Stein, Board called to order by the chairman. The protest of L. C. Chapman was taken up and after due investigation on motion it was adjusted as follows: NW%, SW^i and SEVi of SWVi 26 28-13 was lowered to $200 a 40; SE % 27-28-13 lowered to $800; W% N W^4 26-28-13 lowered to $400. Protest of W. J. Hammond was in vestigated and on motion was adjust ed as follows, to-wit: SWVi 3-29-9 was lowered from $1740 to $1400; NV4S^ 18-33-13 was lowered to $1000; SW14NE14 11-29-16 lowered to $400; WMs and SEKNWtt 11-29 16 lowered to $500 a 40; on motion the 17-27-12 was reduced from $1080 a quarter to $880 a quarter section. Protest of W. R. Johnson was in vestigated and it was found that the valuation of his land had been lower ed considerable from the 1926 valua tion and on motion the valuation of (Continued on page 8) ADVERTISEMENT is addressed to the motorist who has never said "Ethyl” to the Conoco salesman -- E realize ihar nothing we can say in this adver ” uscment will cause you to prefer CONOCO Ethyl Gasoline if you haven't already tried it. You’ll like the swift pick-up on formidable hills . . . the uncomplaining and instant unleashing of power when you accelerate .. . the utter absence of vexatious knocking .. . the infrequency of having to shift gears. CONOCO Gasoline is as good as the choice crude from two billion gallons and modern refineries can make it. Bur we, its makers, tell you that Ethyl adds the final touch, the essential resistance to "knocking,” so that you may enjoy the instant starting, the flashing acceleration, and tire rushing power which each gallon of CONOCO Gasoline has for you. Try your first tank full of CONOCO Ethyl at auy Red Triangle Station. And then make up your mind. If CONOCO Ethyl doesn't soli itself to you, wc will never urge you to try it again. CONOCO ETHYL THE GASOLINE WITH THE EXTRA KNOCKLESS MILES FILL UP AT A. and R. Service Station and C hevroletGarage «