J. C. PENNEY CO. I I II I | I I : i ■ II ^ ng; | r-— ] ♦♦♦4»-l»4HHW4t»4-H"».H4444»HW4»4»H-»»<»-H*|i444444»H44»»»»44»4«4»»H444»«»<*<'«W»4*4444444*444**4*»»4 I 4444444M-44444»4.Mi'H-»4»m444»4»*W444444t'W444444444444444444444444444444444»444444444»*4tl444444»>4444 W44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Prices Have Reached The Lowest Level j Now Is The Time To Supply Your Summer Needs All lines of goods have been remarked to almost unbelievable values Some lines are broken Great Savings Await You Here .- - —- ...— - - — . ..... Twill Sport Satin Slips White, Tan, Navy and Copenhagen. The greatest Slip value possible. 34 to 44 i.*> RayonTaffetaSlips I All colors. 34 to 46 98c Men's Overalls I 4 Full cut 220 weight. Triple-stitched, a Real Overall. 30 to 44 79c !' ' BOY'S SIZES, 2 to 16 59c »nnnmimmmiimtKnt:a:n»«amam«mrm»mmmm: Rockford Sox Guaranteed seamless Ten Pair 1.00 ammmmmnmmmmf m «■ ■■mi h i Ladies Wash Frocks | Crisp, new styles. Self and Organdy trim. S ho r t sleeve o r sleeveless. Guaranteed absolutely fast color. 34 to 52. each Street Frocks Guaranteed fast colors. Special purchase means great savings. Made to sell for 2 to 3 Dollars. 34 to 50 $155 Ladies Silk Dresses Printed Silk in Flat Crepe or Chiffons. Plain Silk in Flat Crepe or Georg ette. Short, long or sleeveless. All crisp, new styles. Dress up at small cost. You will want several of these wonderful values. 34 to 46 $498 Men’s Dress Hose Fancy knit in clock, stripe and check effects. 10 to 11^ 25c pair Here is a Knock-Out. i Bed Sheets Seamless, 81x90 75c Cases to match.....15c t»ai»»»m«n:nM»m»n»»»nnn»a»nmn»n«nnnnmnn ! Pure Linen Crash 18-inches wide. Best quality 19c j Pay Day Overalls ; You know the Quality. Men’s sizes 30 to 50 I 10 i Boy’s sizes, 2 to 16 years..85c mull'.. Cannon Wash Cloths Out Colors 5 for 25c